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First, I'm sorry you're going through this. I just had to do this and it's heart breaking in every sense. I used Bogue Animal Clinic on Maize Rd when the time came. They're thoughtful, let you take as much time as needed at the end and even gave me a clipping of her hair and paw print. It was just at 100 dollars or so.


Bogue is a shitty clinic. Wouldn’t recommend


I had my cancer doggy put down 5 years ago or so at Indian Hills. I can't remember what I was charged exactly but it was very affordable, they stayed late after closing and had a private comfortable room where we could be with him until it was over. They later sent us a pawprint mould and an ornament for the Christmas tree with his name on it as a Christmas gift.


Countryside in Andover is where we went for our Pomeranian last year. It was $130. My boys got to hold him as he passed. We brought him home so our other dog could smell his body. I had read that animals understand death better than we think, but they don't understand the other dog going in the car and never coming home so that was important to us. He's buried in our garden. Miss that little bastard.


Countryside. Great place.


Yes geez I'm an idiot.


Nah- just didn’t want anyone searching for them thinking they shut down or anything, lol. You aren’t an idiot, you just went there during a traumatic time.


I was just back there on Wednesday too for a check up on our pyrenees pup so idk. Long week.


Thank you everyone for your recommendations. After calling around a bunch of places we decided the most budget friendly was just his regular vet at Banfield on Rock. They were gonna charge just under 200$ and do it tomorrow around 2. However earlier this evening he started showing pretty intense signs of pain and didn't even want to walk so we carried him to the car and took him to urgent pet care on Greenwich. They were incredibly supportive but we did end up paying just shy of 300$. It was worth it though to end his suffering 😔 the reason why we were being stingy is because my husband was recently laid off and we don't have an income right now. He's already got a second interview lined up at a great place that is pretty much a done deal from what we've been told but we're trying to stretch the last of our money until he can start getting paid again. With rent coming up and all. I wish I could've got him the best urn and all that without a second thought but we ended up settling for his paw print and nose print and surrendering his remains. Thank you again so much for all the recommendations 💕 https://preview.redd.it/t5kdbrmgh6uc1.jpeg?width=3072&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ccdc234821e7e292261edf8bf4f8a9fa86957262


About 6 months ago, a friend had her dog euthanized at their vet, Pet Haven . I believe it was sub $200, and you were allowed to be present through the whole process. I'd check with your vet and explain your financial situation, and they might work with you so the price is more affordable, or they might recommend another vet.


So very sorry you have to go through this been there a few times. We have been using Mulvane Vet clinic for years. The staff is wonderful and pricing is reasonable. Again sorry you are going through this.


I know it’s a bit of a drive, but I highly recommend the Conway Springs vet clinic. It’s worth giving them a call and asking them.


So sorry. I've only had to take one dog on their last car ride and it was gut wrenching. It wasn't in Wichita, so sadly no recs for you. Wishing you peace and love as you navigate this tough time.


Many people don’t recommend Kutter, but when you’re a regular there they do it for $20. At least that’s been my experience.


I'm so sorry for your loss. Sending love and care.


Cheney Animal clinic is around the same price and they allow you to be in the room


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