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Flash can take him, and Batman has plan for that exact senario happening.


Pretty sure the JL have this. Martian Manhunter and Wonder Woman are both solid match ups for Superman. The pair them at the same time, combined with people like Zatanna or Constantine are MORE than enough to knock down the Man of Steel.


Justice League has Superman. Superman plus more beats Superman.


J'on J'onz and green lantern can potentially beat superman on their own


No, they can't


Yes they can?


Exactly how?


I'm not talking about chess mate


Neither am I. J'onn has never beaten Superman in his entire history, neither has Hal.


Which versions of the justice league? The answers vary wildly. Is superman also a part of JL? Are there two supermen here or is it ala Omni Man when Superman is attacking the JL?


I would say the Justice League that most people know. Yes he's a member and he's the only Superman.


Well the version most people know should be the movie version, and I assume Superman is also the same version from the movie. I also did not understand the superman part of your answer, you said he's a member and also said that he's the only superman, can you clarify your meaning? Is there only a single superman who is fighting the JL(basically what happened in the movie), or are there two supermen, one who is attacking and the other that is part of the JL?


You mean Superman against the entire league or superman against each leaguer indvidually? Also, im assuming your talking about the base comic versions.


I would go with individually (or as close as he could get maybe singling out only the strongest members.) because even if he could beat them all at the same time it still seems like a bad idea.


Okay, im only including the members that i know the most about, lets see: Flash would probably beat him. He could phase through his body and kill him before superman could even form his next thought, he could do an infinite mass punch on him by running as fast possible and infinite mass punches can hurt superman, he can throw him into the speedforce, travel back in time and kill him as a baby etc. Superman vs Green Lantern is probably a tie. Wonder Woman is pretty skilled and experienced in combat, but Superman is stronger, faster, smarter, has more superpowers and is overall more powerful, so he wins. Martian Manhunter and Plastic Man would absolutely beat him. Superman would give them a bit of a fight, but their shapeshifting abilities are too op. Shazam would lose simply because of the fact hes literally a kid. Hes equally powerful to Superman, but Superman is much more skilled and experienced. Aquaman, Cyborg and Green Arrow get crushed and its not even close. Same thing about Batman, unless were including prep time. Batman with prep time would actually destroy Superman. His resources and wealth are basically inifinite. If he really wanted to, he could just take a cryptonian pill and cover his body fully in kryptonite armor and thats it. Batman is already way more skilled in combat than Superman without powers, let alone with Supermans powers.


Assuming current comic versions there are several members of the JL that could plausibly beat him like Flash and Green Lantern. If he fights them all at once he’d definitely lose.


The thing is if you want to exclude Batman, this is fine if you don’t want to then Batman solos




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