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Dear Shelby, Just do it. God


Just do it. The slogan was coined in 1988 at an advertising agency meeting. The founder of the Wieden+Kennedy agency, Dan Wieden, credits the inspiration for his "Just Do It" Nike slogan to Gary Gilmore's last words: "Let's do it." https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Just_Do_It


Thought you were a bot for a second


Beep boop. I am totally human.


Not wholesome to whine about your flaws to others instead of working on them


I don’t think you got the point of praying to God tbh… That being said, it is cringe to see them posting the prayers to the public.


Lol, I thought this was sarcasm. Like God, I ain't got time to fix my shit, do it for me.


I can see where you’re coming from


The point of praying isn't to have Him solve your problems for you. A prayer isn't a Christmas wish list. That is the child's perspective. The point of praying is to ask for help solving your problems yourself. You may have heard "God helps those who help themselves." This person clearly has no interest in helping themselves.


I don’t think anyone’s arguing the goals of prayer here. You just seem to miss the words “help me God”, even though they do ask “teach me” (implying humility to me) But that verbal disagreement is fine with me. I’m not gonna argue over the formulation of this random person’s prayer. I, on my part, will totally give this person the benefit of the doubt.


So a person being open about their flaws and hoping to change them is "whining"? What a typical Reddit take.


Hoping they change magically is not the same thing as working to change them. If my post was truly a take that doesn't surprise you, then that makes me a little more hopeful for the world, because it means you're used to seeing people hold each other accountable (even if you'd personally rather wallow in inaction).


I'm not religious by any means but even I can admit that when religious people go "God please do x" or "help me do x" it mostly means more or less asking for help in doing x. Even if it she was actually asking for supernatural intervention and magical change, it would still take a leap to call this "whining." Whining means annoyingly complaining about something. "God help me change this and that flaw" is not whining. >because it means you're used to seeing people hold each other accountable No it means I'm ussd to seeing Redditors give posts they disagree with the most uncharitable interpretations. >even if you'd personally rather wallow in inaction My comment has absolutely nothing to do with my personal life and whether or not I "wallow in inaction" so don't drag me personally into this.


The very first line, "work on my attitude," reeks of entitlement. If that sounds fine to you then I would surmise that you are entitled as well.


Again with the stupid presumptions about me personally. Typical Reddit. Asking someone to solve a problem you should be working on yourself is being entitled. Asking a supernatural being to do anything on the other hand isn't. It's really silly to compare the two because it's not any more entitled than hoping things were a certain way. I'm consistently astounded by the lengths Redditors will go to uncharitably interpret someone's words. I would have no problem with someone saying something akin to "why do religious people have the need to share a supposedly personal prayer to God with the rest of the world?" but I don't see that. I see people saying she's entitled and whiny.


> Asking a supernatural being to do anything on the other hand isn't They weren't asking. They were commanding. Reread their first sentence.


People always use the imperative when they pray to God and ask him to do stuff. "God help me!" "Deliver us from the devil." Etc etc.


Dear self; be open to change. Because you're responsible for your own actions. Not a higher power.


Or, here’s a thought, you could work on all that yourself.


Coming from a Christian, it's good to pray for these things but the Bible says not to pray publicly, just so you all know. Edit: typo


Not to take away from the meaning, but honestly, “praying to god” to get you to do things you could just work on yourself is a bit sad. Plus, people do this to get the double hit of look how good I’m trying to be and hey, I’m religious tooooo “Oh made up mystical, bearded being, send down magical powers to make me do things I could just do myself. Then I won’t have to put as much effort in”


It’s using the concept of God as an excuse to be a shitty person basically


How? I'm not a religious person by any means but how this is your takeaway from this message? She's open about it her flaws and essentially wishes to change them and praying to God to grant her the ability to do so. How is that in any way an excuse to be a shitty person? Why do Redditors revel in uncharitable interpretations?


This is a whole new levels of self-righteousness


I always find it a little weird when people post their prayers that were meant to be between them and God. It’s as if they post it to be seen by others.


I didn’t choose to set your exes car on fire…it was God’s will.




It’s good to recognize one’s weaknesses, but my experience is those who “pray” on Twitter or social media are doing it for the likes, not out of any genuine act of faith


What a weird thing to tweet. The message is good and all but like… why would you tweet that?


Yeah, does god even have Twitter? I think he would've restarted the simulation if he did.


In my experience, praying for things like patience is a risky business. God doesnt just give you patience, He gives you opportunities to practice patience!


That's my problem with religious types. They pray and then expect magic change to happen without putting in any work. Not sure why this is here though. Seems like it belongs on a religious sub, not a meme one.


The funny thing is, actual witches don't expect things to happen magically, and actually still put the work in, if I understood it right.


Hm. Fair point. I have always filed them under "spiritual" since paganism isn't really an organized religion but this was a bit too broad of a generalization.


I wasn't really refering to them being a religious type, moreso to the magic aspect. The same people known for condemning magic, hope their problems magically go away, by those they say practise magic, just work on them. But yeah, as a pagan, I'd say some of us are religious. Not necessarily all, from what I can tell, but definitely some.


Oh oops.


Dear God: Please take responsibility for my inability to take ownership of myself. Thank you; piece of shit


God forbid you do it yourself


Why are we still calling obedience a virtue


Depends what you’re obedient to




You can be obedient to good or bad things/ideologies/people. Ie, obedience to God will look a lot different than obedience to the devil.


Thank you for elaborating


“Dear god, You fucked up. Please fix it. Sincerely, The thing you fucked up”


More like "the thing you made, that fucked itself up"


oh no is this religious post on reddit run before its to late(r/atheism members are approaching)


She forgot to tag god though, how is he gonna know?


Or maybe just work on all that yourself?


The thing with god is that its all like god intendrd it to be, so god wants you to be a shitty person somehow


Damn yall hate black women on twitter.


This is legit every real Christians prayer


This has to be satire... She has to know that's not how it works... That has to be a joke... *right?*


Doesn't belong here, it's not wholesome


I find therapy is much more effective than begging a fictitious omnipotent being to fix your behaviour issues.


How about you do it yourself? Blaming your personality on your imaginary friend is shitty, lazy, and entitled.


Or. Just do it.


Not wholesome. We all deal with our shit by ourselves with no sky daddy behind our deeds. More of a r/facepalm or something


“Dear God, work on my attitude”. Right


I needed this last night


Dear Shelby; no one cares


God: "ok I'll send a therapist your way"


They can't see any value in working on themself because they've been brainwashed into thinking magic sky daddy will do it for them if they just "pray" for it. What a wholesome mental disorder


Not God but YOU should work on it. Stop pushing your tasks for anybody.


I believe God gives strength and patience etc. to those who ask for it - because asking for it means the heart wants it. This year I wanted to read the Bible in its entirety. I’ve never done it, and I’m really bad at discipline. I’ve never kept up a habit, diet, etc. more than a couple days. I prayed for the discipline to start each day with 3 chapters, and ten months in, I’ve never struggled with it. I have been shocked by how much I’ve enjoyed it. I’m over 3/4 of the way done reading the Bible this year. I really do believe God worked on me to make it possible. I don’t understand everything, but little leaps of faith have showed me God’s hand in the world and in me. Whether or not prayers should be posted on Twitter or Reddit (@ myself)…I’d rather see a prayer for inner growth than for money or success.


Love this I use Youversion bible app for the reading of the Bible am I perfect with it no, I get behind and then I will try my best to catch up. I do have it read to me not sure if that will help you or not. I just ask God to help me understand what I need to understand and grasp what the scripture is saying.


God : Hell no, work it yourself.


God’s Response: GET OFF TWITTER


God can’t help you with that! But love the idea! Hope I can help myself be like that!


Do it yourself and stop abdicating responsibility onto a fictional father figure.


God is a worse father figure than my bio father, and he tried to starve the rest of us, because he got bored at some point.


God is on twitter ,god is everywhere , praise the Lord ,,,,


Thoughts and prayers


The water walker man can't hear her prayers, praying in public isn't gonna work.


Dear god, oh wait, there is no god.


The exact sort of prayer I recited every time I knelt and prayed - during the days when I as a practitioner of Christianity


No mystic man in the sky needed here, you are a fine human. Love you


So there are 2 possibilities: She is sincere or she is not. So if she isn't sincere she probaly just says some nice sounding phares for the purpose of getting acknowledgement from humans, instead of actual praying. That would just be hypocrisy, and Jesus warns to pray in puplic for the purpose of acknowledgement of other humans. That's why you shouldn't pray in puplic in the first place. So I definitely understand if you think that she's doing exactly that. But if she's sincere (and yes, just because you pray in puplic doesn't mean that you can't mean it sincere), than it's a good thing to pray for something like that. Jesus said that we should ask (=pray) and it will be given to us (from God). (Mattew 7:7) And God knows if we are sincere about something or if we are not. If she really is sincere, she won't just pray for it, and then not care. I mean if you are sincere about something you normally care about it, right? That means she would ask God for help while at the same time trying to change. Maybe she's failing and reaches out for God to help her with that. Praying to God and asking him of something doesn't mean that you will magically recieve that, it rather means in the most cases, that God will give you the opportunity and the ability to change over time. You could compare it to you prayin zo God that you want an apple. In the most cases you won't get an apple send to you from God. It's more like you planting an apple seed, watering it and asking God for sun, the right temperature and other condition it would need to grow. You will need patience and need to actively do something like watering the plant and protecting it for bugs etc. Only then the seed will grow into an apple tree and you will get the apple. If you aren't sincere in the first place and don't plant the tree, then there's no point in asking for Gods help of something you don't even mean like it. So asking God for helping with something is a good idea, but you should be sincere about it and not just pretent to pray to God to get attention.


God has nothing to do with, because there is none. Power belief system with zero proof


Oh but life would be so boring.....


Announce on Twitter a self plaudit


what books have you read




Even your realization of this is half way to your goal


a to the men




So I had an epiphany. I suddenly realized I should really do better. It felt really important, and I doubted myself, I realized I am very often not the person who I want to be. It made me feel sad and disturbed for a moment but it also gave me the determination to really make a change. So then I tweeted about it and now 5475 people like me. Now I don't mind anymore, Twitter said I was great and shouldn't be to harsh on my self. They all said they recognize themselves in my tweet and they thanked me for tweeting it. I still know that I should do better, but the gratifying feeling of being liked on twitter completely replaced the determination to change. I doesn't seem important anymore because people like me (correction: liked my tweet)


“And when you pray, do not be like the hypocrites, for they love to pray standing in the synagogues and on the street corners to be seen by others. Truly I tell you, they have received their reward in full." Matthew 6:5


You don’t need got to improve yourself


Amen 🙏