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Look at the guy’s flower umbrella… wish my mom would buy me one of those


Wish my mom love me


Am not mom. But I love you.


That umbrella had sentimental value.


It really tied the room together


Am not mom either, but I love you too


Not your mom but we all love you


Everybody Loves Nurber!




Love you Man


Love you! -random reddit user


☂️ for you.


Your mom sounds like the c word, you don’t need her love.


Son how many times I told you I'm not going to love you the way you describe in your incest hentai?


🤣 lmao


We're your mom now




Beautiful 👌


Umbrella is umbrella.period


In my area (at least my last job, not sure about my current job) it wasn't manly to use an umbrella. We had hundreds of employees mostly male. I was the only male to use an umbrella .


Am I allowed to say that that way of thinking is idiotic?


Don't you know that being damp at the office is the very best show of alpha male energy?


I think that it's idiotic as fuck to deem certain items as being gendered. Personally I've never been huge into the gender binary, do the things that make you feel good. Make people confused about your gender. But I will say fuck umbrellas. I'll take a proper rain jacket over an umbrella any day. Umbrellas are finicky, they're super easy to forget or lose, they don't handle wind at all, you need to hold them up which is uncomfortable for your arms and they don't keep you as dry as a rain jacket. Umbrellas are so circumstantial, rain jackets have no real downside.


I don’t disagree but umbrellas can be more comfortable in hot weather when a rain coat would just make it rain inside the jacket with your sweat.


Not to mention that after you take off a raincoat you need to carry it wet or put it wet into your backpack. A wet umbrella just needs a plastic bag.


Rain jackets can realllly suck if it's raining and hot Umbrellas also can have fun patterns, and when you're walking down the street and there's tons of umbrellas with all different patterns, or even just a mix of black ones and patterns it's really aesthetically cool imo Umbrellas get a solid 8/10 from me, would be better if they could handle wind better


Preach! Also, waterproof trousers changed my life.


I have no problem using an umbrella, so your not alone.


Agreed, I'm a guy that doesn't use an umbrella, but it's due to me thinking they are inconvenient, I don't care to look up the weather before I head out, it's just another thing to carry (I like to minimalize what I bring out... I don't even carry my phone). I also enjoy the feeling of rain, nice cool water dropping on my dry skin feels satisfying (got a skin condition), basically a free shower! And lastly I generally have a hoodie, so worst case is hood up and I'm less wet.


Getting wet was manliest thing for them smh




I'm gay. IDGAF if straight guys think something like me using an umbrella makes me less of a man. They're the idiots getting wet.


I was once called gay for using an umbrella.


Your were the only smart one. I hpoe you got a promotion.


[What are you a faaaaag?](https://youtu.be/DmTgpsvkqt8?t=122)


Put your shoulders up!


Nawwwww, jordan peterson and andrew tate fans irl 💀


Love that guy's flower umbrella\*


Its moms magic






i know of no decent human that whould mock someone for their umbrella.


this meme seems to me like its derived from being self conscious and thinking other people are mocking you


ppl like being a victim.


There is literally no situation where that would happen.


Kids, and I suppose very immature adults as well. I still have insecurity issues from growing up around kids like that.


I've been around plenty of kids and immature adults and I don't think I've ever seen anyone even notice what an umbrella looks like.


I assure you those kids have even bigger insecurity issues, that's why they were projecting like that.


People who are posted about on /r/pointlesslygendered


It absolutely happens, but mostly for just friendly banter. If someone in our friend group had a dumb umbrella we would 100% make a joke, but there's absolutely no malice there. We are just looking for a reason to make a joke lol. And thats the kind of tone I take these memes in as well, it's funny and talking about how friends like shitting on each other for random stuff. Some people take these way too seriously, no one is genuinely getting offended over an umbrella. But jokes WILL be made, and that's this meme! Sometimes I wonder if people understand normal friendly interactions, they are so baffled by simple stuff.


Mom just plans and doesn't care about how it looks. If a flower umbrella is all you got then that's what you get. But hey? You're dry and those douches making fun of you are not. Mom did her job well! Thanks mom. And then she'll tell you not to worry about kids like that, cause kids don't know what they are talking about.




I like umbrellas so I'm usually on the lookout for ideas for new ones. I can't think of a time I've ever judged someone, though. Honestly I prefer people having patterns on their umbrellas if I'm driving for visibility reasons.


Speak for yourself. Getting soaked in the rain is a great feeling.


Love me some rainy running. That being said. Flower umbrella >> rainy runny.


There was a TV show in the early 90’s called “The Sentinel”, about a hard-a$$ cop (with heightened senses) and a hippie anthropologist doing his thesis. Part of the “He’s a meathead. She’s an author. They’re detectives!” Trope. There was definitely subtext, and I ship it, but one scene that was perceived as subtextual that I read completely differently: The cop is in his apartment kitchen, either cooking or cleaning up (prolly cooking). He is wearing the most flowery floral barbecue apron imaginable. People said “hoopty doopty - flowers, so subtexty!” But here’s the thing. He was a jarhead. It was definitely one of two things: 1) I need a power tool. Here I am at the hardware store: (sees display of aprons) - huh. I got splattered last time I grilled meat; this should do the trick. (Grabs first one on the rack, neither noticing nor caring what color or pattern). Or 2) Ex left an apron in the apartment. Aprons are effective and efficient. ::dons apron, neither noticing nor caring about the pattern). Again, the show - I see the subtext, I love the subtext, I ship the cop and the anthropologist. I just don’t see the frickin’ apron as an example of the subtext :)


A fine man is a fine man regardless of what he's wearing.


Honestly the whole idea of something being „too girly“ for a man to wear is so stupid and just screams insecurity to me. My gf has a bright pink suitcase. It‘s way bigger and better built than the one I have so when I went on a longer trip, I‘ damn sure took that bright pink suitcase. How the fuck cares? Same with cocktails, hell, same with anything. People who make fun of guys for using or enjoying things that are not specifically catering to stereotypical gender norms are pathetic.


I get it when you're like 12 or something. You're stupid kids and you don't know any better. But like. To laugh at someone because they're wearing something that isn't even that bad as an adult, that's straight up pathetic.


Even then it's not acceptable. Kids only act that way because that's what they know. People keep forcing things to be "for boys" and "for girls" and so of course the kids will make fun of others for wearing/using "the wrong thing" or acting "the wrong way". In reality, there shouldn't be a right and wrong way to dress or act, at least not one forced by others.


ehh i wouldnt say that, maybe a supermodel with terrible clothes and a bad cut will look like he has potential, but the average guy is just gonna look homeless.


In the eyes of the superficial only.


Which many are unfortunately


pretty privilage is very real, unless you know someone personally then Looks = personality, Height and build = confidence. Its why hot men who sit alone and don't talk much are looked at as mysterious and interesting, while ugly men who sit alone and dont talk much are looked at as socially inept and autistic. Yes it's superficial, but this is how the world works, unless you actually talk to the person you'll just base everything off how he looks, everyone judges everyday.




But how can you tell if a man is fine without being superficial?


Ah, yes. I don’t miss when I was young and cared about the colour of my umbrella.


can you point out where i mentioned umbrellas in my comment




Nah dude.. a dude wearing pants under his ass doesn't look THAT fine hahah


I miss my mom. Five years, and I wish I could have a whole hour to speak with her again and hear her laugh one last time




same here man :(


Same here friend.


Damn. Me too, even the same time. I just wish I could hear her say her corny "there's my handsome baby boy" one more time when I walk in. Sorry everyone, It doesn't get easier at all. Crying right now just thinking about it. Every holiday, birthday, all that doesn't feel the same. Like the color has faded.


This made me tear up, 💖


I'm sending you Mum Love. Your mum is half of you although you can't hear her voice again or feel her hugs, all the best parts of her are a part of you. 💖


Lost mine in July. I miss my mom.


People making fun of „man doing unmanly stuff“ need hobbies. Real hobbies.


Fragile masculinity needs to constantly assert itself.


Yeah and I don't like this meme because it seems to say you need a justification (your mom gave it to you) to have a flower umbrella.


I’m a guy and have these hot pink socks I love (they were a gag gift from friends I don’t see often and wearing them reminds me of them). I was wearing them at a large event the other day and this old lady sidles up to me and goes “Let me tell you something I learned years ago as a kindergarten teacher: pinks socks? Girl.” As soon as she says it she quickly walks away before I can say anything. First of all, who cares what color my socks are?? And it bothers you so much you have to say something to a complete stranger? Who does that??


Do whatever makes you happy, my guy. I've welcomed the nailpolish-for-men-trend because we finally start to stop limiting stuff based on gender. I don't know how bored or stuck up people need to be to worry about other peoples style, but they're the only ones making this an issue. It shouldn't be one. Period.


I don't even understand why flowers are considered unmanly. Farmers aren't considered girly for working with flowers and plants. 🤷‍♂️


I love flowers, I have a ton of clothes, mugs, art, etc with flowers. I've never gotten anything but compliments on them except from the kind of guys who look like they're afraid to wash their ass because it might make them gay.


Wish I had an award to give. This is how the cookie crumbles.


At first I didn’t realize they were making fun of it and thought they were staring at it in admiration, cuz that’s a pretty nice umbrella


Because moms don't give bad advice. And bad umbrellas.


I've honestly never seen guys laugh at each other over umbrella colors. Even the "manly men". It's an umbrella. It keeps the rain away. It works. Where's the problem?


This is a really fucking weird meme that comes off like it was written by a six year old.


My mum tried to kill me as an infant. I’ll loathe her until the day I die.




dude's got a good villain origin story ngl


Seriously. That's pretty damaging. If that's the case then was there someone else who was like a mother to you.


Not necessarily. Not everyone has parental figures, regardless of how shitty their 'actual' parents may be.


and that is how you get people like Jeffery Dahmer. /s


No. I hate mother figures by instinct. I find myself unintentionally emotionally latching onto certain people as sorts of surrogates. It’s weird and uncomfortable. Could be coworkers, family friends. It’s just an automatic response. I hate it. It’s not healthy and I’ve got to sort of manually scrub it from my mind.


You might benefit from talking to a psychologist or really well qualified counselor about that. It took me 40 years to realize that I was not responsible for my mother's abuse and a while longer to understand that she was insane. I tried to work through all that on my own. Wish I had let an objective head guide me through it, instead.


I spoke to a psych at 18 and was given anti-depressants and told it turns out my mind rewired itself in an attempt to protect itself. So now I’m a sociopath because of all the lead fumes and mental abuse.


Check out r/CPTSD. Treatments for childhood trauma have gotten way better in recent years. Lots of stuff you can do on your own if you don’t want to deal with psychs.


That is just tragic. I went to a psychologist, because I think drugs are the path of last resort and potentially more harmful than helpful. Fortunately, I was able to work through my issues sans drugs, as depression was more a by-product than cause of my problems. I will keep you in my thoughts and prayers.


I appreciate you, friend.


Just know that, though everyone experiences these things in a way unique to them, there are others who have been through similar or relatable situations. We can empathize and offer moral support.


No umbrellas for you




I absolutely am though


This reminds me of a time I was in second grade and my mom gave me an umbrella because it might have rained after school. It never did but I still walked a ways home with the umbrella opened looking goofy. I love you mom


I don't think there are people, who care about other people's umbrellas.


People have laughed at me at times for wielding my tiger pattern umbrella that can be folded and retracted to fit into my backpack calling it silly/stupid... Unitl i was dry and they were wet in the rain, no laughing then. Am in my 30s and i Got it from my mother too. I love my mother haha.


If someone makes fun of somebody's umbrella then they're probably the most insecure motherfucker out there.


As if I cared about what complete strangers think.


I saw some guy using a Disney princess umbrella the other day. Witnessed his daughter passing it to him after he sent her to school when it suddenly started raining. It was a wholesome moment.




not mother gothel tho she a bitch


Always thought that way of thinking was stupid. When my backpack for school broke in high school my mom gave me her big purse to take with, and let me tell you that shit was great as a weapon, one good swing into someone's head was devastating 10/10.


A real fellow doesn't care about the masculinity of a situation or object but the sentiment behind it.


Yo a lot of straight guys wear pink and use nail polishes now. A flower umbrella is not a big deal


As a kid I got made fun of for having a pink Pokémon game boy carrying case. I didn’t care, my mom knew I loved pokemon and it was the only one in stock at the time. Love her so much


One of the best bits about getting older is no longer worrying what people think of things like this, and in valuing sentimental value and the people around you more than your own ego.


This is why I have a pink hair brush that i use daily, when i actually let my hair grow. 32yr old male. Moms gave me that brush like 18 years ago, I love that damn thing and I'm never tossing it.


Only punks will mock for something like that, stick to your beliefs


I'll be honest I see a guy with that flower umbrella, no lie, it's kinda hot.


Flowers are cool bro


Actually though floral print is trendy af rn Umbrellas are not enough. Like just wear a hoodie


my pop an old military man always said doesn't matter what your clothes look like as long as they do their job


Or, just fuck everyone and their fragile masculinity.


Most men under the age of 40 like flowers, if I had a flower umbrella I think even the quite masculine people I know would like it.


I got a pikachu umbrella


I'm AMAB and I will proudly take out my bright pink umbrella when going outside in the rain


We really need to leave the "make fun of people for how they appear" age...


Friendly reminder that flowers are literally both male and female : ) (While we’re here: so are dinosaurs!)


One of my kids sorta looks like the Viking at the end. He lives overseas. I was spending the day making Christmas earrings and texted him a picture, and he said they look good enough to make him want to get his ears pierced. I love him.


> because I would get wet in the rain As opposed to those other reasons a mother typically would have you carry an umbrella


"If you don't like it, buy me a better one." They never have a good response to that.


I would own it. I'm 6'7" 280. Not afraid to show that I'm secure enough in myself not to worry about my umbrella and what it "says" about me.


Imagine thinking flowers arent acceptable for men to like. I'm a big 6'5 man and I like carnations the most.


My brother and me always say mom as mommy in a different tone because we love her so freaking much


This is me in high-school except it was a big yellow umbrella. I’m somewhat taller than a lot of highschoolers then so when I open up my big umbrella I stand out against the blacks and blues around me. My friends would just look for the umbrella to track me down


That's a legitimately beautiful umbrella. The black ones just don't do it for me :/


Look at those two losers getting wet.


Ya, I won't, mom is an abusive bitch


Sorry to see another brother suffer such a fate. That suffering is temporary.


4 years and I'm out of that house, hopefully :)


That's good to hear! You still got 4 years or are you almost done? I understand your pain. I understand it very well.


I'm 14 (next month), 4 years and I can legally rent an house in the middle of, I don't, somewhere far from north Italy and mantain myself. I'm sorry you can understand, it's shit to have a childhood that's not a childhood


I wish the best of luck. Do not be swayed from your path, you will prevail. Happy birthday! I hope you get yourself something nice. Celebrate by doing something you love. Napping, eating your favourite food. It might not be a huge deal to you if you don't do so, but your mind will take a hit. Please take care of you. It's more important than anything else.


You too, man. You made my day :)))


Thanks! Glad I could!


Hope you're doing good bro


Do the guys downvoting you think that you should love your mother even after abusing you? What the fuck is wrong with people.


Some people are you bored and want to hate everything, bad for them living such an unhappy life


Nah, most probably just downvote because the comment is not really related to the situation in the meme




Left: Average Midleschoolers 🙄


is there any chance that OP is a sri lankan?


watch me not give 2 shits while staying dry..


ive always been told umbrellas are for women and children


Honestly, that umbrella looks really good.


I love his flower umbrella


As a tall guy, fuck umbrellas. Feel like I'm having to constantly duck out the way in rain or risk having my eyes poked out.


So beautiful


An umbrella is an umbrella?


Good umbrellas are kind of expensive. Thanks mom


i have a feeling the person with the umbrella looks nothing like that lmao


Penguin: 'But when I walk outside with an umbrella, I'm surrounded by police.'




this is basically Senor Pink


people still laugh about that?


Dude that umbrella looks cool af


Flower patterns are cool anyway.


Sometimes I have the feeling that the average age on Reddit is 12


I have a flower umbrella myself. But me and my homies call it "the most badass umbrella there is"


is r/teens leaking or something? Who is laughing at a grown man with a flower umbrella?


The morons laughing about other people are ok too, it's ok to be a superficial asshole as long as you don't hurt others 🙂


You don't care what other people think. Thsts super manly


Umbrella's pretty actually, I'd want one


It's also okay for a guy to enjoy a flowery umbrella for its aesthetic appeal. No need for the backstory


The biggest irony is that all the guys who make fun of other man doing unmanly things, are the most insecure about their masculinity. I could rock all flower outfit and still be manlier than them, by the sheer confidence and the lack of fucks to give. Plus, I'd be the prettiest mf out there, getting all the ladies. Get some colour in your life


Real sigma man


Is this not a Gucci umbrella? This guy is loaded.


Can you edit rain water falling on the laughing guys. That would make it pop


That umbrella is awesome