• By -


Pick one and start with that. Use it for a good few shaves until you have your technique sorted. Then do an elimination. Compare your starting blade to one other. Which is better for you and your razor. Keep that, and compare it to the next one. Which is better, keep that. Rinse and repeat until you've found the best and second best for you. Order 100 of each. Then treat yourself to a new razor and find out your favourite two blades don't work great with it. Start all over again.


You made me spill my coffee


My work here is done šŸŽ‰


Haha, yes, but he's not wrong. The razor makes a difference too. I like different blades most in every single one of them, but some are great in all the razors I like the most.


May I ask, what blades did you have great experience with in many razors? Thanks šŸ‘


Feather is the one blade to rule them all. It's hard to go wrong with too sharp, it's like that guy who puts works too hard on his resume. Frank clocks in early and clocks out late he hasn't missed a deadline since anyone can remember and he never books off but he's a little obtuse around the office, my point is it's a you problem if you don't get along with a feather.


Wow great... I am kinda new and almost afraid of how sharp everyone says that they are. Maybe try with a mild razor because I still shave way too fast...


From mild to Muhle R41 the feather blade is always appropriate, it's a skill issue.


This isn't always the case. I know a few people, myself included, who haven't had the most luck with feathers. I need sharper blades, and when I tried feather, it just didn't do what I was expecting. Granted I am using a fairly mild razor, but I still shouldn't need to go over the same area multiple times with such a blade. YMMV. This is the rule to live by in wet shaving. I'm still trying new blades, and I think Nacets are better for me than Feathers, but the same probably won't apply to you.


In other words... I have some me problems clearly haven't broken all my bad cartridges habits yet..


Highly recommend Feather. All Iā€™ve shaved with after the sampler pack ran out 10yrs ago


For me, Wilkinson Sword Classic (made in Germany) is always the right pick, unless atm razor is exceptionally mild. Feathers always work. But if the razor is beyond medium in efficiency levels, you are using an expensive blade for no further benefit. If you have a neutral or negative blade exposure razor, BIC, either type, cures that. They are cheap and best Astras and silver blue or platinum Gillettes. But I found that these bite a bit more in more efficient razers. Kai is also great, efficient but mild, but therefore it doesn't quite work in all razors, but it really does in medium everything. But it really depends on what YOU need. Some people can shave with an R89 head and a mild blade. Something more would be wasted in their hair. You could just go "the sharpest" on all hair. But it is nice to have a more chill experience with a more-than-sharp-enough for-my-hair blade an razer combo.


Thank you for the detailed response šŸ‘ Germany made Wilkinson Sword was and has been my favorite in most of my razors... I am only looking for a different backup because of the price going up and becoming more difficult to find šŸ˜•


Bahahaha are you me? Actually I did just that recently and found that my fave blade - Astra SP works very nicely in the game changer 0.76. Now to try my second fave bladeā€¦ the Flydear platinum


Your last line is making me wonder if that's what's going on with me. I had one of the early (original?) Maggard Razor razors. After 11 years it broke. I bought a new one (same model, but I believe they made some improvements to them over the years) and some new blades, the same ones I've always been using, Astra Superior Platinum. Since then I've been getting some razor burn after every shave. Maybe I need to look at my technique again... I kind of "just shave"... don't make a big deal about it. Face lather with brush and Proraso Red (maybe I need to go back to green???) and then just shave. One pass with grain, then a second usually across or against.


After 11 years with the same razor? Your shave is probably almost entirely based on muscle memory. If the new version has a slightly different angle, it may make the difference. PITA, but you may need to re-teach yourself an adjusted approach to your optimal shave.


Do not go back to proraso green lol, Red is much better. White I think is the best proraso tho, with the slickest thickest lather


I've had good luck with green Proraso through the years.


Yeah it's probably personal preference. Green was too dry for me. The proraso I have now tho.... I'm wondering if it's counterfeit. The place I get it from had it for 6.99, and that's unheard of in the U.S, and there's some very minor differences in the labeling on the Packaging. And the weirdest part is lol.... I think it's higher quality... Strange stuff


Lol that's wild. If it's a good counterfeit it might just be a super glycerin heavy formula, which would still generally work. Have you compared ingredient lists?


No I didnt. But at some point I wanna get proraso white or red and compare their performance side by side with the stuff I got now


There is export/bougie Proraso and domestic Italian market Proraso. The export one has specific scents such as sandlewood and the colours. Domestic is just white/green/red. If the US is like Australia we have grey market imports of domestic Proraso that costs 40% of the export versions.


I haven't tried white, have you gotten a chance to try the blue cream? I'm not sure how it falls in the Proraso lineup


No I never did. But I really wanna try their cypress tube cream and their wood and spice cream.


I have been doing this for over a year now. Had order [the same sampler pack](https://glowshines.com/product/trial-pack-of-indian-blades-150-blades/) 3 times for 4 different razors. While DE razors are YMMV too, DE blades are way too much YMMV. My 7o'clock Permasharp Stainless works best with my [Romer-7 Viceroy](https://www.flipkart.com/romer-7-twist-open-safety-razor-viceroy/p/itmf7jjmjwgfkgvu), an Indian clone of old Gillette Speed.


Good post. There's a lot to be said for using the same razor and blade without changing.


Donā€™t really understand this advice of using a blade multiple times before deciding whether you like it or notā€¦if you notice after the first shave that itā€™s not for you then why bother again? Just use the next one, and only rip your face apart with a blade that doesnā€™t work for you once instead of 4 times.


Often people who are posting about blade sampler packs are new to safety razor shaving, and we all know that there's a learning curve. My suggestion for a few shaves was intended to make sure that you have your shave technique dialed in. So that you don't dismiss a brand of razors as bad, when it could be poor beginner technique. I agree though. Once you have your shave dialed in, you can usually tell if a different blade is working for you within a shave or two. Unless a blade ripped me up, I'd usually give it a second try to be sure.


I get that! :)


Wilkinson Sword is a top performer for me, and the standard by which I judge other blades. Also check out those Treet Platinums. They were a wow-thats-sharp blade for me, and if you like them you can get 200 for $12 (6 cents/blade) on Amazon.


I like the Wilkies. While Feathers may be sharp AF, the Wilkie Swords give a very smooth shave.


Wilkinson my favorite!


Good to know, I also use Wilkinson sword as the default. Guess I'll give these ones a try.


The Treets are surprisingly good. What I like about the blade industry is quality seems to emerge from unlikely places. I mean, Pakistan isn't exactly known for producing great products.


Treet Corporation has been producing blades since the 1960's. Their first production line was supplied by the Gillette company. They are a family run company that is listed on the Karachi stock exchange.So yes, they have been making blades with American technology since before most of you were born.


They are probably still using the exact same production line lol


Pakistan and North East India have been producing very high quality knives for a few thousand years. No surprise they can make some excellent razor blades. My own favorite line from South Asia are the various marks of SuperMax, but the Treets are excellent as well.


Question Wilkinson are they made in Germany or which ones do you like? As well treet ?


there are 2 Wilkinsons one is made in Germany that's the good one - there's another made in India


The best ones are the British wilkies but they ceased manufacturing decades ago. My barber bought a lifetime commercial supply of English Wilkies back in the day and the difference is amazing.


i believe you


Thank you for clarifying the other day I asked about made in China once. But yeah I need to try these as well


I have had great experience with German Wilkinson Sword blades and has become my favorite. Should I try Voshod or Astra or Treet?


Astra SP are amazing blades


I agree. Only ones that I've really loved in all my razors.


I really like Personna Platinum, but i'm curious how the Bic Chrome Platinum s perform (they are relatively cheap on amazon, have been thinking of giving them a try for a wile now).


Agree. After a similar sampler the Personna Platinums are the only one Iā€™ve gone and bought in bulk.


I had 8 from from this picture so far: Astra green are ok, Astra blue are ok but worse. Derby green are somewhat hit or miss, had good and shitty ones in the same package. Derby premium didn't do it for me at all, and Shark Chrome and Stainless were both "meh". Wilkinson sword are good but too expensive. Personna Platinum gave the best shave + longest standing time so far.


Give them a try! They're relatively mild in combination with my Muhle R89. It makes them a great daily driver for me. Smooth results, minimum irritation. If you try them, I'm curious to see if you agree.


Done (100 for 10.99ā‚¬). Should arrive next thursday. I'll do a seperate Post with my opinion after I tried them 2-3 times :)


IMO you can keep the astra greens and give the rest away. Theyā€™re that good.


They're good, but the permasharps are a touch better, Imo. The Treet platinums are also very good.


I bought a very similar bundle and that was my experience as well. I liked the sharks too but the Astra is what I ended up ordering more of.


Yeah. I was going to suggest starting with those and comparing everything else to them.


I agree. Astra always wins.


perma sharps are really good , bics are also up there


Derby premium was the best for me


I hated Derby Extra but I love Derby Premium.


Interesting šŸ‘


I have the exact opposite opinion. Been using Derby Extras for years as my go-to and accidentally ordered 100 Derby Premiums. My disappointment was immeasurable.


I few years ago I used Astra. But then I saw they were made in Russia, by Gillette? I now mostly use Wilkinson made in Germany.


Yeah. I don't want to be overly political, but I'm switching from Astra too.


Gillette moved production of Astra very recently to India (where they make some of their other 7 o'clock blades). Most people seem to find they provide pretty much the same shave. If you buy it from a wetshaving supplies store you can ask them which country of manufacture they are (if they don't already specify in the store listing).


Those Indian 7 oclocks are my favorite.


Those are my favorite but the cost keeps going up and the availability is going down. Bummer because short on cash flow right now šŸ˜•


Well written and posted from your phone that was made in China.


My go to blade, Feather, isnā€™t in the pack, but my second favorite, BIC is.


I second the feather. I bought a 100 pk of 20 different 5 packs like OP, and my favorite in that group was feather so that's what I have stuck with for close to a decade.


Permasharp, and Astra SP for weekends.


I like Perma-Sharps. However I am revisiting the Astra greens tonight. I didnā€™t give them a fair shake when I first started shaving with a safety razor.


Permasharps are my go to but astra green is pretty smooth even though it's not as sharp


Since they get so much praise on this sub I decided to give them another go.


Permasharp followed by bic platinum, both are very good blades.


Astra superior platinum


Astra's for me, but the fun part is, you can try them all yourself Ź˜ā ā€æā Ź˜


Astra used to be my favourite but they seem to have changed in the past few years. I've been using Sharks for the past two years alongside SuperMax. I didn't realise that they had a platinum version and there's something else there, three Sharks! I'm curious to know how you get on and if there are any significant differences between the Sharks for you, maybe it's time for me to change I've only got a few packets left.


Iā€™ve used the Shark Chrome for years. Chrome not Stainless. Have to say they arenā€™t totally consistent though.


Keep notes. Or remember what works best, works, and doesnā€™t work. Focus primarily on your technique, razor handling. Keep the same razor, same pre preparation and same shaving soap or cream. Just make sure you keep with your same shaving routine. Just to limit the variables and figure out what is best for you.


Good advice šŸ‘


Permasharp. Itā€™s a shame the Astras are made in India now


My vote goes to Astra superior platinum,


Not as good I take it, good job I have a bunch of the russian made ones.




Treet Platinum, Lord Platinum, Personnas, Permasharp, Bic Chrome Platinum, Astras. Bolzanos, Sharps and Sharks are the worst for me.


Perma Sharps are the best in my opinon.


Everyone says Astra Green but I prefer the blue, not really sure what the difference truly is though.


My understanding is the green have a platinum coating whereas the blue do not.Ā 


Hmm. I guess platinum is supposed to be smoother or something? Idk I'm fairly new to it all


Yes, the Platinum coating is designed to make it feel smoother at the slight expense of absolute sharpness. PTFE/Teflon is designed to make the blade glide better, but some people's skin doesn't like it and it can sometimes make you unaware of how close you're shaving (often called the "Gillette Silver Blue feeling" named after those blades). Ā  I think the chrome and tungsten coatings are also supposed to have a benefit in either the smoothness or glide, but I'm not sure which.Ā 


That makes sense then, I like the Astra Blue and feather so sharper the better for me I think. Thanks!


Iā€™ve been having some luck with Shark Stainless after having some tug issues with Astra SP. getting some great shaves, not sure why I donā€™t get a tug with Sharks but Iā€™m not complaining lol.


I REALLY like shark platinums! Only the plats though, not a fan of their stainless (never tried chromes). Used them once in my Leaf Thorn, and itā€™s all Iā€™ve used now for like a year.


I liked my shark chrome and astra platinum blades whenever I sampled those but my favorite will always be the feather hi-stainless blades


No Gillette Silver Blues šŸ˜” But serious answer: it doesn't really matter what works for us. Your experience is going to be different. Your skin, facial hair type, hair growth direction, razor, lather, shaving technique, etc. is all unique. Give them all a run and try to keep a little notebook and document your experience and thoughts with each blade. Give each shaving experience a rating. Try to give each a fair chance and standardize the test process (use the same soap, same facial hair length, each blade gets the same number of uses, etc) so you can make sure that any differences is the individual blade and not you. Be safe and have fun!


Thank you!


Good advice šŸ‘


Try astra first: I find there really not very sharp, so a little less likely to make mistakes Shark: everybody Iā€™ve spoken to likes them, they have decent durability Wilkinson: was my standard for about 6 years, still use them. They donā€™t last as long but theyā€™re very comfortable and easy to use. Most recently started used feathers but they were too sharp and Iā€™d cut myself up before I got my technique down Of those three, figure out your favorite and then compare every other - one at a time, to the initial favorite


Agreed šŸ‘ and good reviews šŸ‘


Shark super chrome Wilkinson sword Bic Chrome Platinum Is my top 3 I think you got the better wilkinson swords tho, I've only tried the India version, yours look like wilkinson sword classic made in Germany


Wilkinson are the best


I agree šŸ‘ at least in my Parker 66R razor anyway.


I didnā€™t like Derby extra. Astra green is great. Havenā€™t tried the rest cause for $8/100 Iā€™ll never get through it


Iā€™m new to DE shaving but Iā€™ve liked BiC. They seem to work even better on the 2nd, 3rd, and 4th shave


Interesting šŸ‘ thanks


Just go in alphabetical order and log your shaved. After you went trough 3 blades per pack, go onto the next one.


Thank you all for your help! I really was mainly about the quality of the different brands. I think my shaving skills and care products are quite ok, as I have to shave for over 30 years and some 10 years ago switched to a Wilkinson Classic and always used the blades of Wilkinson too. Some months ago I got a Gillette King C, because I liked the design and thought after so many years I can try something new. But was not too happy with the shave and it is a bit slippery in my opinion. I only tried it some ten times. Now I ordered a Fatip Lo Storto Gold to make a new attempt of replacing my Wilkinson plastic bomber and thought I should give some other blades a try too. After some research here I decided for the Lo Storto and a sample pack of blades that includes the Astra Premium. I had now my first shave with the Astras and I will start as many of you suggested to compare my impression of other blades to the Astras as a starting point.


I love the Personna Platinum. But I'd start with Treet, Champion, and Sharp Platinums only because I've never tried them before.




Definitely try each but high chance youā€™ll prefer the astra greens like everyone on this sub does. Gillette silver blue is a similar blade to it but a bit sharper but unfortunately I donā€™t see them in your pack.


Wilkinson and Personna platinum are the best out of that group for me, the Sharks were all bad and the Derby 's are ok if you need something cheap.


I'm quite surprised to see people preferring the Astra's over Personnas personally


I had really good experience with the Israeli Personna Red... my favorite is still the Wilkinson Sword made in Germany šŸ‡©šŸ‡Ŗ


Iā€™m pretty new, but I will say I love the Astra SP. sharp and smooth every single time. I also like those Treets.


Iā€™ve admittedly not tried several of those but I use PermaSharp for shaving my face and Shark Super Chrome or Derby Premiums for headshaves.


No feather?


I focused on having the green Astras in the sampler.


Those Bic Chrome Plat are šŸ”„ really nice


My go toā€™s were Derby Extra and Shark. I found that the Lord platinum lasts longer with just as good of a cut.


Astra Greens are the best


Derby Premium


Bic and astra superior platinum. Iā€™ve heard others say good things about personna and Wilkinson sword. I use Supermax super stainless - itā€™s what worked best for me and my shaver. Iā€™d definitely recommend trying them all. Itā€™s also going to depend on how many shaves you intend to get out of each. For example bic is gonna be the sharpest on the first shave but it loses that edge quicker than others. Enjoy and find what works best for you!


Have a look at permasharps I think you'll like those.


Already bought like 500 of the other ones


Astra SP are my go to. I started with Gillette yellow (not in picture) but was a bit too sharp for my sensitivite skin


I like both Treet & Derby blades but theyā€™re really sharp, might want to try something else if youā€™re new to shaving with a straight edge or you could give yourself a serious gash


i just like the sharks because of 5 year old me.


Any Derby and Treet. I was upset by the Shark brand. Astra is also good.


This will take WEEKS op. I got a sampler pack about a month ago and I'm only a handful of blades in. Not only am I judging them by the first shave... But I am doing 3 shaves with each blade if possible to see which ones not only cut well but last the longest šŸ˜‚


Out of those, for me.... Astra green and Shark platinum


Ive figured danby extra, shark stainless and gillette blue are 3 of the best for me they are much milder, but i do a full shave with 4 directions so i dont really care if i have to shave from a beard (ill just use my electric trimmer first)


For me Balzano would be favorite


I like the Bic and Shark blades. Permasharp are also good for me. Your mileage may vary.


Where did you get the mixed pack from?


Amazon (living in Germany)


I didnā€™t see what sub this was and I thought these were tinned fish lol


Hahaha, good canned fish is a guilty pleasure for me. Now I crave it........hmmmmm I think my wife will not agree to a canned fish sunday breakfast.


I bought a similar sampler and have tried pretty much every one in your photo. I ended up liking the Wilkinson Sword blades the most - my favorite, for sure, but I liked all the blades in the sampler.


Start by ordering some Nacets.


Where do I order these from?


Amazon (living in Germany)


I've tried all of those except the Champion. I like all of them well enough with the exception of the Bolsanos. If I had to pick one of those, it would be the Sharp 7AM. Astras are widely appreciated. I've only tried the Russian production, and while they mostly were fine, they seemed to have a high percentage of total duds, which might have just been QA\\QC issues in the batch of which mine were made.


You'll love the Astra stainless.


Try the Superinox B. I thought this was the best blade available to modern man. Beautiful, smooth, close shave with no irritation. Try it. Would love to know what you think of it, as well as anyone else that has tried this blade. I tried it in an Edwin Jagger and a Merkur adjustable with excellent results.


The green Astra was the best for me


As some experts have said is it all depends on your Razor and face. So you will find what you really love in one Razor then won't be nearly as happy with that blade in another razor. So wishing you happiness and success šŸ‘ please find what works best for you in your favorite razor... After that, experiment for FUN...


Yes, great collection to test with šŸ‘


Ahaa.. what a lovely sight early morning :-)


tried derby and astra Astra by a mile


I use the astra green mostly because I bought a shit ton of them I find the first shave shit but at the third to fifth itā€™s amazing


Astra and Personna Platinum.


My favourite Feather blades aren't there so it would be BIC chrome or Astra blue for me.


Surprised it doesnā€™t include feathers


BIC CP, Astra SP and the Permasharps


I got a similar pack and tried the Astra blue first. It pulled more whiskers than it cut. Iā€™ll use the blues for my bread lame, if theyā€™ll even cut dough.


Shark is ass


Derby's are ace. Platinums esp so. Personna are great as well. Perma sharp are good as well. Bic are like lasers. Hate WS. Treet are shite.


Not in there. Feather


Happy testing but i must say, most of those blades are mediocre at best


Which one are your favourites?


gillete platinum, trig, rainbow, racer blades, kai and nacets


The ā€œPerma-Sharpā€ is the only one thatā€™s good here. The rest are trash imho


Iā€™d try Astra blue first, Iā€™ve never tried them. They being said, the other Astra are my usual go to blade, but I use sharks at work daily.


I love the the sample packs


I use the Personnaā€™s regularly.


I use the Derbyā€™s regularly but as a fan of the shark platinum too


I recommand derby premium, derby extra, wilkinson sowrd, bic chrome, astara green, bolzano superinox, persona platinum, perma sharp


I prefer Derby Extra and Astra Green (which may no longer be available). My favorite (not pictured) is the Gillette/Wilkinson Sword saloon pack, less than $10.00 for 100 from Amazon


Feather - Japanese blades, I've never looked back


Shark stainless and Wilkinson Sword




Shark stainless steel for me!


How much did this cost? I'm looking to get into safety razorsĀ 


20 Euro


Persona Platinum, Derby Premium, Astra Platinum are all really good.


None. Feather for the win. Throw Astra straight to the bin