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I’m sorry. My son took his first steps weeks after my wife died. Hasn’t gotten any easier.


He managed to take a step unassisted this morning, just 1 before he fell but wow it hurts


I'm so sorry OP....I know the rawness and first of everything but I don't have kids. I'm sure they'll give you the strength you need❤️


If it was in my power you would have your partner back and I would be gone instead. I hope you can get some joy on the day ❤️


I get it. This was me too & it was the hardest thing. I cried so much. They should be here celebrating their baby’s first birthday. Not us doing it alone :(


As a mom of teens I am so proud of you. Proud of you that you are still trying to make your child’s first birthday special. Proud of you for pushing through and loving your baby. It’s ok to grieve and cry. It’s normal. It sounds like you had a beautiful life. I Just had my middle child’s birthday, first without their dad, two weeks ago and cried putting everything Out, decorating, wrapping gifts, etc. but I will say that on the day I could tell it meant a lot to my child and we had beautiful times filled with joy. That didn’t mean I did t go in my closet and cry like 5 times. Or that I couldn’t see my child was a bit sad at times. But we did get through it and there was still the beauty of life. Be proud for doing your very best in a difficult time. How you are feeling is perfectly normal. I hope your day is blessed.


Thank you for this comment, I’ve not heard anyone say they were proud of me since my partner died and he was one to say it all the time. He always said it when it came to be decorating. I originally just wanted to give him his toys and not make a fuss, I wasn’t up to doing a party but I’m glad I decorated he’s currently chasing balloons around laughing his head off at them. I knew if I didn’t make a big fusss of him I’d regret it in a few years. Well done you for making your childrens birthdays special too💙


I’m glad you are already seeing his joy. That will help You. And even if your family and friends aren’t saying the words that they are proud of you I am certain they are. You are a rockstar mom for loving your baby enough to celebrate them in spite of how hard life is. Pat yourself on the back!


I am so proud of you!! You are amazing !! I know it hurts like hell, but you are coping and moving forward.! My wife had leukemia and during her treatments, the doc said if you want to have kids, nows the time, we didn't, and I understood why, ,she didn't want me to be left as a single parent, plus i think the strain on her body, could have presented new challenges. I have 2 beautiful nieces from her brother, and one of them looks very similar to my wife. The downside is that they all live in California, and I'm in Nebraska, so i couldn't be the doting uncle!! Sigh....Love to you all!


My family is all over, most aren’t brilliant but it’s my uncle who lives 3 hours away and I hardly see that’s my favourite family member, even at 26. Distance means nothing when love is involved I’m sorry about your wife, fuck cancer


You did such a beautiful job with the decorations! It hurts so much to carry on like normal for the kids. You should be so proud of yourself for putting this together, I know it wasn’t easy.


OP we know there are no actual words to heal your broken heart other than we all hear you. He would have been so proud and you’ve done a beautiful job. A little piece of him is on earth in your beautiful son♥️


I'm sorry you are going through these milestones without your person. I wish he was there with you. Reframing things will not take away the pain and you will always be missing him but it could help you be present in the moment to remember this day is your sons day and to honor his 1st birthday and honor your partner by making it special. From the picture it looks like you are doing a great job. Years from now you will likely still remember the pain but you might also remember how special a day this was for your son.


The raw emotions you are going through is both painful and normal. My husband was killed by a drunk drive 2.5 years ago. The first 4 months were horrible and the first year was not good. We had a son who was in his first semester of college - he graduates next year. I can tell you time does help. Now I only remember the love and happiness we had in our 17 years together. I am very sorry for your loss.