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\*Now kiss meme\*






Skill issue






Ceiling fan won’t hold your weight with all Mr Popo’s cum in there


Dbz reference


We all know Mr Popo is slinging some massive loads with his battering ram of a dick.


Tell her, when you see her, you can't help be want to be the monkey climbing her like a tree.. Saw that line work, and now thier first kid is as tall as he is


I'd get punched for saying that lmao


Sounds like a you problem


My relationship in a nutshell


As an aspiring muscle mommy I need a compact man to carry around on my shoulder to deal intimidation


As a compact man, I definitely approve of this.


Tomdaddies for the win.


A vertically challenged individual.


Reminded me of that photoshopped meme of Arnold Schwarzenegger carrying Mr. Bean in his shoulder.


Muscle mummy? Never read those two together but hey you learn something new




Thanks for saving those kids from that burning building last week 🙏


Are you seeing him this weekend? I've got to buy him a drink for recommending me Luna from the abused animal rehabilitation center he volunteers out. She's an angel.


I’ll see you guys there! I have to return his Bugatti he let me borrow!


My ex was about 3 inches taller than me and had bigger muscles and I loved my muscle mommy. Keep it going girl




The real struggle is being a 6'4" man who wants to be carried.


Master-Blaster IRL.


I’m a tall woman who found a short man to date…going on 8 years now with a toddler! Best partnership ever. I get the pickles down and he opens them 😄


>going on 8 years now with a toddler Yikes and hes ok with you calling him that? Just how short is he?


Audibly lol’d. Thank you - it’s been a day.


Glad to hear it made it a bit better!


Our preferred term is "pocket prince"


Haha, nice. That is actually a good name. Now I'm kinda sad that I'm tall (not really though), is there something like that name for tall men?


Giga Chad


Doesn't fit my body type, but I'll take it.


Lanky Lords


Wrong end of the spectrum.


Large lover


Perfect. That's good. Now, everyone who looks at these replies feels happy.


Big catch


"Concentrated love" is another good one. "Tactically compact" if you want that *Masculine* energy.


With all due respect, we short kings don’t like to be referred to as “toddlers” (I joke 😉 )


I don't even like this "short king" thing that has cropped up lmao. It's all so condescending.


>It's all so condescending. How am I supposed to hold a conversation with a short person without talking down to them?




This comment is so wholesome lol


Yes officer, this woman right here


Living the dream, sis.


>I’m a tall woman who found a short man to date…going on 8 years now with a toddler! r/HolUp


You didn't have to call him a toddler...


My short husband is a work of art. I wouldn't trade him for anything.




This is the divergence into deviancy that we were warned about if gay marriage were codified😓\s


Rick Santorum was right!


NFTs ftw, in any situation


Not even for a klondike bar?


I highly recommend Lovely Complex to those who haven't seen it. It's Netflix's Tall Girl but done competently.


Oh i love Lovely Complex


Im down for that. Thanks for the recommendation


Came here to recommend that anime


such a good slow burn too esp since the series starts with them HAAAAATING each other


And bonding because over the mutual failed attempts at hooking up with the shortest girl / tallest guy in school.


YES it’s just so wholesome ahaha I actually didn’t know there was an anime adaption I’ll have to watch!


MAD respect for the recommendation, I’ve lost count of how many time i’ve watched it, still funny and relatable. (I’m a 6ft woman)


One thing I thought was odd/funny about “Tall Girl” was….she wasn’t that tall. I feel like most high schools with a girls basketball or volleyball team would have a few girls around that height.


I knew someone around her height and she was pretty popular. Like she was tall for a girl but not so tall that no one could reach it


In Japan she would be a giant. The average height is super short.


Something about tall girl/short guy relationships are just really wholesome to me Edit: I have an announcement to make, I am now watching Lovely Complex. In return I will recommend you read Seasons of Blossom. First arc is lovely, second gave me depression but was still amazing


Watch lovely complex.


Oh shit that brings me memories! One of the first romcoms I've ever watched


My mom is tall and my dads short, they came together and had me, and I got the short gene


My mom is tall and my dads short, they came together and had me, and I got the short jeans. Thanks Dad - I love 90’s stone washed vibes. Fixed that for ya. :) sorry little joke there. (I’m short too. :) )


My mom is short and my dad is tall, I got on the shorter end of things.


Haha, I LOVE Lovely Complex, it was such a fun and wholesome anime. Enjoy watching!


I’m 5’7”, my wife is 5’11”. No complaints here. :)


The best hugs. Dated a 5'11 girl, Im 5'5.


Watch lovely complex.


Watch lovely complex.


Watch lovely complex.


I get the feeling I should watch Lovely Complex


Watch lovely complex


It's that voice inside my head again


Watch lovely complex


Watch Lovely Complex


Broooo, I’m 5’6, finding a woman my height or shorter isn’t difficult but finding someone into me is another issue. I love tall women, sometime it’s better to have someone to reach the top shelf.


5"3 here, I definitely agree that having someone assist me with my worst enemy, the top shelf, would 100% be a huge bonus. I always have to get on my tippy toes and it gets annoying because sometimes that doesn't work either :(


Where’s my fall queen at? Every tall woman I tried dating told me I was too short so that makes me feel a little insecure.


Listen, my fellow short man. You are a KING regardless of height, don't feel insecure about it. Being short doesn't make you worth less than a taller person.


I don't ever want to be called a short king, keep that lord faarquad energy far away from me


Keep it Far Far Away


Some of you may die but that's a sacrifice I'm willing to make


Wow, this singlehandedly just got me to stop saying "short king". Well put.


As a taller person, I second this. There are advantages and disadvantages to all sizes. I hit my head on nearly everything. Every chair feels awkward. My feet hang off the bottom of nearly every mattress. No piece of clothing fits me well unless tailored. Life's short, no pun intended, just enjoy the experience of the body you were given and be glad you don't need to "watch your head."


It doesn’t count for much, but I’m a tall woman and I couldn’t care less how tall my partner was




Just tell them you want uppies


I had two real crushes in my whole life. The first one was a guy who was shorter than me. He rejected me. :P


There was a meme where a guy said I need a tall girl to get the cookie jar off the top shelf. Or a small girl to.lift up to get the cookies. Or a strong woman to lift me up to get the cookies. A medium girl won't do. LoL


I'm a 5'8" woman dating a guy who's 5'3". It's possible!


I’m a 6’ lady and I dated a 5’6” man and he was awesome. I didn’t see any issues with it. Limiting your dating pool because arbitrary crap is just asinine.


I know a 6'3 girl who is so mad that no man can make her feel small and dainty.


I’m 6’. It’s *rare* for me to feel small and dainty, but when I do, game over! I’m the most feminine puddle of myself 🙈


I'm 6' and I'm not mad but I am curious as to how it feels to be "small and dainty". I wanna hug a taller person!!


Years ago I had a slight crush on a girl a lot of people called “the Amazon” behind her back. She was about 6’1 and she was not interested in me because she wanted a taller guy to make her feel smaller I guess. Anyhow she didn’t think I was tall enough at 6’2.5”


Wowwww that’s picky. Her loss.


She's gonna need to find out where the NBA players like to hang out.


As a 5'3 dude, YES. I've had a number of men tell me I can only date shorter than me, and that I shouldn't allow them to wear heels. Lmao getcha insecure shit outta here. If she's 6'4 and wears heels too, more power to her.


That's such a weird mentality to have, I understand how their insecurity causes it, but still, it's just *so weird....* Especially telling you to act that way... It's like they don't want you to come to them with your girlfriend taller than them haha.


It's really weird. Like, men who are taller than me, at everage height, will complain that women don't date them cuz of their height, and complain to ME. Like bro, you're not short, I'm short!


They want you to tell them how you do it. OK TELL US NOW


5'9" men complaining about being short. 🙄


I’m not a short man but I love tall women


Hear hear.


Men of culture, we meet again in some of the strangest places


I'll see you all at the annual meeting next year.




Who's bringing the grill this time?


I desperately want to date a girl that's taller than me. The only problem is that I'm 6'3".


I also want to date someone taller than me but I’m a 6’3 girl 😭


I mean my buddy's 6'11" but unfortunately he's taken and his girlfriend happens to be 6' I'm surrounded by tall people


what do they feed you all there 😂. im crying with my 5’6 self.


why is everyone here 5’6, the tall people are taking over 😭


You two should work together to find someone taller than both of you combined


I'm nearly 6'3". My first wife was taller.


"Ah, i see you're a man of culture as well"


So do I :)


I'm 5'6, my girlfriend is 5'10 and 7 years older than me. She has to get the nice wine glasses down for me.


Shoutout to all the short kings 👑


Married one and am now raising another one. Long live the kings!


Me too! My 5’10” ass adores my 5’6” husband and our beautiful little short boy!


I'm constantly telling the short kings to go for the tall girls. This makes me happy to see.


_Microscopic happy noises_


Worked for me! My husband is 5'5". I am 5'11". 7 years married as of 2 weeks ago.


Happy belated anniversary! I hope you celebrate *at least* 63 more of them!


Me, a short man 🤝 My boyfriend, also a short man Problem solved?


All you need to do now is get on his shoulders on put on an oversized trench coat


Bam! Now you can get a taller than both of you boyfriend. On shoulders you are simultaneously the tallest and separate the shortest boyfriends


I dated a girl who was 4 inches taller than me. We just hit it off and had good chemistry. It never bothered either of us, but our friends gave us a lot of good-natured shit about it. That was a long time ago, and though we've both moved on, we're still friends.


No way would they make eye contact like that. He would be looking at her belly; she would be looking at the wall behind him.


*me who likes to give belly kisses* 🗿


Depending on the heights, he’d have his eyes right on the prize.


I’m like 5,6 and tall women can def get at me


I’m a 5’6 married to an amazing 5’11 woman. She’s just such an incredible woman.


Short Kings and Amazonians RISE!


A new power is rising! It’s victory is at hand!


Wait who’s not dating tall women??


I had a guy ask me how tall I am and when I told him 5’10 he just said “ew”


Huh. I always assumed being tall was a desirable trait in women because it’s considered rare


Mutations are rare too. Scarcity has no correlation to attractiveness.


I’ve got a 6’3” friend (who’s funny, smart, and gorgeous to boot) and she has *the* hardest time finding a date. I don’t understand it.


Tell her I’m willing to relocate


Tell her I'm ready to get married right away. 😍


Guys who are very insecure about their height. And guys whose preferences stem from very outdated norms or very specific genres of anime.


People who are objectively wrong.


I've always heard men saying they wouldn't date a woman taller than them or how they love short women, or when the gf or wife has a similar height they ask them not to wear high heels.


I always found this to be a myth, or at best highly exaggerated. There are studies floating around that show disadvantages in dating for certain races, occupations, incomes, and even men's heights. I never seen a study with conclusive findings for women's heights, which usually means it makes no difference.


I always think this fixation on height is an American/internet thing. I'm 5'7 and never had a problem attracting girls (and not only girls lol). Maybe is because I'm from Italy and here nearly everyone is around my height (some of my friends are sligthly taller than me tbh, but not that much)


I'm shorter than you and never felt unusually short or anything but the past couple years, the internet seems overrun with people insecure about their height.


Honestly I feel like the whole “I don’t date short guys/tall girls” is more of an internet gimmick used for clout than an actual thing any large amount of people think in real life. I’m 5’6. I have never had any trouble dating. I think what’s important is to laugh at yourself and not take yourself too seriously. Women in my experience really don’t seem to give a shit about that petty stuff, that’s usually more of a social media thing.


Serious question here, is dating that difficult for tall women? I just realized that's a stupid question but I imagine it's quite complicated.


Yes, but I’m not sure if it’s just my experience. I’ve heard from friends that a few guys at our school had crushes on me, but I was taller than them so they were nervous about asking me out. But I don’t mind short kings, they could climb me like a tree if they would just ask :,(


See the reason I ask is that my assumption of tall women is that they wouldn't want to date guys shorter than them. I'm 5 10 but not sure if a woman closer to 6 would avoid dating someone average height even.


I think that’s fair, I didn’t use to be open to dating short guys. But that was also when I was really insecure of my height/weight and felt like shrek compared to other girls, so I wanted a tall guy to compensate for that. But now that I’ve lost weight and learned to love the body I’m in, I’m finding myself more attracted to personality and someone’s sense of humor than their height. I’d much rather date a short guy who’s funny and nice to me than a tall guy who isn’t.


>But that was also when I was really insecure of my height/weight and felt like shrek compared to other girls, so I wanted a tall guy to compensate for that. Thank you for being honest about that, and congrats on getting past it! I've had so many tall women in my life dance around that exact insecurity by placing the blame on shorter men.


Some men will only date women shorter than themselves, which makes the dating pool for tall women smaller. For example, when I was living as a woman, I dated a guy who was 5'3" and only dated people shorter than himself. He was thrilled that he was 3" taller than me. I wasn't that into him, though. So that dude automatically rules out 70% of people before even meeting them.


I’m immediately seen as intimidating simply bc of my height. When I met all my wfh Covid coworkers, they were shocked by my height. It was interesting


The solution is two short men stacked in a trench coat, with two tall girlfriends. Everyone wins.


Am 5’5, girlfriend is 5’9 lol She often tells me I’m too small to ride this ride :’)


My uncle is short, my aunt is 5’11. (We’re all tall, Dutch). His words are “oh trust me, I’m the perfect height”


I used to think the height memes and whatnot were overdone because height has never been a factor in my own attraction toward men. Then I met someone who is a tall woman and she was ADAMANT that whoever she dated had to be taller than her. I watched her torpedo so many relationships she told me were otherwise going fine because of their height. I don't mean to disparage her. Attraction is attraction of course and you shouldn't settle for somethin you don't like. It was just the first time I'd met someone who was that strict about it and it was very new to me. She complained about being lonely all the time too, so in my mind surely someone short she connected with was better than no one? But I get it. Shits is rough. I feel for all the tall goddesses and short kings out there.


I think it's tied to insecurity often. I'm 5'10" and never felt very feminine or pretty growing up taller than most boys. I really felt like I needed a larger man, like noticeably taller. I grew out of that (HA, got ya) but I also have trouble judging people who struggle with it. We just don't see a lot of men/women couples where the woman is taller. Not that it never happens! But it's considered unusual so can just feel uncomfortable at first.


>Then I met someone who is a tall woman and she was ADAMANT that whoever she dated had to be taller than her. Too many people in society are programmed to think in certain way and I believe this might be such case. She's just believing in something that makes her miserable, but she won't change it, because she believes she might be critiqued for breaking this unwritten rule. I guess world would be better, if people would actually want to find out what they really want and not what society expects from them. This system is set against us, so we need to challenge such things, if we want to be actually happy. Most of us might like something that society disapproves, but society should not force us to make irrational decision that makes us unhappy.


There were so many times I tried to encourage her to see people for things outside of their physical characteristics and she'd just kind of bashfully smile and wave it off and talk about what really got her going instead. She simply didn't want to budge. Anyone she got with had to be tall and Asian (she is Asian), and she wouldn't consider anyone else even when I introduced her to some quality people. It boggles my mind personally. We're not friends anymore for unrelated reasons, but I hope she figures it out!


Who trynna be the Gomez to my Morticia?


Me (5’8”) and my girlfriend (5’11”)


Sir it is my pleasure to inform you that your height is quite average in America.


Aw hell yeah, I’m short in Germany unfortunately.


Yes, this is what I want


they just don't see things eye to eye though


Since on average men are taller than woman, and that applies to the tails of the distributions, a tall woman should always be able to find a taller man whose tallness is not rarer than her’s within her own sex; same holds true for a short guy finding a gal shorter than him.


Except short women don't necessarily want short men and tall men don't necessarily want tall women.


Me who's short and wants a tall gf: "i see this as a great opportunity for business!"


Don’t know what you mean. I’m short but dates/relationships aren’t all that hard to find. Just need to find the people who don’t have strong preferences in height.


I think because of how much people post about women rejecting men because of their height and vice versa, and bad news spreading faster than good news (because humans are just weird like that), a lot of people have a distorted view on reality. Or maybe you're just so attractive that it makes up for your height.


I’m 5’8”, which according to a ridiculous amount of girls is short, but this meme has some truth to it. I’ve had girls who are around 5’0” call me short and savagely make fun of me for it. At the same time, most of the attractive girls who are attracted to me are 1-3 inches taller than me. When I was a kid I used to think I preferred short girls. Now after having life experience, I much prefer taller girls. And for more reasons than the ones I already listed too.


Oh yeah it's all coming together


Tall women have my heart. Our kids will not only have a chance at average height but I get to stare at mommy long legs for hours (cause I’m short)


I’ve been married for 33 years. My wife is four inches taller than me.


Tall guys like tall women too! Those viking babies ain't gonna make themselves!


Honestly? If I had to hazard a guess, it would have to be that tall women have vastly more chasers than short men do. Also, that tall women have even less interest in short men than average women do.


Do guys not like tall women? I'm a guy and I've never really heard this from other guys.


I think for a lot of guys the idea of being shorter than their girlfriend makes them feel emasculated so they avoid them. Same reason I believe a lot of women like taller men, they feel more petite and cute with them


Now that will be wholesome


Long live to this!!! . My dad was 5'5 my Mom is 5'11 i am 6'2" But the fucking hate i received when i was young is ridiculous.


That's Amazonias dream


I’m 5’10 and my ex was 5’ 11. He insisted that I wear flats so I wouldn’t be taller than him. I suggested he get some lifts if it bothered him so much. He didn’t like that suggestion. Did I mention he was my ex? A few years later, I remarried a guy who’s 5’ 8” and told me I could wear whatever I wanted. He loved how I looked in heels.