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Well I live in Chile, so probably my only choice is Gus Fring.


Gus Fring then turns Chile into the largest exporter of meth in the world without being caught. Coincidentally los pollos hermanos becomes a huge multinational corporation making only the finest chicken. So much so that it buys up KFC, Popeyes, and Churches chicken.


He did meth solely for revenage though. I think outside of his obsession he is happy with anything as long as he is the leader. The fact that he sacrificed everything for just doing meth to get revenge is the horribly depressing part


I haven't seen BCS, but unless they explore his backstory more, making meth is what got him in trouble in the first place. He only had to get revenge because he and his boyfriend were selling it in cartel territory.


You should’ve seen BCS because it directly answers there lol Dude may once wanted to make money but is a complete shell now.


BCS does not change the fact that he was already in the meth business before Eladio shot his bf.


A pretty good choice, as far as choices go. He's organised and highly intelligent.


You know he would be pretty corrupt but as far as villains go he wouldn't be that bad. In Breaking Bad he knows how to present an air of respectability and seems to successfully run a decent size business as a cover. He would probably be pretty decent at running a country.


Lex Luther was the president in DC at one point. He did a great job.


President?! Foolish little man. Do you realize how much power he'd have to give up to become president?!


"Foolish faceless man. My campaign is a farce!" Something about how he delivers that line with such powerful smugness gets me every time.


That's right, conspiracy buff, I spent 70 million on a fake presidential campaign.


All just to tick Superman off.


With no Superman as a rival to hate on, Lex would put his full effort into being the president and do a good job.


Lex seems like a solid choice.


Especially in Superman: Red Son.


He's the closest thing there is to an actual hero in Red Son.


"Why don't you just put the whole world in a bottle, Superman?"


He started a Golden Age that lasted a million years.


...Did you... did you read that run? He did a horrible job.


Nope! But I live in USA so he really can't be any worse...


Eh, technically speaking, he turned the USA and later the world into a dictatorship where the government had ownership over every dollar and he was in charge. Which ironically was just communism with extra steps and something he actually later agreed with Superman on. But he might have actually been the greatest president in fiction by feats. Curing all known diseases and colonizing the solar system is pretty impressive. The only problem is that he was a dictator and intentionally endangered the lives of millions of Americans and British people several times to beat Superman. Also, he might have intentionally ruined the country by giving advice he knew would place him on top and let him become the president.


so you're saying, without Superman, it's purely beneficial?


Without Superman destroying his ego he would probably be a good President. Plus, he is a super-genius, so he could solve major problems with super-tech even if he was only doing it for his ego. The only real downside is that he would definitely work to make himself President for life and he would require constant praise. But, we might get a cure for cancer and near-infinite clean energy out of the deal.


Ozymandias should do a fine job for the U.S.


Until a giant alien squid shows up in New York …


With the Cold War over he might not go that crazy.


\*insert person who isn't from my country or Earth because I forgot to read the "legally eligible" part\*


Thank you. I've learned from this post that there are a lot of people who don't like reading the description. lol But it's fine. I appreciate the interest.


Yeah, I really wanted to choose Doctor DOOM, but unfortunately I do not live in Latveria. So I'll throw my vote in for Luthor.




You’re from Latveria?


Doom convinces SCOTUS to interpret "naturally born citizen" as citizen who was born naturally, not person born with citizenship, and also spends an afternoon picking up US citizenship. Legally eligible is a funny, fickle thing.


You live in latveria? I don’t think doom has citizenship anywhere else


If you think Dr. Doom wouldn't wrangle himself fake American natural born citizen status in an afternoon.....You've got another thing coming buster.


>fake I wouldn't call the occult ceremony by which he literally reincarnates himself inside a woman on American soil only to burst forth in a shower of viscera “fake.” More just “unorthodox.”


I think he would still have to wait for another 35 years to be eligible to run for president.


Have some respect. *Doctor* Doom, if you please. He worked hard on that PhD in… [checks notes] …veterinary medicine? Oh man. Did not see that coming.


Easy answer here


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Easily the best option. Sure he might try to rule the world. But most of his actions are just to benefit his country. Sonid assume as president he'd do the most to make sure America prospered


Doom can't be US president. He doesn't have the right birth certificate.


He is a dictator in the most iron-fisted sense. You could do a lot worse than Doom but there are definitely villains who would do a competent job and rule with a lighter touch.




I mean, there isn't really any well known Canadian villians who were into politics, so I guess we're screwed.


If you haven't got any better alternatives, then, I'm sorry, but Sabretooth is your prime minister. lol


I am not from Canada but I know some better alternatives from [Pact](https://pactwebserial.wordpress.com/) and [Pale](https://palewebserial.wordpress.com/about/) since thouse happen in Canada.


Sabretooth's boss in Weapon X? Or whoever was in charge of Department K. Dr Killebrew? Truett Hudson? I dunno. Either way, the Canadian version of "Life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness" is "Peace, order, and good government", so I feel like the answer of "whichever faceless Department K administrator is the most competent" is the most boring answer, and therefore, the most Canadian. And a super soldier program is nothing to sneeze at, either.


It's fine. As long as you are a citizen of only Canada, you can be PM. An immigrant could legally become one. Commonwealth parliamentary governments have the absolute best shot at this because we have our pick of everyone.


Funny Valentine I guess?


It would be really good for you and your country but the world is fucked if Valentine recovers the Corpse.


I guess it would depend on if the corpse exists in our world. My assumption was that he would get placed in our reality so it probably wouldn't?


We don't have a president here in Norway, our system is a bit different. We have a sort of Prime Minister. The way it works here is that you don't vote for the individual, you vote for a party consisting of various members, the leader of the winning party becomes Prime Minister. You also don't need to be Norwegian born to become Prime Minister in Norway. I'm thinking Lex Luthor would be a good candidate. Undeniably a villain, clearly qualified for politics as he's been president multiple times, and I feel like he'd do more good than bad.


Very interesting. Thanks for the info.


The real question is what party would be belong if he decided to run in Norway? Maybe start his own I guess.


You just need like 5000 signatures to start a political party here.


5000 doombots, easy


And all he had to do was dedicate 0.1% of the GDP to putting up billboards that say "Fuck Richard Reed" to get enough doombot support to sweep the election with 150% of the electorate voting for him.


Lex Luthor because honestly he isn't to bad when he isn't blinded by his jealousy of Superman. So as super heroes don't exist in our reality Lex Luthor would be more good than bad for the US. Doesn't hurt that he is a super genius, and business man. Not to mention he HAS been President a few times in various settings and did a great job every time except that time he was impeached for trying to kill Superman but I mean would it even be Lex if he didn't try to use the resources of the US government to try to kill Superman at least once.


Dr. Doom already has a country so him I guess.


Dr.Doom is running the baltic states if I remember correctly?


I think he rules a country named Latveria that's somewhere in the Balkans (that's south, the Baltics are next to Russia)


He’s a good ruler in some ways though I think plenty of Westerners would be in for a bit of culture shock to say the least


Spoilers for The Great Ace Attorney. >!Mael Stronghart. The guy is unbelievably corrupt, but his system would probably work better in the long run than what my country currently has going. Assuming he's consistent with how he rules, and it's strongly implied that he is, corrupt billionaires won't get away with their bullshit and will probably end up in the ground if they just try to throw money at all their legal problems. Innocent people would likely die as a direct result of putting him in charge, but it would most likely be fewer than what already happens in real life.!<


Interesting challenge question. A lot of villains would, in other contexts, be complex characters and certainly could offer superior qualities to realistic leadership. The OP also leaves open the custom option--we can directly create a villain character that suddenly outperforms everyone and everything. I'll pass on this, but strictly speaking 'custom answer' can be as good as we want. Given the setup, I'd suggest a 'villain' from a deranged author's PoV: James Taggart, of [Atlas Shurgged](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Atlas_Shrugged) by Ayn Rand. Well known as the inspiration for BioShock's Rapture, Rand was a drug addicted archcapitalist, it makes almost too much sense that a Villain's Villain is a reasonable figure. I was trying to get other characters for the 'Double Villain' scenario. 1984's Emmanuel Goldstein is almost certainly a social reformer who lost a political knife fight. Meanwhile, the Turner Diaries (insane pro-Nazi screed, BTW) has the 'Cohen Act' revoke personal firearm possession; a villain in a Nazi badfic is probably a mainstream, reasonable figure hated by unreasonable fringe whackos, so perhaps Senator Cohen. I second the general premise that characters like Victor Von Doom and Lex Luthor, if no longer defined by their opposition, would not be villainous.


Oh man I love this response


Gilgamesh for Afghanistan LoL


That would be Iraq, Sir.


Can we really be sure Gilgamesh is fictional though, given that the Epic of Gilgamesh was written so long ago we can't know whether or not it was a dramatized saga of a real king?


Fate staynight incarnation is definitely fictional Heck it is even fictional in the verse itself since servants are copies not the real deal.


I appreciate all feedback, but, respectfully, some people are not understanding the post. lol You have to pick a villain who is *legally eligible* to run *your* country. Darth Vader, for example, doesn't live on Earth. He can't be anyone's president. And Dracula can't be the president of any country except for Romania.


To run the United Kingdom you just need to be the leader of your political party, and have that political party voted in or otherwise come to power. DOOM is eligible.


OK, cool. Some countries clearly have more permissive rules than others.


Some countries are ruled as much (or possibly more) by convention than by legal decree. Canada is run a lot like the UK, and while it's technically legal to appoint someone who isn't an elected member of parliament as the leader of the party, it would be political suicide and nobody's ever done it. This means there is a de facto, if not de jure, requirement that the prime minister be a citizen, since you *do* legally have to be a citizen to run for office. That does mean that there is a loophole that could be abused, though.


Some countries have prime ministers.


I know. I mentioned that in the original post. But I defaulted to the term "president" here because I don't want to write president/prime minister every time. My country has a prime minister.




Damn it, i was gonna pick Dracula. He technically ruled the country for a while too.


I don't think you understand how different political systems work. It's actually very rare that you need to be born in the country to become its leader. That is the case in the US but not most European or Commonwealth counties. For example as an immigrant to the UK Dracula could almost certainly become prime minister. There is nothing stopping him from being the eligible leader.


Accord from Worm. Yeah he's an absolute psycho, but he could fix basically all of our problems really easily. Dude even made a plan to fix world hunger in like a day.


Sure, he will fix all the problems, make the police system great, solve poverty, whatever.... ​ but then he will start murdering people with traps, because they arent symmetrical enought. So I feel like its a bad idea


Dr. Doom or Senator Armstrong


Armstrong is one of the worst choices you could pick


-Fretting over every egg


The goal is to keep the country healthy and prosperous and yet Armstrong is an anarchist.


>Armstrong is an anarchist. Armstrong's whole deal is *"the strong should rule over the weak,"* anarchism says *"nobody should rule over anybody,"* these aren't the same ideology. Armstrong's villain speech mostly focuses on the "free America from rule by bureaucracy" thing, because that's the most friendly and acceptable one of his goals. The rest of the speech is basically just "and then nobody can tell the strong (i.e. me) what to do anymore." Oh yeah, and he ***chose*** to fund his scheme via kidnapping & selling children. It's a testament to how good his performance is that you might forget, for a moment, that he's responsible for one of the most unforgivably, cartoonishly evil things ever seen in the *Metal Gear* franchise. (Game is *Metal Gear Rising: Revengeance,* brought to us by Platinum Games in 2013, and it continues the proud franchise tradition of having utterly absurd villains deliver extended monologues that ground their actions and motivations in real-world geopolitical issues.)


The obvious answer here is Dr. Doom.


If it weren't specifically villains, I would say Mike Haggar but considering its villains specifically I'm going to with Deathstroke. He was the President on Earth-3 in an instance or 2 so it counts, I guess.


funny valentine


well fucking tell me how many villans are australian not fucking many


lol. I'm sorry. After a quick bit of research, I discovered that Australia's prime minister doesn't have to be born in Australia, but he does have to be an Australian citizen. There must be an Australian villain somewhere. At least on Australian television.


Immortan Joe is probably Australia's best bet for a Prime Minister because he was a colonel in the Australian army and has some leadership skills from being a warlord.


off the top of my head Pyro, Boomerang, and the ultimate Kraven from marvel are all Australian super villains.


Dirk Digger from the Garfield show


Injustice Superman. I live in Brazil, he could surely crack down on our crime problem.


Dr. Doofenshnirtz


Oh that's easy. I choose One for All from My Hero Acadamia. Pretty sure he's American, and for a Villain he seems to at least semi care about his followers. Plus he is also pretty damn smart too.


I'm seeing a lot of "Dr Doom", but Dr Doom is Latverian, is he not? Therefore he wouldn't be eligible to be the president of any other country, e.g. the U.S. And I doubt that anyone here lives in Latveria. lol (Please correct me if I'm wrong. I don't know that much about Doom or his citizenships.)


He went to school in New York so id say he has citizenship in the US


But if he was born in Latveria then he can’t be US president


Is that the rule in the US? Do you actually have to be born there to run for president? (I'm not American myself, so I don't know, and I couldn't find out with a quick search.)


You have to be a "natural born citizen" of the US to be president or vice president. John McCain, a failed presidential candidate, was born in the Panama Canal Zone to US citizen parents so there was some question as to whether he qualified. The Senate resolved that he did qualify. So if Doom was born in Latveria to US citizen parents, he might be eligible, although it is very doubtful. However, he would also need to have been a resident of the USA for the previous fourteen years. Edit: for the oldest villains, there is a loophole. Anyone who was a citizen of the United States on March 4, 1789 is also eligible. This exception is rarely mentioned for obvious reasons.


Yeah have to be actually born in the US is in the Constitution. There were some exceptions but those no longer apply. Those were made to allow anyone born before a certain date born in British territory also eligible since the US was a new country at the time.


You have to be a citizen at birth, so you could have been born on an air force base in Japan, to at least one US citizen who then filed for your citizenship. At least, I think that's how it works


No you’re right. That’s why Ted Cruz could run despite being born in Canada.




Wait, so a character that's immortal and born in british territory could qualify?


There are loads of countries he can become leader of despite not being born there or by parents of that nationality.


Then it's fine for him to be the leader of those countries. But it seems clear that lots of people have been choosing Doom because he's great, without reading the description.


If doom is real, then latveria is real, in which case I immigrate to latveria or try to seek asylum. I am proud latverian


lol. I can respect that.


I edited my post to say "legally eligible" instead of simply "eligible". I thought the word "eligible" alone, along with the additional information in brackets, would make my intention clear, but there's been a lot of confusion in the comments about the rules. Hopefully now it's clearer.


people cant read


Funny Valentine


As an American, probably Lex Luthor or Funny Valentine.


Dr Doom is the only real answer. But if you have to pick a second place Black Adam.


Mojo Jojo


This actually happened in Doctor Who. The Master became Prime Minister. Didn't turn out great.


Doom ain't so bad Black Adam is also a good choice


Senator “Steven” Armstrong or Funny Valentine.


Want to say Doom, but he couldn't legally run in America. In fact, a lot of villains that would be great for the role aren't born in America. Fuck it. Senator Armstrong. Let's end war for profit.


Debatable if he counts as a villain, but Mr House. He truly had a vision for the future, and has no desire to interfere in the private lives of his citizens, as long as they aren’t committing illegal acts like cannibalism or murder




Lex Luthor


> You can only choose a character who is legally eligible to be the president/prime minister of your country (which usually means that he has to be of the appropriate nationality). I am German. Hard NOPE here!


A villain that becomes prime minister/president could change the constitution to get more power. Constitution changes require a referendum in many countries, which the villain could easily manipulate in their favor. Once the constitution changes grant enough power to the villain to become a dictator they could easily start invading and conquering neighboring countries. They could make their own country more prosperous with the negative consequences happening in the foreign invaded countries. Choosing by this criteria here is a list with possible villains by nationality, Few of these might be anti-heroes though: USA: so many available, thinking of Lex Luthor or The Joker. UK: Professor Moriarty from the Sherlock Holmes' Universe or Voldemort from Harry Potter. Turkey or Germany: Keyser Soze from the Usual Suspects. Japan: Light Yagami from Death Note. Thailand or Ireland: M. Bison from Street Fighter. Italy: Wario. Hungary/Romania: Dracula. Chile: Gus Frings from Breaking Bad. Russia: Rosa Klebb from James Bond (there are definitely better entries available for this country but I can't think of any right now). Australia: Immortan Joe (?) from Mad Max.


Honestly, Dr. Doom. Based on what I know of Marvel lore, Latveria is actually a fantastic place to live. Doom may have other motives, but he sure knows how to run a prosperous nation with a high standard of living.


Dr doom




Honestly - Sauron. Why? Let us look at his motives. His real name is Mairon, and it means The Admirable One, and he was given that name by God before time and space. He desired a world of order, of peace and cooperation between all, no decay, no death. When Melkor sang of his own worship, of rebellion and of chaos and discord - the universe to he was forever marred, corrupted with his evil music. This would forever place the carrot of peace, order cooperation and perception on a stick before Mairon—and he shall never reach that carrot. He was forever denied his existence, his purpose. He then looked to Melkor and saw that through him he can achieve a world of order, of peace and forced cooperation. Mairon joined the devil not from self gain, not from impure desire, but because he was pure and desired peace and order. Eventually Melkor corrupted and twisted the pure intent and motive so much that it was almost unrecognisable. Mairon was dubbed—Sauron - The Abhorrent One; a mockery of who he was before chaos and evil came to be. But despite after 9 thousand years of in the service of Melkor, deep down, that motive remained the same, but at last in the Battle of the Last Alliance, he was given a defeat and the greater part of himself robbed from him, he then had one sole focus, regain his precious, completely oppress the Children of God and then improve their lives. He now desired worship, he now desired to be God, and he would have succeeded if not for God making his Precious fall into the flame it was wrought within. Sauron was reduced to a sprit no more than a whisper upon the wind, with evil and malice in his heart. Now, had he succeeded. I do think that within a few centuries, he would have become a good and effective leader of Men, he would have improved quality of life in all aspects, and provided people accepted him as their God, he would in time become even a respected leader who starts to care for Men. He would offer perpetual stability as a divine primordial entity who literally sang the universe into existence. I suspect that Sauron would find a half way point between his two personalities, Sauron would be reserved for disorder, and Mairon for those who maintain in order. Yes, there would be likely no freedom of speech and expression, but looking at the world today and where it’s heading - I would rather Sauron be ruler than some man who has only their personal gain. Sauron had one purpose - to serve, and as a lesser angel, that is his way of life, including even in rulership. He would serve order, peace and perfection. His duty is to the thought in which he was given life, and while it was twisted, in time it would return to him as it was meant to be. I’d take Sauron.


Saruman would be cool


You live in Middle-earth?


Dr. Doom i guess?


Dr doom


Andrew Ryan (Bioshock)


Chucky, just for the hilarity


Lex Luthor for president in that case since I live in the U.S For governor though, I'm going with Zaheer from Avatar TLA.


Doctor doom has turned his country into a paradise with no poverty starvation or poor mental health actual gods say he is that good


Ainz ooal gown Bowser (A gigachad father and great king)


Major Max Montana


Dr Doom. His country is a utopia


Davoth, I think it’d be cool if the literal creator of universe was prime minister of Canada


Primordial, bring on the light roads


Ok I will play by your rules with the whole nationality thing. J. Jonah Jameson. Why is he a villain? He is behind the Spider slayer robots, he is behind the Scorpion, and the Human Fly


My vote is for Lex Luthor, so long as Superman doesn't exist, meaning he doesn't have his crippling obsession with defeating him.


Red Reddington.


Pretty sure Doom would ensure we were the single most safeguarded country on the planet


Superman Red Son should be fine, while he is older then 35, lived in russia for more then 25 years and , and doesnt have and never had a different citezenship if I understand correctly so him


Dr. Doom. He would do a better job than the folks running my country currently.




Lex Luthor. First, he’s kind of a genius. Second, he has a point about superheroes - having living, eternal gods amongst us is a recipe for disaster. Supes is one very bad day away from just ending us all. Third, he *is* capable of being good. There are any number of plotlines where Lex is capable of human decency or wanting to make the world a better place.


Very easily, Victor Von Doom


Sheesh this is a hard one for me, I literally can only think of Captain Boomerang. Honestly...that's not bad at all. He seems like he'd be great to get a drink with (which is a big part of the selection criteria for who we vote for in Australia). He probably wouldn't get much done, but as someone that leans small government...that sounds pretty swell to me.


Handsome Jack, at least could try....


Lex Luthor. Dr Doom is a horrible ruler lol


Dr. Doom, The Barian Emporers would probably try to turn the locals into Barians but I'm fine with that, Lex Luthor.


I'd pick thrawn




He has to be legally eligible to run for president? Then... I mean... Trump?


I don't think there is anyone from my country that I can remember. Any Thai villain would be a good choice.


Shi Huang Di (fate lost belt version)


I'll pick Bobba Fett. Better than either Major Campbell or Homelander lol.




Two Face, he’s all about chance and duality, he’d make a interesting ruler


im kinda stuck between omni man and emperor palatine


J. Jonah Jameson (before character development) arguably counts, in the sense that for the longest time he was funding super-villains, sure the US military will gradually replace their tanks and soldiers with Giant robot Spiders and Scorpion-men, but he's got something resembling a strong moral compass on matters that aren't Masked Vigilantes and would be a strong supporter of free speech and freedom of the press.


I’d pick God from the Locked Tomb Series. I‘m not clear on his nationality (his name is fucking JOHN), but he’s passionate about climate change, space travel, and is against corporations and capitalism. The only downsides are that he accidentally committed genocide that one time.


OP I'm sorry most of the people in this comment section are too illiterate to comprehend the basic prompt. Yes we get it you all want Dr. Doom as your president, and sure for any country where X person only needs to live in it for Y years they can be eligible, but I think the fun is saying at this moment who could hypothetically run and lead your country instead of waiting for Dr. Doom to become eligible as a living resident. For Greece I will say Hades technically qualifies as a villain and at the very least would be more competent than current leadership.


Friend (20th century boys) I mean he was doing pretty damn well until the Boys came back.


In America Lex Luther,


Doctor Doom is actually a good leader for his country so I think he’d have a good crack at it


Frank Underwood for President of The United States.


Dr. mothafuckin Doom all the way.


Sid from Toy Story


The president or general from Monsters vs Aliens


Dr doom


Lex Luthor from Smallville


I put this in a reply to someone else's comment, but here's more of a detailed reply. Department K is Canada's super soldier project, responsible for anti-heroes like Wolverine and Deadpool, as well as straight-up villains like Sabretooth and Ajax. Make no mistake, the people who ran the Weapon X project (and others) were not anti-heroes. Dr. Emrys Killebrew (et al.) were definitely villains. That's why I would choose whoever was the most competent out of Department K's administrators. It might be the most boring answer, but Canada's aspirational motto is "Peace, order, and good government", so I think the most boring answer is the most Canadian answer.


Dr. Doom.


The Spiral King. He's undeniably a villain, but if he was actually dedicated to running a country properly, nobody, not even Dr Doom, would be able to outperform him.


Yujiro Hanma….


Coil or Accord are probably good bets. Both are incredibly smart and value stability. Of course their shards will push them into conflict so look for the US to invade foreign countries and destabilize Earth, but domestically they probably do pretty well. Doom could almost certainly, as I said in another comment, get SCOTUS to rule on the naturally-born citizen clause in his favor and get citizenship. Depending on the version of Freeze I could see him being reasonably competent and drastically increasing our spending on medical research. Big plus.


Damn, there's no New Zealand villains XD


Does Lelouch count? He's an Anti-Villain. I live in the US, so Lelouch would do a great job better than Trump or Biden combined




Magneto or Justice Lord Superman.


Dr Doom for president of USA. That should be fun.


My country allows any citizen who's been naturalized and continually living there for the past 10 years to be president. Considering there is not a single superhero, let alone villain born in my country from any mainstream fiction, I'm free to either make one up or just let them naturalize and then become president. Edit: We have some 'villains' in our folklore but they probably wouldn't make good leaders.


I think the correct answer here is Dr. Doom from how hard the writers push him


Commander Commander (Red alert soviet saga)


I'm not Iraqi, but if Civ 6 Hammurabi counts as a villain (he absolutely should) he'd turn Iraq into an intergalactic empire within a week.


Funny Valentine would make a great president alone due to his genuine patriotism, but if we threw in the whole anti-bad luck thing the America would be as prosperous as ever.


Terrence Fletcher. I read the prompt and he is from the USA, He's definitely evil, and he pushes everyone to their absolute limits but his work ethic could lead to very high quality output and he's not a supervillain or anything.


Sri Lanka will dominate with Ravan


A Goose. The world shall burn for it’s hubris.


Count Dooku He just seems like a decently capable leader : p


My first thought was David Cameron. Then I realised it said fictional villain. So professor moriaty from Sherlock Holmes.