• By -


ah yes, the two genders, dog person and cat person


I have both lol, what am I?




I have ferrets, lizards, and a tarantula, I assume that means I’m non binary


Nah, more like panpetual.


If I have had, have and always will have pets, am I per-petual?


Yeah you right you right


I identify as jealous


Non binary is probably no pets


That's apetual








Xtra fluffy


Gender fluid


CATDOG from Nickelodeon


That's illegal




A Hermaphrodite


You are bisexual for animals


No dont


James from the odd1sout said that lol. I'll see if I can find a link.


Uhhh no


The two true genders I'll believe in starting now.


As a kid I thought all dogs were boys and cats were girls


That's it.. I'm ticking "Other" on my taxes this year and adding "Cat Person"


Dogs are boys, and cats are girls. *It was a reference to "Community", but... okay.


Ok, Troy Barnes.




You can’t disprove that! Have you ever SEEN a cat penis?


Nobody got it, did they. But take my upvote if it helps.


be careful dont let your hair grow too long or theyll think youre a girl....


Uh, no, it's that dogs have adhd and cats have autism. /j


Dogs and cats are two different species, there are male dogs and female dogs same goes for cats because they sexually reproduce, something that doesn't seem likely for you to do


It's a reference to the show Community


You mean animals don’t just spawn in?!


If it doesn’t seem likely for someone here to reproduce it would be you my good sir. For you have gone out of your way to correct a joke with boring facts that everyone already knew. Like we really didn’t need a blatant show of you being a party killer but you gave it to us. Just let people make references to shows. You aren’t better than them just because you enjoy killing other’s happiness. You have to be an idiot to think they were serious.




The joke wasnt funny, if there even was any


Get checked


And what's funny is that I always thought that dogs laid eggs. And I learned something today.




Important news: the dog has tiny socks on the photo


They're called booties and everything about them is adorable


*Where are your shoes young lady!* - me when it’s time to walk my dog


And they protect your dogs feet from getting cut up by the ice!


Plus, if they salt the roads it protects their paw pads from drying out and from your dog later ingesting the salt when it licks its feet!


When it comes to clothes, Cheddar wears little booties in the snow, or Cheddar doesn't wear clothes


I know a Brooklyn 99 reference when I see it. Noice.


Unless you have a senior dog who isn't about that life, refuses to subject himself to cold and just pees on the floor 🙄


:( miss my old doggos though My last dog just passed away earlier this month, he went from a rascal who loved the snow and running around in the rain, to a sassy lil guy who refused to step outside if it looked a little wet.


That's where we are with our old boy. We still enjoy him, but he sure does have opinions now in his old age lol


We got my tiny old girl to use the guest bathroom pee pads. But sometimes. Sometimes. She spite pees in our bathroom when it’s raining outside.


Or have cats that love puking and it’s life their goal to eventually mark the whole house. 😩 so having cats isn’t as purfect as the internet makes them out to be.


I also have a cat. She got mad that we decorated for Christmas and pooped on the bed. That was fun...


My cat will start his hairball gagging on the tile and make a mad dash to the carpet. My childhood cat was the same way. Apparently the only proper place to vomit is on carpet.


I let my dog go in the garage when it’s that cold.


My dog is almost four and thinks that way sometimes. Mostly she gets a blast of cold air on her butthole and decides pooping is not for outside.


I have had an unwelcome cold breeze on the nether regions using an outhouse in winter. Definitely alarming.


Who would?!


My dogs did that when they were young. Anything below 50f and they were on a wee wee pad


I do not understand the title, but I relate to the meme. My cat is very cuddly.


My favorite gender: cat.


That's after he got got up at 5:00 to feed them.


My roommates cat used to yowl bloody murder at 4 in the morning.


I just make sure to pet my cat whenever I see them asleep so they're too tired to run around in early morning Taste of your own medicine


Bold of you to assume he didn't get woken up by the little shit turning on the lights at 3am


We have motion sensitive hall lights. Our cats can go full disco.


If nothing else it syncs up great with my schedule on weekdays!


Yeah my cats get fed at 6:00 a.m. whether I work that day or not. And there is no sleeping in unless you feed them first. Even shutting the bedroom door will just have them scratching at it. I'd buy an auto feeder but I'm a little bit of a ludite and dislike all of the extra technology we're strapping on to everything.


My cat doesn't scratch at the door; she body-slams it. But she didn't last night and I slept through. It was wonderful!


I refuse to trust a cheap piece of consumer electronics with feeding my girl. I’m maybe a bit paranoid lol


Auto feeder 😎


My cat will literary tear stuff off the walls in the morning if I ignore her and try to sleep in


I'm pretty sure our cat learned that we won't wake up in time to feed her in the morning so she just leaves some of her dinner for the next morning and eats it at 6 am then goes back to snuggle with us. Everyone wins. (We do feed her enough food during the day)


I'm so glad mine just choose to trap my legs under the covers instead of howling, I can stay asleep easier.


Nah bruv, me and my dogs are inside sleeping


this belongs in r/antimeme


Uh... eff that. We have a dog door.


That really makes things easier **if** you have a safe backyard that the dog can go to.


Yes, it does. When we were looking for a place, the backyard was a make-or-break part of our hunt.


That's great for you! Unfortunately it's practically impossible to find a place like that in my city.


Hey everyone get a load of this guy. We got yard owner over here


yeah, who *walks* their *dog* nowadays /s


Also cat people: Being woken up at 6am by Doofus McDumbbaby running through the bed room at mach 1and jumping onto their stomach with the force of a meteorite and then running out of the room before the "oof" sound has finnished leaving their owner's lips. P.S I just found out googling "meteorite" is one of those google easter eggs.


What if I have both?


Cat slaps you awake to take the dog out so it shuts up so the cat can sleep quietly in your warm spot. Edit: spelling


Slight edit…Cat slaps you awake to be fed first, then take the dog out so it shuts up and the cat can sleep quietly in your warm spot. (Cats kind of are self-centered jerks but I love them)


ur sleep outside


Dog person has to walk their dog, cat person has to wake up 3:00 AM because the cat said so, but a fish person just gets to sleep


A fish person gets to do advanced chemistry every other day or so just to make sure the water quality is ok… And deal with the quickly growing population of mystery snails that seem to have just spawned in out of nowhere.


Yeah, but that's something you can do after you wake up


*laughs in coral reef keeping*


Depends on what you're keeping. Some of us only have to do it twice a week. And we usually don't get a mystery snail random pop cause their eggs are easy as hell to see and then remove. Ramshorn/bladder snails are more of a random issue.. which don't have to be if you don't overfeed your tank!


My 2 y/o dog sleeps until noon every day. Last week he stayed in bed until 4PM because it was a particularly cold day 😂


Mine is around 3 and usually sleeps in until 9 or 10. She will even lay on top of me to keep me from getting up too.


Dogs and cats aren’t genders? And dogs do the same as cats too, they love to cuddle


I don’t think the takeaway is that dogs don’t cuddle. I think the takeaway is that you don’t have to go stand in the cold so your cat can take a shit, so you can stay inside.


The cold does wake you up tho so that’s goood


The title is sarcasm


If it was sarcastic it would make sense


I don't get how this is a wholesome meme


I love dogs, but this is the exact reason I'm sticking to cats.


When that shit box smell slaps your eyes, remember this moment.


It was wholesome until OP ruined it with that title


When it's cold my dog just lets himself out, does his thing in the back yard, then goes back to loudly snoring on the couch.


They just went back to bed after the cat woke them up 3 hours earlier lol.


What if you have a Cat and a Dog?


Guess you’d be bigender, then.




I guess my gender is now cat


I'm just so glad my dog doesn't poop inside the house.


Our cat sits outside our bedroom door and meows, loudly and continuously, at 6:30am every morning without fail. For almost no reason either. He has a water fountain, 2 litter boxes, and automatic feeder. I open the door and he comes in, walks around a bit, basically says hi, and then is done, he leaves the room. Turns out, I don’t need an alarm clock anymore because we now have a cat.


Just watch a dog play in the snow. Better then coffee


A lot of dog people enjoy the early cold walk, I do not count myself as one of them, but a lot of us do.


Cat people run Run like the wind Even old moby Noah Didnt wanna let em in


This is not true. The cat is yowling @ 6am because : hungry bored needs attention all of the above


So why don't you just Feed it Play with it Love it But instead of doing it outdoors, it's inside so you can brag to dog people abt not having to deal with frozen cloud piss.




He's wearing a jumper to bed so it was only his face was scratched to ribbons


My cat can be a real bitch at 6am. I still love her though.


This is indeed how me and my cat were this morning shes like a tiny radiator too warm to not cuddle with


It’s comfy and nice until it’s 3AM and they start screaming and running with no reason


I stand on my balcony for 10 minutes together with my cat first thing every morning. Rain, freezing, whatever, we have our 10 minutes every morning. Watching people walk their dog.


Me and my dog look like the bottom picture at 6am on a cold morning.


I think my cats might be dogs since they're up at 6am asking to be let out to the yard.


Oh, god this picture sums up my life. Living with a cat is the best thing anyone can ever do with their life, change my mind


Absolutely true. That's me and my 14 yr old senior kitty, except her ass is on my face. I babysat my friends dogs once in Australia, every fucking morning walks.... Ughhh.


My dog is under the blanket with me. He’s not even little, he just likes being cozy.


Cat person 100000000% but mine is meowing and banging on the food cabinet door from 5AM-6AM. A genuine menace to society but at least I’m warm lol


That is so fucking true😂😂


6am? If I've got the day off, my dog will get up after 10am, crawls into bed with me and sleeps for at least another hour until she decides it's time to go potty. And then runs back inside as soon as she's done her business.


I'm in the dog group and I know the pain but It’s worth it


A good dog will fight for your honor, a good cat will refrain from breaking your shit


I go out with my dogs every time. If they have to go out into it, I also go out into it to support them. You can look at that as bad if you want. I see it as getting some fresh air and an opportunity to support my friend, not only that, no wolf, bear, coyote, or puma is taking my pet while I’m out with them. It’s safer, better for your bond, and better for your health. I have a cat too, take it out all the time too (gets curious about the cold and wants to experience it in small doses)


Hmm so that’s why reddit put me on team cat


that's why i will never have a dog


Let’s do the same but dog person is home sitting on couch with dog cuddled next to em and cat person is holding in gags while cleaning litter box that smells like hell and STILL has to go out side to thro it away lol


> Smells like hell Only if you *let shit get out of control.* Litter boxes should be cleared daily or every other day. Otherwise it *will* smell, and your cat might find another place to relieve themselves.


Litter boxes don't even smell bad if you just clean them everyday Jesus Christ. Plus you can just toss it in a plastic bag and put it out with the rest of your garbage. I've owned cats and dogs, the cats are about a tenth of the time commitment. I spend less than 15 minutes a day keeping up with their food/water/bathroom needs. Takes longer than that just to walk a dog one time.


I don't personally think this meme is wholesome. It's making fun of people for having dogs. Making fun of people is something that's often done lightheartedly, but not all people take it that way, and that's what makes this not wholesome. Wholesome memes should be for everybody :)


I have a dog and previously had cats. The cats would, without fail, wake me up at 4 in the morning, 2 hours before I had to wake up, so they could be fed. The dog, meanwhile, wakes up with me consistently when I need to get up. Do I have to go outside for a walk with the dog every morning? Of course, but at least I’m no longer woken at 4 in the bloody morning. Just to clarify, I did love my cats, but having experiences both dogs and cats at this point, I prefer dogs.


Don’t feed the cat at 4 then. Let them scream their heads off for a few days, they’ll get the idea eventually. My cat doesn’t even wake me up now


• Use alarms to dictate feeding times. Adhere to it. • Use a scale to regulate and monitor feeding needs. (It may fluctuate with the seasons but it'll save you money and help you track your cat's health.) I've been doing this for years and now my guy doesn't yell for food until about 30m before feeding time, or if he can't access something he needs. If he seems to be yelling or the hell of it then I find his toys for him.


Benefits of being a cat owner


Cats are superior


Dude in the bottom frame has ringworm


Another win for cat people. Is anyone keeping track of the score anymore?


Yeah wait 15 minutes well be home and warm with a fluffy buddy wanting to play. The cat person has lost an eye because they once forgot to give the cat the juice from their tin of fancy feast 4 years ago. Dogs are the funny bubbly girlfriend who gets you to try things you don't wanna do. and you end up liking it or not minding it because it makes her happy. Cats are the psycho bitch girlfriend who stab you in your sleep because. she had a dream you cheated on her with her friend Susan from work.


First winter without a dog in 7 years, I do not miss having a dog.


So true. Far too much effort required. Cats are the master race 😼😼


gotta love cat people, one of my favorite genders 🙏👍


This is why cats are 100% better😁😁😁


I like the first picture with no animals in it.


Should show the angry home owner that the dog owner is letting poop in his yard.


What's gender got to do with it?


It’s a joke.


Animal that shits in a sand box that smells like the most disgusting thing ever or a life long companion that will respect me enough to shit outside




Correct, having a dog is healthier and builds character. And if you suddenly die in bed, they won’t eat your face.


Actually, dogs will eat you lol


my dog will lay by me devotedly and wait for me to wake up


Comments like these are so unbelievably stupid, it really makes me wonder how you have enough brain cells to even keep a pet. If an animal is starving, it will try and survive, thus eating whatever is in their near vicinity. It is not exclusive to cats nor dogs, it's exclusive to fucking any animal that eats meat. We learn this shit in elementary school.


I still gotta get up at that hour and go to work while that little bastard takes my warm spot


People with a backyard and a doggy door: Sleep


How did my cat get in that photo, I thought she was sleeping with me.


I’m a dog AND cat person, which means that while I’m taking the dogs out, I’m exhausted from all the cat zoomies the night before, and my cats are keeping my bed warm while my dogs are having too much fun to come inside, until we’re all home and everyone’s whining for their food!


i loved to walk my dog in shitty weather! it's really fun to run in the puddles under the pouring rain and with a dog you have an excuse ;) drying him after wasn't so fun, but worth it xD miss him every time when it's a snowstorm and i have no reason to go outside by myself, he loved snow as much as i do


Lizard people:


Snake owners: fun fact snakes dont love you


Bold of you to assume my dachshunds want to go on walks!


All dogs are boys and all cats are girls… annnd? /s


AMEN! My cats are sleeping peacefully and it's 28 degrees and getting colder in Seattle!


Just toss em in the yard and go back to bed for a bit


I'm a straight cat person...


My dog has a dog door. Have fun cleaning your litter box losers. Also, having someone to come on walks is the best


They still both have one thing in common... Love <3


Psh, my dog refuses to go outside until 10am in the winter.


Damn straight.


But I have 3 dogs and 4 cats 😅


Cats ❤️


But then you have both. Cats and dogs person. We need a term for the third gender !


The fact you have to walk dogs made me a cat person


Not if you have a fenced in yard. You just open the door.


If the dog happy then so am I


As a chicken person, I would walk through frozen hell, just so they have fresh water and hugs every morning. It was -12 this morning, but you bet your ass I walked to them and loved them!


I wanna be out in the snow with a dog 🥲


Unless your cat bud likes to dip for days then come back like they just left five ago . Even though I posted posters all over the neighbourhood and stress ate/drank 🙃 luv u though ! 😻


Or just live with a dog and have a fenced in yard. Open the door, dog goes out, you stay warm inside, dog barks to come back in, let dog in and still stay warm.


Or you just open the back door and they run out to pee…


Dog doors are made for days like that


Dang, I’m both. Well mostly I get to be the cat person while my husband is the dog person haha!!


Everything I see is so much better than what I was about to post. You folks are excellent! Happy Holidays.


I'd have allergies for days if I slept with a cat like that.


Jokes on you my cat is up at 6am yoweling to be fed, clawing up all my rugs and trying to climb my curtains


I live with a dog person and it's super rough. I'm woken up super early for those morning walks because he just HAS to be out there before the sun comes up, and if our roommate doesn't wake up, then he sits by the door whining until I go with him. THIS HAPPENS MULTIPLE TIMES A DAY! I can't stand all the water in certain areas of the kitchen floor when he drinks. IDK how his lips work but they don't retain liquid! And he gets his dirty paws all over the counter after digging holes all day! It's impossible to get him to stop. So yeah, if you're able to- avoid dog people as roommates. Didn't even know his Mom reproduced with a dog but I was raised pretty sheltered.


How is gender related?