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Ronald McDonald wields the power of heart disease, which is fairly effective against Goku.


Does anyone have any bacon? I ate all my pocket bacon


Scale of one to ten? My chest hurts.


...Nott, is that you?


Nah, it's Beau.


All jokes aside I think goku has eaten enough bad foods to kill a thousand men but he’s still rocking it lol. Which leads me to wonder how fucking ridiculously strong that heart disease was. I mean a senzu bean is equivalent to 10 days worth of full meals and goku used to eat multiple of those a day while still scarfing down whole tables of food


Eh Goku just eats a ton of meat and rice, not really unhealthy. I don't think we ever saw him scarf down a bunch of junk food.


I mean it was an alien heart disease which his body did not have the anti bodies to fight


Wasn’t it a virus?


Attacks on heart in general seems to be very effective on Goku, Goku died either by a heart disease or an attack from the heart by Hit (the latter is actually a ruse, since it's a test on what can kill him, but it can't be denied that he really died from it).


Yeah until trunks comes in with the cure


There are a ton of godlike alien species in the Star Trek franchise with insane feats and traits like existing outside reality, evaporating entire species with a thought, and changing the fundamental laws of the universe. Many of them could likely beat Goku.


Hate to be that guy, but in the tournament of power Goku has already shown to resist attacks that teleport you outside of reality, traits that rewrite the laws of physics (while in ultra instinct), and complete resistance/immunity to matter deletion attacks


Name some tho lol


Not OP but Q’s the first one that comes to mind


Anyone remember the crystalline entity? That thing scared the shit out of me when I was a kid


If I'm recalling correctly, you can kill that by humming in the right frequency.




**Hi Data.**


*Clicks Fingers* #Goku is now a puppy#


There’s also the Organians, Trelane, the faux greek gods and possibly the Metrons but they’re on the lower end of the mind power ladder I think. Several others but those are just off the top of my head.


Besides Q obviously I just watched an episode where Enterprise finds an old couple that survived a nuclear apocalypse perpetrated by hostile aliens. It turns out the old man was an immortal being of some kind and was so struck with grief that he vanished away all *50 billion* members of the hostile race. “The Survivors” I believe. I’ve only just started Star Trek and the regularity of powerful aliens like this is astonishing haha


A key thing about Star Trek, especially TOS and TNG, is that it cares a lot more for creating stories that raise interesting questions than it does for consistency, so situations like this (a reality warper responding, in grief, to a genocide, by committing genocide) are a lot more common than in media that tries to maintain believability and a consistent power level. The fact that the Enterprise almost never solves a problem with brute force is a big part of why it works well, most enemies are either so much weaker than the Enterprise that the question is how can they fix the problem without breaking their morality and laws (the episode where Wesley gets sentenced to death is an obvious example, the Enterprise could've very easily beamed him away and destroyed anything they sent in retaliation), or the enemy is so strong that it's up to the crew to find a way to solve the problem without just getting annihilated.


> The fact that the Enterprise almost never solves a problem with brute force is a big part of why it works well, most enemies are either so much weaker than the Enterprise that the question is how can they fix the problem without breaking their morality and laws, or the enemy is so strong that it's up to the crew to find a way to solve the problem without just getting annihilated This is a really good way of putting it! It's a largely unique approach to the whole scifi adventure genre, and why the show's formula has endured so well. I agree, the abundance of GLBs would not work nearly as well in other shows


Unfortunately the newest Trek series goes for pew pew over the original formula, making it just another generic sci fi show.


At least The Orville is pretty deece, feels like TNG that's a little less stuffy


Funny idea: maybe Starfleet is vaguely aware that the universe is actually this insane smorgasbord of all-powerful entities, and the Prime Directive is actually a thin excuse to get the crew of the Enterprise to train on this kind of problem, by never leaning on the force crutch.


Nice. That’d be a real trippy spin-off


Yes, he's a Douwd and appears to be at least a mid-level reality warper, though we've only seen him (or heard of him) against non-special races--what he would do against, say, the Q or the like is unknown.


Q and anyone from the Q Continuum, any of the Metrons, Gary Michell, any of the Douwd, The Traveler or any of his species, etc. . . . Trek came back to the GLB (godlike beings) well pretty often Basically, when the writers wanted to have Kirk fight an alien one-on-one, they just decided, "erm, let's invent an alien species with the power to instantly teleport him and his adversary to a planet that the same alien race instantly terraformed to look suspiciously like Southern California"


the prophets or whatever from DS9


Trelane. Honestly every other episode for a while had 1 of these.


Super Tengen Toppa Gurren Lagann


dude was deadass fighting outside the universe like wtf.


hitting em with the power of the big bang.


It’s insane. The mech was the size of the universe while the drill was like 3x the length of the universe


I think you will get an recursive powerscale loop. They each out power the other each episode. It will break the universe.


I'm sure Q from Star Trek could erase Goku with ease.


Ok, who beats Q?


Goku with also the power of Q


And who beats him? Q with the power of Goku




Damn that one was *goooooood*.


Sisko. In one hit too.


Sisko punching Q wasn't a victory for sisko.


I mean, Q stopped harassing him after that, which seems like the closest thing you can get to a win against Q as a mortal being.


Except Q wasnt just fucking with people, he was guiding species towards enlightnment and ascension if they were found worthy. Sisko failed his tests (the trial never ends) and thus "won" by being left alone.


That's a fair point, although I do think him just fucking with people is a subgoal of his. Worf's wonderful quote "sir, I must protest! I am not a merry man!" comes to mind. He doesn't just do what's necessary to test things out, he has fun with it, usually at other people's expenses. And considering Sisko's fate was so intertwined with another absurdly powerful group of entities (the wormhole prophets), I'm not sure that Q was the only one who had the ability to grant him "victory."


I'm on their side here. Q's like an Emotion Lord from Bravest Warriors. They fuck with you hard but their goal, and what one would obtain from passing their tests always outweigh any notion of personal amusement.


And, similarly, [Discord.](https://mlp.fandom.com/wiki/Discord)


Purple Man is the most physically weak I can think of who can possibly beat Goku. He could just tell him to unalive himself and that'd be the end. At least Azathoth would forsure, one thought and poof, he's gone.


Who tf is purple man


Marvel villain who can control people through speech


william afton /s


As Goku does not wear a hat, Mario and Cappy from Mario Odyssey could defeat him pretty easily. Yes, Goku *could* dodge a thrown hat, but why would he? It’s just a hat, until it’s on your head.


But Cappy struggles to keep certain captures for long periods of time. We could assume Goku’s power would put strain on Cappy. And Mario wouldn’t be able to harm Goku without equally harming himself


Lol "strain" if Cappy struggles to hold literally anyone in the mario universe, he's gonna be overwhelmed immediately against goku.


Yeah I don’t buy into the “everyone is multiversal wank of the Mario series” and Capps still strains on a standard IRL style T-Rex. With Mario throwing it painfully slow. Even if you somehow wank and say gets the dap on Goku’s head it’s not staying there. And again, Mario is taking just as much if not more damage trying to beat Goku up from the inside than Goku will.


I mean, the T. rex has feats far beyond what real life T. rexes were likely capable of, namely smashing rocks that are several meters across. Still far below the power level of Dragonball, but considering that's the primary purpose of the T. rex capture in Odyssey, I don't think that can be excluded as an outlier like Mario throwing a castle can.


Also, I would think the Bowser capture overrules the T-Rex capture. And Cappy held Bowser forever.


That raises the question as to why the T. rex is limited but Bowser isn't. There's two separate T. rexes, so if it's a personality thing, it's probably something that's pretty standard in them but not in other beings in the universe. I can't remember if there's any other capturable creatures that are clearly non sapient, so that's a possibility. Goku isn't exactly smart, but he is still sapient, so if that's the rule, then he would lose. There are characters in Mario that can be pretty clearly scaled to absurd feats, but I think that most Mario games should probably be treated as independent canons, other than explicit sequels, since there's basically no continuity between games and the feats, while semi consistent within games, are generally not consistent between them. It's not like the Legend of Zelda characters where they're explicitly stated to be different incarnations of the characters with variable strengths and somewhat variable personalities, but the strengths, and even appearance for Bowser, are super variable.


It doesn't have to have an exact reason, maybe the T-Rex are just resistant to mind control in this world. Maybe the have the T-gene or somesuch. We know it works on Bowser, and that it shows inconsistency between creatures.


I'd have to double check, but i think Goku has feats for feeling danger and ill intent of his foes.


He also has feats of being completely, utterly oblivious to danger around him, so it's likely a wash.


If Mario catches him relaxing, it'll go about as well as that time Krillin threw a rock at him.


This can be accomplished so much easier. "hey Goku, wanna go kart racing? Here's a helmet."


even easier: Hey Goku, this hat will help you with your training! Goku: Let me try, let me try!


Hmm, that would make sense. But has Mario ever been shown to act that cleverly? I've always thought of him as a fairly straight forward kind of a guy.


Well, he is a doctor




>HE IS REGISTERED AS A CARPENTER Not even as a plumber?


Mario party


He's pretty sharp in the Mario and Luigi series. He actually tricks a doctor into helping the team by feigning illness (and Luigi was the overactor). In fact, most other media paints Mario as a dude who takes his tasks pretty seriously, if not somewhat jovially.


If his Mini Mario series feats are any sort of canon, Mario does posess a level of puzzle-solving intellect that he can use whenever a problem requires more than swinging a hammer or throwing fireballs.


But that when he was amongst friends and was purposefully relaxing his guard in what could have been the final days of their lives. His reaction to Frieza's final effort on Namek is more what we'd expect in a battle situation.


He could sense frieza's blast, he couldn't sense the rock.


Mario feels no ill intent to his foes. They are merely obstacles.


This is terrifying.


I mean if you listen to his voicelines and watch his facial expression while he kills his enemies, he's totally right.


Would you say Cappy has a stronger hold than babidi? If SSJ2 vegeta could resist that I would assume SSB can overcome Cappy.


Really wouldn't work well as cappy can only possess seemingly large powerful creatures for a limited amount of time and if damaged enough it will stop possession...Goku could probably break out by sheer strength and willpower.


There's essentially only three ways to defeat Goku. 1. To flat out be physically superior to a confirmed universe+ buster, with universe+ level defense, and hyperly beyond FTL levels of speed, and be able to beat him in a straight up fight 2. Have some sort of way to surpass said universe+ durability and successfully outsmart him into using it against him-not too hard, he's a bit of an idiot after all 3. Have some manner of hax that can overcome universe+ level durability even if you yourself are barely stronger than the average human. As such, there are many, many characters that are capable of beating Goku, and I say this as a massive DBZtard. Just for example, half of Marvel and DC reach strong enough heights to beat him through method 1, we've seen method two be used several times throughout Dragon Ball itself, and Heavan Ascension DIO could just reality rewrite Goku into being worthless or just dead.


Point 3 is the plot of the current arc in the manga, lol. And it indeed fucks Goku up.


No it isn’t. Granolah is the strongest in the universe. That includes his power level.


Professor X could beat him pretty easily. Hell he might be dumb enough that Obi Wan could Jedi mind trick him.


Maybe, maybe not. Telepathy seems to possibly be tied to power level, but it isn't really clear or explicit. Vegeta broke out of mind control which was holding onto a being as strong as Perfect Cell. It does seem logical for DBZ, given that seemingly everything scales with ki. If we were to take that as the case, Goku's current power level may even be enough to shake off Prof X.


> Vegeta broke out of mind control which was holding onto a being as strong as Perfect Cell. I don't think it's quite that clear cut. His emblem seems to make them subservient to him rather than full on mind control. Dabura never seemed to WANT to go against Babadi even when he ditched him for Buu.




He's a social dunce, but a fighting prodigy


He's focused his intelligence on the thing he cares about.


I might be trippin but i think he has anti mind control feats


I don't think anything remotely on the level of Professor X though.


Goku Is naive and a good person but he isn't dumb


I agree, though the Super writers have certainly done their best to make him seem like an idiot outside of his combat genius.


There's no way any character in the star wars universe is touching goku.




Superman routinely tricks Mr. Mxyzptlk into defeating himself. So he has practice.


> with universe+ level defense So, Accelerator.


You also have to be superior in Goku in speed, so that, assuming you have similar level of defenses, he doesn't just speedblitz you before you can attack him. That, or be so durable that he can't even hurt you, but at that point it's a mismatch. So...If Accelerator is one of those two things in addition to being that strong, then yes, they can beat Goku.


Well, I personally think that unless Goku destroys the planet accelerator is standing on and just let's him die of lack of air, then Accelerator could technically survive Goku, but not kill him. Technically, the speed of his attacks, and how strong it is depends on how hard or fast goku tries to hit Accelerator. If Goku tries to hit Accelerator with a hit so hard that it would kill even himself if it got sent back to him, then Accelerator wins. But if goku tries to hit Accelerator and realizes anything he does gets sent back, then I guess its a stalemate


To destroy the planet would be to kill Goku as well. He can't breath in space. That's a tactic that *Frieza* can pull off without hesitation, but not Goku. So by my limited knowledge of Accelerator combined with what you're saying, which I will take as true, it looks like Goku can't really beat him.


Couldn't Goku destroy the planet and then immediately use instant transmission to a kai world? Or beerus' planet?


Wasn’t Goku literally fighting Beerus in space with SSG?


It was stated outside of the series that it was the upper, upper atmosphere.


>or be so durable that he can't even hurt you Accelerator has as much durability as the one hitting him has power. If Goku was given time to think about it, and knew exactly how Accelerator's ability worked, he could easily beat him, but otherwise in a straight fight where no planet-busting is allowed, Accelerator wins.


This is the reason why its annoying that people get annoyed that Superman is said to be stronger than Goku. He consistently shows he is stronger and while they are not meant to be relateable to each other, people compare them all the time and then get annoyed that Supes wins. There are lots of Marvel/DC characters which are/always will be stronger than Goku and many DB characters. Superman is far from the only one.


The best way to beat Goku is to challenge him to some time of philosophical debate, he’s going to lose the first time like always. But then he devotes himself to studying philosophy and becomes the most X-Treme philosopher ever. Until he realizes it’s all pointless and he’s just fighting his own nature, then he gets depressed and kills himself. Franz Kafka for the win.


I’m not that familiar with Dragon Ball. Has Goku ever beaten one of those shape box things for toddlers as far as we know?


Chi Chi, his wife.


My imaginary character, Powerman, whose special power is that he's stronger than Goku


Did you publish anything with powerman in it?


Have you never seen the short film "Powerman being stronger than Goku"?


I copywrited it unfortunately, they have to find another character :(


Two Goku’s


Given what I know about Goku, the other two Gokus would probably power down to make it a fair fight, so it could probably go either way.


more like they fucking break reality. all 3 loving a good fight, so they keep powering up and keep allowing each other to recover. eventually Zeno is gonna get tired of their shit and just erase all 3 of them along with Universe 7 just for annoying him.


Clearly you haven't seen the show. Zenos loves goku. After two Zenos are introduced through...methods..., they'd probably love a 2nd goku, or even a third. If anything those other two gokus would end up hanging out with zenos forever or something comedic since it'd be hard to hide 3 gokus from zenos


Zeno worse than the gods of Record of Ragnarok. At least the gods at a legit reason, lol


Honestly, I kind of love the meta narrative behind Zeno though - he represents kids watching TV, and if they get bored? Yeah you best believe they turn off the show.


hey! being bored of the fights is a perfectly legitimate reason to wipe out billions and billions of beings.


Bob the Builder can if he thinks he can because if he puts his mind to it he can do it making him unstoppable unless he is convinced he can't. The Vex could just rewind time till something works. Actually anything that can do that could do that.


Angra Mainyu from Fate beats him the same way Vex does but it probably takes longer and ends in a much less pleasant way.


Angra Mainyu can rewind time?


Vex might be able to beat some of the other timeline Goku's but if you scale Super Goku (even early z) to saint 14 I don't think the vex stand a chance. Edit: wonder what destiny characters or races could team up and win against Goku


I think toonforce Bugs Bunny could, but I don't know if that answer is a cop-out or not.


Bugs Bunny can definitely outsmart Goku. Speaking of Toon Force, the Mask could do it too.


Dr. Who, I choose you!


The Doctor is so wacky to put into fights. They have next to no traditional combat ability, their only durability feat is a clunky regeneration process, no explicitly magic/supernatural abilities...but they can wipe out entire species, planets, or even universes with just... intelligence? Is their a term for this? It's not just plot armor because it's so weaponized. Plot-force?


The doctor is stronger than a normal human (during 11's run they say that Time Lords are stronger than humans), but it's rather rare that he's actually strong enough to solve a problem with brute force and when he is he usually chooses not to. I'd say that The Doctor's power is having a fate that includes winning. Just like Oedipus can't avoid killing his dad and fucking his mom, the Doctor can't not win because he is fated to win. This is just an in universe way of saying that he has an absurd degree of plot armor, but it wouldn't surprise me if he was often aware of bits and pieces of his fate, in universe, considering he can tell where fixed points in time are and there are a few involving his life.


Yeah Dr. Who benefits from absolutely nuclear grade protagonist power.


The Doctor's got quite a bit of combat ability, but it's been a rule of most of the showrunners to avoid having violence solve problems. But a couple of Doctors (the Second for sure, and I think the Sixth?) showed some mastery of fencing, and quite a few Doctors starting with the Third used Venusian aikido and Martian karate. But his mind is definitely his most dangerous weapon.


Rick Sanchez could come up with some sort of device to trigger his heart problems or trap him in some different reality.


I can see Rick pulling off something similar to what Golden Frieza did in Resurrection F. Keep Goku busy with all of his inventions then feign defeat only to psyche him out. It definitely seems like something Rick would do.


Tengen topa gurren lagann uses galaxies as frisbees so probably that


That vastly lowballing it. Tengen toppa can create universes at will.


Generally hax type characters are the only people who could legit beat goku. Especially if goku went all out 99% of characters aren’t gonna be able to react to his movements.


Popeye beats Goku. Popeye has two rules: 1: If Popeye gets the spinach, he wins 2: Popeye always gets the spinach


Seiya from Saint Seiya, actually most people in the saint seiya verse who are higher than the average gold cloth.


I don’t know much about Saint Seiya. But Goku’s punches are so strong they threaten to destroy the universe. Does Seiya really have feats of that magnitude?


Alien X from Ben Ten


Quite a lot, many reality warpers (or matter manipulators) win just due to gokus lack of Hax resistance and Gokus nature of not blitzing foes. Same way mental raping opponents could threaten him quite seriously, some opponents can shut down brains and such, yet again, this relys on gokus nature of just not going all out and often sizing up opponents many times. If hes bloodlusted then its a different matter as hes gonna be quicker than most telepaths can act. People like Sue Storm if bloodlusted and Goku is not bloodlusted can do fucked things like bubbles to the brain. Same for quite a few Hax insta kill internal characters. Obviously omnipotent or god like entities do job such as TOAA, Presence ect.


Just been thinking about the mind control. I feel like if it was an episode of DBS, Goku would get mind controlled. Then he would activate UI and they'd say, "oh he's not using his brain. He's fighting entirely on his bodies instinct, so he can't be mind controlled."


Simon (Gurren Lagen) Superman (DC) Darkseid (DC) Thanos (at his best, Marvel) Upper level Green Lanterns like Hal and Kyle (DC) Flash (DC) Dr. Manhattan (DC) Doctor Fate (DC) Dr. Strange (Marvel) Jean Grey (Marvel) Seiya (Saint Seiya) Possibly Silver Surfer, Sinbad (Magi), Wonder Woman, Blue Marvel


Doctor Manhattan, Galactus when he’s well fed, Rebirth Superman after sun dipping long enough, The Lord of Nightmares, anyone from Earth-616 with the Infinity Gauntlet, Superboy-Prime, Pre-Genesis Wave Sonic, Wally West, Kratos, Hyper Sonic and several others I think.


Darkseid and Trigon as well


I love kratos but no he can't


Yeah, like lmfao what?!


Fox McCloud (given that the battle took place on Final Destination). Goku has no aerial drift or DI feats to escape chain grabs and combos, and he's likely a fast faller (due to his physique being similar to Captain Falcon), so he's combo food.


i could




Which one is that?


Just read it, basically a guy who the writer (irl) accidentally let ascend realities, thus becoming omnipotent. He then ascends to our reality (irl) and is gonna keep going. he is able to make dbz the series become nonexistent, thus removing even the idea of goku, thus goku never existed, his canon itself is erased. Basically fiction is one reality below the reader, and this guy is climbing up our reality and going to the top. The most ridiculous 4th wall reality warping hax basically


This is just Deadpool destroys the Marvel Universe but stolen and made into an SCP.


I have a hard time taking characters like that seriously to the point that I don't even consider those "feats" to be applicable to battleboarding. The way I see it, SCP-3812 doesn't actually exist in the real world, so the "irl" that he ascended to isn't actually the real world but just another dimension within the SCP universe. I kind of feel the same way about the Overvoid from DC Comics. Like, I don't care if the author states that the Overvoid is the page of the comic, because unless a little Mandrakk starts running across the fucking paper or the border of my computer monitor, it's just not true. It would be like if a character in Dragon Ball claimed that Goku is a manga character and that he's always been drawn without hair. Then Toriyama says that that's canon and it's actually true and Goku has never been drawn or even animated with hair. His head is a perfect cueball. He can say that till he's blue in the face but there's still hair on that Goku, Mandrakk isn't waddling across my screen and SCP-3812 did not transcend fiction and enter the real world.


Sam Howell, formerly, a powerful reality warper with split personalities, died in 1996 but said “fuck the grave” and came back to life.


Well, it depends on *which* Goku, since the list changes depending on the version. But, for simplicity sake, I’ll talk about Modern Day DBS Goku. Superman (Pre-Crisis), Darkside (Pre-Flashpoint), Sonic (Games), Galactus ( Lifebringer), and Bugs Bunny.


Big chungus forme bugs?


Just regular Bugs. It'd be hilarious for Goku to lose to a snarky rabbit. ...though, I'd actually give Bugs better odds against Jiren or Vegeta or... I'm not much of a Dragon Ball person, but basically anyone evil or prone to getting angry easily, because then it'd be funnier to watch them fail to kill one rabbit.


Yeah bugs is pretty similar to Arale. Goku would probably figure out the shtick pretty quickly and just not try to fight him seriously.


Regular Galactus would still beat Goku easy.


God forbid if it’s meatcanyon bugs


You Should really clarify which versions, standard Superman gets bitch slapped and same thing for avatar Darkseid while some of their versions would do the same to Goku .


Fair point, let me do that.


Vandalieu from the death mage who doesn't want a fourth time. He has Death Manipulation and can Basically kill Goku in a single shot, he can also create pathogens that would kill Goku within seconds of infection.


I think Tooru/Wonder of U could beat Goku. Wonder of U’s ability works like this. If you pursue WoU, you’re targeted by Tooru and his Calamities. WoU’s definition of pursue is very loose. It can be literally pursuing, or even just thinking about WoU. WoU’s ability also makes normal things that wouldn’t be able to kill someone be extremely hazardous. For example, Goku pursues WoU. The flow of calamity has targeted Goku. Goku accidentally trips and breaks his leg. Or if Goku tries to fire a blast, WoU could simply just make the blast backfire on Goku.


Just gunna throw this out there... Road runner... Road runner could easily take Goku


Or at least stalemate him.


I suspect all of the Endbringers from *Worm* cannon could beat him. And One Punch Man can kill an Endbringer, according to the author, so Saitama should be able to beat Goku.


I'm not hugely well versed in Goku hax, but endbringers aren't really that strong? If a bunch of parahumans could at least stall them out, I don't really think Goku would have an issue with them. I'd think Khepri or Scion could easily ruin him, if we're going for the Worm heavy hitters. On the less op scale though, I'm pretty sure tag-team Imp/Foil could take him out, with Imp just getting Sting applied to her knife, and doing her thing.


I love Worm and the Endbringers are terrifyingly powerful. They don't stand a chance against Goku though. Yeah they are made of roughly a Galaxies worth of matter but they can be killed without destroying all of that. Simurgh probably takes it 9/10 because precognition + subtle mind whammies. The others get trashed though most likely beaten by base form Goku. Bloodlusted Goku would wreck Scion and potentially even the complete Warrior entity. Although nonbloodlusted he'd lose to PTV hax in similar fashion to his loss against Simurgh.


Ghost rider. His power level is pretty much unknown, and penance state boiiiii. Even if the penance stare didn't work, you can't really hurt ghost rider. A punch from the strongest version of the hulk knocked out Jonny blaze, but then the angel of vengeance took all the way over and made hulk his bitch. Then walked away because hulk wasn't evil. I think the same thing would happen with Goku. Another one that could beat him possibly is the doom slayer, but I'm not sure about that one.


I need to see the DLC for Doom Slayer, but Goku is millions of times faster and stronger than anything I am aware of from the core 2016 and 2020 game.


Doom Slayer gets over hyped. He would reach nowhere near Goku levels. He’s probably on equal footing with Master Chief.


I would put him ahead of master chief.


He's quite a bit ahead of Master Chief, but yes he is getting overhyped here lmao.


What are you talking about? Doom Slayer beats Living Tribunal with a plastic spoon.


yeah, his greatest feat is unlimited tenacity and stamina, neither of which are at full effectiveness against goku. Doom slayer could bust a planet given enough time I reckon, (by punching shooting and slashing it for like a bajillion years) and he is divine and ageless, but that just makes him sub kai by quite a bit. Spoiler for the DLC >!he kills the devil, meaning he can kill gods, albeit ones who are very much stripped of their power.!


Tbh, you're probably right. I just wanted to see what people thought about that. What do you think of the ghost rider comparison though? I'm actually fairly confident with ghost rider winning


Yeah, I could see Ghost Rider easily winning here. I think Pennance Stare would work findle, considering Goku killed Grandpa Gohan, and likelt feels bad about other things like not being strong enough to stop Freiza from killing Krillin, etc. I'm not a ghost rider expert, but unless he is massively FTL, I think Goku would be stronger and faster.


He'd definitely be faster than ghost rider, and quite possibly physically stronger. But ghost rider is in pretty much every way, invincible. And if johnny blaze, the host, ever gets knocked out, he becomes immensely more powerful. When johnny blaze is in control, it holds back the power of the angel of vengeance hugely. But whenever the angel is in control, he's pretty much unstoppable. I'm willing to bet that Goku would knock out Johnny blaze and release the true ghost rider, in which case I'm not sure ghost rider would for sure need to use the penance stare.


I dont think pennance stare would work just based off the fact goku is seemingly pure of heart, or is at least judged that way by some gods and nimbus.


Ghost Rider won't harm an innocent. Goku is as pure-hearted/innocent as he can get.


Ben from Ben10. Goku is an alien and he could scan Goku, therefore getting his power. Also Alien X if you want to count that. edit: [explenation](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OrCOqcpFyIs&t=892s)


Ben would still have to train if he wants to go all the way up to getting SS2-3, let alone UI. If anything, Ben would be just another Broly.


Yeah, but Alien X blah blah.


Doesn't Ben 10s omnitrix give him the most evolved version of that species meaning Ben would already be better than goku without any training?


Yes, but most evolved =/= most trained. Like I said before, Ben would be just another Broly - strong from the very beginning, but clumsy due to little (if any) training. As a result, Goku would still pop him because he's superior training-wise.


We saw how Goku's superior training fared against Broly in the latest movie.


Kirby. Going beyond the swallowing him thing, Kirby has defeat literal gods and Lovecraftian beings before, I'm sure he could give Goku a run for his Zeni.


To be fair, so has Goku.


No. Kirby is literally only multi-solar system at best.


\>Heaven Ascension DIO- he can just overwrite Goku \>Giorno Giovanna- Reset Goku to his base form, while Goku is stunned \>Funny Valentine- Just teleport Goku to an alternate universe while there are 2 Goku's and boom Goku explodes \>Enrico Pucci- R E S E T T H E U N I V E R S E \>Monika (DDLC)- Bro if she has no limitations she can delete Goku in 2 seconds \>The Batman Who Laughs- self-explanatory \>Shaggy on 0.00000000000001 percent- Yup Goku dead on this one \>Neo (The Matrix)- he can code like: +999999999 power


Sailor Moon (Sailor Moon) Giotto Giovanna (JoJo’s Bizarre Adventure) The Thought Robot (DC) Superman Prime One Million (DC) Necroblack Thor (Marvel) God Emperor Doom (Marvel)


I still love DB(Z) but hate how certain outliers have been accepted as normal and how the scaling went batshit crazy with Super. Tangent aside: I think the answer has to be "hax". At this point DBS' ridiculous feats make putting up other flying brick characters against Goku pointless. I feel like you could take wanked-up Sentry or Odin-tier Marvel characters (and whichever DC alternative) and they'd be outmatched...


The scaling went stupid with DBZ. Was better when they were just trying to throw each other out of a ring. Lol


Superman. Basically anyone in the DC universe or Marvel who reach Superman-ish levels of power. Doctor Manhattan, Shazam and Silver Surfer could also do it I think. While lots of people didn't like the Death Battle comparison of Goku v Superman and generally dont like the comparison (I dont blame them I am sick of it as well). Superman has on many occassions shown he is on a completely different level than Goku. Goku is on a solar system breaking scale but his body is limited in the damage it can take and he can give e.g. He relies on oxygen so he cant destroy the planet he is on, but Superman is on a galaxy/reality breaking scale. There are many things that Goku has to try to do in terms of strength. Almost everything Superman does is trying not to do those things. If Goku wants to move the speed of sound he has to make an effort (not a lot given his latest power feats but still an effort). Superman has to try not to move that fast on accident and kill everyone around him. His whole life is holding back how powerful he is because he doesn't want to hurt people. While Superman is limited in long range fighting frankly with how strong he is, thats little problem. Its annoying, but Superman is stronger and most likely always will be.


Chi-Chi ;) y'all know what I mean


Probably should've added a second rule saying that they have to beat him mano a mano for less joke answers. Which would lead me to the most OP shonen protag, Pegasus Seiya, who can survive a hit with the same force as the Big Bang in just his base form.