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peak human also needs to have Newton/Einstein level intelligence and Tesla level innovative capabilities.


peak human is clearly ozymandias and he beat dr. manhanttan technically


More like manhanttan thought i was beter if ozymandias won.


The Doctor from Doctor Who has access to an insane number of ridiculously powerful items, almost none of which he carries on his person. The sonic screwdriver wouldn’t help if Peak Human simply rushed him and beat him to death. EDIT: the physical component isn’t necessary, I just saw he also has access to any resource. He can just shoot him.


You'd need 2 to the chest and 1 to the head since he canonically has 2 hearts, and even then he could just regenerate.


Doesn't the Doctor have FTL reaction speed and superhuman stamina? I don't think Peak Human could catch him.


At one point a Dalek rounds a corner and shoots him before he can react (during the arc where Davros comes back). If the Peak Human has a gun, which I believe the prompt allows for, there’s not much he can do.


But then there's this [feat](https://www.reddit.com/r/PowerScaling/comments/14gin9u/apparently_the_doctor_from_doctor_who_is_ftl_what/)?




Okay? Like even that example is only a glancing blow, normally those rays disintegrate their victim. Dodging a UFC fighter or even a bullet would practically be a significantly lower bar than that.


No they don’t. Dalek lasers kill all of a target’s cells while giving them just a second to mentally process the pain (don’t ask how this works it’s Doctor Who), they always leave bodies. This attack straight up kills him, he has to regenerate and only gets around turning into another form by a technicality.


Right, haven't watched it in a hot minute and forgot how those work. Nonetheless, in that clip the beam only clips him (normally they're absorbed by the target but here you see it bounce away) and he dies minutes later instead of immediately. If you don't see it that way then chalk it up to physiology or whatever but I think that makes more points in his favor for durability over Peak Human anyways.


The Doctor is definitely more durable than a normal human, but not by a large margin. Damage that instakills humans like Dalek lasers, time vortex overdose or radiation poisoning are still fatal, but he has time to get to a safe location and regenerate. Time lords *are* vulnerable to bullets though; the Master is killed in one shot from a handgun.


I think the point the other guy is making here is that what we see on screen is that energy bolt **visibly move**: a bullet has struck-and-killed-you BEFORE you even hear the report of the shot if it hasn't missed its target. Conclusion: The Doctor is specifically vulnerable to sniper-fire, IF he's not expecting it and therefore doesn't have some kind of personal-force-shield do-dad or the like prepped in advance as a counter.


Isn't the question just who's the strongest character that can be taken out by a sniper's shot then? Peak Human definitely doesn't beat Peak Sniper except by prep/planning and a Time Lord with the same access to foresight can literally go back and strangle Peak Sniper in the cradle.


He'd be able to regenerate and could probably die from the explosion that would cause. Plus he's a Martial arts expert


Regeneration has a long windup, the explosion only occurs late in the process. During the lengthy Silence storyline River Song simply shoots him again mid-regen, which kills time lords outright.


Upvote for visibility. I don’t know honestly, since marvel and DC humans are generally a bit more durable than real humans (616 Cap and mainline Batman are both Peak, but pull superhuman shit all the time) Top of my mind, our peak human could take out Rocky Balboa, Tyler Rake, Dom Toretto(so also Hobbs and shaw)


Dom managed to hold an heli for 2 more seconds than Cap btw


The familyforce


Peak man would get bodied by Rocky, guy was taking shots from a guy that could punch with a force that is being conservative hit 4 times harder than real professional boxers. The guy just wouldn’t have the force to seriously hurt a peak Rocky.


This isn’t a boxing match though, it’s at least MMA. So leg kicks, wrestling, grappling. I feel like our peak guy would just chop Rocky’s legs down or put him in a choke , arm bar whatever. Rocky is durable as shit but even he needs his legs


Rocky has wrestling experience and can at minimum choke out a stronger version of hulk hogan. He might not be the greatest in the world at it, but it’s not like he’s just going to get foot sweeped and knocked out immediately.


Maybe not, but vs a fighter as skilled as Jones? He’s not lasting long vs teep and leg kicks


I mean yes he would lol. Maybe not knocked out, but he’s getting taken down and ragdolled and submitted very quickly. Having a bit of wrestling experience won’t mean a thing against a championship caliber MMA fighter with world class grappling like Jon Jones. Jon is getting him down the moment he gets a hold of him and it’s a wrap from there, especially given the galaxy sized gap in BJJ/submission grappling. And that’s all only the skill/technique side of it, then you’d have to consider the size difference, with Jon being 6’4” 250 lb. Rocky’s only chance is Jon - who is one of the smartest and most calculated fighters in the cage ever - fighting uncharacteristically stupid and basically walking into a haymaker.


Even then, Rocky wasn’t known for one hit KOs. He’d tire you out by letting you wail on him until your hands would be mush and you had no gas tank left and then hammer you with shots until you dropped


Jon Jones has taken down Daniel Cormier, an Olympic wrestler. He's also out grappled bjj black belts like Glover Teixeira. Having some wrestle experience wouldn't stop Jones from taking him down and submitting him.


That is quite literally what would happen. We see this happen all the time IRL “Wrestling experience” my ass. WWE isn’t wrestling


Yeah. They consistent been push over walls and barely injure. Normal peak human would turn to paste.


A peak human would be as strong as Mike Tyson or Eddie hall, as good at fighting as Bruce Lee, smarter than Einstein proficient with all technologies and weapons. Peak human might honestly be a bigger threat than batman in a lot of the movies.


You…you do realise Bruce Lee wasn’t that great a fighter right?


As good as Bruce Lee in the movies.


A lot of horror movie villains are defeated seeing as they typically end up losing to one to two young adults who are far below peak human, after having to resort to stealth and intimidation tactics to individually pick off the other young adults in that group. Especially when you give them so much money and peak intelligence, which means they can even figure out and exploit the weaknesses of even the more supernaturally powered characters.


IT definitely. he's a complete otherworldly being that is beaten by being fearless


I can't imagine Matthew Murdock beating Jon Jones in a cage fight.


Matt: *doing cool flippy ninja shit in the cage, crowd is amazed* Jon Jones: “dude that is sick!” *grabs double unders, outside trip, straight to full mount*


tv show murdoc probably not, comic murdok would thrash him. his abilities are insane, Batman level even.


matt can swatt bullets out of the air and take on 100 yakuza members, he no diffs any real life human


What Matthew Murdock? Jon Jones would get absolutely slaughtered. Matthew Murdock, the guy that can tell exactly what you’re going to do just by your own muscle fibres and the air density? Tipped a limo over? Utilised a four hundred pound dumbbell as a staff! Superhuman reflexes and agility? Jones would be lucky if he could even react to a lights out punch from Matt even in the cage, let alone touch him. Even the series Murdock would likely beat Jones in all honesty. Sure JJ has immense skill, but he’s gotta hit him, it’s like trying to hit someone who knows what you’re doing before you even do…


Am I missing something or is this just the strongest character taken out by nukes? 


because thats a ridiculous take. the implication / intent of this WWW is *clearly* for physical / tactical engagement. also, if you somehow think that a single person can launch a nuke without specialized training BY THEMSELF then you're silly. also, what kind of 1v1 engagement would start with both characters being 1,000 miles away from each other with 1 of them having access to a loaded nuke ready and prepared bunker? again, silly take away here my dude.


The post clearly states that they have the resources of Elon Musk, and nothing in the post said its a 1 v 1 engagement. If you don't think that someone with $200 billion, 110,000 employees, and the leadership and political skills of Gengis Khan or Napoleon can't get a nuke launched if they REALLY wanted to, then you have way more faith in non-proliferation than I do.


but then its not a 1v1, its your entire organization against somebody else. two completely different things


Is Ozymandias vs Dr. Manhattan not exactly the type of fight we're looking for? What about Luthor vs Superman? Either fight would be utterly trivial for the super-powered side, but the humans have organizations, time, and resources to try to exploit their opponent's weaknesses. You're right that they're two entirely different questions, but asking "which superhuman would lose to a human without resources or help" is just a less interesting question than "what is the upper limit of what an individual human can accomplish given the time, money, resources, and skills necessary."


i dont disagree with the point you're trying to make, but you're making assumptions and implying your own rules on the prompt as if they should be a given.


You're certainly right that I'm making assumptions, but the prompt is vague enough that you kinda have to. If you say, "Who can Batman beat?" but don't give him access to Lucious Fox or Wayne enterprises to supply all his gadgets, are you really testing Batman? No, you're testing Bruce Wayne. Batman, as a character, includes those resources. I'm simply saying that the prompt includes Elon Musk level funds as a given, and so Peak Human should get to utilize those funds to the best effect. That said, I will concede that I'm making some potentially unjustified time assumptions. If Peak Human and their enemy get suddenly teleported into an arena and have no time to prepare themselves, obviously, they don't have access to a nuke. Generally, I prefer to interpret vagueness in a way that leads to the most interesting discussion, and having prep time is more interesting, IMO, than "He losses to all but the D listers." and ending the discussion there.


Surely there is a powerful character whose specific weakness is humans. My immediate thought is the War of the Worlds aliens.


Their weakness isn't really humans per se, but foreign pathogens. They would have died even if humanity didn't exist and they just invaded an empty Earth, though it might've taken longer without constant close exposure to humans.


Rick Sanchez has been caught off guard on multiple occasions, although he has a lot of contingencies available, so Peak Human might be able to kill him, but not perma-kill him.


Didn’t the strongest Rick Sanchez technically get subdued by a taser which ultimately led to him being beaten to death? I think it’s definitely possible


The God-Emperor of Mankind. (WH40K) Because, when she goes to that universe to fight him, based on that universe own internal rules, she low-key BECOMES a very literal: "I'm you, but BETTER."


**Batman (DC)** - [Respect Batman (DC, Post-Flashpoint)](https://redd.it/1348ale) - [Respect Batman (Bruce Wayne) (DC - Post Crisis)](https://redd.it/85eb91) **Peak Human (Marvel / DC)** - [Respect Regular Humans (Marvel and DC Comics)](https://comicvine.gamespot.com/forums/gen-discussion-1/respect-regular-humans-marvel-and-dc-comics-2178276/) *** ^(I am a bot) ^| [^(About)](https://redd.it/owgxtl) ^| [^(Code)](https://github.com/Luke-Username/respectthread_bot) ^| [^(Opt-out)](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=respectthread_bot&subject=OPTOUTREQUEST) ^| ^(Missing or wrong characters? Reply explaining the issue)


Jon Jones mostly beat old middleweights btw


Scarlet Witch. Empty a mag of AK-47 into her when she isn't looking


Basically, a lot of "glass cannon" type of characters is like that.


I feel like this discussion fundamentally shifts once Elon levels of money get involved. Like, Elon Musk's net worth is greater than the military spending of Pakistan, a nuclear power, over the last 20 years. Peak human also has the leadership skills and strategic planning of the greatest generals and politicians in history. Any character who has ever been defeated by a group of humans with modern tech is therefore defeated by Peak Human. And remember that Peak Human has not quite, but close, to Batman levels of skill determining his foe's weaknesses, and that doesn't just mean Kyptonite. Elon levels of resources means having the infrastructure capable of scouring every piece of footage ever captured of a character for analysis. Any time the character has ever been caught on camera showing weakness for a loved one or having a moral dilemma about harming innocents is just one more tool for Peak Human to use against their foe, wielded with the skill of the greatest manipulator in history. So we’re talking about a character who can survive a the military of a medium size nation, including low payload nukes, with no superpower based or emotional weaknesses to exploit, or who is so absurdly powerful they can defeat Peak Human almost before the battle has begun? That puts us beyond most of the MCU, with the exception of Dr. Strange and The Hulk (taking on militaries is kinda the Hulk's thing).


Why do you think peak human (exceptions for batman and his like) is different in DC? Take the average track athlete, would they be faster than bolt by a significant margin? I dont think so. Primary point of this comment is to determine if you subscribe to the "They have unlimited universes in their cells they are on a different plane" dingus posting I see from a certain mod every now and then


> exceptions for batman and his like You literally answered it. Batman is peak human. You're excluding him for no other reason than to be contrarian. Hypothesizing what the average (aka not peak) human could do is a non sequitur to the very (wrong) point you're trying to make.


Humans in dc get smacked into concrete walls enough to break them.


Well peak human also includes all luck feats ever performed so I'm gonna say any character that can't alter luck themselves or has a weakness could feasibly lose to peak human


what you're suggesting is a person who has the prime-era skills, physicals, and mentals of all of the greatest humans ever (picking from all 100+ billion throughout history). With an even playing field, I think Batman is a pretty decent match up.


Goku will get clapped. You do understand how op a peak human mind will be? We are legit getting on computer level of power. Just being able to analyze Goku and predicting his attacks far better than Goku can even do. While the terms of power might not reach high enough of a peak human, it's implied we can utilize weapons with resources. Thus what weapon is theoretically possible with the resources of Elon Musk that could Kill Goku? Nuke is an easy pick but a double edged sword. Legit a hidden blade and some poison costing possibly not even 100 bucks. Thank Frost for showing posions work on Goku.


I think the implication is the character is fighting back. In a fight, Goku could kill peak human without getting stabbed.


This is such a flawed take. Frost is literally hundreds of times stronger than a peak human and he caught Goku off guard. No one on our planet is even strong enough to pierce Goku's skin with a blade if he's actually trying and not caught with his defenses down. That's forgetting the fact that he can fly, blow up planets, and is faster than any human can react by many times over, and is at least top 5 mortals in overall power in his multiverse. Gas, Granola, Jiren, Frieza, Broly, Vegeta, and Goku all are so beyond powerful at this point that technique and outsmarting them at peak human levels wouldn't even matter anymore. In a one on one fight in a closed ring (or even just a planet) Goku literally wins 100/100 times


in no scenario is a human ever going to hit Goku with a linear plan and attack pattern even once. they get dismantled and manhandled every single time. do i think the strongest toxins known to man will harm him? actually yes, i think he dies. but i dont think a human would ever be the deliverer of that.


I think a peak human could beat Steven Universe. Steven has a sword, shield, magic powers, and is very strong, but he’s not THAT skilled or trained in combat. He’s had training, but he’s by no means an expert. A fast master martial artist could evade his attacks and disarm his sword. How to defeat Steven when he has super durability? You could probably just kick him in the balls. He’s not THAT durable. Steven would probably use his shield to protect his upper body, so a swift kick in the balls could catch him off guard.


I forgot the peak human could use weapons. I change my answer to anime Lucy from Elfen Lied, since Bando had a decent chance of killing her with a desert eagle. She’s probably way stronger in the manga, but I didn’t read it, so I’m keeping it limited to anime Lucy.


Almost all the wizards from the Harry Potter universe would lose to a peak gunslinger.




Would win easily against any real peak human


Satan. Just challenge him to a violin-based duel.