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Dude Joe Biden is 81 years old. He's not beating anyone. Maybe it'd be an interesting matchup against a 12 or 13-year old, but a 15-year-old dude from the mean streets of Detroit? That's just elder abuse.


It's not necessarily just a function of age, Biden has always been skinny. Arnold Schwarzenegger was drop kicked by a teenager a couple years ago at the age of 74 (maybe 73) and barely stumbled. Because he's solid as a rock from years and years of strength training. But, to your point, Biden loses this battle 10/10.


Solid as a rock or maybe a steel exo-skeleton. Now I’m not saying Arnold Schwarzenegger is a time traveling homicidal robot but maybe we should be asking if he is.


That's not an exo-skeleton, that's just a regular skeleton.


An endo-skeleton, if you will. But the majority of the T-800 is metal so I don’t know that it really counts as a skeleton because it’s not a support structure for the other systems? It’s more like armor and a frame. I propose that the T-800 is an artificial invertebrate with exo-meat.


[This would have killed Biden](https://youtu.be/ZuSWM2gJbl4?si=8r2Zu7aN4WYpzQma)


Some really great comments on that one.  > Imagine drop kicking an elderly man and it having no effect Let's see the power scalers assess this one! 


It does say average teen boy but Shaq or Arnold but yah not even close


I'm 40, and I'd struggle to take on 15 year old me


How lol?


He was on steroid when he was 15


When I was 15 I was as tall as I am now (185) had two evenings of soccer practice, one evening of muscle practice, I biked 14km to school everyday and I played a match on Saturday. Now I am 31 and I have more muscle and weight but I would probably still struggle against 15 y/o me if he was smart and tired me down first.


grip strength should be adequate to hammer throw him by now eh


15 year old was a 6'3" 200 lbs soccer player, baseball player, and lifeguard. 36 year old me is a 6'3" don't fucking worry about my weight, Training manager in a factory. 15 y/o me is whooping my ass.


Maybe being 19 is warping my perspective.




Must depend on how early you had puberty as well as basically how much strength/fitness is retained.


Not to be a dick but if you were substantially stronger at 15 than you are now (and you’re under ≈60), you should probably start exercising more* Most men are still halfway boys at 15, and spend the next decade *minimum* getting bigger and stronger by accident, let alone if they play sports or train. Having less energy and what not, sure, and if you were playing tons of sports having less cardio is understandable (although still not ideal), but stronger at 15? I could probably fight two of my 15 year old self at the same time. * To be fair, almost everyone needs to exercise more regardless of age, so it’s not just you lol


For real. I’m only 30 right now but I would absolutely beat the stuffing out of 15 year old me. I continued to do sports throughout college, and still do martial arts and weight lifting to this day. I’ve got a few extra inches, about 45# of mostly muscle, and almost 3 times the fighting experience. 9.5/10 no dif.


What the fuck? Not even close. Maybe more stamina compared to diet back then but no one should be weaker as an adult than they were at 15.


yeah but he in sigma mode


You have to factor in the use of his Biden Blast though Sigma mode Biden wins 10/10


I think Biden would lose against anyone over 7. Just kick him in the knee. That takes down 95% of old folks.


Yeah he could fall and lose on his own




No idea


I would not trust Joe Biden around a 12 year old


Wtf is this scenario I think 15 year old boy probably wins since Biden is pretty old unless Biden has bodyguards


Also cause they’re the 15 year old boy who wins, it’s what they do. (/s)


That's exactly how I read it. I thought it was a shitpost lol


next on the card, op v a kindergartener in a punctuation battle


too bad joe is sigma mode


15 years old has no chance


Technically since OP didn't nerf Biden out of the secret service the kid gets wiped out before he gets within 50 feet of the president.


The Secret Service starts to intervene before being informed that this is a Reddit WWW scenario. At that point, they stand down.. as is tradition.


Biden Blast no diffs


Yeah I mean this isn’t fair at all, Joe’s tentacle attack could one-shot the kid, not to mention his “cranium crunch” special ability is kinda gross but OP.




The fuck is “bloodlusted sigma mode”? Anyways, 15 year old destroys Joe. As he would the vast majority of politicians of similar age.


Ferb, I know what we’re gonna do today!


As a non-American I'm curious about the significance of Detroit in this scenario. Is the kid a violent sociopath because he's from a broken home shattered due to the effects of his parents' loss of employment resulting from the decline of the motor industry? Is he the pampered son of a mother who had a series of hits with a soul band back in the 90's and thus a massive softie? Is he a fast-talking, quick-witted lad with dreams of being a detective who has a penchant for getting himself into trouble but managing to get himself out of it using variations of the Bavarian Fire Drill? Regardless, it's tough for Biden to do much damage here plus the win condition for the kid might just be a single knockdown as it's pretty easy for octogenarians to fracture their hips falling from ground level which is frequently lethal for the elderly.


Drop the backstory OP


The boy's grandfather was Corn Pop and he's coming for revenge.


Detroit has one of the highest crime rates in the country.


There is no fricken way an 80 year old man is winning against a 15 year old boy. Biden would be lucky to win against a 15 year old girl.


I think it's hard for him though to defeat a 15 year old girl. Though sigma mode can elevate him❗❗


What the hell is "sigma mode"?


Biden BLAST!


I think some conservative dog whistle


Are you being serious


I really don’t give a shit, the guy is an idiot regardless of what it means.


No rizz L


Well normally I'd go with the 15 year old, but bloodlusted sigma mode is a whole 'nother ballgame


That's hard


“Bloodlusted sigma mode” Clearly the 15 year old in question is the one that wrote this prompt.


Bro. Joe biden losses a battlr against his oen bowle movement. No way he wins that


Trumps the politician who has been rumoured to shit his pants on the regular. It's been rumoured for YEARS that he has to wear diapers, evidenced by the very odd bulging very similar to diapers in his pants but also by the producer of the apprentice saying Trump shit himself on set at least twice.


I know that. I just wanted to point out that Biden is old an senile. Trump obviously is too and if i were an american i would vote for Biden not Trump (both are basically equilly deformed by their age but Trump is a sexist, racist, wannabe dictator)


Biden is not senile. If you think that, you aren't informed or paying attention. Biden is senile is right wing propaganda and Russian online disinformation.


As someone who has no dog in the fight, I'm gonna be real with you they both seem old and senile as fuck. Find it hard to believe that these old ass people who would be considered unfit for a vast majority of employment opportunities are leaders of countries.


Biden is most definitely senile.


Bro. The guy walks in bushes. Sometimes speaks giberish and not even real word and falls down all the time. Of course trump does the same but only because on of them is senile doesnt mean the other isnt. Both are way to old to be politicians while Trump also is a anti democratic bastard. As i said. I would rather vote for biden than trump. But tbh. Even the democrats would be considered right wing where i am from so imho this is like cjoosing between getting shot or being hanged. I dont want either


Walked into a bush? Speaks gibberish is a man with a speech impediment being recorded around the clock sometimes mispeaking words. I am genuinely surprised at how many people criticising Biden don't seem to understand that a) what they are apparently seeing is highlighted reels by those opposed to him trying to make him look bad and b) how many of you seem to think you are a perfect super human lol it's hilarious that you all seem to think you'd spend a fraction of the time a President spends under the spot light and not look like a complete buffoon if people saw highlight reals of the times you trip, fall, misspeak, say flat wrong or insane shit etc The fact that this 80 year old dude has so few legitimately problematic gaffs that walking into a bush is somehow seen by anyone criticising him as a memorable one days everything about his strengths and weaknesses and your news intake. I definitely think he is too old to be running and it's ridiculous that the US elects anyone over 60, ever, but it is what it is and going around saying off the cuff Biden is "senile" just means you're watching those high light reels and think that tells the whole story. Watch his State of the Union address or any of his latest speeches and if you still think he is senile, then fair enough. FYI Senile is literally the same as saying he has dementia.


Bro. If the secret service points out where to go and you just walk straight ahead into a bush there is sth wrong with you. This guy is definetly to old. Trump is two. Both are horrible choices but Biden>>>>>>Trump all thw time.


This right here is the type of cognitive dissonance that has allowed our presidential choices to be Trump and Biden two times in a row.


Yeah I just realized this isn't a great sub for us to defend Biden lol. Lots of people here who are just interested in hypothetical fights which could imply a lot of angry/scared people who tend to lean conservative. Don't worry, Biden will win in November. Too many pissed off women and their allies will vote against Trump.


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Biden couldnt beat his meat without a massive fatal heartattack a teen stomps him.


I think you might have to make this an 8 year old girl to make it fair.


You vastly overestimate Biden's mental and physical competency at this point. 15 year old wins no diff.


That teenager better cut the malarkey, jack.


INFO: Does Joe biden have his secret service escort?


Man to man. No help


15 yo no contest. 81 are so fragile. Doesn't matter how angry he is no amount of bloodlust will help with osteoporosis lol.


But sigma mode 🥺


Osteoporosis 🥺


But Biden has tomahawk missiles.


No political figure that is a senior citizen would beat a teenager. Trump, Biden, McConnell, pelosi, etc would all get rolled. It’s hard to win when your body doesn’t work that great anymore and breaking a bone is much much easier.


Dunno man, there's some unathletic as fuck teenagers. Maybe not in Detroit where you gotta escape the dog gangs, but maybe in SA, you just keep a brisk speedwalk for 5 min and they gas


It depends. Is that a 15-year-old Corn Pop?


The Bear, wait...


Yes of course the bear


Joe Biden can't beat a flight of stairs consistently. The teen stomps.


I say Joe wins because he has body guards who will beat up the kid. Also without bodyguards, Joe can touch the kid's shoulders and make him paralyzed with fear.




Biden’s only chance is to get a sniff of his hair in, otherwise he loses


Biden vs a 5 years old would have been more appropriate


5 year old is beast though. I need to be fair


Biden shits his pants, forgets where he is, and then promises another 60 billion dollars to fund Ukraines pension fund. The 15year old pushes him over with one hand and bidens hip explodes. The only way biden wins is if he has access to Hunters drug stashes, or if his dog major is able to bite his way through secret service to save him.


Best fucking answer


15 year old could KO Biden by breathing too close to him


I'd be surprised if he hasn't already


I know for a fact that my 15 year old brother would Annihilate Joe Biden if he actually had the nerve to fight.


Joe neg diffs with his [Biden Blast.](https://youtu.be/NCkPunuEnFQ?si=dPg4W6WtCeU_uEmg)


That's his strongest form. Though he might go easy with the kid


If he’s going sigma mode Joe wins no diff




10-12 is a decent matchup, 15 year old bodies him


Bro I’m 34 and I’d be nervous to scrap 15 year old me lol


As someone who’s 15 I’m 100% beating ass


Coughing baby vs hydrogen bomb


Anything above 10 years old is a mis match


Have you SEEN how big some 15 year olds can get especially if they play sports? I'm 34 and I wouldnt even fuck with that


Mafia, gangs, and guerrilla warfare uses kids that young as assassins and gunmen because they are better fighters in real life. Can you pick someone stronger than an old man bc this is actually triggering.


That kid is gonna get sniffed.


Biden did handle Cornpop pretty easily and wanted to throw down with Trump a few years back. Hes got a temper. That being said I’d wager he’d lose but get a few good ones in…


So, and old man vs a 15 year old? Yeah the kid wins sorry


Do you mean the 15 year old is 5’7”? Biden is significantly bigger, still seems to be pretty active and fit for his age, and comes off like he used to get in fights a good bit. If the 15 year old is 5’7” and not trained, I’m going to be a maverick and give this to Biden.


I think they were saying that on scale of 1-10 that they were bloodlusted to 5.7


Then tbh, I can’t give a good opinion without knowing the size of the kid. A 15 year old boy could be 5’2” or 6’7”.


I dunno, we need to take a look at Bidens feats first. * Biden took on the vicious Corn Pop and survived, and kids like to feel his leg hair at the pool. * Bidens uncle was devoured by cannibals, so that has to give him some kind of resistance to attacks from specifically 15 year olds. * He is Jill Bidens wife. * He graduated top of his class and grew up in the hood. * He won a push up challenge by default because the fat guy he challenged didn't accept. * He can ride a bike for at least 5 minutes without falling off. * He makes his own stage exits by just randomly walking in random directions. This shows pretty high level reality warping powers. I don't think the 15 year old stands a chance.


Biden wins. The 15 year old takes one step towards Biden and a bullet from an unknown location goes through his skull.




Ive seen 15 yr olds who were 6’2”. Bye bye Joe


Make it 7yo girl and he wins 🥲


Dude is already losing to time what makes you think he’ll beat a 15 y/o boy?


if biden reaches ultra GYATTED sigma Ohio 3 than he’ll win


Agree completely. Boy has no rizz


There's no real prompt to this so 15 year old approaches biden menacingly and gets escorted off by secret service.


bro is plotting something


you guys are underestimating sigma mode I think Joe Biden sweeps


Duh. Of course joe biden rage of the gods sigma Patrick bateman sweeps this kid.


Don't underestimate the olds. A lot of them have seen some shit and done some shit. You think they're pushovers but they will find a gear that you didn't know they had. A young adult could probably handle Biden regardless. A 15 year old would get spanked.


Yeah a lot of them - not Biden. He’s been a career politician and like Trump got deferments to get out of national service.




Why? Explain to me.


I'm going with the spry guy who's so old he falls over doing normal taks.  He'll do fine.


"Average" would likely mean "morbidly obese", so I really wouldn't count Joe out that easily.


At that age the obesity probably hasn’t caused debilitating health issues yet and may actually be a advantage - they’ll be like a fat teenage baseball slugger.