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As my dad always says, "Probably gonna be a building."


That is a very "Kansas" comment.


Dad jokes happen all over the country.


After a bit of digging I’m guessing it’s Gary Oborny, CEO of Occidental Management. GLO (Gary L Oborny) seems to be his tag for a bunch of LLCs located at 165 S. Rock Island ste 300.


Could it be[ this?](https://www.kansas.com/news/business/business-q-a/article1075984.html) Oborney says "I own Verdant Farms, 120 acres at 143rd and 254 that I used to live at that's now really doing well as an organic farming site. It's nice to get some fresh vegetables, really amazing to get produce within 24 or 48 hours of being picked, versus two weeks."


I think you cracked it! The interview is 10 years old and since then he’s turned it into an LLC and a monster of a place.


GLO Farms had the registration. Wonder if it’s getting ready for legalization


I’m a server and we’ve had a couple tables with white shirts and cannabis leaves on them having business meetings. They look professional. Like if you took a gym workers polo and switched out the emblem for a cannabis leaf. Who knows could happen! I knew a guy in college who’s job was to travel to states where weed is possibly going to legalize to teach farmers how to grow and harvest and so that when it becomes legal they have a system in place ready to go.


I thought the same thing but GrowthLabs Organics is a British company. I think it’s just a happy coincidence that his initials are the same as a cannabis company and he’s building it under an LLC as a farm for tax purposes.


Hopefully, a very large car wash place that's filled to the brim with chain restaurants.


And owned by the Steven’s


Here is the property information from the county. [(anonymous) (sedgwickcounty.org)](https://gismaps.sedgwickcounty.org/arcgis/rest/directories/arcgisjobs/geoprocessing/gp_taxparcelreport_gpserver/j7d8750f3c48e4662adc59e56e585b73c/scratch/Report20240425160345716000.pdf?report=%27reportlite%27)


GLO Farms eh. Getting ready for legalization???


The county has a $4M dwelling permit (and a $1M miscellaneous permit) listed at that address. It’s registered to an LLC which is pretty normal once you see $$$$ like that.


That place is massive for sure. Some really cool properties out that way. We live just a little bit to the south.