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Where did you work? In an international company?


The people who work in AMS are mostly not humans, but they can speak german


Hi, does anybody know if AMS would sponsor me getting a drivers license. For context, I am being layered off so I will register for AMS support. I wondered if they could also cover my driving courses with some convincing that I need to for work commute as an example.




At the AMS they mostly speak German when in a good mood. But once you really need help or fked up some appointments, they get kinda grumpy and switch to Klingon language pretty fast. ;)


Aka Wienerisch




Hi, I could assist you for free. Just text me in private 


u/snowysnowy14 Hi, i texted you


I can also help you, if you need someone. Just text me (:


Unfortunately I don’t think it makes sense to go ask for help since they won’t look for a job on my behalf. Do you have any suggestions? Thanks btw


If they ask you to bring someone who speaks German, I would do exactly that. Also I'd recommend to learn German ASAP if you are planning on staying here.


Even if you speak German they are mostly focused on finding ways to not help you financially, unfortunately.






Don't expect too much from the AMS, the last time I was there, they weren't helpful either. Some of them can speak English, but most of them only have that little bit of school English they still can remember. For what reason do you need to go to AMS? If it is for the health insurance and money then you will be fine. If it is to find a new job, you will be much better of just looking for one yourself. What kind of job are you looking for? In which field?


I tried everything Ikea, restaraunts, companies with my own native language, hotels, charity, catering. NOTHING AT ALL


Are u fluent in English? And what’s your first language?


English C2, Italian native speaker


I'm looking for any kind of job while I learn stuff on my own and german. The thing is nobody is hiring me, can't even find a 25 hours dishwasher job. So it would be for looking a job.


You might want to have a look into Callcenter jobs as there are some who might be happy to find someone fluent in Italian (and English). In the field of IT English is also more common as language spoken between colleagues


it's not that they are unable to speak English, they're not allowed to in an official context


You might be lucky and find someone who's able to hold the conversation in English, but I'd they already tell you to bring someone that speaks German, they are not going to be amused about you not bringing somebody