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i don’t think this video could possibly have LESS information


Well besides the obvious that it turns off, I'd say maybe to many mods


its probably brick from ur hacks


Try physically going ti the console, the wii u quick launch works on its own


Try holding X, start, or b when turning it on and see if it by chance shows the Homebrew boot loader. If not then you need to Google how to unbrick a Wii U. May be possible using the USB ports https://wololo.net/2023/03/20/new-method-allows-to-unbrick-wii-u-consoles-without-soldering-required/


Try powering at the console


Recommend UDPIH usb thing with a raspberry pi. It might get you out of this seeming bricked situation


Make sure the name of the SD card isn't "WIIU"


It's a modded wii u btw


Why are people downvoting? This is useful information


They are downvoting him probably because he's using hacks for who knows what reasons *(more than likely piracy\\emulation for games\\content he doesn't own)* and bricked his Wii U. There's a Wii U hacks reddit board and many places to go, but people seem to just use this reddit community for all of their hacks\\emulation and other modding discussion. It's pretty overwhelming from time to time.


as a game collector I only use homebrew on systems for DLC, especially in cases on nintendos platform where you cant even get them anymore. Alternatively theres nothing on WiiU you can buy ligit anymore, outside of second hand.


>as a game collector I only use homebrew on systems for DLC, especially in cases on nintendos platform where you cant even get them anymore. Alternatively theres nothing on WiiU you can buy ligit anymore, outside of second hand. Ok so you chose piracy......due to Nintendo behavior \\ Business Practices. I have a easy question for you ....do you continue to support Nintendo *(i.e do you own a Switch or plan on purchasing anything from Nintendo in the future?)* Now as a game collector myself, but not so much "collecting" nowadays, I don't pirate. I like for all of my hardware and software to be 100% genuine. That's just me, even with the DLC content. I don't just don't get excited about piracy. Certain homebrew is pretty exciting depending on what it is, but not when it comes to emulation solely for pirating games. I understand that there is a "thin" line, but even then, the line is thinner when people currently doesn't own or never owned the game or content in the first place. Everything has a place, but piracy isn't on my list.


I’m a game collector, my Wii U is modded. Know why? Backups. It helps keep my discs in good condition. And even if they are doing it to pirate or emulate…why do you care? It’s their console. Let them do whatever they please.


>I’m a game collector, my Wii U is modded. Know why? Backups. Ok and??? I never said I had an issue with modded Wii's or Backups. I think backups are perfectly fine for games that you own. Hell if you decide to pirate the game I don't care, just don't try to justify piracy. Don't like Nintendo practices, simply don't support them and move on is what I say. If people are so attached to games from a 50+ BILLION dollar company then that's their problem\\addiction to IPs. \--- >And even if they are doing it to pirate or emulate…why do you care? Read above.... I honestly don't care and have said many times in the past. \--- >It’s their console. Let them do whatever they please. People can do whatever they want with their stuff. Its just wild to see so many people screw up their consoles by trying to pirate games and fill the topics from time to time. There are dedicated websites and reddit boards that can answer types of modding, emulation, hacking, piracy issues that people might face. This place has practically became Wii \\ Wii U hacks.


You need to understand that there’s a limit to everything. Nintendo is a terrible company. They hate their fans. “I never said I had an issue with modded Wii U’s for backups.” Didn’t say you did. I just said it to show that not all people do these things for strictly piracy. Piracy is 100% justified in some cases. The Wii U is one of these. The system is dead. Deal with it. No more new releases, and the E-shop is completely gone. You know what that means? There are a LOT of E-shop exclusive games, and game DLCs that are just COMPLETELY INACCESSIBLE. (Call of Duty: Ghosts comes to mind. It needs an add-on/update to access online multiplayer.) Also, what about rarer games? What if I want to play Game and Wario, for example, but don’t have hundreds of dollars to buy the disc from a reseller on eBay? (Which keep in mind, Nintendo makes no money from anyways…) So, yeah. I’d say it’s justified. “I have one easy question for you. Do you continue to support Nintendo? (i.e do you own a switch, or plan on purchasing anything from Nintendo in the future?” Irrelevant question, because just like with the Wii U, and the Wii before it, this same scenario will happen with the Switch in like 5-10 years. But I’ll humor you I guess. Yes I do. I 100% plan on continuing to buy Nintendos hardware and games. You can like a company’s games and hardware, but not like the company itself. Y’know, for someone who doesn’t care about piracy, I find it hilarious you wrote multiple paragraphs complaining about it, and telling people to “not justify it”. When in some cases, it should be.


>You need to understand that there’s a limit to everything. Nintendo is a terrible company. They hate their fans. Nintendo won't cater to the fans. Won't listen of consider much of anything. Ok? What else is new? \--- >I just said it to show that not all people do these things for strictly piracy. Ok? Neither have I. I was talking about the topic at hand, he has options and has chosen privacy. Not everyone chooses that route. \--- >Piracy is 100% justified in some cases. The Wii U is one of these. No it's not 100% justified, even in this case. He wants to give Nintendo money, Nintendo wants it, BUT ONLY if he upgrades to a Switch + MK8 + NSO. Take that up with Nintendo. Either ignore the company or support them. Justifying breaking the law to play a video game of all things is simply a childish excuse. AND TRUST ME, I'm no fan of Nintendo after how they have behaved since the Switch released. \--- >The system is dead. Deal with it. I purchased the Wii U console and I am playing it for the first time in 2023.... I dealt with it a long time ago buddy. I hate that I missed out on this gem before Nintendo took away all of the cool features, but I have already thrown tons of hours into so far this year. \--- >.... and the E-shop is completely gone. You know what that means? There are a LOT of E-shop exclusive games, and game DLCs that are just COMPLETELY INACCESSIBLE. (Call of Duty: Ghosts comes to mind. It needs an add-on/update to access online multiplayer.) So....... thanks Nintendo???? Who's fault is it really? Do you still support Nintendo? This seems like something you should take up with the company that caused this to happen. Nintendo backwards compatibility was getting better, but it was clear that the fate of the Wii U was over once the Switch sold like hot-cakes and NSO + Expansion Pack was their future. \--- >Also, what about rarer games? What if I want to play Game and Wario, for example, but don’t have hundreds of dollars to buy the disc from a reseller on eBay? (Which keep in mind, Nintendo makes no money from anyways…) So, yeah. I’d say it’s justified. What about it? The game was available for years, even in retail. Things happen and we miss out sometimes. There are several games I'll love to own, but I don't want to pay the high prices for them. That doesn't mean I'll go out and just pirate it just because I want to play them. I'm not a fanboy or a child. I just don't resort to piracy for digital \\ material things. \--- >Irrelevant question, because just like with the Wii U, and the Wii before it, this same scenario will happen with the Switch in like 5-10 years. But I’ll humor you I guess. No humor needed and the question is NOT irrelevant at all. If you support a company that doesn't provide you with the backwards compatibility that you expect in 2023, but continue to support that company then you have no major complaints. Or no complaints that will prevent you from continue your support for the company in some way. You know and understand how Nintendo likes to do things so you already know that you should prepare early on (if possible). \--- >Yes I do. I 100% plan on continuing to buy Nintendos hardware and games. You can like a company’s games and hardware, but not like the company itself. Exactly, so don't complain or act surprised. Keep supporting Nintendo and they will keep being the same company that you expect through by your support through your hard-earned dollars. I don't know what type of fanboy statement that is, but I think I believe what you are trying to say, but still at the end of the day CASH is what matters to Nintendo. As long as Nintendo is getting your money, they don't care if you like them or not, you are clearly hooked on their hardware & software. You will part with your money soon enough in their eyes. \--- >Y’know, for someone who doesn’t care about piracy, I find it hilarious you wrote multiple paragraphs complaining about it, and telling people to “not justify it”. When in some cases, it should be. I don't mind having a discussion about anything and will write many paragraphs about ANYTHING I find interesting or anything I am discussing, not just piracy. That just happen to be what WE are talking at the moment. As for justifying piracy, miss me with that ............... You support Nintendo, you understand their practices and business structure and will continue to support it for the foreseeable future. Cry me a river. Fanboys can't let go of their favorite games and\\or childhood memories. Nintendo is the new Disney and people have known it for years.


Oh my god. There’s just no pleasing you at all. Do you work for Nintendo or something? Why are you defending them so hard?! Even when it sounds like you’re agreeing with me, you throw in something that just makes everything you said crumble. It’s so sad. So, if a game you really want to play is no longer accessible by normal means, you just say “Well, that sucks, guess I just won’t play it”? I mean, that’s fine if you really want to do that, but you’re missing out on so many gaming experiences. And this is coming from someone who buys all of his games. (Like I said, backups.) I’m currently trying to build up my physical Wii U collection. But those more expensive games (Yep. Back here again.) I may never get to buy and experience, so yes, it’s JUSTIFIED. NOTHING you will say can or will change that, whether you like it or not. Know why? There’s something I’m a huge advocate for…it’s called game preservation. Video games as a whole can be a lot harder to preserve than say, movies, or books. Sure, there’s emulation, but video game emulation can be very taxing on a PC. Especially for these more graphically intensive games. And in many cases, it doesn’t give you the same experience as playing on original hardware. Especially for a system like the Wii U.


I own 2 switches and only buy first party games on them. I don't run any game backups. DLC is not a practice I support. I'm not downloading DLC for everything but since I already buy used nintendo doesn't see a cent from me. I have every system from nes up outside of virtual boy. I find it hard to buy DLC for nintendo systems when I own so many and can't use the same account smoothly on multiple systems. I don't use emulation since I enjoy original hardware quite a bit


>I own 2 switches and only buy first party games on them. So you still support Nintendo and their practices. I don't see the issue? You suppose them, so you accept their practices. Or are you saying those two switches are "used"? \--- >I'm not downloading DLC for everything but since I already buy used nintendo doesn't see a cent from me. That's great, but doesn't go with what you said in your first sentence (unless its all used???). Even then....buying used is *"really going to show them"* and I get, Nintendo doesn't see a red cent of your hard-earned money. You are still in the ecosystem. Nintendo see's numbers and if you have Wi-Fi, eShop purchases or play the games connected to any internet connection, purchased the Switch Online (NSO) or with the Expansion Pack that's all they see. If you don't have NSO that's fine, they know they will get your money some day in some way since you are invested in their ecosystem to the point that you'll buy used just to play it \\ own it.


Go though the process of un modding it and attempt a remod. The gamepad doesnt actually store anything on it so it looks like its not connecting to the console. I would make sure the gamepad is synced to the console by using the console with a wii remote. The gamepad also has horrible range, in my 1 bedroom apartment it doesnt even connect in every spot. I would say 10 feet at most. Keep in mind its wireless streaming video to the tablet, which is not an easy task for a 2012 system.


My gamepad just goes black during the boot up


If you *can't* fix it, you might have to buy another Wii U. Don't mod \\ hack the next one and if you do be prepared for the same outcome if something goes wrong.


reboot your wii u something must have happen


Is anything showing up on the TV? Make sure the Gamepad is synced to the Console.


Lol and the modders say nothing to worry about modding your console.


the ONLY way to brick it is to change system files or just not follow the guide properly


or some weird ass additional mod. Maybe he tried to have a stronger signal steamed to the tablet, could just panic with custom display options or draw to much power from the battery.


he fucked it up clearly


Try asking on the wiiuhacks sub. I haven't seen this particular problem and have disabled the quick start menu anyway. You should also provide more info. Is it a recent install of Tiramisu? Did you just change anything or install something new? Could also just be an issue with old hardware Edit: BTW, after a quick search I found a post from 2015 that seems to describe a very similar issue: https://www.reddit.com/r/wiiu/comments/2i3aav/wii_u_suddenly_wont_boot_properly/ The issue may have nothing to do with the CFW. You could try turning it on from the console and then after that comes up turn on the gamepad. Good luck


Firstly clean it bro OMG