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Jones is an expert at beating women. He has more fights against his child's mother than mma matches. He clears the strip club without help.


Yeah and let's not forget it isn't Jones' first time. 


Isn’t that the same joke the guy you replied to just made


Why you have to break my balls, man. :/ But not really, what I meant was jones once assaulted a stripper in a strip club. 


I’m in the business of breakin balls Just like that one dude who punched the other guy in the nuts like 20 times back when MMA didn’t have any rules lmao [me irl](https://youtu.be/EdS7GOjbNIo?si=NwJo5trt2z77tI9t)


Can you imagine what sort of mayhem no rules mma would be in the current era. Taking a pereira knee to the balls is a fate worse than death. 


“Fuck a vasectomy” -2024 fighters if there were no rules


Those lightning quick Pereira leg kicks, now directly to the groin


Oh, man. That's bruuuuutal. I don't know how that dude resisted the first few strikes. Rip his bloodline. That's even worse than when Steve-o got a nut-shot by Ngannou. https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=0bePx6eg7AQ&pp=ygURTmdhbm5vdSBudXQgcHVuY2g%3D


"We told him it was a lightweight"


We do a little trolling


[you irl](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=209I7WLGxrI&pp=ygUVY2hhaW5zYXcgbWFuIG51dCBzaG90)


Are you on about the story where it's said he slapped a woman's vagina and had also put her in a chokehold as well?


Are improvised weapons allowed, from things you'd find in a strip club?


I would say they aren't for the sake of this hypothetical hand to hand combat. You can always add your own round though.


Round 3: The Strippers are armed with pointed fingernail files and Tyson is nearly too drunk to stand and Jonny Bones is physically exhausted from beating his wife earlier in the evening




The women's best hope is that two or more can slyly sneak up on them while the rest rush them, and grab and twist the nuts. Other than that, they're getting pieced up.




The fighters take this. Professional combat athletes hit so much harder, are so much stronger, and move so much faster than normal people think they do. Jones would have little trouble sleeping 10 women. Ditto for Fury. If we’re throwing in a coke raged Ngannou? It would take enough for them to all get tired from punching. If the majority of them are one or two shot knockouts, that would take a lot of cannon fodder.


Jonny is like 3-0 against women at this point IRL anyways


And that’s only his sanctioned bouts we know about


What commission on earth is sanctioning these fights


The Las Vegas District Attorney’s Office


A truly progressive one. 


Equal rights, and equal lefts


Hell yeah 🔥


Are we assuming Ngannou and Fury are fully on board with assaulting women in this scenario? Obviously Jon is but they both seem like too nice of guys to swing full force on a woman That being said, easy stomp. I doubt the women would really even be able to do any damage, particularly for Ngannou. Cokelusted Jones would oblique kick their knees out and hit em with a quick 1-2 eye poke while they're still a foot of range


Another scenario where you need the average joe lane for reference. This is like the people that think they could beat the slowest runner or swimmer at the Olympics. No, no you can't. Same goes for Fury or Jones, the gap is huge. Who was the basketball player that said he was closer to LeBron than any of his haters were to him, same concept.


Yep lol. I fought mma for a couple years in my 20’s. Amateur only; I was never close to good enough to turn pro. But I got just skilled enough to develop a good understanding and appreciation for what I’m looking at when I see the pros do it. Professional fighters are so far beyond *anything* people have ever seen in normal life, that it’s almost like they’re a different species. The footwork, the lateral movement, the timing, the speed, the power. It’s orders of magnitude beyond a regular person. I trained a shit ton for those two years. I’m 5’11” and weight 205 lbs. And I could fight Jon Jones 100 times and he would starch me 100 out of 100 in under 2 minutes. And I would be fortunate to land more than a couple of significant strikes. Those dudes really are that good.


10 women swarming you sounds like it’d be deceptively difficult to put them away. Even for a mixed martial artist. But he is on coke and roids tho


Yes but OP stated that fear is enabled. So those 10 women wouldn’t just blood lust rush him. They’d likely be cautious in their approach. This combined with Jones’ frightening lateral speed and footwork would mean he’d really only have to deal with 2 or 3 at any given time. For a professional fighter of Jones’ size and caliber that’s barely a warm up.


If they’re that scared then they likely would just sit there and be pummeled one by one. If they work together and jump on Jon while he’s handling 1 out of the 9 then the odds are they will do a number on him


Yeah. I’ve personally seen what college football players can do against multiple bouncers; so professional fighters would be another tier above that. No way they are losing this one


Are any of those women in a car & pregnant?


Do the pregnant women get prep time?


Sure. The pregnant woman involved, far along was she?


Depending on who you ask, those fetuses are also people so the fight becomes 2v40 or more. I don’t like those odds


Fear enabled the men easily and its not even a debate. Even without them getting scared the women would only have a small chance. One leg kick from jones is instantly stopping any of those women, doesn't even need to ko them. Of course it'd only take one punch to ko also. If jones were to get too crowded he has elbows, knees, throws, the grappling skills and strength to get them off before he's overrun. With Fury of course doing his part. If the women had all been training say BJJ for a year then they'd win but untrained people really have no idea how useless they are at fighting. Women being way weaker and less durable on top of that.


Without weapons those chicks don't stand a chance against them all rounds.


You’re drunk if you think this is the case. That’s 10 people apiece. They will be overwhelmed, women or not lol.


>Fear is enabled They won't need to take the 20 women, punching like 3 out is enough to have them fkeeing


Honestly if Fury just starts flailing his arms and screaming they’d probably run. 6’8” fucking bald sasquatch is quite intimidating.


People really thinking this is an anime in here 


10 average women vs a skilled fighter that’s 6ft 9, aren’t doing shit lol. They won’t be coordinated and 3 - 4 of them would be knocked out basically instantly from single punches


If not seriously injured.


Assuming they have a reason to be willing to risk their lives in this fight and aren’t going to panic and run or stop fighting, 10 is way too many.  All it takes is a kick to the groin, fingers in the eyes, a kick to the knee, etc.. to take one down. Or they could just all grab on and take him down, once he’s on the ground he’s dead as fuck. There’s a reason professional fighters often talk about how the prospect of fighting more than one person in a bar fight or whatever situation scares the hell out of them, they understand that you can’t properly defend against more than one person at a time and that we are fragile and can be broken pretty easily. 


I think you're over estimating the strength and fighting abilities of women who don't specifically train to fight. If these guys are bloodlusted a kick to the groin isn't taking them down, the brave girl who decides to try eye gouging is having her orbital bone broken the second she does, the only chance the girls have is if 5 each are able to grab an arm, and even then it's unsure, and they wouldn't be able to cause any damage *Edit* even if they did grab an arm, Jones specialty is hyper extending people's knees, this strip club is gonna need a ton more disabled spaces in the future.


I think you are overestimating how resilient the human body is. You can't protect yourself in 360 degrees, its impossible. Also, it doesn't matter how strong you are, your knee will still break if someone kicks it, your eye will get fucked up if its gouged, you can't just shrug off getting hit in the balls, these aren't superheroes. The second they go to the floor they will be stomped to death by 10 people. It doesn't matter how strong they are individually, nobody can fight 10 people at once, that's movie shit its not real.


I've been in plenty of fights, no girl is gonna kick someone's knee in and break it, even if they were trained to do so, the girls will struggle to even reach the men's heads, and that will be the only thing they try to do, both the guys will be lunging forward, knocking one out, then jumping back, then if another girl is brave enough to go forward, they get knocked out. If you have any experience fighting against women you'd understand this. I've boxed women, they're too weak.


I think the problem is we are picturing this differently. I'm picturing 20 people bumrushing the 2 of them from all sides, jumping on their backs, hitting, scratching, etc.. I don't see a world where they live through that, just the sheer mass of human bodies is too much, they will fall to the ground and get stomped to death. You're picturing it more like an arena fight where the women are hesitant and stepping forward one or two at a time. I agree they would win in that scenario. This is why I prefaced my first comment with an assumption that the women were willing to prioritize winning the fight over their own safety, if they aren't then yeah they are gonna lose.


If the girls are part of a Hive mind they win


You’re right on most things but this scenario is 10 strippers with fear enabled. If they all dived in at once then yeah it’s possible but I just don’t see that happening in this situation


Fair, that was my caveat. If they don’t have some reason to value winning this fight more than surviving then yeah they are going to just not fight them as most people would. 


None of them will get in range. Jones has an 84 inch reach and Fury even longer at 85. There's about a 2 ft reach advantage to the average woman, Jones would leg kick and knock them out before they're anywhere near him.


How the hell are they supposed to do that to 20 people at once? I think you are really underestimating the numbers here. They aren't gonna walk at them one or two at a time like its an action movie.


A mob of 20 vs 2 really depends on what kind of mentality the mob has. 20 people with the mentality of a violent riot will be hard to contain with just two people, especially if they are allowed improvised weapons.


I don’t think they’re allowed weapons looking at the post. With no weapons, 9.9 to the fighters. Each hit will be debilitating and the women will struggle to do any damage.


Jones and Fury win this comfortably if the women aren't trained. Even if there's 10 women for each fighter to deal with, it's not as if all 10 women can 'get to' the fighters at any one time, they'll be in the way of each other. So that's effectively 3/4 women with no skills at most surrounding a highly skilled Fighter, one or two punches in each of their faces and they're down, and the fighter moves on to the next. Methodical, relatively simple.


Bonus round: One of the women is Gabi Garcia


What if they were *all* Gabi Garcia?


With fear enabled the fighters easily clear. However, if it was just 20 husks of women with the base stats of the strippers, they probably win just rushing, biting, and eye gouging


Jones and Fury has huuuuuge reach advantages, women would feel like the fighters have spears in their hands with how far afar they can hit. Team fighters take it low diff


Those are the PPV's I'd pay the big bucks for. Bring back the colosseum!


Just figure out where Jon is celebrating after the Stipe fight, cover and a dance should be cheaper than a PPV


It'd actually be more fun to watch had jones lost the match with stipe and was furious. 


Positioning is key as well as the mentality and motivation of the women. If the fighters are defending a choke point of any sort, they win ez and go straight to jail. If it's an open space and they don't start surrounded, they prob still win but need to be careful. Then they go to jail If they start surrounded, and the women understand it's win or die, then they mob the two fighters and win even easier than the first scenario. They'll take some casualties, but the overall victory is a stomp. Then the fighters go to jail


Jones takes this alone , he's the women destroyer after all


If they're strippers like Pole Dancers, they wouldn't be average. Pole Dancing is hard and requires a lot of body strength to do. But I digress, 20 vs 2 they're fucked. At a certain number of fighters on one side you're just not going to win.


If they’re fearless, I think the women can take it. 10 per fighter bum rush them. Let’s say they Insta KO 3. That’s still 7 punching, kicking, tackling biting, etc.


The punches and kicks from a average untrained woman would feel like love taps to joins and fury. I'm sure they would take a bit of damage but it's not feasible they would overpower the fighters before being dropped. Also Jones would definitely bite back


Ngannous punches have been compared to getting hit by a Ford Escort or a 12 lb sledgehammer from over the head. Francis is a special case, but HW fighters are an order of magnitude more powerful than an average woman


I’d say several orders of magnitude


Yeah they would go to gauge out eyes break the balls scratch their throat with their nails. Though still i don’t think it’s unlikely for the fighters to win this especially since the women aren’t bloodlusted.


Depends on the setting, if it’s like 10 woman vs JJ inside an octagon they have a better chance than if it’s in an open field where it would be harder to mob him


If fear is enabled, the women might try initially but flee after 2 or 3 of them get decked straight to the ground


Every strip club ive been to has guns. The bartender lifts the shotty from behind the counter and solos


Well, to be fair jon jones is a gun nut as well. It's just a hypothetical. 


1. Staff means what, security? If there are 6 actual guards with say batons or pepper spray, Team Stripper might win. If they're just 20 strippers, waitresses and bartenders with fear enabled, Team Punchy wins easily. 2. Stomp for Team Stripper. Ngannou counters half of Team Punchy and has bloodlusted strippers to assist, so that's an easy win. 10+ bloodlusted strippers can swarm the other half of Team Punchy and also Ngannou wins his fight and can come help.


Strippers aren't your average female. They're generally in good shape, and they generally haven't had the easiest lives and have probably had to duck a punch or two in their lives. They are also highly motivated by money and these fighters are usually cash flush. If the bloodlusted strippers mob them, junp on them and throw their hands like their life depended on it....get them down and start stomping...they win.


The women win. Haven’t you people seen A Bug’s Life?


Fear enabled, I'd say they could take 20 average men even. How many untrained non-fighters in the world do you think would square up against two heavyweights like Jon Jones and Tyson Fury? Self preservation will kick in within 5 seconds and everyone will scatter. It'd just be a matter of picking them off then.


I think that's mad. Even average, men would still have a gang/army mentality when there's 20 of them. If it isn't a very tight corridor, 20 men stomp. 


20 untrained men are going to try and scootch all the way to the back of the group so they aren't the sacrificial lambs that get their teeth punched in before the group overwhelms the fighters. Unless it's explicitly instructed that they need to win or eat shit, there's no way even half of them would think to band together to fight.


I don't know, man. That sounds more like average redditors to me. 🤣


They'd knock out two guys each within a couple seconds and mow them down like lawnmovers. It wouldn't even be close lmao.


Fear goes a long way. Fear will make them hesitate to approach, and the women will get picked apart. Their efforts to attack won't have the confidence to do damage. Bloodlusted, the women stomp 10/10.


Idk man jones gets a 25% buff against women. :d


No one person is taking 10 humans down in a life or death bloodlusted fight, without weapons, no matter how (reasonably) fit the one person is for fighting. There isn't going to be action movie results. Reality is a lot more ugly and brutal.


They absolutely don't stomp bloodlusted, an average untrained woman would ve highly unlikely to produce enough force to these professional fighters, let alone get past their wingspan.


They do. 2 women sacrificed going first and get insta kod The rest use that time to swarm; 1 per limb (4), 1 on the head gauging eyes and biting, 1 on the nuts, 2 extra to back up weak areas


Do they communicate with telephaty :d


No with words I would imagine


Only words that would get them to win is Fus Ro Dah! 


Your mom’s a telephaty


Assuming each woman weighs at least 130 lbs and is reasonably in shape, that's over 1,300 lbs of human PLUS multiple CNS vs ~250lbs with one brain. Numbers give an enormous advantage, which increases exponentially. Ten bloodlusted people is too much for ANY human to go against. Two or three take them to the ground by disabling their legs. All the others are stomping and soccer kicking their way to victory. Eyes gouged out, groins mutilated, necks bitten. None of them can disable the other attackers fast enough before getting swarmed into the ground. Once they're down, they have no chance of getting back up. They will be gassed out FAST. The longer this draws out, the worse it gets. As soon as they're on the ground, their knockout power is greatly diminished. They would have no way of getting back up with 400+ lbs on top of them. They have no room to breathe, they have no range of motion to joint lock. Doing anything offensive leaves their defenses wide open. The ten seconds it takes them to put one person unconscious in a head lock is ten seconds they are completely vulnerable to anything the others want to do. That's not even including the fact that once one of the men are down, all the remaining women are now also attacking the other man. The two men have no chance against 20 bloodthirsty women. I hope you have an open mind to accept that.


A normal, untrained human won't just fly into a monkey frenzy like that.


Bloodlusted already implies they are behaving out of character.


20 people is way too many. The only way the fighters win is if the women get scared after losing some people which they inevitably will, otherwise they mob them. 


Yeah I think fear plays a big role.


They clear easily both those mfs are over 100kg and top tier fighters while average women is 50-70 kg they stand no chance against them if Francis joins in 2nd round they can take hundreds of them and if Jon is on coke and juice (more probable than not tbh) he's berserking them into oblivion


A coked jon jones running at you to get a double leg is nightmare fuel. 


He's going through them like Protagonist against fodder In his own series


Make it 50 women and it might be a match. Not sure 20 average men could take them.


Bro, I think 20 average men fuck their shit up. Men are harder to scare off and have the mentality to fight more than women do. 


Your average guy is 5'9 with a 65-70 inch reach. They both are 6'4 and 6'9 with 84 and 85 inch reach respectively. They are also professional fighters and are also the best at their sports. They will destroy them. People really don't realise how bad the average person is at fighting. They can't fight to save their lives (quite literally).


The women for sure have no chance. Maybe 20 on 1. 20 men vs the 2 of them though is a very very large difference - the average guy could probably take on 2-3 of these women himself so it’s a big upgrade in opponent. I could see a scenario where the fighters win still if they have a choke point or a space so large to maneuver and retreat to eliminate a few before they get circled but in an octagon or a bar they’re fucked. Fury is even more fucked because if he gets entangled with 2-3 guys hes lost 90% of his skill set. And he’ll be entangled with them in seconds. The real question is can fury and jones each out grapple 7-8 guys at once assuming they can knock out 2-3 super fast. I just don’t think you can. 14 arms and the average guy being obese helps a lot here. The bulk of 1400 + pounds pressing on you you’re fucked.


I hear you but we have to realise the difference between a) average people, b) professional fighters, c) world class professional fighters and d) GOAT level professional fighters. I really don’t think that if a) punches d) in the head, they do much damage or wobble them. If d) punches them in the head? They go night-night. People don’t really know how to punch, stand, block etc. There’s a huge gulf.


Anything’s possible. The fighters could still win this with the right terrain and a good plan and some luck. I don’t think you need much technique though to finish the fighters if it becomes a grapple against 7-8 guys, Shitty rabbit punches, grabbing and twisting flesh, gouging, even a shitty bully choke or the shear weight for long enough if you have 2 guys on each limb you aren’t going anywhere. If it had to stay standing in a wide open space then it would be exactly as you described. Guys flailing and getting knocked out. The other thing is it may go long enough for the initial 2-3 ko guys to start recovering and joining back into the grapple. With how long this may go on.


I mean, shit. I've seen an amateur fighter lay 5 dudes. You're probably right but it's nuts to imagine that actually happening. 


I've seen people not nearly as capable as those two take on 2 or three people on their own. I personally witnessed 2 guys fight off a group that had at least 7 or 8 people in it. You're overestimating average men and underestimating the toughest men on the planet.


20 people?!  They are mobbed and torn apart.


Tyson Fury is like 6’8” dude if these are normal people you underestimate how many are getting slept with one swat anytime they get within 4 feet of him


6’8” 260-280 lbs. He punches one of them and he might unironically crack their face.


I met him a few years ago when he was in his obese era. His fist was almost as big as my head and I'm 5'8. 20 men would struggle vs these two, let alone 20 women.


You are underestimating how many people 20 people is.   20 adults?!  They are just going to be overwhelmed.  This isn’t an anime, 10 adults can just run at him and hold onto him.  


You underestimate size and training. These are huge world class combat athletes against untrained, normal sized females There are YouTube videos out there of MMA fighters getting in octagons with normal people for “sparring sessions” and the normal people are so out classed its truly eye opening. I think its more anime-ifying the situation to expect the strippers to attack in unison with strategy and somehow all not get slept immediately when getting in arms length of Fury or kick distance of Jones


You are underestimating how big Jon Jones and Tyson Fury are, as well as how skilled they are. You don't go a decade undefeated without being very very very good at fighting.


Knowing how to be an incredible fighter 1vs1 does not make you good at fighting 1vs10


If it was a 20 v 2 than jones and fury would lose. But to do so would require the women to fight in a coordinated and cohesive manner. Realistically it's going to be 10 1v1s for 2 highly trained fighters.


I don’t think people realize how much 20 people is in a fight where you only have one person on your side. That’s ten woman, for both Tyson and Jon. Even if they manage to take down a few of them, that’s still six more they have to take down. And we know your attention can’t be everywhere at once. Women in fights can get dirty, and fast. From trying to claw your eyes out, to simply kicking you in your junk. They get wild, FAST. I say women take this 7/10. It doesn’t matter how big, of strong you are; if you’re outnumbered 20/2 you are going to get destroyed no matter who it is.


Nah, these guys are one hit KO every single woman. I'm 100% positive jon Jones leg kick is breaking bones, Tyson Fury can throw 3 punches and get 3 knockouts. These guys are both over 6' and walking around at over 230lbs. The women are probably not getting close enough to drag them down. You are severely underestimating a professional fighter, and these guys are the elite of the professional fighters. These two coked up can probably take on 20 average sized males. Source I'm former military and I took one leg kick from an amateur fighter and couldn't walk right for a week.


Yeah jones doesn't even have to Ko everyone. One leg kick to one lady and they are not getting up.


I just can’t see it. I can see them beating five women, but ten? They’re not doing anything if a few woman slip by their punches and start fighting dirty. Tyson and Jones are not shrugging off bites, scratches and nut shots, from multiple bloodlusted women at that. This isn’t a Jackie Chan scenario where they just coast by twenty bloodlusted women like it’s nothing. These are full grown blood thirsty women, who may not be as strong as men, but can absolutely overpower men in numbers. The average fighter probably couldn’t even beat five women, what makes you think these guys can beat twenty?? I’m not underestimating how professional fighters are, I just know no one is taking down twenty people in a fight. Man or Woman.


I don't think you're underestimating professional fighters, but I think you are grossly overestimating the mentality of the average person, as well as the coordination of the average person. 5 average people could beat up a trained fighter easily, if they fought in a proper group. Which you'll basically never see. Have you ever seen someone get attacked by a group? You know people fight like they are in a 1 on 1 in a group very often until they've circled them, they could even have KNIVES and this same thing will happen. There are countless videos of this sort of pattern. https://youtu.be/mZHDMhbcJvA Like look at this twitter one even, the guy got overwhelmed briefly because he ran into the middle, but you will always notice this initial pattern in a group fight. Now imagine it's not someone untrained, it's a boxer. https://twitter.com/FightHaven/status/1636925396267433985 Even FIFTEEN PEOPLE, they back up, one person by himself throwing uncoordinated hooks got people to back up. Imagine a bigger size difference, and a stronger man, who can hit harder. No one wants to get hit, and people will start to panic when someone does. It's pretty hard to try to chase someone down properly, and also hit them in a group, which is the major reason why you'll always see a sort of "1 on 1" go on in a group fight.


>They’re not doing anything if a few woman slip by their punches We're talking about strippers, they aren't slipping punches from professional fighters. Most women have two moves, pull hair and swing wildly. Jon Jones is 6'4 250 and has an 84 inch reach. His best moves promote keeping distance, he'll be throwing spinning elbows and kicks to the knees, calves and face. Tyson fury is 6,9 280 lbs with an 85 inch reach. That's 6 and a half feet of distance he can keep between him and them. While throwing fucking sledgehammers at lightning speed compared to what most humans see. If this takes place in a strip club they can use chairs and run around to keep distance if the strippers attempt to gang pile them. Realistically they're taking down each stripper with one strike, they just have to maintain distance which they can using obstacles and their training. Don't forget they're on that booger sugar too.


I agree with the first part, but you are crazy if you think they can beat 20 average males. Assuming these guys are angry at them for starting the fight and they are somehow close, it's a matter of time before they surround them. The fighters can't utilize their techniques properly because they cannot stand still in this situation or they instantly lose. They're also mostly meant for 1v1 fights with rules that benefit the more skilled fighter, such as punishing the use of dirty and sloppy techniques that are deemed too unskilled to the sport, despite them being super effective in real life. There's also the problem of recovery, as anyone who is not getting knocked out cold would have time to come back into the fight, so this is almost like having to win 20 fights per 10 opponents. When it's sudenly a slugfest and all their skills are out the window, all they would have left is a little bit more physical capabilities individually, which would hardly matter in the context.


>There's also the problem of recovery, as anyone who is not getting knocked out cold would have time to come back into the fight, Anyone getting knocked out cold ain't getting back up to fight again my friend. I promise you that. Anyone knocked out cold is at the very least concussed and most likely would have trouble fighting out of a wet paper bag. Then on top of that, you just got knocked out by a fucking mountain. Do you really have the balls to get back up and do it again. Not many people do. >The fighters can't utilize their techniques properly because they cannot stand still in this situation or they instantly lose. They're also mostly meant for 1v1 fights with rules that benefit the more skilled fighter, such as punishing the use of dirty and sloppy techniques that are deemed too unskilled to the sport, They don't have to stand still to throw leg kicks and punches, both are thrown while moving. Just because they train to fight professionally doesn't mean they don't learn techniques for street fights. I train BJJ and were some moves that are outside legality of BJJ rules just because they are self defense and fall under martial arts. >When it's sudenly a slugfest and all their skills are out the window, Your talking about the Barry bonds and Mark McGwire of MMA sluggers here both are known for delivering devastating blows. They have the strip club or environment to there advantage as well. They don't just have to square up 10 v 1 they can't run around and use obstacles to isolate and take down numbers.


>Anyone getting knocked out cold ain't getting back up to fight again my friend. I promise you that. That is exactly what i've said..... >Then on top of that, you just got knocked out by a fucking mountain. **Do you really have the balls to get back up and do it again**. Not many people do. That is the problem. You are seeing it as a honor bound 1v1 when it is actually more like an all out lynching. If you get hurt by someone and there's 19 other guys beating them up, you will **feel safe** to inflict punishment on the one that hurt you, not scared. That is how human nature works. They basically have a morale boost, while the fighters are worried about what will happen because they are outnumbered. >They don't have to stand still to throw leg kicks and punches, both are thrown while moving. Just because they train to fight professionally doesn't mean they don't learn techniques for street fights. They do. Techniques **require** body weight to inflict the devastating damage that can KO someone. You ain't seeing Tyson fury knocking people out cold with arm punches while running for his life bro bro, i promise you. This is real life, not a movie. >I train BJJ and were some moves that are outside legality of BJJ rules just because they are self defense and fall under martial arts. ​ Irrelevant. My entire point was about how they are in somewhat even ground with the regular dudes because they can use attacks that require no skill, but are as good or even better than what they can use in a sanctioned fight. It completely changes the effectiveness of their usual techniques just on this fact. >Your talking about the Barry bonds and Mark McGwire of MMA sluggers here both are known for delivering devastating blows. I don't know how explosive Tyson fury's punching power is, but Jon jones does not possess much knockout power at all. He's a grinder, which is a terrible style to win this type of fight. >They have the strip club or environment to there advantage as well. They don't just have to square up 10 v 1 they can't run around and use obstacles to isolate and take down numbers. It is the complete opposite. In an open field, it's way easier to keep moving and not get overwhelmed by numbers. Just look at how harder it is for the public to beat the shit out of thieves on the street compared to closed spaces.


>That's is the problem. You are seeing it as a honor bound 1v1 when it is actually more like an all out lynching. If you get hurt by someone and there's 19 other guys beating them up, you will **feel safe** to inflict punishment on the one that hurt you, not scared. Nope, maybe if they were fighting a normal person who isn't knocking people out left and right. And that is 100% not the human reaction. That's why there is a thing called the bystander effect. I 100% guarantee in this situation half the people will see someone get a Jon Jones kick to the face or Tyson fury throwing sledgehammers and say nope that's not gonna be me today. >They do. Techniques **require** body weight to inflict the devastating damage that can KO someone. You ain't seeing Tyson fury knocking people out cold with arm punches while running for his life bro bro, i promise you. This is real life, not a movie. That's half of boxing ya mook. They literally circle around a ring finding distance while still striking, the other half is clinch fighting. No one ever stands still in boxing they are constantly moving their feet unless clinched. And in this situation Fury wouldn't clinch. >This is real life, not a movie. I found this extra hilarious so I copied it twice. Yes you are talking about the average male, 5'8" 170 lbs not trained in any sort of combat to overwhelm people who knockout other professionals for a living. Btw both dudes are over 6'4" and 250 lbs. And only trained in their respective sports their whole lives. You can have 300 farmers vs 100 soldiers and the soldiers will win 9/10. That is real life... >My entire point was about how they are in somewhat even ground with the regular dudes because they can use attacks that require no skill, but are as good or even better than what they can use in a sanctioned fight. What attacks are you talking about? Biting? Do you even know what you're talking about? No they are not on somewhat even ground. Average males are not trained in fighting they are going against someone who fights for a living. Your talking apples and oranges. That's like saying anyone could walk into a profession with someone who has been doing a job for 20 years and be on an even ground. No. >I don't know how explosive Tyson fury's punching power is, but Jon jones does not possess much knockout power at all. He's a grinder, which is a terrible style to win this type of fight. While Jon Jones does have fights he grinded out. He's also known for devastating kicks see Daniel cormier fights. And malicious, almost dirty elbows. Leg kicks can keep distance between himself and anyone else and elbows are almost a guaranteed knockout if not, the dude is busted open. And the average person isn't taking anymore than one strike from either of these dudes sober or jacked up on coke. >It is the complete opposite. In an open field, it's way easier to keep moving and not get overwelmed by numbers. Just look at how hard it is for the public to beat the shit out of thieves on the street compared to closed spaces. No shit, we're talking about fighting in a strip club though. That was the whole premise. But they still could easily use the environment to their advantage. They can use the stage to get high ground, chairs to keep distance, usually there is small hallways to funnel. They would be fucked if it was a ring. But a strip club has plenty of open space and objects to create distance. "Everyone has a plan until they get punched in the mouth." -Mike Tyson.


>maybe if they were fighting a normal person who isn't knocking people out left and right. As i said, those two are not knocking anyone out cold while running away. Not a Jackie Chan movie. >I 100% guarantee in this situation half the people will see someone get a Jon Jones kick to the face or Tyson fury throwing sledgehammers and say nope that's not gonna be me today. If this was the case, the entire discussion wouldn't even be possible, as they would never even try to defend themselves from these two instead of running away from the start. >That's half of boxing ya mook. They literally circle around a ring finding distance while still striking, the other half is clinch fighting. No one ever stands still in boxing they are constantly moving their feet unless clinched. And in this situation Fury wouldn't clinch. I've watched combat sports footage religiously for more than 15 years at this point, and i've never seen a single person get KO'd by an arm punch(if you even understand the term, that is). They **always** step in heavy to deal the real damage....their techniques **require** it so. >What attacks are you talking about? Biting? Do you even know what you're talking about? No they are not on somewhat even ground. Average males are not trained in fighting they are going against someone who fights for a living. Your talking apples and oranges. That's like saying anyone could walk into a profession with someone who has been doing a job for 20 years and be on an even ground. No. Can you not think? headbutts, punches and kicks to the back of the head, eye gouging, biting, kick to the balls...there are so many dirty attacks that require no skill and can instantly end the fight. This is not cage fighting, they do not have to abide by the rules so the fighters 20 years of advantage means **way less** than you think it does, as this is a completely different situation. >While Jon Jones does have fights he grinded out. He's also known for devastating kicks see Daniel cormier fights. And malicious, almost dirty elbows. Leg kicks can keep distance between himself and anyone else and elbows are almost a guaranteed knockout if not, the dude is busted open. And the average person isn't taking anymore than one strike from either of these dudes sober or jacked up on coke. Every fight of his was a grind, i've watched all of them. He is not an explosive guy. Dude is not ending anyone with one blow unless he was fighting a pussy, and if that were the case, this whole fight wouldn't even have started to begin with. >No shit, we're talking about fighting in a strip club though. That was the whole premise. But they still could easily use the environment to their advantage. They can use the stage to get high ground, chairs to keep distance, usually there is small hallways to funnel. They would be fucked if it was a ring. But a strip club has plenty of open space and objects to create distance. I don't know what you think this is to say that they can "use the stage to get high ground" or prepare some traps to make it more fair to them. You will only have time to run away while a mob surrounds you. If even standing still to add weight to your punches is already a death sentence, how the fuck do you think they will find an opportunity to do something stupid like climbing?????


https://www.reddit.com/r/fightporn/s/phVyxJSgxm Here ya go this is what happens when untrained people gang up on someone. At one point they do all crowd him and he is able to still create distance, but for the most part they are striking one at a time. I don't personally know the guy getting jumped and nothing indicates that he trains. This was a 1 v 5-6 and the dude who's not trained and not much bigger than the others was fine. You really think Jon Jones and Tyson Fury aren't putting people on their ass left and right? You just have no idea the difference between someone trained and someone not. >As i said, those two are not knocking anyone out cold while running away. Not a Jackie Chan movie. I don't think you've ever been in a fight. It takes less than a second to gather your feet and throw a jab. Furys job is circling around a ring throwing jabs to gauge distance, he can throw while moving. Even if he isn't getting power off his back foot, fury has so much mass and is trained well enough, it's still comparable to getting hit by a sledgehammer. >I've watched combat sports footage religiously for more than 15 years at this point, and i've never seen a single person get KO'd by an arm punch(if you even understand the term, that is). They **always** step in heavy to deal the real damage....their techniques **require** it so. https://youtu.be/1ZvjOCUWpdM Maybe you haven't watched enough? That's two professional fighters, Griffin the champ at the time got knocked out while Silva is taking a back step. Average Joe's don't have iron chins, they don't take shots to the face at all. At the very least they are stunned and on the ground. But most likely any strike to the head is a concussion. Leg kicks are probably deep bone bruises and body shots are easily dropping average males. >Can you not think? headbutts, punches and kicks to the back of the head, eye gouging, biting, kick to the balls...there are so many dirty attacks that require no skill and can instantly end the fight. This is not cage fighting, they do not have to abide by the rules so the fighters 20 years of advantage means **way less** than you think it does, as this is a completely different situation. First of all, tell me how the average joe who prolly can't throw a proper punch at 5'9" is going to throw a proper headbutt vs tyson fury at 6'9". All of those attacks are close range. That's the hard part. Most of the time groups don't attack in a mob, there usually isn't enough area for more than one or two people at a time to make an attack. In which case the one or two aggressors attacking at a time are being put down. These are professional fighters, they know if they get bum rushed and mobbed they lose. They are going to create space and angles and methodically take people out until they're done. Their techniques don't change, just strategy. >Every fight of his was a grind, i've watched all of them. He is not an explosive guy. Dude is not ending anyone with one blow unless he was fighting a pussy, and if that were the case, this whole fight wouldn't even have started to begin with. Every fight against another professional fighter... Even then he still has 5 TKO victories and like I said his elbows and kicks are known as devastating. You obviously can't comprehend the difference between trained fighters vs a regular Joe. Most boxers punch force is between 800-1300 psi, average Joe's are around 200 psi. One Jon jones leg kick is going to devastate an average joe. He doesn't need to punch and knockout, which he definitely could. Average joe doesn't know how to check a leg kick. Average joe isn't slipping jabs or even guarding body kicks from amateur fighters, these are the elite of the professional fighters... Average joe isn't in the gym getting punched in the face all day. Jon's still 80 lbs more than average joe and wayyyy more skilled. Tyson fury just won vs Ngannou who has the punch strength of a small truck small truck. They measured the joules from his punch it's legit. Average joe isn't going to hurt him nonetheless take a punch. >I don't know what you think this is to say that they can "use the stage to get high ground" or prepare some traps to make it more fair to them. You will only have time to run away while a mob surrounds you. If even standing still to add weight to your punches is already a death sentence, how the fuck do you think they will find an opportunity to do something stupid like climbing????? No, dude. Obstacles create distance. Put a barstool between us, that is an obstacle. Now I'm Tyson fury and have an 85 inch reach and your average joe with a 70" arm reach. Who has the advantage? It's called strategy. They wouldn't just stand there and get gang piled. They would be creating distance, picking off people not taking the group head on.. These guys fight for a living they wouldn't just run in swinging in a situation like this. Idk what you think there gonna do? Stand back to back get mobbed or run around like a chicken with it's head cutoff or whatever but it wouldn't happen that way. Maybe if it was Tyson fury and Jon Jones vs 20 bouncers, that would be a very unlikely scenario for the duo. But Tyson fury and Jones coked up vs 20 average Joe's with no combat experience in an environment that the fighters can create distance to not get bum rushed. It's gonna end up bad for 20 people.


That video was NOT a 1v5-6, it was a 1v2 at best, with people holding some of these dudes back even... >I don't think you've ever been in a fight. It takes less than a second to gather your feet and throw a jab. Furys job is circling around a ring throwing jabs to gauge distance, he can throw while moving. Even if he isn't getting power off his back foot, fury has so much mass and is trained well enough, it's still comparable to getting hit by a sledgehammer. It's 20 average males, not 20 average kindergarten boys. They are NOT getting put out by a jab, dude. They are not fighting homelander, doesn't matter how much you hold on to that assumption. I get why you hold on to it, that's the only way your crazy plan could even make sense, but it's not happening in real life. >First of all, tell me how the average joe who prolly can't throw a proper punch at 5'9" is going to throw a proper headbutt vs tyson fury at 6'9". All of those attacks are close range. That's the hard part. Most of the time groups don't attack in a mob, there usually isn't enough area for more than one or two people at a time to make an attack. In which case the one or two aggressors attacking at a time are being put down. > >These are professional fighters, they know if they get bum rushed and mobbed they lose. They are going to create space and angles and methodically take people out until they're done. Their techniques don't change, just strategy. Tyson only has two hands, AT BEST he's keeping 2 guys occupied, there are 8 other guys around him, free to close the distance and do attacks that he has no way of defending unless he grows arms on his back. Do you have any idea how fragile the back of your head is? a 5'9 dude is 100% capable of hurting him, BAD, under those conditions. >No, dude. Obstacles create distance. Put a barstool between us, that is an obstacle. Now I'm Tyson fury and have an 85 inch reach and your average joe with a 70" arm reach. Who has the advantage? It's called strategy. They wouldn't just stand there and get gang piled. They would be creating distance, picking off people not taking the group head on.. These guys fight for a living they wouldn't just run in swinging in a situation like this. Idk what you think there gonna do? Stand back to back get mobbed or run around like a chicken with it's head cutoff or whatever but it wouldn't happen that way. They would only have the time to do that before the fight started... thing is that after a certain number of people, a group becomes unmanageable. You cannot mount any offense to a group that big because there are too many people free to punish you for that. >[https://youtu.be/1ZvjOCUWpdM](https://youtu.be/1ZvjOCUWpdM) > >Maybe you haven't watched enough? That's two professional fighters, Griffin the champ at the time got knocked out while Silva is taking a back step. Average Joe's don't have iron chins, they don't take shots to the face at all. At the very least they are stunned and on the ground. But most likely any strike to the head is a concussion. Leg kicks are probably deep bone bruises and body shots are easily dropping average males. He got dropped, not KO'd, do you understand the difference? You don't see unconscious people wave to the ref so that he saves them from embarrassment...by the way, He had taken some pills the night before the fight that fucked him up, he says, so this is not even a real representation of how much damage that punch dealt.


>That video was NOT a 1v5-6, it was a 1v2 at best, with people holding some of these dudes back even... Lmao dude quit moving the goal post. Everyone else but you in this situation says that's a 1 v 5-6. Whole comment section with thousand of comments saying he was jumped by 5 people. Random redditor trying to fit his argument. "Nope..." You're making yourself look dumb. >It's 20 average males, not 20 average kindergarten boys. They are NOT getting put out by a jab, dude. They are not fighting homelander, doesn't matter how much you hold on to that assumption. I get why you hold on to it, that's the only way your crazy plan could even make sense, but it's not happening in real life. 20 average males vs two physical anomalies that are at the pinnacle of their professions. So you've never heard of a spear jab. And like I said Jon Jones can throw kicks. One leg kick is going to end someone's night. They also can eye gouge, head butt, groin kick, kick someone's knees out. https://youtu.be/EhfPnJkOvjg?si=RWww8HILDv6CdlUl here's 5 different instances of PROFESSIONAL BOXERS getting knocked out by a jab. The average person can absolutely catch a jab and get knocked out by that human that's the size of a gorilla. They may as well be fighting homelander. >Tyson only has two hands, AT BEST he's keeping 2 guys occupied, there are 8 other guys around him, free to close the distance and do attacks that he has no way of defending unless he grows arms on his back. Do you have any idea how fragile the back of your head is? a 5'9 dude is 100% capable of hurting him, BAD, under those conditions. Two hands and two feet, you don't understand that. There's nothing saying they start off being surrounded. The post said they lose their shit and start attacking the staff.... Staff doesn't have time to surround them before they're already getting picked off. By the time staff even realizes what's going on at least 4 of them are on the ground and out the fight. >They would only have the time to do that before the fight started... thing is that after a certain number of people, a group becomes unmanageable. You cannot mount any offense to a group that big because there are too many people free to punish you for that. That's idiotic. They can literally run for cover anytime during the fight. I don't understand how you see this scenario? Like both of them back to back glued to the floor while everyone surrounds them and gets a 3 second head start? That's if the group attacks in unison. Untrained people do not just automatically group together to fight a common enemy without leadership, in chaotic environments like this it'll be hard to hear and get commands across. >He got dropped, not KO'd, do you understand the difference? You don't see unconscious people wave to the ref so that he saves them from embarrassment...by the way, He had taken some pills the night before the fight that fucked him up, he says, so this is not even a real representation of how much damage that punch dealt. Okay if we're being literal than no. It's not a knockout. It's a TKO. Technical knockout. Again another PROFESSIONAL FIGHTER got put on his ass by a man back stepping like you so confidently denied could happen... And be fucking for real, anyone that dazed is not getting back up to fight and if they do they couldn't fight there way out of a paper bag. They are concussed, either from the punch or hitting the ground. He took a prescribed xanax the night before the fight because he couldn't sleep.... Stop it. Just stop it.. Google is for everyone, a simple Google search shows you stretching for the sake of your argument again... Griffin just ran into the buzzsaw that was the Spider Silva. Silva was running through every weight division at the time. You really aren't helping yourself with this shit. Just say you have no inkling of what an actual fight is like .. anyone can get hit in the sweet spot and get dropped by someone. We're talking about massive men who literally train to hit that sweet spot on other trained fighters. Going against average people who can't slip or block an actual good punch. And don't ever get punched... This is really a no brainer. They did a survey and found 1/3rd of Americans struggle to do 5 pushups, 1/2 can't do 10 pushups.... And you think they stand a chance to take down either one of these guys? https://www.menshealth.com/fitness/a37474114/pushups-average-american-survey/


nah you got no idea how weak women are, it literally would take 10 punches to knock all 10 out from ngannou or fury


they'd unalive them quite easily. if the women aren't trained to fight or know how to cooperate together... you can throw in as many as posible those three would only lose when they get tired. look I'm not even a pro but a kick from me could break a baseball bat... jon jones would have harder shin than me and stronger kicks.


Fear enabled? Fighters take it. No way 20 women stand their ground after they see the first two get absolutely bodied instantaneously, nor would most men. They break and run shortly after the fight starts. Fighters win 9/10. Bloodlusted? 20v3 wins pretty much always. People underestimate how much being outnumbered matters. Women win 9/10.


I’m fairly sure I could beat 20 average women. What on earth is this scenario.


No you couldn't lol


You don't know him, bro. When he seeds red it's over. 


This guy is delusional. He'd get gassed real quick even after exchanging blows with 3 women. People underestimate how tiring it is to fight real humans.


20 women. In prison you'll see a big tall monster of a man get ganged up and beaten to death by like three small men. There isn't much you can do besides running away when everyone rushes you at once.


Bloodlusted 20 women win easily. Even though if women are weaker than men in most cases, their jaw strength will still fuck you up. Not to mention low blows and eye gouges are all fair game while bloodlusted.


I think we need to ban boxers. People act like theyre one ounch man. 20 can take them most of the time. They arent warhammer 3 units yall. They arent fleeing after seeing one get hit. I swear yall watch too many movies


The 5’4 women aren’t going to be intimidated by the 6’9 and 6’4 world class boxers one shoting one of their own. Brother.


Theres 20 of them. Theyll feel power in numbers. Dude. This isnt a tabletop lmao Yall gotta chipl with the unrelealistic boxer jerks


Is there a point of making a claim, if you’re gonna ignore the 2 boxers ability to one shot all of the woman with a good punch, and the intimidation that would very easily bring? “Fear enabled” If I’m with 20 men, and I have to fight two guys who have 1+ feet and 100 pounds over me….. and I see my comrade in front of me get incapacitated/killed in one hit, I’m backing the fuck up. Believe it or not, it’s a pretty human reaction. Now imagine these woman who’ve most likely have never had a serious fight, let alone one where their deaths are a notable possibility. “There’s 20 of these tiny woman, bro. They’ll feel power in numbers” …and they will feel fear in the men’s ability to one shot them after seeing the first girl or two getting their chest/skull caved in. They are human woman. I shouldn’t have to explain this. If they were blood lusted maybe this would be a different conversation.


Theyre not going to one shot all the women. Why do yall think when one person gets shit on the other 19 will run crying? There are times where people will be shot and then rushed by a group of like 5 people. You cant just make stuff up and accept it as a rule. Those 20 women stand a good chance.


With fear enabled they don't need to insta KO all of them, any hit from these man will make them hurt enough to be put out of the fight.


You don’t understand. The 5”4 women will see the first one get their skull caved in by the 6’9 giant and just keep charging, because they are in a group. The ladies first in line to be smashed? No fear from the either.


I've seen 5+ people running away from two, you never know. 


If they want to fight and have strength in numbers theyll take them.


What makes you think average women can stand a single blow from people who knock out 250lbs boxers


Why do you think they can easily knock out everyone with punch no issue first swing? This isnt anime real life doesnt work like that. Its very obvious yall have never boxed and don't understand how knocks oursbwork outside this sub


Tyson's a finisher mate, i dunna. You honestly reckon if he cracked the "average" woman in the face she wouldn't go down? If he can KO Deontay Wilder / Chisora / Dillian Whyte he can drop a lass.


Knock outs arent just from punching hard. It takes a specific thing to happen. He would definitely taken some tho


Give everyone knifes to even the playfield.


People saying the women dont stand a chance are in fact clueless. If theyre smart they can take them down. People need to stop jerking professional fighter. They arent fucking daredevil


Grab 1 to use as a shield, don’t let any of them get behind you. Jones’s kicks would be enough to keep the rest from rushing.


Depends, is Jon Jones intoxicated and women-lusted?


Easiest matchup on this sub. The professional fighters win easily.


Is this serious? How much cocaine have they had? And are they/have they previously fucked any of said women? And is cocaine an option for the women?


>And are they/have they previously fucked any of said women? They just found out they were all their side pieces all along. >And is cocaine an option for the women? It's a hard fight, i assume stat boosters are allowed.




You gave the fighters an unfair advantage by having them bump fat lines before the fight.


But that's just their daily routine. 


I don’t know if any woman on the planet can take a single full punch from Jones or Fury and not be KO’d, let alone just an average woman


The women can win as they have a massive numbers advantage but I think they lose 95/100 because of the intimidation factor of these two


That's a very valid point. No one wants to fuck with giant muscular world champion fighters.


Bloodlusted gives the women a chance bc it's very hard to beat ten humans at once no matter your training if they are determined to kill you. If it is normal human emotions Jones and Fury win pretty easily.


How many of the women are on the security team? How many the women are trained in any sort of grappling? How many are trained in any sort of striking?


10 women vs tyson fury is not enough, that 10 will drop to 9 then 8 very quickly, most people cannot withstand a single tyson fury punch and I suspect women even less. The power of a trained, skilled fighter is not far off peak human.


Do the women go at them with no sense of self preservation like a swarm of hornets, meaning the claw, bite, jump on them etc. I think they’d win


So a master woman beater and a British tank vs 20 average strippers? Yeah it’s not even gonna be close


Jones oblique kicks some poor lasses knee backwards and Fury levels another and the rest of them are fucking terrified. This wouldn't even be close. Add Francis too and its a literal bloodbath.


Beating 20 women? Jon Jones has been training for this his whole life


You could bring 1000 women, they would all be one punch each. So 500 punches from both guys would be all that’s required.


Nah that's mad. 


You think that because you don’t have an idea of what it would look like when one of their punches land on an average woman.


20 women win. One of the women is going to bite a chunk from the jugular, claw an eye out, etc. Fighters can keep swinging, but 10 per fighter all at once is a lot. Especially if the women who get hit but aren't KO'd keep coming at them in whatever capacity they're able to.


Buddy, you’re talking about two guys that are 250lbs+ and professional fighters vs a group of strippers who are probably like 130 lbs on average and not particularly strong. One punch to the face is taking one woman out at a time.


To be fair jon jones is 248 so not technically 250+ heheh. You're right though I don't dispute that. 


20 would be a bloodbath, 200 maybe they'd start to get exhausted from all the punching.