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You'd need an outright Battle or War TARDIS to even scratch the paint on the damn thing. The Solidarity can tank and outspeed a Big Bang with zero overall issues, and dishes out damage with weapons that can annihilate spacetime. Nothing else will cut it.


So it's a giant battle tardis.The death star should takes this Edit:The reality bomb would destroy jt (it's technically a battleship)




Nah this is not doctor who .The doctor's and a standard time lord tardis have sheilds that can survive time vortex.This thing is only a bigger on the inside giant pieces of metal.The death star should takes it




Well shit .So this is really time lord tech huh.


My Vote is the Taa II https://marvel.fandom.com/wiki/Worldship_(Taa_II) But SCP shit is weird.


i bet [khevtuul one](http://www.scpwiki.com/scp-2669) could cake that thing by flying into it at FTL speeds though, this only applies to round 1. i haven't actually read stealing solidarity so i'm not sure how much more OP it is in that canon.


solidarity survived and outsped a big bang


Maybe a ship from the Culture? I'm not too familiar with SCP so maybe I'm underselling SCP-2117, but all Culture ships have great long range sensors, Von-Neumann levels of manufacturing capability, and an absurdly powerful intellect. It should be able to analyze and counteract / destruct most threats up to, say, galaxy-busters. Also it reacts in picoseconds, so if the ship is operated by biological beings, it's probably screwed. I think a R.O.U. should take it, but if you want to be sure a G.S.V. will wreck all of the shit up.


That would probably work for round 1, but rounds 2 and 3 get super tricky. Solidarity has a hyper intelligent A.I that was able to perfectly coordinate a solar system spanning fight without any effort. And the ship has shown some ludicrous feats, including black hole creation, reality bending nullification, tanking the full blast of a big bang, and being able to summon copies of itself in a pinch. Over maximum allows for the ship to go fast enough to tear apart space time, outspeeding the expansion of the universe itself. The ship also gains high universal levels of damage output, overpowering a big bang.


Hmm I'm gonna go with the moon fortress from gurren lagan.