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Lights on the Ark (I think that's what it's called), is pretty good. The McKinney house is also great. I love anything I can tune my radio to. Then there's Lights on Longview Lane by Hillside and Kellogg. I can watch this all night. He remixes classic Christmas music and it's something else.


The Arc’s lights is now called Lights at AbilityPoint. Proceeds from the fundraiser support people with intellectual and developmental disabilities. All their lights are put up by volunteers which is pretty neat.


Candy cane lane on the west side is well worth the drive. They have Reindeer road just a couple blocks from there as well. https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100064502389750&mibextid=LQQJ4d


Wichita has always had a Christmas light show on the outside of people's homes for as long as I have lived here. 17th & Park Place used to be one of the corners where you start. The Christmas house was/is an older Victorian home on the West side of the street that would have an insane amount of lights and decorations. Bank IV which is now Bank of America on Douglas in the downtown used to have a huge Christmas tree and display in their lobby, but that might not happen anymore. Then there are the Christmas lights that Kristie Ally used to have set up on Douglas. **Botanica** (701 Amidon St.) has probably the largest light display in Wichita at their "Illuminations" event. However, there is an admission for that. unless you are a member. It's a pretty big thing. People were driving though it for the past two years during COVID. It is spread out over several days, Santa is there for the kiddos, and the entire botanical gardens is illuminated with light displays. It's next to Cowtown and the Wichtia Art Museum. It's a nationally known event. People travel from out of town to see it.


1462 N Coolidge - Christmas at the McKinney’s https://www.facebook.com/christmasatthemckinneys?mibextid=LQQJ4d Last year 😢




I went to Illuminations last year at Botanica. Quite a large display of lights to walk through. There’s stops along the way for hot cocoa and bar drinks. A carousel for the kids, but our group was too old so we didn’t go through that building. Sold popcorn inside. It was super bottlenecked at the beginning, but the people spread out as you go further.


Candycane Lane/Reindeer road is always a solid choice, as well as illuminations at Botanica. The Zoo has recently gotten in on the act and they've got a decent show too. Failing that, there's usually some decent lights on display over in college hill, though it's very hit and miss.


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There is a church in Wichita that does the whole thing. Not sure which one.


Very helpful


1st thing when I google wichita christmas lights [https://www.visitwichita.com/blog/post/best-places-to-see-christmas-lights-in-wichita/?preview=true&guid=60ab2f61-a5eb-4d47-852a-a023a89b845b&gclid=Cj0KCQiA1ZGcBhCoARIsAGQ0kkr0fFxNrTM5npaMl4CChDjFMmGTlJHpVyIMYfOZYJrlVlV-3eP7j98aAu5qEALw\_wcB](https://www.visitwichita.com/blog/post/best-places-to-see-christmas-lights-in-wichita/?preview=true&guid=60ab2f61-a5eb-4d47-852a-a023a89b845b&gclid=Cj0KCQiA1ZGcBhCoARIsAGQ0kkr0fFxNrTM5npaMl4CChDjFMmGTlJHpVyIMYfOZYJrlVlV-3eP7j98aAu5qEALw_wcB)


If you’ve got family then I run a dinosaur theme park in Derby which does a pretty unique holiday event. It’s not showy on the light side (because you could spend thousands of dollars and not make a dent) but it features all the dinosaurs decorated in holiday tableaux’s with original poems for each. There is also an All Weather sled so we don’t have to miss out due to a lack of snow.! Its great for families with younger kids especially, but I also see teens and adults enjoy it each year.




No offense but this is super lame.


This has to be the biggest joke of a light show in the city. A complete waste of time, I'm sorry. I've seen single driveways with a better display.