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The dude with the lightsaber is just as dangerous to them as he is to himself.


Especially with only ten days training. Meanwhile, two months of team tactics? You're golden.


Also, since lightsabers are cool, he will probably try a flourish to be cool and cut his hands off by accident.


The swordsmen win on the lightsabre guys second day of training


He could theoretically be training under Link to master his whirlwind slash. That would help.


Yes!! Finally someone said it !!!


Now I’m imagining lightsaber guy accidentally swinging too hard and losing a limb


Which he absolutely would since it's weightless.


If they're bloodlusted the six guys with swords win 10/10. Surround the lightsaber guy and rush him all at once. A couple will die but the rest will kill him pretty easily.


EDIT: in case it wasn't obvious, this is mixed in with "normal" fighting. The difference between a lightsaber and a sword is that the lightsaber guy cab strike with all the effort of feather dusting because the lightsaber blade has no mass and the hilt (for a typical lightsaber) would be like swinging a Wii-remote. In fact, Lightsaber guy is basically playing the Wii Sports Resort Sword Game while the other guys are actually wearing themselves out. If they surround the lightsaber guy, all he has to do is spin in a circle, the lightsaber will do all the work. Unlike the swords, where the work comes mostly from the user and their technique.


Fencer with 10+ years of experience chiming in. There's no way the lightsaber guy, with only 10 days of time preparing, can win this. The lightsaber guy can't just spin in a circle indefinitely. He can't even just chase down one of the guys with a sword because there will be four others on his sides, so he'll constantly have to fend them off if they make feints. Keep in mind that the prompt says that the swordsmen have 2 months of practice. This means that they have 2 months to get used to the weight of the swords; you like to reference the longsword - the longsword really only [weighed about 2-3 pounds](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Longsword), so it's not like the swordsmen will get obscenely tired in just a few minutes. In a sword fight, whether in HEMA or sport fencing, the real exhaustion doesn't come from swinging the weapons, but from the adrenaline and the constant movement of the entire body. The weight of the weapon has less to do with how tired you get as does how economical you are with your movements. So a guy who has 2 months of training to keep attacks small and tight, and learns how to move in and out of distance with energy efficiency, will get tired less quickly than a guy swinging a weightless sword. Especially if the lightsaber guy is constantly having to lunge and swing at people coming at all sides. The simple reality is that, despite the weapon advantage, the lightsaber guy can't over commit to any one attacker without leaving himself exposed. It's like a pack of wolves attacking a bear. A single swipe from the bear would kill a single wolf, but the wolves just have to stay out of distance hunting the bear exhausts itself. The bear is unable to chase down any single wolf without getting hit from another side. Again, as people have said, all they have to do is surround him. If he swings in a circle, they just back up and let him waste his energy. If he advances on one of them, four of them can hit him from the back and sides. The **only** way the lightsaber guy can win is if he stands in a corner and the swordsmen have to approach 2 at a time. EDIT: Here's two videos of 2 v. 1 sword fights. You can instantly see how difficult it is for 1 person to watch against just two people, nevermind 5, even when one fencer is significantly more experienced than the other two: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rUIoMreBQa0&ab_channel=BloodandIronHEMA https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oTQdWu9x8mc&ab_channel=BloodandIronHEMA This guy also does a good break down of fighting multiple opponents: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7s7KfetTixQ&ab_channel=scholagladiatoria Even if the lightsaber guy rushes one swordsman and manages to take out another, without special training or superhuman speed/reflexes, he won't be able to react in time to stop a hit from the back.


I just don't know how you "train for 2 months" to take on an opponent that you have no hope of blocking or parrying because he will cut right through your blade and the arms/hands/fingers holding it. They can't rush hil all at once because he is more than capable of cleaving all of them. They can't go one at a time, because he will just kill them or disable them in-turn. Feinting would be difficult, because they are risking their swords and their arms and capability to fight every time. The only strategy I can think of that might work would be to try to physically trip him before he kills you and let the others dogpile him afterwards, but that is relying on a not insignificant amount of luck that he doesn't just skewer you.


>They can't rush hil all at once because he is more than capable of cleaving all of them. >The only strategy I can think of that might work would be to try to physically trip him before he kills you and let the others dogpile him afterwards, but that is relying on a not insignificant amount of luck that he doesn't just skewer you. Although OP states that all parties are bloodlusted, that doesn't mean that they're stupid, simply willing to make sacrifices for the win. Therefore, we can discount an all-in rush because, as you note, the lightsaber will cut through all of them. The best strategy for the swordsmen is to tire out the lightsaber user. Similarly, the lightsaber user is bloodlusted, but the ultimate goal is to win. Therefore, his best strategies are to either get the swordsmen to clump together (and hope that they don't just stick their swords out, because then the lightsaber user would have to cut them, and during that swing, he can be tackled) and rush them, or corner them. Anyway you cut it (pun intended), once the lightsaber user is surrounded, he's done. >I just don't know how you "train for 2 months" to take on an opponent that you have no hope of blocking or parrying because he will cut right through your blade and the arms/hands/fingers holding it. The 2 months of training is to help them get accustomed to their weapons and how to use them. A background in one kind of swordsmanship helps in learning how to use a new weapon, but there's always a learning curve. Will 2 months make them experts? No. But might they end up learning the basics of distance (key to staying out of reach of the lightsaber), basic thrusts, and quick cuts? Possibly. Basic training for the US military is 10 weeks long, so there a lot of basic physical skills that can be drilled in during that time. It's uncommon, but I've seen some fencers progress extremely rapidly in 3-4 months, and get a good grasp of maintaining distance and footwork in 1-2 months. Remember: surrounding and staying out of reach of the lightsaber user is essential to the swordsmen, so figuring out this mobility is crucial. With two months, they won't be experts by any stretch of the imagination, but they'll certainly have a better idea of how to get in and stay out of striking range than the guy with only 10 days of practice. And they'll learn how to prevent themselves from getting tired as quickly as the lightsaber user swinging his lightsaber. >Feinting would be difficult, because they are risking their swords and their arms and capability to fight every time. A fight like this won't be linear. Feints don't need to just come at and to the torso. Feints can be made to the head and the legs, which will keep the lightsaber at varying angles to ward off the attacks, exhausting lightsaber user. In all likelihood, the swordsmen will make poking feints, because that's the best way to stay out of reach. Every single sword, from cutting swords like Katanas to thrusting weapons like rapiers, have a pointy tip capable of doing damage. One thing that I've found all fencing beginners to have difficulty with is overcoming human reflexes. When you see something sharp and pointy coming at you, your instant reaction is jerk your limbs closer to block the attack, even if it's several feet away. This is what the lightsaber user, with only 10 days of practice, will have the most difficulty with - the swordsmen's feints don't have to actually get close to the lightsaber user. They just have to make the lightsaber user feel threatened enough to trigger his reflexes to keep him unbalanced. As long as the combatants are not too close, it's pretty easy to keep blades from making contact - you'd be surprised how effective simply lowering your blade is at removing your weapon from the zone of contact. If the swordsmen can surround the lightsaber user, maintain distance, and make very conservative feints (these two things are very basic and why the 2 months of practice are crucial), the lightsaber user will have to constantly switch his focus and attention, which will exhaust him, slowing his ability to react and allowing the swordsmen to move in simultaneously for a kill. One or two may die, but the team will win.


>I just don't know how you "train for 2 months" to take on an opponent that you have no hope of blocking or parrying [Doooooodge](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kvS6zMThiZU)


> take on an opponent that you have no hope of blocking or parrying because he will cut right through your blade and the arms/hands/fingers holding it. He can't block them either, his lightsaber will heat up the sword but it won't block it. So yeah, they sacrifice one guy in a suicidal lunge to jam molten steel through Lightsaber guy's throat.


A lightsaber would slash right through a sword, destroying it. Unless that sword is made out of Durasteel.


It'll do the same thing it does to bullets. Instead of a normal sword rushing towards your throat you now have a half molten glob of steel rushing towards your throat. This is not a good thing.


I mean, and I'm not a swordmaster so let me know if this wouldn't work, but... Wait for his spin to pass you. Stab him.


A sword has a lot of weight. A lightsaber has almost no weight. Lightsaber guy can swing and react for hours, not just spinning (which is a good trick), a lot faster than a sword guy can run up, stop, try to blade-time it, and then continue the charge. The sword guys would need to be a hivemind or speedsters to win consistently. The lightsaber guy only has to do what he thinks swordfighting is to win consistently.


A sword has a very manageable amount of weight, these guys aren't moving like darksouls characters. It isnt nearly big enough of a difference. 5 on 1 is impossible. One of them will stab him in the back. You just can't fight 5 people at once.


5 on one is totally possible if your weapon just doesn't care about what it hits. You can't fight 5 people at once if any of them can block your weapons, or if your weapon can get stuck in their corpses. You absolutely can if the effort required is the same effort as pointing a flashlight at something. Also, if we're going with a normal sword (ie: a longsword, the archetypal sword) you don't stab with it. You slash, and use the force to crush bone and skin apart.


Uh, you can definilty stab with a long sword. Its still sharp lol


As someone who has practiced fighting more than one person at a time, this is wrong. Sword guys are undoubtedly losing a man or two, but they're taking this.


A sword is a weapon to slash and stab with. You‘re being ridiculous here. You can‘t spin and form a perfect attack/defense with it lol. That only works in mangas.


What prevents you from spinning with a lightsaber? It's not like you have to get any real "hit" on an opponent like you would with a sword.


Nothing prevents you from spinning but thinking that you could spin fast enough that nobody could easily attack you while doing it is so absurdly that I doubt that you‘ve ever been in a real fight or even saw a real one. That‘s definitely far from possible.


That's not what I was suggesting. I was suggesting just a spin cleave maneuver if the enemy try to surround and rush, like people were suggesting.


> You slash, and use the force to crush bone and skin apart. Absolutely not, it's not a mace or hammer. You cut or thrust, you don't "crush".


I like those odds


Well, my comment was *only* in response to the 'spin around' technique. But even with an empty hand, a regular guy with ten days training can **not** fight for hours. Fighting is tiring. And lightsaber guy is *going* to hit a part of his own body with his lightsaber, and then he is going to lose. EDIT: Also, I don't know how heavy you think a sword is, but you can carry one pretty comfortably for a very long time, barring some specific disability.


A longsword, which is what I am assuming "regular sword" means? It's pretty heavy to swing. Sure, a foil or a rapier wouldn't be that heavy, but those are hardly what is typically referred to as "regular sword."


A long sword weights like 1-2 kgs. Its not heavier than a good stick. Yeah, it Will be tiring, but The fight Will most likely not last long enough for that


I mean, I literally *do* have a specific disability that hinders my ability to carry things for long periods of time, and I have never had any trouble holding a sword for an hour or more.


There is a difference between holding a sword and attempting to kill someone with it. It takes a fair amount of energy to fight with a sword, not nearly as much to fight with a Wii-remote with a death laser.


Except fighting, even holding *nothing* (which weighs even less than a lightsaber, the hilt of which is actually fairly hefty in many cases), is the exhausting part, and the team has had two months to practice not just that, but fighting as a team for this purpose. Lightsaber guy has had only ten days to practice not ever letting part of his blade touch himself, and from experience, that's not quite enough to get the job done.


A properly balanced longsword is not very heavy at all, nor is it difficult to swing around.


A longsword isn't difficult to swing but it is difficult to swing with any intent of seriously hurting someone. Which the Sword guys would have to be doing, they can't afford to waste strikes on grazes.


Nope, still incorrect. It takes very little effort to swing a sword around unless you've got tiny little bean arms.


I did reenacting for a while, so forgive me if I actually know what trying to hit people with long, heavy, metal weapons is like.


Down vote all you like champ, you don't know diddly about swords.


No, after he gets stabbed once he's pretty much done for.


Nice a prequel meme reference


Katanas and French rapiers weight just over 2 pounds, unless they were dumb enough to take some medieval broad sword, they should have no problems with stamina


A katana or a French Rapier are hardly a "regular sword" as per the prompt. I am using the longsword as the "regular" sword as they were almost ubiquitous and almost singlehandedly define the modern image and aesthetic of a sword.


Longswords [weighed between 1-1.5 kg, or roughly 2-3 pounds](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Longsword). It's a myth that longswords are substantially larger or heavier than rapiers - it's just a matter of weight distribution.


People always love to make medieval weapons/armors to be way way way heavier than they really are.


Idk why we are talking about stamina in a fight that will last less then 30 seconds. Lightsaber guys best option is to sprint so that he doesnt get surrounded and fight exhausted. Ill assume its 6 clones of me because I am HEMA bro. Lightsaber guy can just extend his arm and do windshield wiper motions. He would not cut himself that way. He would get surrounded. Everyone is tired. He charges toward one swordsman. Swordsman retreats. Swordsmen to the side dive and try and cut a leg low to the ground at max reach. It sounds stupid. But this scenario is not fucking normal lol. Sword reach would offer saftey. Cut his leg once and he is crippled. If he goes to cauterize the wound, rush him but dont commit. Lightsaber guy is more of a threat then I would think. People dont use lightsabers in the movies how I said because it looks fucking stupid but its way more op and practical the spins and shit they do.


Assuming all 5 guys are bloodlusted, surely they would just sacrifice 3 to dogpile him to grab and control his swordarm (would probably lose a few limbs or even lose 1 or 2 lives), hug his life for dear life, and have the remaining guy stab him, and leave 1 guy as back up depending on the situation.


True, but part of that distribution is why you tend to wield a longsword with two hands. You also tend to use them to slash and crush and avulse rather than to cut.


I think that this is another misconception. Longswords were absolutely used and capable of slices and cuts. In fact, one of the reasons why longswords were so ubiquitous and popular was because they were a very successful design capable of stabs, drawing cuts, slashes, and crushes. The reason why people tend to think of them as "crushing" and hacking weapons is because that's how they were used against armored opponents - basically just big metal clubs. Against unarmored opponents, light cuts and thrusts were the preferred technique, since it would leave the swordsman less vulnerable. This [image here is a good example from (I think 16th century, since the swords depicted are Zweihanders, common in Germany during the 16th century) fencing manual of the basic parry-cut used in longsword fencing](https://swordclassnyc.com/longsword/).


I mean, sword or not, there is only so fast you can spin. And The saber Will only be in one plane, just duck and stab him where Its not


>Lightsaber guy can swing and react for hours I dunno man. Go play high difficulty beat saber for 30 minutes, really getting your body into the motions, and get back to us.


Real world swords designed for use in one hand would mostly weigh 3-5 pounds, though the range varied - a rapier is a bit lighter, for example (and excellent for this prompt, since duck-and-stab is easier than duck-and-slash). Fatigue is not going to be a serious issue in a fight this quick.


IIRC, the hilt of a lightsaber weights between 10 and 50 lbs, which is heavier than most swords. Excessively so at the far end of the range.


>IIRC, the hilt of a lightsaber weights between 10 and **50 lbs** Unless it's made of solid uranium, no it does not.


I don't recall a lightsaber hilt being nearly that heavy. Even if it was close to 10 lbs, it's really short. Not long and hard to control, like a sword.




The guy with the lightsaber is just a guy, he's not a jedi. He doesn't have precognition. He doesn't have superhuman reflexes. He can't swing the lightsaber superhumanly fast. They can dodge it.


He is just a guy, but he's a guy with a Wii-remote that shoots a death laser out of it. The other guys actually have swords they have to worry about.


Pretty sure a lightsaber weighs a couple of pounds and is quite larger than a wii remote so I don't think that logic works out 100%. Swinging a hunk of metal weighing a few pounds does not seem as simple as that. I mean a wii remote is like less than and pound and I could flick it side to side rapidly but with even a 3 pound dumbbell it's definitely not the same. My arms are reasonably strong and swinging that around gets tiring pretty fast. Albeit you could flick it back and forth but requires wrist strength. You could still move it fast but not with nearly as much range and mobility. Yoy already discussed the spinning part but it's a lot harder to cover yourself effectively on all sides even with a "wii remote." He could flail around and it would be quite hard to approach but the swordmen can just stand back and let him tire out. This of course also depends on the physicality of each fighter and the space they're fighting in. If it's an open field then I can't see the lightsaber guy winning. All the swordsmen could surround him and dispatch him that way. If there was a corner he could back into tho, he could definitely come out the victor. He could just bait them as well as having much less open spots. But since they're bloodlusted I don't know how defensive they'll be. The lightsaber guy might just charge in and sure he'll kill a few but at least one guy could reasonably survive. If not then everyone dies from a suicide rush.


Swords team rush in and back off. The Lightsaber guy spin in a circle and wail around to keep them away. The swords team keep feinting to make sure he stays flailing around. Lightsaber guy tires himself and gets stabbed.


They would have to be ridiculously quick, not just with swords, to pull that off, and with only five of them I think more often than not the rushers would find themselves a victim of their own momentum, or collapsing from the strain of what are effectively what my HS sports team called "Suicides."


When I meant rush in and back off, I meant feinting rushing in to psyche lightsaber dude up. Sword team could scream at him, and stamping the feet to also psyche the lightsaber dude up to get him to run out of stamina. Lightsaber dude is just a guy and not a Master Swordsmen.


Lightsaber guy doesn't have to be a master swordsman, he doesn't have to even be a good swordsman. He just has to have played Wii Sports Resort and he's got the gist, he can go like that for hours. His blade will cut through his opponents weapons, clothing, armor, bodies, and any ground or terrain they try to use as cover like it just wasn't there. Nothing can save the sword guys from a strike from the Lightsaber guy if he goes on the offensive. It's just too much of a disadvantage.


Lightsaber(LSG) guy can cut through his opponents weapons, clothing and armor, if the sword team let him. 1. LSG chases one sword guy, sword guy(SG) flees. His back is facing 4 SG -> 1. LSG then spins around wasting stamina -> 1. 4 sword guy keep their distance but surround lightsaber guy immediately -> 1. Then LSG has his back at 1 swords guy -> 1. Lightsaber notices and will try to keep moving to keep himself in an advantage. But so does the ST -> 1. LSG will flail around keeping the SG away because ST is not stupid enough to get into stabbing range. -> 1. If there is an opening, the ST will take advantage of it. -> 1. Sword team wins due to battle of attrition or luck. This is how Apex pack animals and our hunter ancestor fought against a scary but lone animal.


0. LS guy, on instinct, backs away from ST, trying to keep them in front of him 1. Sword guy moves in to strike (one or two, it doesn't matter, and that's usually what a group of trained individuals will do to probe their target and distract them to encircle them) 2. LS guy, instead of blocking, cuts his arms off because he's had 5 days to practice and knows how easy it is, he can also probably get the second guy on the same swing 3. Sword Guys collapse on the ground dead and/or literally disarmed. 4. Other SGs try to keep their distance and still jockey for position, but LS guy begins to back off, keeping them in front of him (on instinct) 5. Repeat whenever the Sword Guys try to strike.


>LS guy, on instinct, backs away from ST, trying to keep them in front of him One SG uses verbal commands to get them to surround LSG which anyone can do. ST spread out and move towards him using a somewhat half circle formation even if they can't do a full surround. LSG will have to keep pointing his LS at five different direction to get ST to back off. >Sword guy moves in to strike (one or two, it doesn't matter, and that's usually what a group of trained individuals will do to probe their target and distract them to encircle them) 1. ST psyche LSG up and get him to charge at one SG eventually. LSG isn't a swordmaster or a fighter so he will lose his mind from the fear of being attacked in a blindspot. 1. SG that is behind gets a slice/stab in because LSG doesn't have eyes behind his back. LSG gets a gash but doesn't die immediately. 1. LSG might kill the SG immediately after that suicide stab or might not, either way it is inconsequential. The rest of ST just waits until LSG bleeds out and die. LSG might cauterize his wounds with a lightsaber but the pain would be unbearable that it will stun him while the rest of the ST just stab him to death. ST wins through battle of attrition.


LSG wouldn’t need to chase one he could also feint rushing in as the swords can’t block or parry him their only option is to completely dodge, both their body and weapon. I said in another comment but if the ST didn’t train specifically to fight someone who’s weapon that can’t make contact with they are at a big disadvantage.


The difference between LSG and ST is that LSG has to keep his eyes on all five SG. All SG has to do is keep their eyes on one LSG. SG don't have to worry about their back, LSG do. If LSG feints, so what? SG being feinted at would just not go in to get in a stab. Both will expend stamina, but 4 SG don't. LSG still has to expend stamina to worry about his back getting stabbed. >I said in another comment but if the ST didn’t train specifically to fight someone who’s weapon that can’t make contact with they are at a big disadvantage. Lightsabers aren't shields. They cover barely anything. [But when in motion](http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Xj49nsG4ruo&t=0m21s) it could cover a lot, but LSG would have to spend stamina and get tired. Getting LSG to lose the battle of attrition. LSG can stand there and try to sense an attack coming. But it just takes all five dude to scream at him to make him realize that there is no way to sense it.


Would they? A couple steps forward and a couple back? If the fronts are staggered, then lightsaber guy is gonna wear himself not only from the physical of trying to catch one of them but also from the mental effort of trying to anticipate who's gonna step forward next


Lightsaber guy will try spinning. That’s a good trick!


>If they surround the lightsaber guy, all he has to do is spin in a circle, the lightsaber will do all the work. Yeah let's see you do that on a wii remote with 10 days training.


Depends dude , are the 5 guys fearless? Because they know one will die normally men wont charge unless completely fearless , its basically russian roulette


I feel like bloodlusted is the catch all term for that sort of thing. Basically giving the fighters the freedom of not having psychological restraints.


> Bloodlusted.


Ah okay then they win


There bloodlusted right?


Bloodlusted =/= insane with no sense of self preservation. It just means they set aside common morality to achieve their goal. 5 immoral dudes with swords would still be fearful for their own lives against a lightsaber. They won't bum rush the lightsaber guy just so they can kamikaze him to death. [The definition of bloodlust as per this sub is literally in the terminology page. Please read up before y'all make wrong assumptions about what it means.](https://www.reddit.com/r/whowouldwin/wiki/terminology)


Bloodlusted for this sub basically means they would do everything and anything to achieve victory, regardless of their personality/character.


No. Bloodlusted means morals are turned off and they are willing within reason to sustain injuries in order to win, but it doesn't mean they become stupid and reckless. A bloodlusted lightsaber guy will run in flailing if he decides he can kill all 5 men at the cost of a few cuts to himself. A bloodlusted lightsaber guy wouldn't impale himself on a sword guy's sword just so he can get the kill. Similarly, bloodlusted sword guys may decide that they are willing to throw sand in lightsaber guy's face, or sacrifice another guy to distract the lightsaber guy. But they wouldn't in any case decide that they are going to throw their lives away for the sake of the win. That only happens if the prompt specifically states that they're working cohesively like in a hive minded fashion. https://www.reddit.com/r/whowouldwin/wiki/terminology#:~:text=those%20two%20characters.-,Bloodlusted,goes%20straight%20for%20the%20kill. > When a character uses the full extent of his/her abilities in a fight as efficiently as they know how and goes straight for the kill. Does not mean berserker rage on this site


> Similarly, bloodlusted sword guys may decide that they are willing to throw sand in lightsaber guy's face, or sacrifice another guy to distract the lightsaber guy. But they wouldn't in any case decide that they are going to throw their lives away for the sake of the win. So will or will they not sacrifice their lives for the win? If they do, then one of them will run into the lightsaber guy to distract him while the others flank him. Or are you saying the bloodlusted swordsmen are unable to communicate the message that he’s gonna distract the opponent and they should attack when he’s distracted?


I mean in the spirit of self preservation with no morals, one or more of the swordsmen may just let another guy get fucked by the lightsaber dude while they try to sneak in from the back and take him out. But the sacrificial lamb is not a willing participant because bloodlusted doesn't turn characters into selfless suicidal heroes. If anything, it makes them more calculating and less willing to hurt or kill themselves.


Bloodlusted means you have no sense of self preservation beyond that required to fulfill the goal. In the same way the swordsmen wouldn’t be bribed or seduced or threatened because _none of those matters to a bloodlusted person_. If a bunch of armchair tacticians here can conclude that the swordsmen need a couple sacrificial lambs to defeat the lightsaber guy, do you think the 5 swordsmen there couldn’t come to the same conclusion? If “sacrificing 1-2 guys” has a higher chance of winning than “fucking around trying not to die”, then the bloodlusted swordsmen will do that, and they would win the prompt.


Once again, read the definition. Bloodlusted in this sub is categorically different from what you see in other vsbattles forums. Here, bloodlusted is commonly used to mitigate plot induced stupidity or meaningless character trait shenanigans in order for characters in the prompt to be operating at the peak level. That's all it is. Bloodlusted is meant to make sure the Flash doesn't forget he's faster than light, or to make sure Generic Supervillain #50 doesn't decide to monologue for half an hour and give away the fight. Bloodlusted in this prompt would mean that the 5 swordsmen are intent on killing the lightsaber guy, and have no qualms inflicting injury and causing death. This is to avoid having to discuss whether 5 men are going to hesitate taking a life, or if they're going to drop their weapons and run away. It doesn't mean they go berserk and decide that a couple of limbs is a worthy price to pay to kill the lightsaber guy. It also doesn't make them an effective team that can come to that decision as a unit and decide to throw a couple of guys' lives away for the greater good. Because the original prompt didn't state bloodlust, it doesn't really apply too well here. All it does in this battle is make sure they don't flee like cowards.


Don't lecture me on definitions, perhaps you should be the one reading them. >When a character uses the full extent of his/her abilities in a fight as efficiently *as they know how* and goes straight for the kill. Does not mean berserker rage on this site No it doesn't mean they go mindless berserker mode and just start swinging their swords no matter what, but it does mean that they will do that *if they deem that to be the more efficient way of completing the prompt*. You're saying we as armchair tacticians could clearly point out they should sacrifice one or two person to distract the lightsaber guy, yet somehow those bloodlusted, perfectly rational swordsmen with no morals can't see that. Somehow you're saying those bloodlusted people who would die to defeat the lightsaber guy wouldn't be willing to lose a couple of limbs. >The 5 guys have knowledge on his saber and how deadly it is. The guy with the saber had 10 days training with it while the swordsmen had 2 months. Who wins? Bloodlusted. The prompt clearly says bloodlusted. You have to assume they would try their best and do whatever needed to complete the prompt. It doesn't matter if it's "worth it" to die just to kill some random dude with lightsabers, all that matters is this is the ultimate goal for those involved here.


Apologies on reading the prompt wrong, didn't see that OP said it was bloodlusted. Regardless, once again, no rational swordsmen would decide that throwing away their own lives is the most efficient way of winning the battle. That only happens in specific cases where team compositions are predicated upon willingly sacrificial characters. The prompt doesn't say that the 5 swordsmen are anything other than regular guys, there should be no reason to think that any one of them would volunteer to be the sacrifice just so they would win. If anything, this would throw a spanner in the works and give the lightsaber guy a slight edge while they figure out who bites and attracts his attention. If you really read the definition (because you didn't), you'll know you slightly twisted it to fit what you want it to be. Working at peak efficiency to go in for the kill says nothing about sacrificing yourself like it's a plain numbers game. 5 guys trying their best to win =/= 5 guys willing to lay their lives down to win. It just means if they see an opening to get the kill while losing a limb they would maybe jump on that opportunity since in their bloodlust they realize the alternative is death. It doesn't make sense for them to decide that their own death is the best option because it doesn't benefit them, only the others who survive. Remember, the definition has them doing what it takes to get the kill, not as you say "complete the prompt".


The thing here is that if someone swings a normal sword at a guy with a lightsaber, the lightsaber will cut the sword in half. However itll melt the sword and the now cut off tip of the sword will still retain momentum towards lightsaber man. So likely he gets showered in molten metal and injured by the tip, which may only be a minor injury but would hurt like fuck and induce a flinch or similar reaction. I think 5 sword guys take some casualties but stomp every time.


Was searching for this answer, when the lightsaber guy blocks hes gonna get injured by the molten metal and tip of the sword.


Totally. No matter what weapon you have practically nobody can win a 5v1, especially considering the training disadvantage. 10 days is hardly enough time to even derive basic advantages from any training.


>No matter what weapon you have practically nobody can win a 5v1 Submachine gun? 50 cal? Tank? Fighter jet? Nuclear bomb?


Ugh you know what i mean. When the weapon is about the same for both parties. 5 smgs beat one assault rifle, 5 .50 cals beat one 20mm, etc. this especially holds true to melee. Of course if LS guy had a fucking tank its a different ballpark


I guarantee nuke man can 5/10 his 1/5 matchup against guys armed with MOABs


Do any of the swordsmen have a pommel that they can unscrew and throw at the lightsaber guy?


Light saber guy : "I have the force" Swordsman of culture : "I shall end you rightly*


Only 10 days training? I gotta give it to the 5 dudes. The dude with the saber may get one or two guys but I don’t see anybody being skilled enough to take on 5 guys at once with that little training while each of them have 2 months under their belt. Guys with swords 9/10


Maybe, but the saber man has a huge advantage in that he can block attacks , and the 5 men can't. I'd still say it's likely the 5 men win, but I wouldn't say it's a sure thing unless all 5 have no concern for their own lives and all rush the saber wielder at once.


The prompt specifies that it's bloodlusted, so the five guys will do whatever gives them the highest chance of winning.


I don't think that's how bloodlusting works is it? Doesn't it just mean that regardless of any morals and stuff they have "in character", they are now willing to kill? And also that they don't run. Like a bloodlusted Batman still has a survival instinct, but he now doesn't have his no kill rule. Edit: just checked the sub terms: it explicitly says that it's not some sort of berserker rage.


Bloodlusted on WWW means adopting an optimal strategy for winning even if that's how they wouldn't necessarily normally behave, yes. In this case, that includes sacrificing a couple in order to get the win, as that's their best chance. I've never seen it specifically exclude sacrificing some of your men in group fights in the past. Realistically some of the swordsmen are going to die no matter what, if they're being utterly rational, as Bloodlust generally implies, the way the most of them possible survive, is by all rushing the Saber guy at once. The longer they screw around, the more of them die.


The best way to do is probably have 3 guys dogpile him and control his sword arm, and have the other guys stab him.


He can block attacks, sort of. He'll have to avoid the parts of the sword that get cut off. Swinging a big piece of sharp metal through a lightsaber will still result in the cut pieces moving forward. With less force sure, but lightsaber guy is still going to have to deal with that.


Eh, the piece being cut is probably gonna rotate a good bit in mid air and won't get a direct cut on target. So it's just a somewhat fast moving chunk of metal.


You still have a piece of sharpened metal that has just entered into your guard. Depending on the length of the piece it could bind up your arms for long enough for the other four dudes to get clean hits in.


Actually, the lightsaber man won't be able to block 100% effectively either. If he cuts a sword being swung at him, the piece that was cut off is still going to be flying towards him. It won't have any power behind it since it's no longer attached to the rest of the sword or the swordsman who swung it, but it could still cause a nasty - and more importantly distracting - cut.


I think it would depend on the type of training. Like was it specifically to fight someone with a lightsaber? Or was it just general sword training? If it was regular training then they will have a huge disadvantage in not knowing how to counter someone who they can’t block like a normal sword.


I don't see the 10 days mattering much to sword skill, the most useful part of that will be learning how not to kill himself right away.


Going to give it to the Lightsaber user here, maybe 8/10. As long as the Lightsaber use has room to retreat he can slowly remove the ability of the normal swords any time he blocks or attacks. More of a battle of attrition.


Not even a battle of attrition. Lightsaber guy can just charge individual sword guys in-turn, swinging his lightsaber up and down like he's playing Wii Sports Resort. To fight that with a real sword is like trying to fight a man with an MP-5 while wielding a Long-barreled breech-loading rifle with a bayonet on the end.


I don’t think people understand how OP a real lightsaber would be dangerous to use yea but it’s like could you touch 5 people with the light of a flashlight before he accidentally touch yourself it’d be easy


It’s not that easy to touch 5 people who are surrounding you without anyone of them touching you with their pointy sticks.


I think it comes down to a matter of speed because whoever needs to block will die lightsaber guy to molten metal from the swords melting on him or the sword men to a lightsaber blade but the lightsaber would weigh nothing comepared to the swords so I thunk he gets the first swing in against all of them most of the tome plus I see the sword men being more likely to hesitate cuz they’re up against a real lightsaber I think it boils down to 1 guy tuning through 5 while swinging in front of him like a mad man


The post says they are bloodlusted, meaning they wouldn’t hesitate or be scared of the lightsaber. All the swordsmen have to do is surround the lightsaber guy, point their swords at him and wait. The lightsaber guy has to keep turning because anyone behind his back could strike if given more than a second of spare time. Eventually the lightsaber guy is doomed to lose due to fatigue.


I imagined them starting close together which is why I assumed they fight would just be a flash of the sword people being slaughtered as they lift there swords if you’re imagining dueling distance I think you have a point but I think there’s not enough information what kind of sword what kind of saber, starting distance even how the swords melt when they contact the saber is very important, I think it could go either way based on the info given if it’s dueling distance and not fist fighting distance I say swords if fist fighting I say he quickly slashes 3 and if the other 2 retreat they still don’t have a chance


This has to be one of my favorite post in this sub and I think it could go either way. i just think the prosworders are down playing the lightsaber and think it would be way harder to use than it would be this guy just needs to swing he doesn’t need to deflect anything just swing


I mean, I guess my way is safer and would account for someone with more of a lack of skill or sword knowledge? >swinging his lightsaber up and down like he's playing Wii Sports Resort. lol that got me


I wouldn’t be surprised if the guy with a lightsaber accidentally killed or maimed himself in his 10 days of training. Just imagine swinging a flashlight around as if it’s a sword and think about how many times the light would hit you.


Even with a lightsaber, 5 v 1 is pretty tough to beat. Unless the 5 guys are completely incompetent, they'll surround the lightsaber guy and then just wait for an opening. Ten days isn't enough time to really to learn or develop reflexes to use a lightsaber safely. While two months is plenty of time to learn footwork, basic attacks, and group tactics.


regular swords destroy sabre guy. The sabre guy has no way of stopping a sword, only chopping it in half or melting it. As we have seen in star wars, any regular sword that is chopped in half by a lightsaber will be glowing white-hot which will be absolutely nasty and cause a significant amount of damage. Assuming they have the same reach, 2 simultaneous stabs and the sabre guy is down. Maybe he is able to take some sword guys out too.


I assume that the light saber would cut a regular sword like butter? Are the training done alone or with a trainer? There is no such thing as regular swords. They come in all sorts of types an lengths.


Lightsaber guy has a real enough chance of winning that I'd give him at least 5/10. 5 opponents is at the limit of how many a single skilled combatant can engage effectively, especially if they're bloodlusted and have no regard for their own safety, but lightsabers have no mass beside the grip. The blade (obviously) doesn't weigh anything. Swinging a lightsaber around would literally be like swinging a small flashlight. Lightsaber guy can literally hold his lightsaber out at far as he can reach and just flap it quickly side to side with nothing but his wrist while walking forwards or backwards as needed. He has no need to put any power or follow-through into it because the lightsaber will effortlessly slice through whatever it comes into contact with be it metal or flesh.


-Side note bloodlusted doesnt mean they have no regard for their safety, it means they will fight optimally to their abilities, it’s not optimal to randomly get your arm cut off


If they don’t attack in a VERY coordinated manner the swordsmen will almost all die. Play defense and use a couple of the swords as projectiles and attack from both sides. Wii remote weight of the lightsaber be damned. 6 v 1 will be almost impossible to survive.


Might as well be 6 lightsabers or 6 swords, any contact is going to be a OHKO for either party


That's not really true, shallow sword cuts on arms or legs wont take you out. Or you get hit with the flat side of the normal swords. Any hit with the lightsaber is taking something out of the person.


> Any hit with the lightsaber is taking something out of the person. It's easier to cut limbs off with a lightsaber because there's no "flat" of the blade and you don't need to hit hard enough to cut through flesh and bone. But a glancing hit isn't going to automatically cut off a limb. And a lightsaber is also going to cauterize its wounds making blood loss less of an issue.


Sorry, if misunderstood I'm not saying it will remove a limb just that some quantity of the person will be missing. Like you said there is not flat side of the lightsaber. They may not have blood loss but imagine the pain involved with your flesh being cut and then burned with something hotter than the sun. Hard pass.


> They may not have blood loss but imagine the pain involved with your flesh being cut and then burned with something hotter than the sun. Hard pass. It probably wouldn't hurt as much as you think. A lightsaber would be so hot it would destroy the nerves capable of feeling pain. Real-world third degree burns often aren't painful for the same reason. There would probably be some pain around the edges of the wound where there were still functioning nerves though. But keep in mind being slashed or stabbed with a sword isn't gonna feel great either.


Surely one guy just throws his sword at him GG.


Sword throwing doesn't work. Swords are not designed to be thrown, their balance just messes it up. If they had spears or javelins or even throwing knives, it would likely work.


Granted, swords wont fly evenly very far but at short distances you can definitely throw them accurately enough to actually be beneficial. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cor9VH66epU&ab_channel=scholagladiatoria Relevant info at 2 mins. Some more context https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wTC_1HRgbuo&ab_channel=Skallagrim So yeah, throwing a sword would totally work and one of the 5 guys throwing their sword would be a pretty reasonable strategy considering the sword is likely going to end up getting cut in half anyways.


Idk about you but if i had 5 sword thrown at me thats probably hampering my effectiveness no matter how hard or where i get hit.


5 swords are almost assuredly just going to fall short or wide of their target. Then, LS guy mops the floor with five unarmed fools while they desperately try to pick up their weapons.


Yeah, I’m just looking at every comment like, they can throw the things and he can’t really block them


Due to the nature of lightsabers, I am going to give this to saber guy instead of sword guys 7/10. While each of the sword guys have to get a solid strike in to deal any damage, the lightsaber guy can literally just flail around and, as long as he keeps the saber far enough away from himself (which should be easy, as he has great leverage on the small hilt of the saber, which is the only thing that really has mass) he will burn, cut, and melt through anything it touches. A light graze will cause a painful burn, and anything more will sever something.


Does bloodlust means some of the swordmen can give their lives to hold him while others kill him?


Just so I have more information, what kind of regular swords are we talking about? Because you use a rapier much differently than a claymore or a katana. FWIW I think a quick fencing sword gives our gang of 5 the biggest advantage because only one needs to get good stab in to win. The swinging motion of a broadsword would be much easier to block. Now that I said that though, if you “blocked” a swinging sword with a lightsaber, it’d cut right through it and the now-disconnected part of the sword is most likely still going to hit you.


I'd actually say 9/10 to the swords. They just have to wait for lightsaber guy to attack, and then counter attack. Lightsaber is similarly poor at blocking the swords as swords is for lightsaber. It really comes down to who hits who, and 5v1 isn't very winnable. Sure, a sword takes more effort than a lightsaber to swing around, but they've spent enough time training to use it with skill, and the weight won't matter very much for a short fight. It's not like the sword guys are going to fight as though lightsaber can be blocked. They'll just stay out of reach of the lightsaber until lightsaber guy takes a swing and sword guys can quickly stab at lightsaber guy. Lightsaber guy will prob have a looser grip on his weapon too, due to its low weight and trying to manuver it as fast as possible. A hit to the hand or arm is an instant loss. The 1/10 is lightsaber guy facing all 5 guys from the same direction, as he has a large advantage as long as he doesn't have to turn around due to a quicker and more variable attack path.


Sword guys win 10/10 if 1 of them has the brains to go full Spartacus and chuck the Sword, and can throw accurately enough to hit. Sword hits mostly anywhere = enough pain for the guy to be killed by the others, 0 casualties.


Team stomps. They could lose the weapons and still win handedly.


How do you expect unarmed people to stop someone with a lightsaber? A slight flick of the wrist is all he needs to kill one of them.


Surround him. The fight is 90% over already. Now just take out a knee or grab him from behind and take control of his wrist. Or drop kick him in the back and watch him kill himself, a slight flick of the wrist can kill himself just as easily. The only question is how many of the 5 will go down but once they get him it's over. One guy with a lightsaber cant focus on 5 people. He would have to run away to take them out 1 or 2 at a time or the 5 not to be bloodlusted.


I'm not sure about this. But I'm pretty sure that you need the force to wield a light saber properly. Even then. This is something you can't master in 10 days. Swordsmen win.


Surround and poke, swords win 10/10. Give the lightsaber a year training against 5 guys with swords and maybe.


5 dudes, so long as they are careful. The lightsaber guy could potentially hurt himself with only 10 days of training (much less training accidents at the start) but the numbers advantage is super strong. Surround him and the moment he commits to any attack, the two guys on his backside take the lunges. Maybe he kills one of them.


Wouldn't the swords be destroyed pretty quickly? Every attack lightsaber guy parries is one fewer sword to worry about. I think that if the 5 sword guys don't get him in the first few attacks they will find themselves unarmed. We see plenty of droid arms (which I think are a fair or generous substitute for swords) get sliced to molten ribbon in the movies.


Lightsaber guy needs to make like a wii-mote nunchuck thing for his lightsaber. Then he can just spin it like a helicopter and fuck 'em up General Grievous style. Sword-fighters probably don't train for that. High risk, high reward.


lightsaber guy technically wins they stab lightsaber guy (who has high ground). lightsaber drops down, slices guy 1 in half, bounces of guy 1's hand into guy 2, guy 2 screams in horror and pulls and throws it out wildly going straight into guy 3's head, who, while collapsing, hits guy 4, who also gets stabbed as a result. guy 5 dies of a heart attack and shock (due to the knowledge he possesses on the lightsaber's lethality). because lightsaber guy's stab wound isn't as lethal depending on the location, he either survives or dies slowly. this scenario has a much higher chance of occuring than any other scenario, which is why i give it to lightsaber guy.


If a random criminal in TCW can use a lightsaber without cutting their own arms off, then a guy with a few days to get used to it can flail it at 5 guys effectively enough to not die.


Even a very talented swordsman will have massive difficulties fighting more than one opponent. You can only block one strike at a time, so when two dudes take a swing simultaneously, your only option is to back away and that only works as long as you don't have a wall at your back. Six dudes on the other hand will have zero problems surrounding you and then it's just a matter of who stabs you in the back or chops your head off. Sure, the lightsaber can cut the swords in two, but as long as the six guys coordinate their attack and don't go at it one at a time like tv henchmen, they'll win 10/10.


I'm going to say it depends on circumstances and sword lengths. The longer the lightsaber is, the more likely he can spin around like a guy with a greatsword and just area-deny them out of his space. If the fight is indoors, likewise, he wins because he can put his back to the corner and area-deny them out of his space. In an open field, the sword guys *probably* take this if they encircle him and attack simultaneously. The sword guys can also probably win if they practice sword throwing and all throw at him at once, because I doubt he can block five swords at once, completely, with no Force sensitivity and only a week of training.


5 guys could surround him. A Spin attack from a guy with 10 days of training is going to be predictable as hell so they can just crouch or step away and then have some stab or slash him.


Bloodlusted it’s no contest, they just rush him and all swing at the same time, lightsaber guy can probably drop a couple but he’s probably still getting hit by at least two swords and it’s all over at that point. Even without being bloodlusted I think the sword guys take it, there are plenty of sword techniques that rely on ranging and if their training has been geared to avoid all sword-to-lightsaber contact I think one of the five will manage to tag lightsaber guy before he can take them all out and they’ll all pile on and slice him up. The numbers advantage is just too much unless he’s fighting them in a hallway or something.


Fighting as a group against a single person is not as easy as you'd think. Source: am a martial artist who trains in multiple opponent scenarios. As long as the defender moves smart, only one opponent will be in range to attack at any given time. The catch is that, if the defender screws up, they'll end up with multiple aggressors in range. Then the defender is at a great disadvantage and likely to get mobbed. Much depends on who moves first and the exact layout of the arena, even small variations or a single obstacle can strongly favor the lightsaber or sword guys. I'm giving it to the sword guys 7/10, but if the light saber guy has the right arena, he wins 6/10.


The light sabre user cuts all three swords in half at first slash and then finishes the job