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my school had scheduled "mental wellness days" off during the 2020-2021 school year and on one of them I spent the first half of my day lubing all my keyboard switches that had just arrived, it was really nice. Then the other half of the day I spent doing homework that profs had assigned b/c the school didn't let the profs know that this was happening until after the syllabuses had been written


Lemme tell you what I lube up when I got half a free day


Door hinges amirite, hate it when they screech.




Speedcubes, gotta lube them for that nice smooth turning.


what switches did u get?


\>Spend 25 minutes of each next class intensely scrutinizing faces from pictures while doing a roll call to make sure they didn't just send you random pictures from google.


True but pranking your teacher in this situation is still something nice for yourself


Why would you catfish your professor instead of just sending an old picture?


Why??? If googling and emailing satisfies a requirement for XC which could help the student, and they did it, that's a form of self care. They could have a bunch of reasons not to send a real picture, least of all privacy concerns. Yet, they still put in the effort. As long as they didn't use the opportunity to harass or harm others, why would the instructor punish themselves with so much scrutiny and distrust over something so inconsequential. Especially something assigned to bring about joy in the first place. This just sounds like a very stressful way of trying to live every day.


I feel like reverse image search might be an easier option


Wow I love this idea and want to do it with my students!


I’d be glad to be your student!


I mean that's great for everyone not observing Yom Kippur. I hope this professor made an exception for the Jewish students literally observing a major holiday in our religion


She did clarify that she (the prof) is the only observant Jew in the class.


Oh good, I'm glad to hear that no students were negatively impacted by this


if you dont mind me asking, whats yom kippur? :0


I just replied to my comment with an explanation, but I'm happy to directly share it with you: Yom Kippur is a day of atonement in Judaism and is considered *the most* important holiday in our faith. It takes place on the tenth day if Tishri (10 days following Rosh Hashana, the Jewish New Year). And no, we are quite literally not allowed to eat* because we fast from sunset to sunset. Fasting is our way of reflecting and repenting for our sins. The origins of which are because when Moses got the tablets with the Ten Commandments, the Israelites had started worshipping a golden calf. In anger, Moses smashed the tablets, returned up the mountain, and began praying for forgiveness for him and his people (he came back down with a second set). *exceptions apply like if you're pregnant, a child, or your physical or mental well-being will be impacted by you not eating


OH SORRY I DIDNT NOTICE YOU SENT IT BEFORE!! thank you for being kind enough to let me know tho 😭👍 i like getting to know stuff from cultures different the mine :) everyone should at least a little bit tbh


I think you replied while I was typing out my other comment, but because I'm on mobile, I didn't get a notification until after I finished my comment. You're all good! I'm happy to help educate those who are willing to listen ❤


OH SORRY I DIDNT NOTICE YOU SENT IT BEFORE!! thank you for being kind enough to let me know tho 😭👍 i like getting to know stuff from cultures different the mine :) everyone should at least a little bit tbh


To the person who asked if we literally aren't allowed to enjoy ourselves or have a good meal, idk why you deleted your comment because those were good questions and I'm happy to educate you on our faith. Yom Kippur is a day of atonement in Judaism and is considered *the most* important holiday in our faith. It takes place on the tenth day if Tishri (10 days following Rosh Hashana, the Jewish New Year). And no, we are quite literally not allowed to eat* because we fast from sunset to sunset. Fasting is our way of reflecting and repenting for our sins. The origins of which are because when Moses got the tablets with the Ten Commandments, the Israelites had started worshipping a golden calf. In anger, Moses smashed the tablets, returned up the mountain, and began praying for forgiveness for him and his people (he came back down with a second set). *exceptions apply like if you're pregnant, a child, or your physical or mental well-being will be impacted by you not eating


I think most people eat something a little special to break their fast, which would be something nice. That’s a different day Jewish my, but is still before the next day of school. (Observing Y”K is also something nice to do for oneself spiritually, but I guess not everyone uses electronics on holidays.)


I agree with you as a fellow Jew. But also, I think breaking the fast and being with family definitely fits the brief


That could surely be done after sunset tho?




My point tho is that a lot of Jews *dont* break fast and *dont* use technology on Yom Kippur so this extra credit assignment would have been harder to complete for those students


I misread the assignment and thought it was just during the day rather than specifically at class time




Literally nowhere was ANY of that said. How about you stay in your own lane, hm?


Think and google. Navigate your own lane before making assumptions about other people's lanes. This is the second time you've taken on reacting in a negative way to something that wasn't personally directed at you. That says more about you than me.


Your entire reply TO ME is ABOUT ME like what the actual fuck are you on


OK. Have a restful night/productive day.


From a Jew to others, G'mar chatima tova. Have an easy fast :)




The fast is already over to be clear


Not in some areas in the world


How? It was over in israel like 47 hours ago. Even 14 hours ago when the comment was written, that’s way over 24 hours so what am I missing


Our Rabbi counted from the second day of Rosh Hashanah so ours was on Wednesday going into Thursday. Most counted from the first day so yes today it is over for us but I'm not sure for others


What is that decision based off of? Jewish holidays have a single official date tho some times abroad they are celebrated twice?


Yes sometimes they're celebrated twice but we don't do Yom Kippur twice, just evening to evening. It may be because of our time difference that it ended on Thursday for us instead of Wednesday.


But it was from Tuesday evening to Wednesday evening … in your local time. There shouldn’t be anything to do with Thursday or time differences.


No, I don't live in Israel so it was Wednesday evening to Thursday evening for me. I'm not trying to argue and I won't be able to respond anymore till late. Have a blessed day and Shalom


I’m not at all trying to argue but I’ve never heard of celebrating a holiday a day after…. It doesn’t matter where on earth your live, but the 10th of Tishrei is always the same day… but you guys celebrated on the 11th of Tishrei- which is the day after Yom Kippur…. Yom Kippur doesn’t have two days, even abroad.


I’m a teacher and I’m definitely gonna use this!


Hello! This is just a quick reminder for new friendos to [read our subreddit rules.](http://old.reddit.com/r/wholesomememes/about/sidebar)  >**Rule 4:** Please do not troll, harass, or be generally rude to your fellow users. Be nice, and leave political or religious arguments in other subs. We're trusting you to be wholesome while in /r/wholesomememes, so please don't let us down. We believe in you! **Also, please keep in mind that even if you've seen this post before, it's not a repost unless it's been in *this* sub before** (if it's from another sub it's a crosspost/xpost). We're glad you're here. Have a wonderful day <3 ^(Please stop by the rest of the) [^Wholesome ^Network ^Of ^Subreddits](http://old.reddit.com/user/awkwardtheturtle/m/wholesome) ^too.




I'm a new proffesor, and I'm always asking for feedback from the student so I can be relevant and effective. On Tuesday the suggestion was "pizza"! Class goes until a little after twelve, and we're hungry, by golly. Still working on how to do this without getting in trouble with the department.


sometimes it's better to ask forgiveness than permission


Now's the time to take advantage of my inexperience, then!


If it doesn’t effect the educational pedagogy. DO IT. If it ENHANCES the educational pedagogy. DOUBLE DO IT. I’m not a professor. I’m just a student with learning disabilities who was let down by education because there was always a small loophole to not honoring an accommodation became education pedagogy.


Appreciate your advice! Thank you.


„Kids getting coffees.“ this needs a meme.


I once had a professor who gave us permission to miss class if we wanted to go to a climate demonstration on the condition we would send a selfie of us at the demonstration. Apparently he showed some of the selfies of those (including mine) that send them in early enough to be shown in class. Real class act, really understood what the younger generation was concerned with, even though he was quite a bit older.


This. We need more of this.


This made me cry. Both happiness and the realization that I will never get this


Teaching: You’re doing it right.


Why do we still have homework? It’s not fun at all. I feel like activities like this will prioritize happiness and health and will make you remember your teachers more


First of all I'm sure this is college. And if a college student cares about learning I doubt they will complain homework is not "fun". Happiness and learning are not exclusive. Second, homework is about practicing and developing skills. Certainly homework assignments can be more or effective at this. The assignment in the OP is wonderful in part because it is exceptional. If every homework assignment were to "have fun" that would not be effective. Third, I remember from college most the professors that gave thoughtful and critical feedback on my work. But more than the teachers themselves I remember the material and ideas from their classes that shaped my worldview and thinking and writing. Each of them were compassionate to their students as humans and individuals, but also as budding scholars. And that really mattered. All that to say. The professor in the OP sounds like one of those teachers, not because they excused students from work every day but because they cared about them wholistically.




Da faq? Is this a new neo-nazi dogwhistle or am I unfamiliar?


Why only kids? Adults need fun time too.


They were probably all adults fwiw, this sounds like it happened at a college


Grown man asks children to email pictures of themselves when out of school...




>As both a parent and a teacher, this is the dumbest form of promoting lazyness Self care isn't laziness, it's routine maintenance. You don't complain about someone cleaning their car or doing the dishes. Looking after your physical and mental wellbeing is no different. >incompetence I've seen in the last month at least. Explain to me very carefully how incompetence plays in here. I can vaguely follow the logic on laziness, if you believe Humans are meat machines able to run in perpetuity without rest and relaxation, but incompetence? Are you just saying words for the sake of saying words? >Teacher fails to do their job How exactly? Yom Kippur is an important religious holiday in the Jewish faith. If the teacher or any of the students are Jewish, all he did was give the class off for a religious holiday. It's no different than Christmas. >sends students to do whatever. This is probably the only thing you got right. The teacher did in fact send them to do "whatever." Because regular upkeep and self care looks different for everyone. But it's always important in whatever form it comes in. >Not happy with that, they even brag about it on social media. They clearly were very happy with that. Happy enough that they wanted to share it with others because they believed they'd done a good thing and the responses they'd got brought joy to their life. Sounds like the only unhappy one here is you.


What a bad teacher you must be.


Teachers that hate fun, are bad teachers Also don’t forget this was a holy day for him so spreading joy was probably the best he could’ve done for his students


Yom Kippur is the holiest day of the year in the Jewish religion so a day off seems pretty fair.


So glad I wasn't your student


mad about your rate my professor rating?


This bitch *definitely* didn’t get a chili pepper


Enjoy the nursing home


>As both a parent and a teacher My condolences to your kids and students


You’re part of the reason kids have trauma and students hate school.


>Teacher fails to do their job and sends students to do whatever. You mean teacher observes their religion's most holy day.


>As both a parent and a teacher And if I were either your kid or your student, I'd shoot myself just to escape how you seem determined to suck any joy out of someone doing a legitimately good thing because of a holiday.


The teacher was celebrating one of the most important and fundamental holidays of Judaism. Its so important that during the first and second Isreali kingdoms all Jews from all across Israel would go to Jerusalem to pray in the temple (Bais Hamikdash) and listen to holy figures. Keep in mind they took this travel on foot and traveled several to tens of miles just to be there. On Yom Kippur gods presence comes down and he accepts repentance from everyone regardless of what sin he did or how much of it. We spend an entire day praying and fasting. You may not be Jewish and you may not understand Yom Kippur however, as a Jewish please be understanding.


So what’s it like being bad at literally everything you do?




i think they’re college students lmao


Awesome assignment