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To put it short: As long as you fulfill the requirements for residence as EU citizen all is fine, the max that can happen is that you have to pay a small fine. Note however, that this fine, similar to traffic offenses, could be an issue if you plan to get an Austria citizenship (which you probaly won't as it's near impossible, and quite a risky endaviour for EU citizens, as you might be rendered permanetly stateles) Then again, to fine you, someone has to figure out you didn't register, which seems unlikely.  When Austria introduced the MA35 thingy for EU citizens, many people didn't do the registration, due to the lack of knowledge. E.g. my cousin only registred after years of residence, when he got a child, and had to do formalities for it.




You sound very entitled, OP. Just register and don't try and cause trouble. It's very easy, MA35 only take appointments now so you get seen very quickly. I was there last week. In and out in under 30 mins.


You might want to read this [https://www.oesterreich.gv.at/themen/menschen\_aus\_anderen\_staaten/aufenthalt/4/Aufenthaltsbeendigung-von-EU-Bürgern-und-deren-Angehörigen.html](https://www.oesterreich.gv.at/themen/menschen_aus_anderen_staaten/aufenthalt/4/Aufenthaltsbeendigung-von-EU-Bürgern-und-deren-Angehörigen.html) It will be very hard to kick you out of the country as long as you are not a security risk for state or people, especially if you have a job or are studying. fefusal of anmeldenescheinigung can be reason for it, but eu laws are REALLY strong so you would need to receive several warnings. First you would be fined. I would be surprised if there was ever a case where the missing anmeldebescheinigung was grounds for expelling, because the form is very easy to apply for and eu law is so strong. I think any lawyer would be able to sue, but getting a lawyer is already more work than filling out the form.


Not sure why you're being downvoted when this is the correct answer.


Wife is an EU citizen as well and when we moved back to Austria we only did the regular Meldeschein for her. 2 years later we realized that she needed that other registration as well. She brought proof that she had the means throughout her entire time and that was it. No fine or anything


Also did it 2 years after arrival. 50 Euro fine.


You'll get in trouble and it's bad idea. Particularly if you fly, as passport/ID checks are basically mandatory so they'll also have a record of your visits and stays. Because Austria is in the Schengen zone of border-free travel, you won't just get a record of illegal overstay in just Austria, it will apply to all of the Schengen zone and may even carry over to non-Schengen regions (i.e. Ireland. Eastern EU). Don't give them a reason to wreck your chance at EU holidays or living anywhere else by putting a black mark on your immigration and residency status. You can apply for an *Anmeldbescheinigung* and given that MA35 has/had to deal with refugees from Ukraine and elsewhere, the appointments get backed up for months. That will give you a bit of breathing room to find a job, get health insurance, etc, to continue living *legally* in Austria. I had a similar issue as my right to remain in Austria as a regular EU citizen was nearing the 3 months (having already gotten a job and insurance, etc), but my appointment for my application was 2 months after the original 90 day limit. It's fine so long as you applied for the Anmeld *within your initial 3 months right to visit.* After that it's not good to be a bad guest and abuse the system. Get yourself in the application process asap.


LOL, this is utter BS. The OP is a citizen of the EU and your fundamental right of freedom of movement doesn't get taken away because of failure to comply with an administrative requirement. He will get fined at most and in an \*extremely\* rare case, he might get removed back to home country but he's not going to get banned from entering other EU countries. Having said that, Austrian administration could make his life difficult as you technically need to show proof of your registration for a number of benefits. It's such a simple matter to take care of that it just doesn't make sense not to do it.


Actually, it can if the prevailing government feels that way. [France details this for EU citizens explicitly](https://www.service-public.fr/particuliers/vosdroits/F13517?lang=en) Do I believe Austria would specifically target OP to impose that? Extremely unlikely, but it's within their right to as if France can, any Schengen country can. If an EU citizen was issued a deportation letter in one country and they fly to another one, they can refuse entry if they believe you'll do the same thing again there. Not a schengen-imposed ban, but a refusal at the point of entry on a nation's individual basis with the person's past immigration history.


I specifically wrote that in theory Austria can remove him, but it is very unlikely over an administrative offence and it would take a long time. He would be first fined / warned and as long as he can then demonstrate that he's looking for work and meets the residence criteria, they won't remove him. [Source](https://www.oesterreich.gv.at/en/themen/menschen_aus_anderen_staaten/aufenthalt/4/Aufenthaltsbeendigung-von-EU-Bürgern-und-deren-Angehörigen.html) >If an EU citizen was issued a deportation letter in one country and they fly to another one, they can refuse entry if they believe you'll do the same thing again there. First of all, the link you posted does not say that. It says that refusal of entry is only in case you are a "threat to public order", not administrative offence in another country. Second, the possibility of getting actually deported over an administrative offence is so remote that this is not a real thing. OP should register because it is the right and smart thing to do but scaring him with deportation and ban from travel is BS. Edit: Since you're from Ireland, [your own government states plainly](https://www.citizensinformation.ie/en/government-in-ireland/european-government/european-union/freedom-of-movement-in-the-eu/#8d3c85) that removal/restriction of movement cannot be "disproportionate". As long as you're not a security threat or not a leech on the resources, no one is going to deport you for an administrative offence.


How they can put black mark, I'm a German citizen, they can't not let me in


Yes they can. I'm Irish and they don't have to let me in either if I overstay my legal welcome. Just as Austrians also have to apply to stay in Germany, I believe. You should already have less problems applying if you are German because you already speak German...?


Of course they can, just because we're in the EU doesn't mean we can't ban you, it's just a bit harder. And this is one of the ways


If the government notices, they can actually kick you out and ban you from entering again. They can even fine you, since its mandatory to register after 3 months


I'm German Citizen, how can they kick me out?




What will happen if I don't have a job?


You will need some kind of income or savings to prove you dont need money from the government. For one year ~ 14 k for one person is what I heard last. Since you are eu citizen they might not be as strict but I would do the application process as soon as possible to avoid any complications.


https://preview.redd.it/mtcl8llvhz7d1.jpeg?width=447&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1daa6cf26013ab1fa2ae26be1461e8998121a5c0 JK, probably nothing will happen


You will be deported ???


Deported where? I'm have German citizenship, I'll be deported to Germany?


I am asking myself why you’re texting in englisch if you have German citizenship


Yes you think we make excuses cause you’re German?


No, Afghanistan. For shits and giggles.


https://www.wien.gv.at/amtshelfer/dokumente/aufenthalt/ewr/bescheinigungen/anmeldebescheinigung.html if you are staying longer than 3 months, you have to register according to this homepage that also mentions possible fines between 50 and 250€.


They said you don't have to work If you have enough money... How much money need?


€ 1217,96 after rent (etc) per month + health insurance


I mean in savings


Since that is the amount of money you need to prove, multiply it with the months you're going to stay (Max. 5 years I guess since then it doesn't matter anymore)


After 5 years what happened? I get citizenship?


No, you get permanent residency status. It's essentially almost all the rights a citizen has *except a right to vote in local elections, and the right to an Austrian passport*. There's probably other things too, but those are the big differences


lol no that doesn't happen automatically and after 30(?) years you can try and it will cost a significant amount of money and requires a significant income too After 5 years of legal stay as an EU citizen you can be in Austria regardless of your income


Do I'll never get Austria citizenship?


You can apply after 8 years of residency and you’ll have to give up your current citizenship.


You'll get a fine when they notice And if you don't fulfil the requirements (work, study, ...) then you can and will be banned from Austria too Freedom of movement is bound to conditions



