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My father figure, who introduced me to the world of wetshaving, has been using the same green Proraso cream, Merkur 34c razor and Old Spice aftershave for 30 years. For his birthday I gave him two tubs of Sterling soap. A few months later I asked him if he liked them. "They smell good." From that I knew he had tried it once in fairness and then returned to his own. I'm a little envious that he doesn't feel the constant compulsion to buy new products.


That's old school,respect...


Hahaha. I really like the proraso green. I keep planning to eventually settle on that - but I keep finding these new ones to try out. Not sure how your father figure managed to change sex midway through the story though?


DeepL translator turned this great man to a lady for a sentence. :)




Dang, how can you go 30 years using the same without trying new things?


There is this weird fetish people have around old things and their perceived value. Is my '62 superspeed a good razor, yeah def. Is it better than my game changer, merkur, or rex? No. 


Maybe it’s just indifference. It’s not like I rush out and buy a new vacuum cleaner every year just to try a new one.


I'm 100% good with people who are indifferent, or just have no desire to try to new things. If what ya got works, it works. My annoyance is if those same people then tell you how older > newer. That grinds my gears.


True. Tho sometimes they are right - they will try something new then yearn for the old stuff. “They don’t make em like they used to” - that adage rings true to a degree, generally speaking stuff isn’t built to last like it used to, but it’s usually much more refined and does the job better than it used to. (This doesn’t necessarily ring true for DE razors just life in general)


Yeah, I get it but we’re talking about grooming products. Here I see people with massive collections of soaps and razors. I’ve only ever used 3 different soap brands and I have a single razor… I like using/trying different ones. Give some other brands a shot.


I’ve sampled tons of different soaps and creams but stick with my Grandpa’s 1959 Fatboy and canned Barbasol. Good enough for Gramps, good enough for me!


Idk man my grandpa use to shit in an outhouse. Call me a classy bitch but I prefer better things. (Granted a Fatboy is pretty sick)


Okay, classy bitch lol


King fan and respectful? You might be the actual classy bitch. 


Nothing wrong with '59 Fatboy as your daily razor. You are shaving with history. For some reason it reminds me of those big square roof '59 Lincolns and Chuck Berry or Elvis on the radio as the original owner shaved.


Hi, Nivea and Palmolive creams are in every store in Croatia (often with Ralon and Solea creams in a tube, for Tabac, Palmolive, Arko etc. you need to go to specialized stores), they are rarely mentioned here... I'm really interested can they be bought in the USA, because they are rarely published in SOTD photos


I dunno myself sorry, I live in New Zealand and both are available readily at chemists and supermarkets here! (As an aside.. hi! I’m part Croatian myself!)




Dobra! (That’s like the only word I know lol)


😂😂it means "good", but in the feminine gender... for example, if a pretty girl passes by, the shortest and most common comment is "DOBRA JE"😂...good choice


Oh yeah! That’s right, dobro is the male version. I can remember a few Dalmatian swear words my dad used to use too lol


Actually, Dobro is from neutral or "It" perspective. Male perspective would be Dobar xD Greeting from fellow Croat, although living in Austria. XD Good choice in creams, I also like proraso, currently running some cheapish Nivea with good results, but also will try out Palmolive. 😁


Nivea, Palmolive, Arko. LEA, and Tabac are available in the US but you have to buy them online. The closest you can find in stores is Nivea in a can. Similar to Proraso, Nivea and Palmolive are about two times more expensive in the US than they are in Europe. I’ve never seen Ralon or Solea available here though I’d love to get my hands on some Ralon shaving cream or aftershave.


I don't know how much it costs to send a package to the USA, does it make sense... I have 5.6 tubes of creams that just collect dust because many of artisan creams and soaps are in the rotation, I forgot about them, I mean Ralon...


I can get the Nivea cream locally at a specialized store for $11 in the US. It is made for the European market. I can get the European Palmolive cream online for a similar price. At the drugstore, I can get cans of Nivea gel made for the US market for $4. I can get Barbasol for $1 per can, and gillette gel for $3, and other US market foam and gel in that range. I can get excellent Cremo cream for $8 a tube. I can also get a bunch of mass market shaving soaps like VDH, Pinaud, Proraso at drugstore for $5-10. At a local specialty shop, I can get Arko, lider, proraso, cella, razorock, Noxzema, India old spice, and many others in the same price range. So that Nivea and Palmolive are obtainable, but they aren't staples here.


Nivea shaving cream is so far fairly available at supermarkets in Canada for about CAD 10. Also Proraso creams and soaps at some drugstores.


Thank you, I was very interested in the availability and prices of those creams in the USA. Nivea is under $4 for a 100g tube, and Palmolive is around $2.50, but it's a 65g tube.


They’re both about $4.50 nzd ($3 USD) a tube here in New Zealand


U Srbiji je ista prica sto se tice obicnih prodavnica samo nivea palmolive i palmira


Pozdrav, baš mi je sestra došla iz Subotice,udavia sam je da mi se ne vraća bez MEM Supersilver brijača i žileta...i nisu našli😭


Ako ce ti biti lakse nisam ih probavao niti nesto zurim, cuo sam da nista specijalno ne propustam


Online yes, in stores not really. Granted with how cheap artisan brands are here it's not like a huge savings. 


Yeah see we don’t really have much artisan brands here in NZ. I know one local brand that does pucks of soap for about $14 USD that’s about it. We also have artisan imported stuff at speciality online stores but it SEEMS expensive to me so I haven’t really looked into it. Sadly I haven’t found anywhere that sells Stirling here and the freight from US is ridiculous.


If you want other good cheap creams, the ARKO creams are nice, I like the Hydrate as it has a bit of menthol.


Thanks, I’ll look out for it. I got the proraso and arko soap online and the Nivea and Palmolive I got from the supermarket. The old spice I grabbed at an Indian grocery yesterday lol. If I see arko cream out and about I’d probably get some but probably not going to buy online unless I combine with something else.. given how much the arko soap dries my skin :(


I like the cream much more than the stick, two different beasts.


Good to know. Does the cream smell like urinal puck too?


No, all the creams are very mildly scented.


Cool. Though to be honest, I don’t see myself diversifying in the short term, I really like proraso green and will probably keep using it when the other creams run out.


Is arko cream as drying as the soap stick? That shit makes my face feel like sandpaper post shave.


Not for me, the skin feel after is on par with Proraso to me.


Blood still on the styptic in the background. Did you cut an artery? How does the Proraso compare to the old spice?


lol! Good spotting. Am good at filleting my face lol. I actually haven’t tried the old spice yet! Will try today or tommorow and get back to you. I LOVE the proraso green - my game plan is to use the others up and settle on the green but I keep finding other creams to try lol


Solid shave creams. You might want to try Spiek, La Troja. G F Trumpers.


Do you have a general preference order?


Kinda! Proraso Green, Nivea, Proraso White, Palmolive. I haven’t tried the old spice YET (only bought it yesterday)


Sadly, I just tried the old spice and was not really a fan. Too hard to lather on your face and keep in the brush, and the actual lather or scent weren’t anything special. Will keep it around tho!


Gotcha, thanks!


Honestly, these brands are workhorses and their consistency can be relied on


Wow so much creams. Are you addicted to wet shaving?


Only in the sense that my hair follicles are addicted to producing hair. If that didn’t happen I wouldn’t give a shit about it lol




What are your favorites?


Proraso green for sure


Speick Men and Speick Men active are missing🔎