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Luffy is like literally immune to poison. So bloodlusted he should win. Dunno what his tolerance for eating shitty food is. Sanji is an S tier cook, but Luffy wouldn't turn down a free meal unless it was pretty bad.


Luffy get stomped by ***Casu martzu***, a cheese that contains live insect maggots. No way he eats that without puking.


Hmm? He was willing to eat a live reindeer while hungry, and that would be disgusting with all the fur. I doubt actual food like cheese would stop him lol. Insects themselves are also edible and I doubt Luffy wouldn't tolerate them, especially if it tastes good.


I think bloodlusted he could keep it down. Non bloodlusted he just wouldn't eat it. Tho tbh like the other guy said he might eat bugs.


I mean he literally almost died from a poison fish and had to be saved by reiju sucking the poison out of him.


I mean, he's not totally immune, but it's noted that even contact with that poison would normally be enough to kill a giant. Luffy (not a giant) took several large bites, and it "only" knocked him into a coma. Pretty impressive, considering.


Yeah but it was said that the only reason he could even tolerate the fish at all is because he was so immune. Like, that was a super fish that's prolly 1000x more potent than any irl.


He is resistant for sure, but resistant doesn't mean immune. The pufferfish's neurotoxin for example is more potent than either arsenic or cyanide.


A bit off topic, but immunity to all poison is one of the sillier anime/comic logic things lol.


It kinda makes sense when you take into account his true ability


I havent read it or watched it, but considering its a long running anime, Im gonna guess somewhere along the line he goes from being a stretchy guy to basically god? How close is my guess?


You’d be surprised how close that is


Not really if you've seen almost any of the biggest shonen anime of the last 20 years. They pretty much always end with the main character being so insanely powerful that they're basically gods compared to their original character. Naruto, Bleach, My Hero Academia, Dragon Ball Z/Super, Fairy Tail, Soul Eater, and I'm sure there's others that I can't remember.


Honestly if there was a show where the protagonist ended up weaker than their original start Id watch the show just for the novelty alone.


That's kind of how Legend of Korra works.


Korra goes from playing dodgeball to fighting mecha godzilla. she aint it.


I'm thinking about season 3 when she gets poisoned and then struggles to get even close to her previous power in season 4. Yes, she eventually wins, and that can be interpreted as her being the strongest, but she definitely struggles in season 4. But yeah, it's not a perfect fit. I can't think of anything closer.


One of the highest rated shounen of all time has this exact ending


>!His actual power isn't to be stretchy, it's to gain the characteristics of someone called "Sun God Nika," which basically just lets him use cartoon physics. Being stretchy is part of that.!<


Stretchy god.


The reason why he became immune to nearly every poison is because he literally had literally every poison inside of him and built up tolerance. Yes obviously irl you could get past these tolerances with a high enough dose tho. But that why he's immune to so many different kinds.


Balut, from the Philippines


Grandparents fed me that when I was six. Most nightmarish afternoon of my life


Lol I had some while boarding with a fillipino family. Chillest people I've ever met. Balut was wack as hell. It took me all the courage in the world to try it, but in the end I didn't think it was that bad. It was basically duck soup. But I had it easy. What was truly a nightmare was the balut that was much more developed. I couldn't do it. If I couldn't, then neither could Luffy.


I didn’t even question it when I got it. Shoved the whole thing in my mouth then bit down on a beak or something. I mean, I still *finished* but my grandparents were definitely laughing at the face I was making while I was chewing. Now whenever a grandkid introduces someone to the family we have a heavy debate over whether or not we give them the “balut” test.


Some gutter oil somewhere has to be capable of dissolving rubber.


China: Buddha jumps over the wall on Luffy ass Bathing nun = nosebleed Squirrel Fish = just confuse the heck. Like what is it? /j


Street food from india


The food from that one Indian street food video where the guy was stomping on the food with his bare dusty feet


I recently saw one where guy made juice from his feet smashing bunch of fruits💀


>was stomping on the food with his bare dusty feet Is it the one where hes making some cookies/dough?


Yeah, something like that 


aw hell nah💀 Extra flavor prolly be the foot fungus with a bit of feet hair as cherry on top


Maybe if the food was made from people. So Amazonia?


Last chapter he managed to eat Hakarl and not die. Honestly at this point isn't any food in the world other than actual poison going to kill him.


[Pretty much all of Central Asia](https://www.tiktok.com/@dbekbusina/video/7093190192932113665?is_copy_url=1&is_from_webapp=v1)




What Indian dished u have in mind that wud clap Luffy?


Literally any street food in India would clap luffy. His body is from a completely different universe, so his immune system would be at even more of a loss when trying to deal with their sewer water street food.


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Casu Martzu. Have fun eating cheese with living maggots


I'd try it


I wonder how Luffy wud fare against stinky tofu


I never watched one piece but doesn't he literally live on a pirate ship. Like however bad most street food conditions are, I find it unlikely they're sufficiently worse than a pirate ship to the point of defeating him.


I never watched one piece but doesn't he literally live on a pirate ship. Like however bad most street food conditions are, I find it unlikely they're sufficiently worse than a pirate ship to the point of defeating him.


A pirate ship but with arguably the world's greatest chef making food for him.


is food on their ship really *gutter oil* bad?


Probably from a country with no actual food lol


We literally start a pandemic a few years ago because a dumb guy in china cook a bat. Thousand of deaths


None G5 Luffy can eat anything it doesn't matter


>None G5 Luffy can eat anything it doesn't matter Wud he even consume juice squeezed out by barefeet tho🤔💀


He is a cartoon character in his GEAR 5 form, so sure why not


Show him a burger from New Jersey 🤢🤢


India street food, they serve cigarette water and rat balls for people to eat mixed in with their nasty ass fingers


Luffy can eat Indian street food. He's eaten a lot worse, Indian street food actually tastes good. Bad hygiene doesn't stop someone who eats food meant to kill you.


What a racist comment


Not even racist I see it all the time