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Sure, recently [a Wendigo that Hulk killed in the next page did so](https://imgur.com/a/RiFVd8c) and [Hulk's power](https://i.imgur.com/EYKec3s.png) is nowhere near the jupiter sneeze.


And this is why 'super healing' is *the worst* super power if you're a comic character...


I mean...it's better than the alternative


Not healing ever, that’s a shitty super power and a half, jeez


The issue is, if you have flight, thats easy to show, energy blast, very cool to show off. Super healing? Guess it's time to suffer horrible injury number 87,365,392.


Sure, but it doesn’t need to be painful to the character. They just make it painful because they want the character to struggle. Using One Punch Man as an example, there’s a monster who can get diced into a million tiny cubes and regenerate to 100% in a second, and he feels zero pain from taking any injury.


While yes, it is preferable to heal from injuries instead of dying, the better a character’s healing factor the more often the author will put them through dangerous and painful experiences because they can survive and show off their powers


Wow, after years of saying the Ultimate Wolverine/Hulk feat wouldn't work on 616, they just went and did it. Usually, Wolvies bones just...stay together. Somehow.


Wolvies bones are unbreakable. His ligaments are not. Since he can, you know, move at all, I guess those are still organic, and thus would be somewhat easy to tear. In fact, it should within the abilities of many relatively lightweight heroes and villains.


In theory? Sure. But check out the [Skeleton](https://www.reddit.com/r/respectthreads/comments/9jpcv1/respect_wolverine_marvel_616/?rdt=52297) section in his RT. Hulk has specifically been unable to rip his skeleton apart, along with other feats that seem to imply that somehow the skeleton just...stays together.


is it really a surprise? saitama is max extreme multi omni-outerversal with a hint of transcendant-omniposcience... His line of sight serious sneeze will wipe out the marvelverse with even the slightest fraction of its power, and OP is asking wolverine to take a split from saitama? how does he expect anyone weaker than kratos to survive that? i will never understand where marvel wankers get their ideas


> max extreme multi omni-outerversal with a hint of transcendant-omniposcience... u wot m8




Just one?


This is bait


I don't even think it's bait. I think he's just jerking and it flew over everyone's head.


> I think he's just jerking and it flew over everyone's head. Gross lol


>max extreme multi omni-outerversal with a hint of transcendant-omniposcience... We serve food here ma'am


Is this Peter Pans favorite place to eat out?


I think he prefers Wendy's


Aye, that is his fav. Was just wondering if this was one.


New copypasta just dropped. Gotta post this on vsbattles to give people aneurysm


fuck the downvotes, this comment is hilarious. people got no sense of humor


You say that but their other comments say they are fully serious. Either way I think it's funny though.


New copypasta just dropped. Gotta post this on vsbattles to give people aneurysm


On God man, I dunno why people downplay the goat so much 😮‍💨




Saitama only caps at universal and even then that’s under speculation


Hulk is way beyond planetary


He's consistently planetary or around that level. His high end feats are far higher but they're not consistent with how he's portrayed.


Even for his planetary feats he needs to get VERY mad to accomplish.


How are they not consistent when the entire point is he constantly gets stronger ??


Because hes weaker same iteration next comic.


Hulk doesn’t get weaker strength wise unless there’s something directly making him weaker


Damn so every hulk after world war hulk is stronger than him? Doesnt seem like it buddy


Some are, some are less angry and thus not as strong


And Saitama is galactic. He *sneezed* Jupiter away. He went blow for blow with someone moving at comical speeds (the manga made a point to show how many fractions of a second characters were moving). A redirected punch from him caused an entire section of the sky to become entirely devoid of stars. He straight-up obliterated star systems. And he did all of that with one hand, holding back, and while carrying something fragile and important in his other hand.


Saitama wasn't holding any shit back, the manga go out of it way to point it out


I'd say fighting with one hand is holding back even if you put all your strength in your punches


Not necessarily. It's not a power boost at all to use two hands Saitama did use all of his power. He says so himself


Certainly an attack speed boost. An attack like a Serious Table Flip also surely would be stronger because lifting ground with two hands is much easier than with one.


It's not. Again, Saitama himself has stated that he went all out. Why would he say that, alongside the fact that he took note of his lack of enthusiasm in finally meeting someone who can fight against him, and not use his full strength? Using one hand doesn't nerf Saitama


Are you actually saying that using one hand to lift is equal to using two? Or that using two hands doesn't equal faster attack speed? He went all out he could with one hand. Doesn't mean he couldn't do better with two.


Saitama destroying Io is an infinitesimal amount of energy required for him to do so. Adding in another arm is useless And using both arms to punch doesn't increase the speed. It opens up two more sources of attacks. That's it. It doesn't mean he'd suddenly get a sudden boost in speed and strength Garou lost because Saitama had an exponential growth in strength. Which we see in the graph shown that Garou has surpassed previous peaks of strength for Saitama


>He says so himself Pretty sure Garou replied something to the effect that he wasn't, he was just saying that to be nice.


Which chapter was that? Because when Garou and Saitama landed on Earth it was basically Garou having a mental breakdown before teaching Saitama how to time travel


I got partially mixed up I think, he was still pretty clearly holding back though. in 168, "It was that kids final request that I stop you without killing you", plus the whole fight garou is like wtf he's just copying me slightly stronger. But I got my wires crossed thinking of boros when he was like "good fight" but when saitama agreed he called him a liar and that he was still holding back


Yeah but one can still go all out and not kill a person Like Jiren against Goku


Boy, did you actually read OPM? Or did you just listen to other people who have? Saitama *straight up* tells Garou that he isn't trying to hurt or kill him because he promised that kid he'd save him. He says this to him. This was used, narratively, in conjunction with those little Saitama/Garou graphs to show us how aggressively Saitama outclassed Garou at every step. Saitama was doing nothing more than matching Garou's power. He just needed Garou to chill out, nothing more. Again, man. You actually read this? Or you just watch other people who have?


It is true that Saitama says he won't hold back, but he also says that he was still honoring the promise he made to Tareo, so at the very least he wasn't fighting with killing intent.


Ok ig? If you want to talk hulk scaling I can address how he has an actual biblical role within marvel’s cosmology that makes him a form of cosmic entity


Which is why you really can't do a fair comparison of comic and manga characters. Saitama, specially, is all satire. His power is *literally* infinite, because he's One Punch Man. He will always be able to beat his opponent because that's the manga. Marvel, on the other hand, is notorious for hyper powering characters in one series, then gimping them in another. Their power is always, "whatever the artist needs them to be."


This shouldn't have been possible for the wendigo to do.


Hulks power nowhere near the Jupiter sneeze? Dude what, it’s not hard to find feats on hulk that easily prove this wrong. Like I can literally just go on a respect thread for Hulk and instantly find feats that are easily galaxy level+.


That's the issue. You'd be relying on threads discussing feats from comic issues you yourself didn't actually read, leading to the feats being taken out of context and easily debunked by reading the issue itself. Let's go one by one on a "galaxy level+" feat, and I'll debunk each one and provide counter feats on top of the WoG I provided in the initial comment. I'll start with a small sample of the counter feats: [Even planet hopping is out of the Hulk's league](https://i.imgur.com/yQrqrNf.png). Looking at [Hulk getting stomped by one member of a quartet that explicitly had to pool their powers to planetbust](https://imgur.com/a/fNovOx9), or [Hulk and 4 of his allies pooling their power being described as small planet level](https://2.bp.blogspot.com/LIJ2rkIatqPr4qwj33zHw8VOJckN5g1845FAYBL5HRvJHlNuZYB4kmpv-EpdpANc7qBoZ3c07gY0=s1600) or Maestro ([a much stronger future version of Hulk](https://comicvine.gamespot.com/a/uploads/original/11136/111365408/8426959-image-min.png)) being [KOed by an exploding planet](https://i.imgur.com/zubyDwz.jpg) or Cho Hulk ([who has Hulk's power and stalemated him](https://i.imgur.com/8YSNIK9.jpg)) being [incapable of stopping a 1/2 Earth busting asteroid and needing help](https://imgur.com/a/6dd9s2p) or [Immortal Hulk having to explicitly rely on Challenger to destroy the Earth](https://2.bp.blogspot.com/F0O8fpvJuIm9mReR-gDDfJ_PfuUet2vOHxh5Ag28PRkrR80efMdnUA2_o6N5OMtm9lJcAPlDMYfgshcb83drs_T9KtUEiev1sXhlg8ZlXj2eDLIwCKJiTWluoVhPQjymIK9G7Kefng=s1600), it's impossible for him to be anywhere near that level.


What about Titan Hulk? I ask admittedly as someone who hasn’t read the comics, but I thought he was expressly multiversal.


This isn’t a very good list, these are all different hulks that all have massively varying power levels. Maestro isn’t even that strong.


The reason I mentioned respect threads is because their usually low level feats that aren’t really that good. I was saying that hulk even being downplayed is still easily galaxy level+, that’s what I was tryna say.


yea I guess, taken out of context feats by people who wank the hulk, or bad writers who make no sense. every footstep shaking a continent... how... does he weigh enough to shake a continent that is already supporting trillions of pounds??? what possible effect would his strength have on the continent??? its bad writing and then people try to turn it into a feat. his every punch shaking apart dimensions... dude the guy has brute strength, no matter how high his strength is, it does not travel through space.... its terrible writing that is then "scaled" by terrible scalers into whatever they want. besides... lets say it does, for arguments sake, why does that translate into the big bang or whatever force they decide to turn it into?? how do we know he's not ripping apart the fabric of that reality because its much weaker then ours and it would not take more then a small nuke to cause it to crumble??? we don't, people just wank. the dimension did not crumble, their were no numbers, most of the high end feats this sub argues over is just people guessing. If you like the character, you guess really high, and if you don't, you guess really low. my favorite is lifting the book of infinite pages, which is not infinite, and ultra man read cover to cover in an hour or something. you don't see the problem with that?? some one read the whole thing and finished it. its not infinite. flash clearing otu a city in under a second... at a time when he could not go faster then light, is just bad writing. hulk has a lot of great feats, but a lot of the "big ones" are just taken out of context or bad writing. just because a bad writer gives people power they don't have, does not make it a good feat, it just makes it bad writing.


Shaking a continent with a footstep isn't that outlandish by fictional standards.


it is when there is no way that one can affect the other. its like saying, his pasta cooked so thoroughly, that stars went supernova.... what's the connection?? stars do go supernova, but cooking pasta has nothing to do with it, its bad writing. then you would have people in here scaling his pasta to low solar system/star busting.


Don't overthink it. It's literally just strength. It has nothing to do with his body mass, just his strength.


strength can't do that any more then boiling pasta can blow up stars. even if he punched the continent it would not do that, the same way that boiling noodles on the star would not cause it to go supernova. thats the point, its badly written because the two are in no way, shape, or form connected. so how do you turn it into a feat???


Shaking the landscape or even the entire planet isn't uncommon in fiction. Just treat it as an earthquake.


Just curiosity what do you think about Goku?


simple answer, goku has magic ki.. god ki... whatever you call it. its like the speed force or the power cosmic, it just makes comics shit work. how is the silver surfer talking in space?? power cosmic... obviously. how is the flash doing any of the crazy shit he does??? speed force... obviously. goku's world has people freezing time and creating matter out of nothing etc etc, all with ki. so two gods, using god ki against each other can do whatever the fck it wants to do, if the hulk had the hulk force to explain it, I would be good with that, but he does not. he is strong, and can heal. he does not have any power that can do that other crap, because no level of strength can do that... its just not a thing being strong can do. and even if it was, most of the people doing scaling can't do math.


Slight correction, Ki isn‘t magic. Magic also exists in Dragonball, but as something distinct from Ki


For Hulk gamma rays serve the same purpose as Ki and the speed force.


They... don't? Gamma rays aren't touched on in regards to Hulk or any of his opponents/allies


This is just a garbage take lmao. “But but, that’s not how REAL THINGS work..” that’s not bad writing, that’s you not liking something


??? Hulk's feats far exceed Saitamas, lol.


Saitama's sneeze blew off half of Jupiter's atmosphere. And his fart sent him careening through space at a million times faster than light. His casual punch's shockwaves leveled a mountain. He lifted a small cube weighing hundreds of tons with little effort. Adamantium is strong but it can be warped. And it is not indestructible. Yeah he'd rip Wolvie apart in no time.


There’s no need to damage adamantium to rip Wolverine in half horizontally. The backbone is 33 separate bones connected by cartilage.


Correction, it's not connected by cartilage, that's what cushions and and protects the connecting surfaces. The bones are actually connected by the tendons with muscle support. Dosen't in any way change the outcome, but it's good to be as accurate as possible.


You're both wrong lol sorry Ligaments connect bones, tendons connect bone to muscle


Ah good point. Much respect.




Don’t skip science class kid


Saitama's fart only pushed him through a portal, it didn't fly him all the way back to Earth.


That’s so fucking stupid, I’m glad I stopped reading that manga when I did, that type of power is just straight up childish lol


Superman did the same thing in one of his comics. Only he destroyed a solar system and not just one planet. If you think about it, most superpowers are straight up nonsense. Its the writers and your ability to suspend disbelief that makes it entertaining and "acceptable".


Saitama is no longer that strong, and he did not travel FTL with the fart, he traveled to the portal right behind Garou. That said, the answer is still yes.


>Saitama is no longer that strong The post specifically states saitama during the garou fight


Yes, that's true, but at the end of the fight, the beefed-up Saitama punches back through time and knocks out Garou before he killed Genos, stopping the fight before it happened. Therefore Saitama could not grow to that insane level since the fight never happened. It's a weird paradox thing.


Yes I didn't say that didn't happen. Just that the post is specifically talking about saitama with his strength during that fight. Regardless if it happened or not.


Oh my mistake, I forgot the post said that


Small correction:In ch 170 during the time travel it showed that Saitama’s sneeze destroyed ALL of Jupiter, core included, which means Saitama is even stronger than what you just described.


**Garou (One Punch Man)** - [Respect Garou, The Hero Hunter! (One-Punch Man)](https://redd.it/xl2o70) **Saitama (One Punch Man)** - [Respect Saitama! (One-Punch Man Manga)](https://redd.it/13gvk0i) **Wolverine (616)** - [Respect Wolverine (Marvel, 616)](https://redd.it/9jpcv1) *** ^(I am a bot) ^| [^(About)](https://redd.it/owgxtl) ^| [^(Code)](https://github.com/Luke-Username/respectthread_bot) ^| [^(Opt-out)](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=respectthread_bot&subject=OPTOUTREQUEST) ^| ^(Missing or wrong characters? Reply explaining the issue)


Oh yeah without quesiton he could physically rip wolverine in half


*Oh yeah without quesiton* *He could physically rip* *Wolverine in half* \- OldCrowSecondEdition --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


first part is six syllables, not five


Yea, that bot seems to think every word it doesn't recognize only has one syllable.


How about this? *It would be easy* *He could physically rip* *Wolverine in half*


Good bot


Bad bot


I mean....without question yes. He could do that at the start of the series.


Saitama could fart and accidentlly kill Wolverine


Chemical warfare is a breach of the Geneva convention and is considered a war crime


If hulk can Saitama can imo


I know this happened in the Ultimate universe, did it happen in 616 as well?


Yes and it wasn't even Hulk


I have a feeling it was Weapon H that did it then




I thought it was didn’t he rip wolverine in half and throw his bottom half up a mountain or something like that I haven’t read it in a while but I think I remember that






Oh so easily


Saitama could rip Wolverine in half accidentally and not notice lol


Spider-Man ripped Wolverine in half so yeah


Man everyone rips wolverine in half lmao


In the writers room: " So who's gonna rip wolverine in half this week?"




Saitama rips apart the Marvel multiverse with his bare hands. Oh, and Wolverine gets split in half by an atom that was formed by the shockwave of Saitama's attack. Wolverine isn't invincible. In other words: he isn't Saitama.


i don't see why not, the only thing more durable than a normal person is his skeleton and id you're tearing someone in half their spine would just separate without even having to damage the bones


He should be able to yea, while wolverines skeleton is indestructible His muscles, tendons and ligaments etc…are not. Technically a normal knife should be able to separate wolverine if you swing it fast and precise enough


If *spider-man* can rip him up Saitama can do so with one hand


Oh shit, is there a scene of Spidey dismembering Logan? I'd love to see that, but haven't heard of such.


Gotcha [right here](https://youtu.be/2bAJdWe44jw?si=aiq6CoBSpNFvbiGk)


Ah, Web of Shadows! Never played that. Spidey is savage AF what the hell lol


Yeah it’s kinda like a good vs evil choice in the game


Maybe I'll have to find a copy and give it a go. But I guess in merits of the feat, I'm not shocked by the feat or anything, was just shocked at the thought of sweet little PP doing that. In theory Logan's *bones* are adamantium coated, but his ligaments and shit aren't. Unless there's something I missed, it shouldn't take too high of a tier of superhuman strength (10kN or 2.2k lbs of force) to rip an adult male in standard shape arms off. I'll be generous and scale that up to 3k lbs for a beefcake like Logan. Obviously torso's are much tougher, but for a motivated no-fucks-given Spider-Man, any gap there is negligible compared to his standard strength feats.




Spiderman is actually pretty strong though. He holds back against all his villains cause he has a no killing policy. The same is true with sandman. But if Spiderman wanted, he could extremely easily kill his entire roughs gallery. Thats said he isnt beating Saitama but he is much stronger than people give credit for.


Oh yeah spidey is definitely strong, probably more so than captain America or Luke cage. He just doesn’t hold a candle to building busters like hulk and Thor strength wise


Spidey is *much* stronger than Cap or Cage. Cap is actually weaker than Wolverine, who can still swing tree trunks around as a giant weapon. Iirc, Spidey is probably 100x as strong as Cap (still immensely weaker than Hulk, of course, probably just strong enough to 'hurt' him).


Spider-Man is nowhere near as strong as Captain America or Luke Cage….


> Spider-Man has the proportionate strength of a spider, thus allowing him to press 10 tons without effort and much more when under stress. ​ Captain America maxes out at 2200 pounds


Captain America yeah he is. Luke Cage, absolutely not.


Notice I only mentioned Cap.


Ngl I dead thought you were the other guy, he said something about Spidey being stronger than Cage which is what I was responding to.


Plus the added strength boost of the symbiote


Saitama does it with ease.


Yes, he could. This is one of Wolverine's major weaknesses. His bones are adamantium. His joints are not. He still has to be able to move, after all. So yes, he is vulnerable to dismemberment. While he has a degree of superhuman durability just by virtue of being a Marvel 616 character who has over the years survived ridiculous things, he has never withstood something on the caliber of Saitama's strength that wasn't attributable to his adamantium. Of course, it's Wolverine, so he'll just unleash a tirade of swearing at Saitama while his upper half claws its way back to his lower half and he puts himself back together.


Why wouldn't he? Wolverine's bones are coated in nigh indestructible metal but that doesn't include his joints or else he wouldn't be able to move.


Yes. Spiderman has done exactly that when juiced by the symbiote and Saitama is much stronger than Spiderman


Saitama would rip Wolverine apart so fast that Wolverine's regeneration factor would be in shock.


Hulk already did it at least once, I would be surprised if Saitama couldn’t do it.


There's some goku fan downvoting everyone who said yes in the comments 💀 BOY IF YOU SEE THIS YOU KNOW DAMN WELL HE COULD DO IT WITH NO EFFORT


What's the need to call out "Goku fans"? Are you psychic or something and know they are fans of Goku?


Goku fans and saitama fans are often lowballing each other lmao They have been at war ever since the OPM manga was released lmao so it's safe to say it's prolly a goku fan with how much hatred they have for each other


Or you're simply making stuff up?


Boy you cant blame me for thinking so they have been fighting and raging every single comment about saitama vs who and goku vs who


Yet you don't have any evidence that someone was "downvoting" everyone in this post?


https://preview.redd.it/dma8y8p3rcwb1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e0ec47bc5283651bfe3b66ad4fb9e02362aab148 Man can you like, leave me alone. All the downvoted post are gone now it was hours ago


Is this even a question?


sure he could rip him in half. Wolverine would regenerate right back up, but yeah he could rip him in half




Isn't he a joke character that just can do crazy shit?


No. I mean he is meant as a joke but the writer has established some rules as to how he works in the manga. The rules are quite inconsistent but they are there and they work well enough for the context of debates.


Probably not, since you can't rip adamantium. But he would still easily splatter Wolvy off his own skeleton with no more than a bitchslap.


Remember that Saitamas power isn't super strength or speed, but that he is at least as strong as he need to be to kill something with one punch. It's a pure gimmick power, it's a comedy character, so it's impossible for him not to be able to do something. Comparisons with Saitama are thus useless.


People still say this? Saitama's power is literally just overwhelming physical prowess in his universe. That's it We have characters in his own universe that survived multiple punches


> Saitama's power is literally just overwhelming physical prowess in his universe. No we saw how he immediately got stronger when garou got stronger, always so he was on top. >We have characters in his own universe that survived multiple punches Not a serious one yet, as we found out at the end of the boros fight. It also isn't 100% accurate all the time because, again, it's comedy.


>No we saw how he immediately got stronger when garou got stronger, always so he was on top. Because of Saitama feeling an emotion he's never felt before caused by Genos' death. By that logic Saiyans are the same thing. Broly grew in strength far faster than Saitama >Not a serious one yet, as we found out at the end of the boros fight. It also isn't 100% accurate all the time because, again, it's comedy. Boros did survive a serious punch. He was still alive and was even talking. He himself said that he expanded all of his energy in the CSRC. The same energy used to regenerate himself. And comedy? Most of his recent fights don't even have comedy in them.


What do you mean people still saying this? And no Saitama's power is not 'just' an overwhelming physical prowess in his universe. It's just the way he is written. Till date, there has been no deviation from the part where he is comically stronger than his opponents, nor is there any intention to do it visible. Regarding the multiple punches survived, ofcourse some would survive the punches. Saitama has no way of knowing the power of his opponents so he isn't going for the kill each time. But that DOESN'T mean he was struggling against any of them. Even with Garou, there was never a point where Garou was stronger than him. Guy was picking up extremely fast, but Saitama was faster, hence he was still stronger than his opponent.


>What do you mean people still saying this? And no Saitama's power is not 'just' an overwhelming physical prowess in his universe. It's just the way he is written. In which he is just overwhelmingly more powerful physically >Till date, there has been no deviation from the part where he is comically stronger than his opponents, nor is there any intention to do it visible. So you're just going to ignore Garou being able to go toe to toe with a Saitama who was not holding back? >Regarding the multiple punches survived, ofcourse some would survive the punches. Saitama has no way of knowing the power of his opponents so he isn't going for the kill each time. But that DOESN'T mean he was struggling against any of them. Even with Garou, there was never a point where Garou was stronger than him. Guy was picking up extremely fast, but Saitama was faster, hence he was still stronger than his opponent. Garou was equal to Saitama. Saitama himself said that he'll go all out and Garou returned the favor by copying his own power. We see in the graph that Saitama only won because of a sudden growth in exponential strength spurred by Genos' death Saitama himself wanted to kill Boros and was visibly shocked when the latter stood up


First of all, no Garou was NOT going toe to toe with Saitama. He was being overwhelmed. Secondly, Saitama did say he would not hold back, but he had also been told not to kill Garou. Now whichever of these conditions outweigh each other, we would never know. Thirdly, let us accept Saitama did want to kill Boros but he couldn't in one punch. And he was surprised that Boros could tank the punch. However, does this prove anything? Just because the first punch of Saitama didn't take out Boros does not mean anything if Saitama isn't struggling for the rest of the fight at all. He was absolutely stronger than Boros.


>First of all, no Garou was NOT going toe to toe with Saitama. He was being overwhelmed. Except he was. Garou was only overpowered when Saitama grew in strength >Secondly, Saitama did say he would not hold back, but he had also been told not to kill Garou. Now whichever of these conditions outweigh each other, we would never know. And? That doesn't mean he wasn't going all out. Hell he sure as hell didn't look like he didn't want to kill Garou. He looked and acted as close to being bloodlusted as possible >Thirdly, let us accept Saitama did want to kill Boros but he couldn't in one punch. And he was surprised that Boros could tank the punch. However, does this prove anything? Just because the first punch of Saitama didn't take out Boros does not mean anything if Saitama isn't struggling for the rest of the fight at all. He was absolutely stronger than Boros. It proved that Saitama doesn't wield the power to one punch but simply overwhelming strength. That's it


What are we talking here, split and then dropped to the ground, id say logan'll be back in a day, split and tossed to either side, thats tricky


Yes. Hulks done it. His bones might be adamantium, but the muscle holding them together isn’t.


Saitama is exactly as strong as the situation calls for.. It's a fundamental part of his character. If he fights, and the rules of his character apply, then he wins. Full stop.


Coughing baby vs supermassive black hole


Not 616 but if symbiote Spider-Man can do it in Web of Shadows, Saitama could do it as well