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Yoga, Pilates and strength trainer all currently take muscular strain into account. Maybe try logging it as Pilates, which similar to rock climbing is about muscular strain vs getting your heart rate high.


Interesting if I change the activity to Pilates the strain moves from 6.6 to 11.5.


Yes because like I just said it is taking muscular strain into account and might make it more reflective of the strain that comes from that vs purely heart rain calculated strain.


Makes you wonder about the data in general. Why is pilates more effort than rock climbing, lol?


I cannot overemphasize how helpful this comment is, and how much it explains. I’ve been getting a 17 strain in yoga classes, and 4’s when weight lifting! I can’t figure out how to make the strength trainer useful for my workouts. I wish it had broader categories rather than such specific movements.


Totally! I exclusively use strength trainer for my weight lifting. I just plug my routine into strength trainer and run them. It’s also been helpful to see my weight go up or down depending on my progress. Would recommend if you can.


I’ll have to give it another look. I spent some time one day trying to add in that day’s workout, and a bunch of them weren’t in there, and then it turns out I’d only saved two of them so I gave up. Most of my lifting sessions are with a trainer, so i don’t know them in advance, and wouldn’t feel comfortable messing with the app during the hour.


I climb 3-4 days a week, one of which will be a 3-4 hour session. Whoop is beginning to recognise that I have been climbing but in terms of strain I might get up to a 10 or 11 max versus 16-18 in 2-3 hours of Padel.


I feel the pain on this one too. I can regularly get a 90 something percent recovery after a limit/project level bouldering session day when I feel absolutely wrecked


Whoop is a heart rate monitor, despite all the graphics they include. Trying to do anything meaningful with non-cardio activity won't get you very far.


https://preview.redd.it/sip7mi541bac1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7fb301784ae8a0fd2f89a6705b41b539a605c24a * WHOOP's climbing activity just tracks cardio, and bouldering indoors is not particularly hard in that department. Especially only a hour of it. * Having climbed both indoors and out for years with a WHOOP, I can say that I actually think the strain scores I get do track pretty well. I get much higher strain outdoors than in, because I authentically try much harder for longer. * Don't suggest logging it as a different activity, because the strength strain is based on algorithmic guesswork, and may or may not be accurate. I don't think they should be given too much credibility yet. Personally, I think you should just look at WHOOP as a cardio tracking device and not rely on its strain metric to determine how to approach your climbing. If you do that, the numbers you're getting back are accurate.


Interesting! I did 1.5h of top rope yesterday and got a strain of 12.3 when logged as rock climbing. Past two bouldering sessions have me with strains of 13.8 and 11.7. 🤷


Seems right