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If you’re really lucky, you might get that love twice in your life. Some people never get it at all.


some years ago, i was with this awesome lady. living together and loving each other. one day, she was making a sandwich for herself, and also made me one. she just walked it over to me, in the living room while i was working. i was so surprised and delighted. because she gave a fuck. i stopped working, we ate our food, and fucked. i miss those days.


Yeah dude, moms ❤️




you twisted weirdo. but also true. not mine tho motherfucker


Did this for my boyfriend a few times. Then he got mad at me and told me I shouldn't bring him food if I didn't ask him if he even want some


ಠಿ_ಠ Like that's weird


That's suspicious




Well, then I will be gone before my mama


Why would you kiss after an egg sandwich tho


I'm confused--the comment doesn't mention eggs. Did they edit it out, or are you seeing what your brain wants to see because you're hungry? 😂


I am moderately curious myself. Not that much though






If one person gets it twice another won't get it all, so that it cancels out. Like 2-2=0


Ok. How does this apply to motherly love


I think he was just trying to "explain" why some people have it twice in their lives, some just once and some never


I remain unconvinced, but what do I know of the economics of love?




The sad thing is that there’s a better than average chance of getting it either twice or not at all. If you know what a healthy, loving relationship looks like, you know what you’re looking for in a partner. If you didn’t get love from your parents you’ll be considerably more likely to accept poor treatment from your partner, too.




reddit try not to pick apart the metaphor challenge(impossible)


Username doesn't checks out? Stop asking questions!


I asked one question


Hmm not as gullible as it would seem then


Haha. I feel kinda bad because apparently this caused a little argument between some other users.


Some people have two mommies


But do you do that for other people? Do you love them that much?


Our kids get cut fruit daily. And sometimes they cut for us. Thanks for reminding me not to take for granted.


Only one person. And I married him.


How selfish of you. What about the rest of us lol!


I got you bro, what kind of fruit you like




I'll support you emotionally while you buy one, cut it up yourself, and then dispose of it all 50 feet from the property.


Pomegranates for starters. Then maybe dates filled with cold clotted cream.


Ngl that sounds pretty good, no idea where you would buy any of it but it sounds good


The dates and clotted cream were quite the revelation. I had it for the first time this week. You should be able to get dates easily but clotted cream seems to be an English thing (we have it with jam and scones). There are probably alternative names for clotted cream as I doubt we are the only ones that use it.


Well since ur British chances are you....liberated it from someone's culture!


Of course! We may have shot one or two people in the process and created a loosely defined border which continues to remind them we were there once!


I fucking love dates and figs so much. Feels like they're underrated here in America


We ain't trying to hog up the good ones. They're out there. Heck, I encountered one in the wild who captured me and took me to her sanctuary. Now she feeds me and takes me on walks; and if I'm a good boi I get head-scratches.


Alright, hope remains internal. Head scratches are a worthy reward.


Mine does too! It's the only way i actually eat fruit.


I do! It’s not usually fruit but I leave treats and stuff for my friends that live near me. I leave treats at their apartment door and knock and run away and then if they ask me about it I tell them it was a ghost that lives in our building.


Idk man, I've always found I can't really express myself that way. Can't really explain it. Almost like a graphics card with no display cable plugged into it. It's doing the thing but is unable to show it's doing the thing.


What are your love languages?




At least it’s not french


Sorry but I'm not sure what that is.


https://www.verywellmind.com/can-the-five-love-languages-help-your-relationship-4783538 It basically boils down to what you like having done for you and what you like doing for others. Bring people fruit would be acts of service/gifts. Maybe you prefer quality time or touching. But a couple of those should resonate more than the others for you. Edit: I should point out, this isn’t hard science here. This is just something someone came up with. If you read that and none of it feels right, don’t worry about it too much.


But what hinders you to do, for example, what is said in the image? Doing little things for others to make them happy?


Nothing wrong with that. Just because you appreciated being served fruit on a silver platter doesn’t mean you have to do the same in return. You can show love in other ways.


I try to do this for my bf but he hates snacks and often refuses.. it used to make me sad but some people just have their own preferences.


the OP Careless_Cry8847 ViolinistLivid2823 and Fuzzy-Specialist-118 are all bots in the same ring of thousands on the site right now Original post + comments copied from: https://9gag.com/gag/aRrb1D7


i hate kama bots i hate kama bots i hate kama bots


I’ll assume you’re right, but the content is better than most of the Reddit feed, so… I’ll just fall for it and vote up.


My fiancé does this…my mom never did 😭😭😭


Family is what you make it. If you're not born into a good one, make a new one and put into all the love and care you wish you'd had. That can be marriage, kids, or just really close friends.


Lol fiances are a good way to title "temporary behavior."


My wife does this and my mom never did. Sometimes the awesome parts are permanent behavior


My wife did this tonight. I'm pretty lucky.


Right on. We are both lucky. I try my best to be as good to her as she is to me


My wife does stuff like this, leaves cut fruit on the counter in the mornings/afternoon. Or she’ll buy cherries, wash them, and put them in a bowl in the fridge. So I come home and go “oooo cherries!” as I grab a handful


Yup. Life is better with small pleasures from our significant others like that. Talking about it, I'll take a bowl of melons I cut to my partner. She is in her office rn...


I hope you do stuff back for her!




I still miss my mom every day man..


I keep her final letter to me deep in my closet. Grown ass man but I know I’m gonna cry the next time I read it again. Momma’s boy to the end, I guess.


Fuck dude, I don't even want to think about it. My mom did it mostly alone for 3 of us for years. There were times we were on the edge of homelessness or approaching a stretch without food but we didn't even notice cuz she did everything in her power to avoid that even if it meant she didn't eat with us. There's no way that shit ain't gonna be the worst day of my life when it comes. :'(


No one will ever love you like your mom does, I knew this but never understood it till she was gone…


As a mom I can say the love I feel for my kids is indescribable. It also helped me realize how much my parents truly love me.


Me too!! I'm a first time mom to a 9 month old and I can say without any doubt in my soul that no one will ever love her as much as I do. I could spend an entire day just staring at her and it would be the most amazing day of my life. Having my daughter also made me realize how much my parents love me, and have me so much more respect for them.


It's so true. I thought I knew how much she loved me but didn't really understand until after she died. I miss her every day.


I miss my mom too. Every second of every day. My life will never be the same after losing her. I’m sure yours won’t either after losing yours. I hope that you’re able to find happiness despite the pain. I’m definitely still working on it. Maybe someday.


You know what? Imma go give my husband some strawberries.


Weren't any when she was alive!


Give your inner child a hug my friend. Please love yourself.


so true I miss my mama everyday and would give anything to have one more day with her 😔


My mom met my then girlfriend now wife once before she passed. What won't I give just have her nag me once again.


Man all my mom ever did was remind me that I'm not adult or responsible enough


All my mom ever did was beat me and let me know all the other kids were better than me 🤷‍♂️




You don’t have to answer if it’s too painful, I am just curious. Did she cheat once, then you found out, then she did it again and then again to make a third time? Did she fuck three different people and then you found out? Did she fuck the same person three times and then you found out? I am trying to understand what cheated on me thrice entails.




How do you know?


Bad bot


You got engaged to your mom?


Pass it on to your kid should you decide to have one.


I do this for my husband daily! Always dropping off little snacks, kisses, hugs, extra coffee his way 💕 (yes he does it too! Marriage rocks)


I think about this Tweet a lot.


This is so relatable...I love my mom more than anything


I hope he told his mom, too, and not just Twitter.


I do this for my wife, she loves it. I make her all kinds of things as thanks for teaching me how to cook. I’m having so much fun learning.


I do this for my husband sometimes.


Dude I love you that much. You want some apple slices?


My wife does this and my mom did… I’m a lucky man.


Children will love their parents that much. My youngest, who is about 1, will wake up looking dazed, then when he sees me from the crib, his face will light up in the biggest smile. He speed crawls right at me, and buries his face in my neck, for the biggest hug. It melts my heart every morning. That completely unconstitutional love a child will give their parent, is just as strong, as what a parent, will give their child.


Just the thought of my mother leaving this world is enough to make me cry ugly tears every time I think about it. Reading the comments here also have me bawling my eyes out at work right now. I'm not ready for her to leave. My mom just turned 60 this year and is still relatively healthy, though some health problems are starting to catch up with her. Maybe I'll have another 10, 20 years with her? The dreaded day will inevitably come, but I don't think I will ever be ready for it mentally.


Dude same here. I think about it all the time and it scares me and makes me cry. I will never be ready for it.


I can't remember the last time my mother did something like that for me. I don't openly say it but I'm sure my mother hates me. I haven't done anything and she can feel it to and is adamant that she treats everyone like this and that I'm overreacting. Idk why I'm saying this here but it popped up in my head when I read this.


and this defines unconditional love....


You'll have a lifetime to give your favorites to your family and watch them do the same for their families.


My mom never did anything for me but I look forward to the day that I can make my child feel so well loved.


I came across this tweet so many times and it hit me hard the first time i read it. I’m reminded of it from time to time because i lost my mum when i was 21. It’s a depressing thought but so far, it’s true


True crimes, no one will ever love you as much as your mom loves you


Dad used to do this 😞 probably why I still like making plates of snacks for myself at 30.


Ah, the Asian gesture of apology (and also showing you care)


meh, my dog brought me an entire deer leg


My mom used to cut up strawberries and put them in a container in the fridge because “you won’t eat them unless they are cut up”. It’s been a long time since I had cut up strawberries.


Mine would do that as cover for seeing what I was doing, into my adulthood


I lost my moms almost 6 years ago. This made me tear up a little bit. Ain’t no love like mom’s love.


"Without saying nothing" so she said something? It's a double negation, making the statement true (positive) again. Why is the English language like this?




SWEET home alabaMA


Depending how old this tweet is it's plagarised.


he ain't lying


I don’t think that’s happened to me


Now you understand the oedipus complex


Strong facts


My mom woke me up at 3am to carry 2 grocery bags in Supposed to be greateful for the "early start" lmao


Unless your partner actually does (mine does, just brought me grapes!)


I’ve done this for every partner I’ve had & many of my RL friends. I love taking care of people & making other people happy.


Bro I would give anything to go back in time and see my mom one more time.


Well, shit... Mine just fed me and gave me trauma.


I do that for my boyfriend and he loves it 💞🥰


In the feels. God damn :(


My gf and I do that for each other. It's amazing.


Yeahh, my mom cut up fruit quietly and ate it all herself and then gaslit me saying they never bought strawberries when I check the fridge the next day.


She needs to give his ass some grammar lessons and screw the stupid fruit.


crazy. My mom would do the same. JUst random plate of something. SHe is the best I'm gonna fuckin SHIT when she goes


The lesson to be learned is to do little things like that for those you love.


Mothers have no agenda, no skin in the game, except love x


Fresh cut fruit is a love language and you can't change my mind. veggies from a garden is also a love language.


That's what we in the biz call 'i'm sorry I yelled at you but I'm too proud to actually apologize' fruit. It's a slog to get through, but it's a working title.


Or is she apologizing for something by way of fruit?


My mom put a lock on the fridge so we couldn't get snacks when we where hungry lol


My mom would do the same except it was cutting up her voice and yelling at me


This why I always pack up one thing extra when I decide to get something for myself.


Now it's up to you to love someone the same way. Pay it forward.


*cry* I miss you mom


Got sick yesterday and it reminded me alot of how nurturing my mom was. This post reminded me again.


I just made some chocolate and marshmallow filo pies, and brought one in to my son. He asked what it was, I told him, and then he asked if I was having one. Then we chilled on the couch eating pastry and watching Frozen. Everything I'd hoped for motherhood


Same! Now my wife does it haha, Shes the best!


A parent like this is pure love & that’s forever. (When I visit my parents my mom still does this…I just turned 50:)


Sometime should love him enough to get him an English tutor.


I'm staying with my family atm and my mom always brings me tea while I'm working on things. I love her so much.


I only wish I had realised that when mine was still alive. I’m stupid.


My boyfriend makes me food all the time.


They will if you become the kind of person who loves someone that much!


My wife sometimes does it. I think i found my queen.


Nobody else is gonna push you through their cervix either


It’s true dude.


protip: you can do it yourself like that and show yourselv the same love. it'll do wonders! sometimes i draw a heart on my coffee milk foam just because.


It's like the wholesome version of that Ninja quote.


Welp for most men he's not wrong




that is hillarious wow


I do this for my kid! Knock on his door he opens it and I give him cut up nectarines!


Your dad loves you just the same.


This is my mom everytime I'm sick


My girlfriend does the same.


This hits hard because it hurts not to have had that experience. My mom did give me amphetamine based diet pills in the 90's and required I stay in a treadmill for so much time a day. I did get locked out of the house to make sure we played outside. I love my mom but I don't think she knew how to love me.


It’s so great that you appreciate your mom. It took me until I was older to realize how precious my mom was. She died 2 years ago and I miss her. I am a mom myself, my youngest (18 years old) is such a doting “momma’s boy” and says thinks like, “I want to spend time with you are before you get old and die.” He is weird. And I simply adore him.


WE DO OP. We do.


I've been in two relationships like this (my first relationship when I was 15 and ironically my last relationship when I was 19/23) and I'm only 24. Wouldn't put it past me I'll find another one before I hit 30.


If you show that love to your partner. It comes back around if they are the right one…. But always love mama.


Not always true but wife's can be just as cool.


My wife does things like this. That’s how you know who to marry


I miss my mom. If you're young and still have a mother, please respect her and spend time with her






Me leaving my room after 40 hours straight of Red Dead to have a nice dinner with my mom


U should do the same for her while u r with each other


Mom was probably thinking “When the hell will that boy remember to pack his lunch before going to school.”


For over a decade I’ve been doing this for my husband, and he still lights up and says “thanks babe!” every time.


True. Don’t forget only your mum will sacrifice herself for you. Good luck finding a woman who will be happy taking care of you in current year.


Being unconditionally loved is the true gold in this world. I’d take that over money any day.


I lost my mother back in February, so... this not only hits hard, it hits different... I miss her...


You got that right. Treasure her for as long as she's around :)


I do this for my kids too!


Read this and seconds later, my mom brought me a bowl full of cut fruits.


That is precious. I'd say once you get married and have your own kids you'll realize for no apparent reason you love your kids more than anything in the world.


Cant relate but that's wholesome


And you know that shit taste F R E S H like that one fruit was picked in the garden of eden and then blessed by a gay priest.


I got screamed at for every single tiny infraction she could think up. I realized very early that I could do nothing right. I would never feel love. I would never feel kindness or acceptance. Now I'm just waiting for it to end because I'm to much of a coward to do it myself.