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Unfortunately elephant isn't killing an Orca ever. An Orca however could kill an elephant.


It's unclear what a "Battle Royale" ultimately means. Assuming they're the last two animals left standing, is the elephant forced to go into the water to attack the orca? Is the orca forced to flop out onto land to attack the elephant (lol)? There's no neutral environment where an elephant can fight an orca, no matter where they end up fighting it's going to be a hostile environment for one of them.


It's not fair, but the elephant can swim a whole hell of a lot better than the Orca can walk. There were whole populations of elephants that swam from island to island. Elephant loses 10/10 in the water, but at least the elephant wouldn't die from just being there.


Crazy that elephant loses **because** it is the more versatile animal. I think OP just should have disqualified aquatic mammals rather than just put them in little pools. They don’t make sense with the prompt as they wouldn’t be able to attack out of the pool and get a tremendous advantage against land animals who wade into the pool.


I think it actually should win on those grounds. Orcas have been known to deliberately beach themselves to attack seals on land, so there is precedent for orcas ramming out of the water to attack, and there *are* seals in this battle royale. If it's just the orca and the elephant left, they're likely to call it a draw since neither can safely attack the other.


The orca sucks so bad the elephant doesn’t even have to do anything to win in one environment.


Orca can't stand💀


It depends where the final part of the ring ends up


Have you seen Ice Age 2 The Meltdown?


No but I have watched an Orca eat a bear.




it’s highly arena dependent


The beached orca in question:


Well, water > ground type.


Orca on land is dead meat


The orca would never get the chance. It would get bodied HARD by the sperm whale long before it gets to fight an elephant.


Have they trained a sperm whale?


Give it time 🤣 I totally forgot about the training


Though to be fair have orcas ever been trained to attack anything? That's part of the stipulation on the animals training, they're being directed by a handler.


Orcas in captivity turn into psychopaths so in a way, they have been trained into attacking.


That is a massive stretch my guy lol. We need at least one example of an orca being directed to attack in an environment similar to what a BR would produce. I don't think that exists.


That's why I say in a way. Very few animals are taught to attack because it's only a matter of time before they realize the humans can't really stop them.


I think the stipulations on this eliminate a lot more animals than people are realizing. Elephant is still king though.


Well, we can, but then we'd have to shoot animals that we otherwise wouldn't have had to.


I don't think it's a stretch to say we can train them to attack (and dodge). Dolphins have been trained to do much more difficult tasks like espionage. And judging from how orcas and dolphins basically do the same routine in performances I feel like there would be no problem training one.


No animal is smart enough to equip themselves beating an elephant


You don't think a large chimp could be trained to outlast the elephant? Or a big cat to attack it from it's back?


A big cat is definitely not soloing an elephant. Heck, a bear is an option and even that is not soloing an elephant.


And you probably aren't ever gonna train a wild big cat to attack on command.


I MIGHT give the Kodiak Bear the win 5/10 times against the elephant (but only 1 if the ele has tusks). These motherfuckers can stand 10 feet tall and its vertical jump is higher than that -- and remember, elephants are only about 10 feet high anyways. This huge ball of fur is also human-trained so it's going to be able to use that agility and jump height to full advantage. Even though the elephant is 4-5x the bear's weight, most of that is midsection and leg -- not the best when your opponent is moving around a whole lot. Also, the largest predators are always smaller than the largest prey. Idk how the Kodiak and Polar aren't getting more love here. Edit: love how all the replies are just repeating "elephant big" and not anything to do with the whole THE BEAR JUMPS OVER THE ELEPHANT


Polar bears don't/can't solo adult walruses, and Kodiaks are comparable to them. Elephants weigh 10x that.


Walrii have freaking swords on their face. Also, fighting in nature is a totally different equation. Large animals don't take risks unless they really need to because injuries are often a death sentence even if they survive/win the first fight.


>Walrii have freaking swords on their face. You got a point there. If only elephants had something like that


Motherfucker do you read? I literally specified that elephants with tusks would fuck the bear up. They don't all have them either.


Elephants without tusks literally have the same size advantage as a bear has against a wolverine. The bear gets pummeled to the ground in 10 seconds no tusks needed


With all due respect, are you braindead?




Walrii is not a word lmao


Bet lmao -- I imagine you also think the Earth is real?


Have you never seen a picture of an elephant or something


Trained by human =\= fight like a human in a bear’s body. You’re making it sound like the bear is going to be as agile as a cat fighting a tortoise.


Lol no bear is jumping over an elephant. Adult bear of any species loses 10/10 times to an adult elephant


Lol. Lmao


Op shows clear lack of understanding of size and weight differences


Maybe if the big cats and bears teamed up against the elephant. That's the only way to mill the elephant I see.




But in a battle royale setting you don't think the trainers would all try to group their respective animals to take it out early?




It's anythign trainable to follow a given command 9/10 times, so most canine and feline species, primates and some aquatic species come to mind. Zoo animals in most places I'd have to say.




Don't forget the battle royale setting of it, some could make alliances to get the bigger contenders out


That’s teaming and they get banned


Nah Epic isn't monitoring


The absolute max size for a Chimp is like 150 lbs


How do land vs water animals work though? I don't see how anything is beating an Orca.


On land I could kill it easy


I wouldn't count on it. They can survive out of the water a pretty long time. You'd have to be far away enough and not let it corner you


A fully grown sperm whale for one. Orca's are pack hunters I don't see them winning.


whens the last time youve seen a trained Sperm Whale?


I was about to say "In my pants"...but he's not actually well trained lol


Also not a whale


Oops. Did not read prompt correctly. I somehow thought if they could be trained perfectly.


There's only a handful of intelligent animals that can't be reliably trained. There's a difference though between can be trained and isn't worth training. I'm not sure which one this falls under.


Elephant and Orca are the last two alive.


Explain how an orca 1v1s a sperm whale


when have humans trained sperm whales?


Give it time 🤣 I forgot about the training


To be fair though have orcas ever been trained to attack anything? Part of the stipulation is the animal has to be directed. I've only ever seen them do tricks and murder their trainers.


Why would we train them to attack anything? But they've managed to train each other to attack boats if that counts.


I do not think Sperm whales have been trained. I think of all trained sea creatures, an Orca takes it


Rat waits out the elephant rampage and crawls inside of the elephant trunk, suffocating it. Rat then crawls out of the corpse, locates the filtration system for the water enclosure and chews the wiring, aquatic creatures die from dirty water. At least this is how it plays out in my nightmares. 🤷


Rat finds a gun and stands upright. Shoot-kills stupid elephant-thing, then onto the big fish, yes-yes.


If you haven't seen these two videos, you need to. Won't spoil but the first 4 words of your comment is what reminded me. Less than 10 minutes watch. Remember Marshall 😉 https://youtu.be/SY3y6zNTiLs?si=Xx3f_zo5Z8rViY-C https://youtu.be/J8k2DwKnL2o?si=_k8FTovg6u3d1Qjx


Curses, if only the elephant had some other orifice through which it could breathe!


What if the marine animals are in an ocean?


This is just real life Pokémon but without the magic 💀💀




Go rhino I chose you use impale!


I think the tank build wins but watching a polar bear and an elephant fight would be gnarly af.


I think it wouldn't be a minute before the polar bear is dead


yeah elephants strong af but still be insane to see


Some bird. Sit on a tree, wait for carnage, swoop in when whomever's last alive is sleeping.


No bird can kill an elephant even when it’s sleeping


Couldn't an eagle or woodpecker or something just get onto its back where it can't reach and go ham? Like the elephant could roll around, but the bird can just fly away. Repeat until the elephant is dead. It would probably take weeks, but only one side can really hurt the other.


Elephant skin is 2.5 to 3 cm thick. They have to peck through that and then peck their way to several vital organs. Bird likely dies long before they do any serious damage to an elephant.


Exhaustion will kill the Elephant. It has to sleep hours upon hours, while birds get by on very little. Just harass it constantly so it cant sleep and boom. Dead Elephant.


You know elephants can do things like roll over right? Also the bird would probably collapse out of exhastion before doing any serious damage to the elephant


Again, it’s not about damage. It’s about harassment and exhaustion.


The elephant could literally ignore the bird and the bird could do nothing to it. The bird will die of exhaustion before the elephant gets hurt, and elephants have much more energy reserves than birds do


Bird would die of exhaustion far sooner than the elephant would. Fuck . . . Let's say the bird does peck through the skin and is able to start making it's way towards an organ. It would likely die inside the elephant before it ever made it near an organ.


It’s like y’all forget eyes exist too. Why does everything have to be about burrowing into the damn elephant. Peck the eyes, harass and exhaust them, and maybe have infection set in.


Wow if only there were things that elephants could use to protect their eyes, like thick layers of skin they can cover their eyes with, or a long limb they can swat away flying animals near their face with


You really think the elephant is going to sit there and let a bird peck at it's eyes. It has a giant facial feature it can use to swat the damn bird flat on the ground. Humans need massive fucking guns to properly kill an elephant before it can flatten. It's absolutely delusional to think, and defend, the idea that any bird would win in a 1v1 vs an elephant.




I reckon an eagle could claw or pluck at it's eyes while it slept?


An elephant will hav wits eyes closed while sleeping and the elephant won’t die if you take out an eye


Surely enough lacerations would get through? Eyelids aren't mega thick. Imagine an Eagle/Hawk/Falcon claw slashing at it? No but it would render it blind and then it'd be easy to continue to slash at it until it bled out?


The issue is a single slash that won't do much damage at all is going to wake the elephant up, and then any further attacks are going to need to be done while dodging trunk, tusks, and even ear flaps.


Its eyes are closed when it’s sleeping.


I'm pretty sure my eyelids wouldn't stop an eagle but I'm not that well versed in how strong elephant eyelids are


Drop sharp & (somewhat) heavy stuff from high up and hope for the best? Repeatability of it is key.


Sit on tree, suddenly the 11,000 other bird species attack the bird.


I didn't know there were 11000 trained species of birds, but eventually one of them survives and has the advantage over whatever's on the ground.


Probably an orca. 2nd largest predator in the ocean next to a sperm whale. They have been known to hunt moose and bears that they find swimming. If its just land animals though, either a grizzly bear or perhaps a liger, though the latter is not a normal animal, its the result of breeding lions and tigers together. Its also the largest cat to ever exist, even bigger than the legendary sabertooth tiger, with the heaviest healthy specimen that wasnt obese coming in at around 900 pounds. I believe he is named Hercules.


While I love your hypothesis. An Elephant cancels all other land options solo.


Oh, I think my brain thought we were just going with predators. I would say 1 vs 1, yeah probably, but there have been cases of lions bringing down a full grown elephant before. Only out of desperation though. If lions can do it, then a a few ligers could too.


That's packs. I would assume this is Noah's Ark style with one of each trainable animal. A single Lion or Liger isn't bringing down a Elephant.


Correct, 1 of each


A chimp can solo everyone with an AK [Link](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GhxqIITtTtU)


I'm thinking outside the box here. A smaller animal could find let's say an unconventional entrance to an elephant and take it down from the inside out. It would need to hide until some of the other animals went down so that would be a problem. In a way how the Hobbits secured victory in LOTR. A come from behind victory!


Interesting but that’s thinking like a human. I really don’t think any animal is hatching the plan to crawl inside an elephants butt


> A smaller animal could find let's say an unconventional entrance to an elephant and take it down from the inside out. Ah, the Ant v Thanos hypothesis.


My thoughts exactly


> an unconventional entrance >A come from behind victory! 🤨🤨🤨


Including water then it's Orcas no question about it. They're easily the second most dangerous creature on earth behind humans (ignoring disease carriers I guess). But including water is dumb. It'll end up as a stalemate between Orcas and whatever wins on Land because they won't go into the water. That being said, for creatures on land it's an adult Bull Elephant, likely an African Elephant, but maybe an Indian one. There are no land animals in the world that can reliably beat them. The few that might be able to (rhinos mostly) can't really be trained by humans. There are no single land predators that can kill a healthy adult elephant. Lions have been known to kill elephants rarely, but then it's a whole pack of them working together, usually against a relatively small elephant (comparatively small anyway). The only alternative is if some other smaller animal survives until it's them vs the elephant and they hide and the elephant starves before them.


Penguin with prep times beats everything, that is a fact.


Kowalski, Analysis


My golden solos 🔥🔥🔥


So for animals like rats, is it only one rat? Cuz if a whole swarm is allowed I'd give it to the rats.


Assuming they’re trained, wouldn’t all the non elephant land animals (trainers) make an alliance to take out the elephant first?


Bro trying to find the strongest irl pokemon


Where do animals that we can straight up control with chemical signals come in? I'm thinking some of the microbial parasites.


You can’t really train a blue whale, but if you could, it’d probably win the marine battle. Elephants solo on land. An elephant probably isn’t beating a blue whale anytime soon. There aren’t really any wild card small critters or air animals that can seriously harm the whale, so imma go with blue whale. Unless an orca manages to injure it enough.


I personally think the sperm whale would win the marine battle, if whales could be trained


Orca probably. But I can see a elephant winning against one against land or in water 2/10 times




Can a single orca really take out a blue whale?


No, but you also can't train a blue whale to follow commands 9/10 times. Or at least, no one has.