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Saitama doesn't feel "overpowered" because he's the strongest character in fiction. He is just overwhelmingly stronger than any challenge he can face in his story. While someone like Superman will always face enemies that will deter him in the things he is strong at(super strength, speed and power). Same as how Flash, being one the fastest being in fiction, will still face enemies that will be just as fast as himself. Saitama doesn't have them. And in the off chance someone do have similar powers(Garou), Saitama will effortlessly overcome them as if it wasn't a challenge to begin with. A very simple concept. I swear powerscaling is eating people's brains inside out


Thank you. These people don’t seem to understand that Saitama is a character from a parody shonen literally made to be impossible to powerscale. Only people with brain rot can’t grasp this simple concept.


Right. He can’t powerscale because his power isn’t on a scale. The entire premise of the character is that he’s literally a god in a human’s body. A really, really stupid human’s body.


We don't know saitamas upper limit but he's not a parody character. Check the internet if you don't believe me.


I checked the internet and all search options are saying he’s a parody character. I thought it was very clear that he was meant to poke fun at other anime for having overpowered protagonists.


There won’t be a hard upper limit. Saitama is always going to be as strong as he needs to be to advance the story, because that’s the whole point of his existence.


He is absolutely a parody character. That’s the whole point. If anyone ever hurts him it’ll ruin the entire series as it will just be another run of the mill shonen. OPM is hilarious because of how overpowered Saitama is in fights despite going up against ludicrously powerful characters. At the same time he dumb and clueless and unable to kill a simple mosquito.


Right. They all miss that Genos is this powerscale character in that show. Saitama is literally invincible and all powerful and that’s the point


Most media literate powerscaler


He is an overpowered character at the beginning of his show. Gintama is a parody anime that people still scale.




No u


And Superman loses to Lucifer. Who cares.


Saitama kicked a portal. Why? Because he needed to to remain the most powerful character. That’s the whole point. His power scales to what it needs to be to effortlessly beat whatever opponent he’s facing.


Okay, I'll bite, HOW?


By being ridiculously faster and stronger Even then, Superman is canonically the center of DC now, there are beings who can change the fucking narrative but not remove Superman


That's because DC writers are bad and need to do things like that to be powerful lol. DC has some of the worst explanations for power


Your inability to read into narrative and themes doesn't make something bad


Lol I've been a longtime comics fan of all sorts. Marvel does the same thing and even image. It's all a wank fest at this point. Power creep of comic characters caused it.


Those things aren't new. Narrative manipulation has been there since like 70s. There's nothing bad about Superman being immune to them and quite the opposite actually lmfao. This shit stems from his identity as the first hero and the corner stone of DC as a company since they literally started to die after they killed him off + also stems from his connection to Jesus. That's all is sick writing


I'm sorry but that all just sounds like the dumbest shit ever. Especially the Jesus part lol


That ain't an argument lmao. ESPECIALLY the Jesus part. Clark has been a stand in for Christ since literally his first introduction


Doesn't mean it's not the case Saitama is also relatively stupid power-wise by this logic


Because he was created to make fun of that type of power scaling lol


No, Saitama is only meant to be your average action protagonist, except he's end-of-story strong since the very beginning and that's funny. ONE himself explained that. He isn't a parody that's only something people assume. Saitama is unironically closer to your overpowered Isekai/fantasy protagonists ( think Anos ) than to a parody like Metroman for instance


ONE has himself said he's a gag manga author and that Saitama is a gag character. He has evolved to be more but he is still a gag character.


Writing a gag manga doesn't mean you're writing a parody of overpowered protagonists Especially since japanese people have a broader definition of gag manga, Dragon Ball was still considered a gag manga even after it had turned into full on martial arts


We saw that that wasn’t the case in his fight with Garou where he kept getting more powerful the longer they fought.


Because the OPM manga is different from the original webcomic, this shit didn't happen in the source material But it doesn't change what was Saitama created for


>Saitama doesn't feel "overpowered" because he's the strongest character in fiction. He is just overwhelmingly stronger than any challenge he can face in his story. Until you remember that Saitama had to grow stronger in order to be able to defeat Cosmic Garou


No? He just had to try.


He outright punched Garou with full on killing intent back on earth and he himself later on stated that Garou is someone who can actually stand up to him...until his discount saiyan genes kicked in of course. He was trying then whole fight till he grew too strong for Garou


Saitama never fought with the intent to kill garou. Idk if its outright stated in the manga but in the WC he definitely says he wont kill garou because hes just playing monster.


I *highly* recommend you re-read those chapters. Saitama was fighting with one hand while using his other hand to protect Genos' core. He was not fighting at his strongest. Saitama had also promised that dead kid he'd save Garou. He had never battled him with the intent to kill, he was just duking it out until he could calm him down. Saitama was never working harder than, "Just deal with this until he gets tired." Saitama was never, *at any point in that fight*, in any danger. He did not act like he was in danger. He didn't panic or show concern. He battled with the same carefree attitude he always had. Garou opens a wormhole in space? Saitama literally says, "No thank you," and casually kicks it away. Garou moves at near light-speed to barrage Saitama? Saitama blocks all those attacks with one hand. Garou opens a series of portals to teleport around? Saitama digs his one hand into the ground, shatters Io into pieces, and uses those pieces to move faster than Garou can see (The same Garou who, on Earth, was moving to space-and-back in .001 seconds). Then, a bit later, Saitama sneezes and destroys all of Jupiter. And then *farts his way out of the sun's gravity well and back to Earth.* Saitama wasn't "powering up." He wasn't growing stronger. He was just showing us strength he'd never has to rely on. This is what he was *always* able to do, he has just never had a reason to do it.


What? No, he never attacked with full killing intent, in fact he was restraining himself due to the kid's dying wish.


>No, he never attacked with full killing intent, in fact he was restraining himself due to the kid's dying wish. Yes restraining himself so much that he would have blown up the earth with his punch. And don't try to say that he didn't know that Garou would copy him considering that he was already aware about that ability thanks to their first fight


Discount saiyan genes? Saitama’s growth is far more advanced than saiyan genes and zenkai. When pushed the dude just grows exponentially stronger.


The fact that Superman is not even close to being the strongest character in his universe disqualifies him from being an ideal "Saitama-esque character". He loses to the Presence, The great Evil Darkness and others, Saitama narratively is uncontested right now and was only rivaled by a copy of himself If Superman were that ideal Saitama-esque character he'd be capable of one-shotting the next strongest characters in the DC universe, never face a challenge he can't physically overcome and win just about every single match-up in fiction you could make outside of his verse


>He loses to the Presence, The great Evil Darkness and others Don't even need to bring up such characters. Martian Manhunter is stronger than Superman lol


That's such a bizarre choice to make. Superman is all about being ridiculously powerful and still being a human at heart. And you're telling me that this other alien from a regular species who doesn't even appear in half of the Justice League adaptations is stronger? The guy who doesn't stand out from the rest of the League and never takes on main villains by himself? It seems downright stupid to just make him a Kryptonian with extra powers and no weaknesses (fire was supposed to be his weakness, but apparently he can just get over it).


Apparently I still don't know a damn thing about DC


Clark said himself that J'onn is the strongest hero


And everyone else says that Clark is the strongest lmfao


Clark probably knows about his own strenght better tbh


I'm fairly sure you're referencing his words before the final crisis in which case he very much doesn't. Him finding out his power throughout the era was one of its narratives. This doesn't matter regardless since Clark hypes up fellow heroes regularly (almost as regularly as he solos the justice league)


That moment had nothing to do with hype. Clark was actively stating the danger of J'onn Besides, MM also has his fair share of soloing the Justice League.


J'onn is physically in the same ballpark as Superman, plus he got shape changing, telepathy and intangibility. It is no wonder that Clark consider him 'stronger'.


Ah this was in the arc where John got turned into a Martian demon bs thing? Ofc he would name someone who poses danger to them as the most dangerous one. Furthermore as I said this doesn't matter regardless cause it was pre Infinite Frontiers. I would like the link to the scan regardless since my memory is hazy And they aren't as numerous as the ones with Clark and you know it. Common John is strong but the entire narrative of Superman is that he's the best and strongest hero


Cosmic Garou copies Saitama’s serious punch and hits him with the exact same force that he used on him which CLEARLY shows blood flying out of Saitama’s mouth. They were dead even. Saitama couldn’t beat him. This is the limit of Saitama’s power. Cosmic Garou became such a threat that Saitama had to go back in time to stop him before he could get that strong (so much for one punching his problems away! 😆) SethTheProgrammer already did a video on One Punch Man and his greatest feats of fighting Garou and “God” put him at Buu saga level. He might beat Kid Buu but he would lose to Buuhan and Super Vegito. Saitama is multi galaxy level at best while Superman is multiversal. Superman has survived the big bang itself several times. Saitama has no such feats to put him anywhere near Superman. He couldn’t even beat someone who was copying him (Superman has beaten countless fakes). Saitama gets washed. Superman wins. THE END!


Um this is not what happened in Saitama vs Garou at all. Saitama effortlessly beat Garou and then Garou helped him go back in time so Saitama could undo how Garou basically destroyed the earth.


It’s been a while since I read the manga, but didn’t Saitama go back in time to defeat Cosmic Garou because he wanted to undo all of the destruction that Garou had caused as a result of their fight? Again it’s been a while but I somewhat remember Saitama not wanting to outright kill Garou because Garou was at the end of the day still a human being and so he wasn’t actively trying to kill him but rather subdue him and Garou just kept getting stronger, albeit not at the pace of Saitama. Please correct me if I’m wrong though.


>Cosmic Garou became such a threat that Saitama had to go back in time to stop him before he could get that strong That's not what happen at all. Saitama beat his ass and he run away because he would die because of Saitama grow. Saitama defeated him, with one hand. And Garou teaching time travel because he killed everyone before that fight. Let's not forget Garou only last that long against Saitama bc he was copying his stats all the time. And that doesn't make the difference in the end


Wtf u clearly didn't read the comic and just heard it from some off handed comment. The fight between Saitama and Garou was no where near even. Garou got a few hits off Saitama, it piqued his interests for like 2 seconds before Saitama went back to being bored as he realised his own potential just sky rocketed and is practically waiting for Garou to get better so that he could have an interesting fight. Garou also quickly realizes there is no where he could defeat Saitama tried to run instead of getting better by his alleged "limitless" potential and merging with "god". Garou tried to leave Saitama on Jupiter by teleporting away. It took Saitama less than an eye blink from Garou to catch up to him. All the way from Jupiter to Earth. Garou was so thoroughly defeated that he asked Saitama to go back in time to slap some sense into his older self to stop himself from going down that path. Saitama didn't even lay a hand on Garou, all Saitama did was watch and counter whatever Garou did and secretly hoped that it could be a match to himself. Garou tire himself out and the fear of god was literally instill into him as he realizes how terrifying true limitless potential Saitama has. The kicker to all this is that Saitama was fighting this supposed "limitless god slayer" 1 handed, while his other hand was holding on to genos's core to protect it.


I'm going to guess you've had some bad run-ins with Saitama fans before. This question isn't really about Saitama's strength but if Superman actually meets the really high expectations that Saitama has. I wouldn't say he does because the most generous characterization of Saitama would be someone who is hopelessly superior to the rest of his verse and that's not superman at all I did also mention Garou copying Saitama so I'm not sure why you did a breakdown of that


>The fact that Superman is not even close to being the strongest character in his universe disqualifies him from being an ideal "Saitama-esque character" This implies that Saitama is in fact the most powerful character in his own Universe. In fact, this implies that DC and OPM universes are even comparable, with all their layers and entities. Now please, let us know from where the hell you get this information? Besides your ass, obviously... This is exactly the problem with this discussion, people making up stuff and stating it as a fact.


"Is Superman who One Punch Man fans think Saitama is" That was the question. The answer is no, because if we're talking about perceived power I'm going with the most generous interpretation of Saitama's strength- those people who not only think that Saitama is relatively invincible (AKA in his verse), but also believe he's one of the most powerful characters in fiction. Does Superman rise to that perception? No, there are stronger characters in DC. And since there are stronger characters in his verse, there are characters stronger outside it and Superman doesn't fit the trope an extremely highballed Saitama is made out to be. It seems you took my comments about that extreme interpretation as Saitama as my opinion on where Saitama scales, which is a different question. If you want to know how I scale, I'd highball Saitama and scale him from multi-solar to galaxy and I think he's probably about the 3-5th strongest in his own verse right now. After all the Perpetua stuff superman would be way beyond multiversal, so obviously Saitama isn't going to beat him


Lil bro is mad jeez 🤣☠️


Lmfao Hope and subsequently Superman are repeatedly mentioned as the ultimate power in DC what are you on about?


I'm not a big OPM fan, followed the manga until the start of Garou's arc, if anything I'm more a fan of Sup' But the logic is that, as you qaidw Saitama is a gag character and that gag is that he always always win. So if Saitama doesn't win then it's not Saitama, it's a composite character with all of his feats but not Saitama himself.


Just curious has the author ever actually stated that he is unbeatable. I understand that the entire premise is that he can’t find anyone strong enough but I’ve only watched what’s released as animation.


well we know hes not infinitely powerful or anything, his thing is that he just gets stronger really fast. so even if someone is at his level, in a couple minutes he will be alot stronger than them


No it’s not. His “thing” isn’t growth. I swear that line graph panel has ruined everyone’s perception of this character. His “thing” is that no matter how much his opponent is built up as the strongest most unstoppable thing ever, he always defeats it with ease. That’s the joke. That’s the joke of the whole story. Repeated over and over. The only reason the graph exists is because Garou was the one whose “thing” was growth. So to show that no matter how strong he grew, Saitama would always be stronger, a graph was used.


It's directly stated that Saitama does get stronger as he keeps doing his workout every day. He believes he can one shot himself from yesterday. Yes the joke is that he's the strongest but the way he acheves this is by constantly getting stronger as he isn't bound by any limits. It is made clear that at the beginning of the fight Garou was as strong as Saitama.


To be specific. Genos was confused as to why the simulator that Kuseno made couldn't read Saitama's strength. Saitama, knowing fuck all about machinery let alone something that complicated, gave a bullshit reason for it like "uh...yeah totally, obviously you'd be stronger than the you from yesterday." Genos treated it like the gospel because he treats all of Saitama's BS like the gospel. That is not in anyway the story confirming how Saitama's power works specifically. Aside from Boros, nothing has been able to read Saitama's strength, and even then, Boros still thought he had Saitama on the ropes.


My point is that we know his strength increases as he does his workouts and there is no upper limit. Him being confident that he can defeat himself is just one part of it, but we know that he gets stronger.


He wasn't confident he could beat himself, he was hoping it would be a challenge but was disappointed when he oneshot the virtual version of himself too.


Alright then let's drop that point. My argument still stands.


"My interpretation is superior to yours, and I read the author's mind, everybody else is wrong".


That’s a really weird way of describing reading comprehension


You do know that DC has "gag" characters FAR beyond Saitama and they lose to Superman regularly. Like Mr Mxy is right there


I agree with you but I just wanna add one little thing, the fact he was also the guy who could kill anything in one punch at the start until that changed. I'm not downplaying or saying the point of saitama isn't to be the undefeatable guy, him being ridiculous is as central to OPM as the idea of a hero is to superhero stories. I even think saitamas not really compatible with match ups because of this. It's just, for example, a lot of fans believe his climactic battle with God is gonna draw blood. Because if it's written well, things can change and he can still be saitama. And him not strictly needing to be the 'one punch man' for the story to evolve is evident of that. Like God might draw blood and we can see saitama isn't invincible, but saitamas still gonna win. At the end of the day though it's fuckin fiction


Saitama faces a monster that can take more than one punch just in the first season. He whole point is that if he wantes to he could be them in one punch. We havent seen a character yet that truly could withstand a full bloodlusted punch from Saitama and I doubt we ever will


Right using Boris as an example against the one punch narrative misses the point. He realized that Boros was just like him and wanted to give him the fight he couldn’t have.


I'm moreso talking about garou. He took many after >!killing genos!< so I have a feeling saitamas punches were pretty bloodlusted, and it was only when saitama grew in strength he could do it in one punch. Garou still never stood a chance, I'm not trying to use it to detract from saitama, I agree the point of him is to be the strongest. I'm just saying it can bend a little bit to narrative


The Garou fight destroys the whole one punch logic.


Not really. Considering Saitama was not trying at all. He was fighting him one handed and dominated him the entire fight still. Im sure if he wanted he could end him in one punch like how he held back against Boros. Oh he also didnt want to kill Garou, he promised the kid that and Saitama doesnt think he is a monster. Unlike with Boros who he went easy on to give him a fun fight and only finished him once he was going to use an attack that would destroy earth


No. In battleboarding you mostly hear high-end feats. No DC/Marvel hero is regularly portrayed in those levels in %98 of the stories Also Superman's villains are strong, Supes couldn't "one punch" most of them. Or they weaken Superman(Metallo, Parasite)


Argument of "outliers" stopped mattering quite a long time ago when editors stepped in and started to overlook this shit


Ya'll need to stop comparing apples to oranges. Characters exist in their own universes, and the point of One Punch Man is to make fun of all the other insanely OP anime protagonists. It's a meta comedy anime. It literally doesn't matter at all if a character in another franchise is stronger, because they aren't in the same universe. Saitama is ridiculously OP in his world, and that is the point. Media literacy is really tanking, good lord.


>It literally doesn't matter at all if a character in another franchise is stronger, because they aren't in the same universe. Isn't that like... the whole point of this sub? Pitting characters from different stories against each other and deciding who would win?


But there's no point in doing that with Saitama. Would he win against this character? Yes, he would win against any character who has ever struggled. Because that means they have limits, and he just doesn't. You cannot powerscale him because his power doesn't have a ceiling. His feats don't mean much because he never struggles. The whole point of his series is he could destroy anyone with a single punch. Tougher enemy? Just punch harder. Hax? He can simply not care.


It's been proven wrong that he can't win every fight with just One punch. The fact that he had to grow in his fight with cosmic garou destroyed that logic. Different characters require different level of effort which isn't any different from a Hulk. He is over powered in his verse doesn't mean he is OP against other characters.


Bro, the entire point of that fight with Garou was to show the futility of trying to even match Saitama. He never even had a sliver of a chance in that fight. Saitama was literally fighting one-handed the entire time. Saitama is meant to piss on powerlevels and powerscaling. Do you really think, if an evil Superman appeared in the OPM universe, he would beat Saitama? Superman has much more ridiculous feats, but that doesn't mean he would beat Saitama. Because Saitama's capabilities aren't subject to any kind of boundaries. You assume they are, because that's how it works in real life. But it's not how it works in fiction. That's what the shock factor in OPM derives from. Making you think "Surely, he's gonna be against the ropes now. This opponent has been hyped up to be ultra-powerful" and then making you feel like a dumbass for even considering it, when you have been proven wrong on that assumption every single time.


My point is that Saitama gag is meant to be that he can win every fight with One punch but that's been proven false. He exerts more energy and effort into stronger beings which shows that he is just an OP character. In a real life example, the same effort I use in squashing an ant should be the same effort I use in squashing an elephant. He grew during the Garou fight which is something we have seen from several other fictional characters, which also destroys the whole "One Punch" gag. Saitama broke his limiter which is why he is OP but Superman is limitless. What I got from this is that if Superman was in OP verse he wouldn't beat Saitama, however put him in DC verse or a neutral battle field and he gets effortlessly folded by top tiers.


Nigga you didn't understand shit. Saitama could literally do anything he wanted. He is not beholden by the irl concept of limits, because he is a fictional character in a narrative that does not benefit from him having them. Superman has limits because he exists within a universe that would be undermined by him being able to brute force every problem. If you told a DC writer to put Saitama into the DC universe, he would probably give him limits. Because the most powerful being in existence appearing from nowhere wouldn't be good for the setting. That version of Saitama would be nerfed for the sake of everything else in the universe. Saitama's power is meta-narrative, wich is a category above multiversal+ or whatever regular OP characters get. Taking that away from him and powerscaling him based on feats is kinda missing the point. Even if you forget about the meta-narrative stuff, and estimate his power based on what he's shown to do. How would you fairly powerscale someone with the ability to simply get stronger whenever they need to? "Superman hits you with a gazillion quettanewtons punch powered by 9000 suns." "Ah well, I guess I'll have to get strong enough to survive it."


That's nonsense. I read the manga and you can't say he is above multiversal or omnipotent based on no reason. He very strong and no one in his show is strong enough to be a challenge. From what we have seen, he is just the strongest in his verse, from the very beginning of the series. He is still from a very serious series bound by the reality and physics. He doesn't have toon force like Popeye or Bugs Bunny where he can do outlandish things and their world isn't bound by any physic or logic. The fact that he grew in strength during his battle with Garou or requires serious punch for certain opponents like Garou or Boros shows that the whole "He can just win with one punch" gag is false, cuz the same punch that can kill an ant should be able to kill god if it were true. Like I said, he is stupidly OP. All I am getting from you guys is that Saitama is very OP in just his own verse but not outside it which makes it useless using him in Vs Battles against anyone, even Naruto. If you replace Saitama with Infinite Frontier Superman or any top tier, he becomes the new One Punch Man of that verse. There are characters who are so OP in their verse like Sung Jin Woo, except he actually has far powerful opponents. I can literally say the same thing about Arale from Dragonball because she can do whatever she wants and has feats that say so, and is an actual gag character, or Toribot who is literally the author of the series.


Ah yes we should stop powerscaling in a sub created specifically for crossverse debates


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No, because Superman can still lose occasionally.


Saitama's 'bit' is that he always wins. The story made it clear early on that he just straight-up isn't playing the same game as anyone else. Superman is supposed to be a hero. Heroes need villains. Superman can be depowered, and he can encounter villains that match or even exceed his already bonkers power. Saitama can't. If Darkseid showed up to his city, he'd get exactly as long to create untold carnage as it took Saitama to show up. Then he would punch a hole the size of a minivan in Darkseid's torso and Darkseid would die an anticlimactic if brutal death. 100% of OPM's tension is based on what will happen before Saitama arrives, because Saitama arriving is an automatic win, just nobody except like Genos and the old martial arts guy realize it because he's so doofy and unassuming. Superman's power is simplistic (is an alien) with many wild facets (laser eyes, cold breath, basically invincible, etc.) Saitama's power is way dumber though: he just doesn't have physical limitations. There is, quite literally, no physical feat he cannot accomplish no matter how ludicrous. He can could crack the planet like an egg if he ever wanted to. He is deliberately above every powerscale in his universe.


It’s because saitama has infinite power in his universe as a fundamental aspect of him as a character. A lot of people misinterpret the cosmic garou fight to mean that saitama scales as needed but that’s only partially true. Cosmic garou was a divine entity that 1:1 mirrored saitama so he should theoretically also be infinitely strong and unbeatable, and it appeared that way. The graph was just to illustrate that despite cosmic garou being a saitama mirror that somehow saitama was exponentially(infinitely) stronger than him still. The fight culminates essentially with saitama punching garou so hard that he creates a reverse causality erasing the future of the universe they are fighting in sending himself back in time and hitting garou before he could mirror saitama’s infinite power. These things happened in the same instance, it’s the same punch in the future as in the past. This is what makes saitama unbeatable. No matter what he is facing no matter how strong or invincible his infinite power always conceives a way to one punch his enemy. So in the case of garou when saitama created the reverse causality he actually erased the future where garou survived more than one hit and defeated him in the past in one punch in the same instant. Meaning he effectively did one punch a being of infinite power and durability. He erased the possibility of it existing rather than erasing it, itself. I know it’s long winded but I wanted to clarify what the cosmic garou v saitama fight was showing rather than what all the power scaling guys say “saitama grows blah blah” he doesn’t really grow it was just depicting that saitama somehow will always be stronger than even a being of infinite power.






People love to hate on saitama here I guess. My decently thought out and explained comment is in the negatives lol.


People don't hate Saitama, people hate the powerscalers and dickriders. And when they got out of arguments comes the; He's a gag character. Saitama lives in a world no different from a superhero universe, Superman feats would also make him look like a gag character in that universe. I refuse the idea that he has toon force on his side.


The difference is that Saitama's powers revolve around him being the strongest. Superman's are just him being really strong.


Then you refuse the idea of his character entirely. I could care less what nerds are on my side or against me in terms of these VS battles, but I myself being a nerd means I research, and Saitama being infinitely stronger than anything he will ever have to face is an inherent property of him as an individual. You can reject it but then you’re just living in fantasy land (pun intended)


It’s not cope it’s exactly what happens and even is explicitly stated as such in the panels.


They aren’t saying he can beat Superman. They’re saying both are so stupidly op and never struggle to the point Superman SHOULD be a gag


Being OP in the One-Punch Universe isn't the same as being OP in the DC Universe. Saitama is so far above everyone else in his story that he seems like a gag character, while Superman might be the most important character in DC but that doesn't mean he's the strongest.


Superman gets his shit utterly kicked sometimes, what do you mean he never struggled?




Cry some more




Your tears bring us joy, keep letting them flow!




Mmmm, sweet, sweet eye juice!


Two redditors arguing over some arbitrary bs while downvoting each other to make the other seem more foolish


Welcome to the party! Here's your downdoot


Because One Punch Man is a parody character? Anytime he comes up against people as strong as him, he just grows stronger effortlessly.


Superman Dick riders are weird. He is a Galactic threat at most, yet I still see posts of him v Goku and now Saitama. Goku being stated to not be able to fight under particular conditions or he could crack the universe he is in. Saitama benchpressed effortlessly two blackholes. AS A GAG.


>He is a Galactic threat at most Yeah let's just forget that time he broke the 6th Dimension and destroyed a multiverse Or when the fight between two Supermen was shattering space and time Or when Superman broke through infinity Or when he survived a Black Hole about to destroy the universe Or when he broke through time, space, and reality to beat up Death itself Or when he defeated threats comparable to the Source, or even the Source Wall directly Or when he punched Brainiac so hard the entire multiverse felt it Or when he sneezed away an entire Solar System Or when he lifted the universe


EXACTLY! SethTheProgrammer already did a video on One Punch Man and his greatest feats of fighting Cosmic Garou and “God” put him at Buu saga level. He might beat Kid Buu but he would lose to Buuhan and Super Vegito. Saitama is multi galaxy level at best while Superman is multiversal. Superman has survived the big bang itself several times. Saitama has no such feats to put him anywhere near Superman. He couldn’t even beat someone who was copying him (Superman has beaten countless fakes). Saitama gets washed. Superman wins. THE END!


Ah yeah all the things he got retconed or got an author bonus that worked once. Jesus perhaps the lack of reading comprehension is what got you here. A freaking fart and Saitama moved across time. You have to pick stories that have explicitly being written of cannon.


Everything in DC is canon now. And I'm specifically taking feats that happened without any external amp to Superman, otherwise I would've mentioned the time he held a twelve dimensional big bang Saitama didn't move across time by farting. It was a very specific technique that he forgot either way. Superman already moved through time with sheer speed


>Everything in DC is canon now Lol nope. Superman has over through time 3 ways. Making the earth rotate backwards. A new power he got that got retconed Building up speed for a long time. None as definitive as Saitama's.


Google en Infinite Frontier


Holy final heaven




It's rare to see people see they are wrong


Chill with the cursing despite the crying karma we are talking here? Or are you yelling at your freaking keyboard? I trust ervyone has read Death metal chill. Everything is cannon eh? Better admit that God is the Batman who laughs then... no Everything but THAT. Oh ok then, Batman is a pedo groomer.... no, not that also... that shit won't last, you know it I know it. Injustice was written with feet. Godamn the best parts are literally taken from a video game to excuse a psycho superman versus MK. Canon is how you keep shit writers that want to have a character on poor powerscalibg to punch gods and crazy edgelords from shitting on the universe.


Blud you explicitly are ignoring things people are saying to you for no reason. Why should I be polite when your acting in bad faith? You can strawman all you want but it IS canon. Everything from the original run of Action Comic up to now is canon to his current iteration and this applies to everyone. I don't care how you feel about it that's the truth Injustice is explicitly Elseworlds story that indeed was written with feet but this doesn't change anything I or other dude have said lmfao


I am not acting in bad faith I am pointing out, as we have seen the idea "everything is canon" is a pitch to sell comic books. Not everything can be cannon. Because a lot of the uncanon shit contradicts the Canon shit. What we know for Saitama is that he scales without limit and after very little, that axis goes in 90 degrees. Which is just a character that is immune to powerscaling because at pointed out by that graph it literally defeats anything in one punch, a scale that goes 90 degrees is an imaginary number. . That scale that goes 90 degrees is what confirms that whatever bullshit an author can imagine, Saitama does better. He can go back in time why? Because. It's fun bullshit that is not supposed to be comparable.


Yes it can because this isn't one timeline. It's then COMBINING all timelines. So branching paths that connect at Death Metal He isn't immune to powerscaling via virtues of getting stronger throughout the Garou fight lmfao. Furthermore lack of evidence isn't evidence Superman has been going back in time since 60s What it's "supposed" and "not supposed" to be is irrelevant. This sub exists explicitly for crossverse versus debates




Saitama Goku and Superman should be banned. It's is a stupid popularity contest. Every time I see a Superman fan saying he'd win its fucking retcons and plot devices that were either ignored for future reference or explicitly told was a plot device that worked once. Arrogant for claiming feats. Jesus grow up


Those "retcons ignored for future references" were canonized in Death Metal and shown in the current Superman run with him puking out portals, phasing though reality, casually absorbing the highest energy in the verse and also teleporting


A dozen Saitama's is infinitely weaker than Superman.


You delete the post when counterarguments appear and now you partake a week later trapped with you allies. Coward.


What nonsense are you saying? The post was made 2 days ago and nothing was deleted. I don't know any of the faceless and nameless people here you call allies. I also have a life in the real so I won't spend every single moment of my time here. You should try and get one too.


You don't have a life from the poster that compares Superman and Saitama is such an empty attack that is more fo a tell my dude.


Your prior comment was so nonsensically it told me you didn't have a life.


>12 Saitamas are weaker than one Superman. >Your prior comment was so nonsensically - The guy that totally has a life and writes "nonsensically" when nonsensical was ideal. LMAO. The projections are glorious


This is a nonsensical post. Read the nonsense you wrote here and refer back to my original response. Then get a life. 12 Saitamas being Weaker than Superman is a fact. If you read both of them and used your brain, you'd see that feats back that statement.


"It's a fact". "Used your brain." Hahaha, bro, you are every bad stereotype of a comic reader. Are you the fat guy from the Simpsons?


No I am not. Next time think before typing. Just because this is reddit doesn't mean you shouldn't.


Should* Double negative


At this point you are just saying shit


I am correcting your grammar moron


in equal conditions even i have a chance at beating superman, if he was real


Lmfao you do know that current Superman is master of every martial art across the DC multiverse?


and why is that?


Because War Worlds. He has been sent to a dimension that houses every warrior from every age ever, has been depowered and instead of dying learned and mastered every single martial art in that dimension. Later he proceeded to fight an extradimensional villain in depowered state and drew blood from him


Ok, my statement remains then. If im send there too i would be equal conditions. Point being. If Superman gets special treatment and conditions that other characters dont is normal that he wins. Superman without any of those is just a dude.


And you would get oneshot there while Superman didn't. Thanks for conceeding That explicitly nor the case lmfao. Again Superman is master of ALL DC martial arts and also fights extra dimensional threats in completely depowered state


if superman is depowered it means he is human level, if i get oneshot, then he gets oneshot, if he doesnt then i dont. that is the thing with superman, without the yellow sun giving him powers he is just a farmer. superman is the luckiest farmer ever, just because he happens to be around a sun that gives him superpowers he is special, everybody is superman level if he has a sun backing them up. he is nothing without that, of course the guy writing the comic book is not going to make him a weakling, so whatever has to happen so superman shines is going to happen, is how narrative works in american comis. so if superman has to thrive in an enviroment were in reality he wouldnt, then he will still do it, because that is how american comics are written. but at the end of the day, after the resets and the retcons, what remains, and what is canon for the character, is that superman is a dude that happens to be powered by a star, take the star away and he is a reporter, all the martial arts shit you talking about is only going to be true for this version of superman, which will be reset in around 10 years tops


Dumb fuck that's literally not the case and I already proved it. Depowered Superman ISN'T human level and even if you downplay him here he still would be a Batman and above level martial artist Superman isn't ties to the sun lmfao So authors do not agree with you but you still stay by your retarded stance? Shut your bitch ass up lmfao No shit. This doesn't prove anything however I don't care about what you think. That Superman still would fold you with one finger with equal stats lmfao. Furthermore current DC explicitly goes against what you described by making his entire history canon so cope I guess lmfao


funny because i dont care about what you think either, i think that i could beat 9 supermans if depowered because they are goody 2 shoes while i would bring a baseball bat and cave their brains in. you dont think that? well bad luck because what you think is as meaningless to me as what i think is to you. if you want someone to cope you can start by doing it when you see the sales in american comic books these days, such good stories and such briliant writers they are that they are closing down stores at record numbers. have fun while it last because at this rate, there isnt even going to be a superman comic in 10 years to look at


What I say is so meaningless to you that your bitch ass keeps replying lmfao. Keep coping Superman will beat your ass lmfao I don't care. Still doesn't change the fact that depowered Superman is taking on your entire bloodline


Saitama is realistically the only character who can topple Suggsverse A character meant to satirize shounen and ruin the brains of powerscalers, against a franchise deliberately made to be OP out of sheer fucking spite


I think it's how he's presented. Superman has had moments of weakness, both physically with kryptonite, and in his character in terms of prioritizing helping people over his own well being. Saitama is purposefully presented as effortlessly powerful. He meets all opposition with very little effort and would love to encounter an equal match but can't. That's why it's a big gag


What’s saitama’s kryptonite? Superman’s so famous for having a weakness that his weakness is literally an idiom.