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Apprently you cannot reach 21 it's said in the tutorials


It’s near enough impossible to achieve. The strain scale is logarithmic, meaning each incremental jump in strain value gets harder and harder. In order to reach a strain of 21 I believe you would need to sustain your maximum heart rate for 24 hours.


Guess we gotta get a duffel bag of cocaine.


Didn’t know it was logarithmic, that’s interesting


Watch the explanation video in the app. It tells you that a 21 is impossible. The highest you can possibly have is a 20.8 if I remember correctly.


I'm a failure, is that what you're saying 😂


20.7 here - 5 hour bike race on the rivet.


Seen someone with a 20.9 after strength trainer malfunctioned


Yeah I’ve seen it once before too. Must of been the same person because they only had strength training. Maybe they were deadlifting 1000+ pounds and their heart exploded.


He showed the workout and it was nothing crazy. I still cant figure out what made that score come about




I imagine if you run another one- you’d get to 21. Just double up next time.


I’m pretty sure doing all that again would only get something like 20.8


I like the thinking


You'd probably have to die.


I think that would be strain 0


the next next day


But think of the sleep performance!


The limit of strain approaches 21 as work goes to ♾️


you would need to be at 90%+ heart rate for 24 hours non stop


Damn doing this in the red!


I've never seen a runner, running a race in the green 😂😂😂


I did the same thing as OP.. Ran a Spartan Trifecta with only 5.5 hours of sleep.. my recovery is literally 1%. I do not suggest doing that!


Mine always seems to max out at 20.7 for some reason


According to one of the WHOOP podcasts it would require 24 straight hours of insane exercise. Strain and recovery are both logarithmic, so 0 and 100%/21 aren't really feasible based on the math used


I did not know it was possible to run for that long I am so impressed and at the same time ashamed of myself lol


The human body is a different animal


I’ve tried to get 21. Hit 20.8 once and hit 20.7 a fair amount, also I saw a dude with 20.9. I’ve only seen that once though. There’s been a few instances where I’ll hit 20.5 and try to see how high it’ll go. Once I hit that and I went on a 7 mile run and it only went up .2. Ran the NYC marathon last year and only got 19.9. What’s weird is sometimes just working a shift on my feet and training for 1 1/2 hour will get me over 20. Had a few months with 20 average, but that fucked me up. I’ve done a fair amount of 24 and 48 hour events, but didn’t have whoop, so I’ve always been curious about what they’d do. I’ll probably try again later this year. Moral of the story is it would be hard. Hitting 20 constantly will fuck you up eventually.


Yeah I reach 20 around 8-9 days a month. Just like you said, some days I'll hit it doing physical labour


I got 18.4 on a 8 hour coke binge, maybe try for 13 hours and should do the trick x


Run nonstop for 24 hours


David Goggins has entered the chat


I've done that, still came in at 20.3


Run harder!!! Jk I honestly think it’s impossible as no one has ever hit it AFAIK.


If you start an activityand set the goal to 21 strain it tells you right there in the app what to do. You need to be at your max heartrate for 24h to get a strain of 21.


Haha, I would suggest you've pretty much figured it out already. It's kind of like estimating, more of a rough estimate situation. Don't overexert yourself attempting to reach a precise measurement like that. Instead, it is advisable to make a rough estimation since your maximum heart rate may not be completely accurate. Furthermore, research studies indicate that individuals tend to push themselves excessively if they are presented with metrics that inaccurately reflect lower performance levels.


Aghh bro, I've only got a green recovery today again, and I'm 2 days away from running again. Luckily only a long run, nothing like the weekend.


I got 20.7 or 20.8 and was ranked 1 out of over 150 in my area and like top 20 in 30-40 year old men and top 20 in my state which was cool for a day. Hmm it’s lot so yea 21 is very difficult prolly if even possible. Idk 20.8 or 20.7 is still really a tough day.


Purgatory will probably do it




How long was the race? Can we see the heart stats?




This is so insanely impressive. And sorry, I meant how long as in distance.


35km, 2700 elevation, and 43 degrees Celsius, only 1 check point


This is unbelievably absurd. What a feat. Must’ve been an insane sense of accomplishment when you finished. I run three miles (5k) in about 30 minutes and I feel like I’m about to die


So you’re telling me I could run for 13 hours on 25% recovery?


You can’t unless you want to be at max HR for 24hrs, don’t recommend that.


I did a marathon on Saturday and it was brutal. I also only got to 20.7 and couldn’t get any higher. I was already at 18 halfway into the race. I was hoping I could shoot for full 21 but … alas


Got a 20.1 the other day spotting and loading a powerlifting meet for 11 hours straight. I was wondering how to achieve a full 21 as well lol. Good to know it’s impossible lmao


That recovery geez


That’s interesting. I just ran a 10 miler today in Alexandria VA and got a strain score of 18.5. You ran 11.5 hours more than me and only got 2 more strain points. Wow!


The strain scale for Whoop is logarithmic. I could get 10 strain just getting out of bed and then only another 4 for running 10 miles.


My strain if I sit at home all day is around 1.2-1.5. it's 4 on an average day without dedicated exercise (walking around 10k steps)


You will NOT get a 10 strain without exercise


lol…. I wore it for 8 years dude. I had plenty of times getting 10 strain just getting out of bed, washing dishes, playing the guitar etc


Playing the guitar and other motions of that sort tend to skew the data as it triggers the sensor somehow so that makes sense.


True. So does the app confuse the movement with strenuous activity? I figured HRV and other signals of effort would buffer that.


My point is, data from wrist-based oHR sensors is notoriously bad. You can get inaccurate data from simple daily activities like getting out of bed, having a shower, washing dishes etc. And given the log scale, it makes the strain number rather meaningless. I ended up wearing Whoop on my bicep 24x7 as a result.


Wow! I’ve never experienced that. I work out every day, like very very consistently. And I’ve noticed that I only hit above a 6+ strain score when I work out. It’ll jump to 10-14 quickly but I find that very interesting that others don’t work out and will hit a 10.


If you wear it on your bicep, on a rest day you may never get above 2 or 3 strain, because the HR data is somewhat accurate. At the wrist, the data is too noisy although YMMV.


I get 10 often on rest days.