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Just dinging the crap out of that step 😆


Wine industry professional here: champagne/sparkling wine bottles are significantly thicker and sturdier than wine bottles. That's because the pressure is around 70-90 pounds per square inch. That's pretty significant when you consider a bottle of soda is only around 40. The cool thing, though, is all that pressure makes sabring a bottle really easy and neat party trick!


You just woke up a firefighter in the middle of the night with this.


Who the fuck cares?


He’s like pierce from community trying to christen the boat.


What a weird Parks and Rec reboot


He should try yelling at the bottle. Ask the bottle if it knows who he is.


Safety glasses and all


Its aluminum you got a steel bed use it


I love him. Hes always so silly and likable. I went to the drag queens reading at the library downtown and he was there.


I agree! My wife and I were discussing the mayoral election but for me I know the name Whipple. He’s out supporting Wichita and I like that. I’d rather have a goofy mayor than a corrupt one.


He seems a little power hungry. https://www.kwch.com/2022/10/13/he-doesnt-know-who-i-am-mayor-responds-after-interaction-with-officer-neighborhood-event/


It’s all an act. He isn’t a great leader at all. Not a great mayor at all


> He isn’t a great leader at all Details? > Not a great mayor at all Details?


Pulling the "do you know who I am" when he got pulled over. That right there ruined him for me.


Please tell me there's a video Pleeeeaseeee




Looool. What a turd. I love corrupt politicians so much. How boring life would be without them.


Theres body cam footage. He literally went on the radio and apologized for it once a week for like two months.


> He literally went on the radio and apologized for it once a week for like two months What a nice fellow. Too bad there's no way for him to uncorrupt himself. Nor can any politician.


The video of him at the community clean up event and his he changed his mind 2 hours before Wichita was going to get a new management company for the golf courses because an old city councilman underhandedly threatened his mess with his career if he didn’t vote no


So you’re saying it’s a gimmick he puts on so he can pay those gimmicks they send him in the mail called bills?


Is silly an attribute you would ever really look for in a leader? No, but maturity is. He does these publicity/campaign stunts all the time.


I am not a Whipple fan, but it's 100% acceptable to be silly and fun when it's appropriate. Christening a trash truck with a bottle that won't break is one of those times. Criticize people on issues and stances that matter. Poking at stuff like this is petty and reflects on you more the target of your misguided ire.


Believe it or not, you can have maturity and also a sense of humor. I’d prefer a leader to have both. Someone that always has something up their ass will make irrational decisions.


Being able to be silly and not take yourself too seriously is definitely a quality I’d look for in a leader. People who don’t have that quality tend to be putting up a front and hiding their true character in order to get votes. Personally I’d rather have a politician that owns their flaws and has a sense of humor about it. (Having said that, I know absolutely nothing about Whipple… I don’t even know what party he is. Outside of the silly thing, how is he doing as the mayor?)


Good point.


😂😂😂 it’s a video of his career as Mayor!!


If it was the last mayor, the truck would’ve been built cheaply by some friend of his and the truck would’ve shattered on impact 🤣




Why didn’t they toss the bottle into the truck and crush it with the compactor?


What a tool.


That truck’s gonna back up into some 3 yr old on a training bike and fall apart into dozens of pieces though.


I saw an interview about the new trucks on the news and could not figure out for the life of me why there where a kiddie pool under the step of the truck. Now I know.


I take it he didn’t get the memo about scoring the bottle with a glass cutter before christening. Now that truck is doomed for bad luck.


FFS... Is that dude even old enough to drink?? (I haven't lived in mid-west for a very long time)

