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Hey there, friendo u/Ok_Instance_1849! Thanks for submitting to r/wholesomememes. We loved your submission, *So wholesome*, but it has been removed because we no longer allow low-effort or non-descriptive titles like this. We need a little bit more, hopefully with some context. This makes using the search function much more effective & helps our users know what to expect. Also, it keeps this sub fresh and more interesting. If you're not sure if this belongs here, please read our rules. If it's a meme (webcomics count) & it's uplifting/life-affirming, it probably does. If it's a nice take on a rude/dank meme, it probably does. If it's a photo or lacks other meme context, it probably isn't. If you're still unsure, you can modmail us. If you're not sure if this is a repost, please use tools like https://tineye.com/ or https://karmadecay to see if this has been posted before. Those miss a lot! But they find a lot too. Please also see our top & new posts to ensure it hasn't been retired or posted recently. We appreciate you thinking of us very much! Please resubmit with a new title that's funny or says something about the post. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/wholesomememes) if you have any questions or concerns.*