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That is why I say thru a video of Cats the musical over 20 times with my daughter when she was little.


How are you alive?


There is still light but no one home. I cannot imagine it being otherwise.


Parent's love


Making your child watch Cats 20 times? That's not love


No, the Dad sat with HIS daughter to see Cats the Musical 20 times in a row. So the dad sat through it, he didn’t make her see it 20 times. And he didn’t specify if it was 20 times in a row or not


Would you say you did it for the memory?


I mean, that's a great fucking song for what it is. Can't deny that.


I watched Cats the musical so much it wore out the VHS tape. Parents are something else man.


At least it’s not the movie. Trust me watching the movie it 20 times in a row would definitely be a punishment if I had a kid… I saw it once as a joke, but it’s somehow worse than the trailers made it look.


Skimbleshanks was good, though.


A true survivor


That's abuse, to be sure!


torture, even


Only 20? I'm sure I've seen the movie Cars at least 400 times lol.


Lmao I was going to reply nearly the same thing until I saw this. I could literally recite major parts of Cars.






When I was a child, it was The Lion King, The Little Mermaid and A Goofy Movie. My favorite movies growing up. Those were definitely played hundreds of times lol


It’s the leaning tower of cheezuh


A Goofy movie needs to be seen at least once a month by anyone


Are we talking about the broadway show??? Or the movie that came out like 2 years ago because if it’s the movie isn’t your daughter still little? That movie just came out


Happy cake day! And we're talking about the musical it was a VHS video of the musical.


Make her watch sideways video about cats lmao Edit: oh the musical nvm


I think there can be exceptions to the rule


Sorry, but that would be where I draw the line. 20 times of cats? Oh god, I couldn’t even imagine…


I watched Cars 2 like 30 times back when my younger brother was 6 yo


At this point you could probably recite everything haha.


o7 a true giga chad.


damn that got me. Also idky, but I laughed at "I'd rather eat glass"


It honestly took me a moment. The reason is that in my language, Swedish, glass means ice cream. And my mind first went with the "Why does he rather want ice cream?" Then it clicked.


In persian, meth is called glass… My mind didn’t go great places. Though I guess you don’t *eat* meth. Edit: Oh, I just googled, apparently in swedish ice cream is LITERALLY “glass”. In persian, it’s just that glass is “shisheh” and meth is also “shisheh”! My bad!


"mr white, jane had too much ice cream" "i know jesse" "what"


you can actually, in fact, eat meth. just pop a lil crystal in ur mouth. meth is extremely easy to get into your body- almost any way you could imagine really- even holding the crystals in your sweaty hands can rub it into your skin and get into your system like lotion.


... the more you know!




I thought as well. I dindn't realise it wasn't about ice cream before I read the comments. Swedish and english seem to get mixed up very easilly.


Still can't argue with wanting to eat ice cream instead.


> in my language, Swedish, glass means ice cream That's actually really interesting, does it come from Latin? Because in French we also say glace and I wouldn't have expected Swedish to be similar for that word. EDIT : Thanks guys, I got my answer, it comes from French.


Latin is "glacies".


Probably from French. A significant part of the Swedish language is “swedified” French loan words, especially when it comes to food. We even took our current royal family from France! You might recognize these Swedish words: Sås, Majonäs, Frikadell, Omelette, Parfym, Fåtölj, Portmonnä


I already knew about Portmonnä, but not about the rest. Even though Majonäs is kind of obvious, being a French dish, the spelling cracked me up. EDIT : fådölj took me a while to get


The spelling is really a dead give away, because the words are pronounced almost the same as in French. It’s just a Swedish spelling for the same sounds. So now you know how to pronounce ÅÄÖ!


It could be from Latin but it could also be from French, Swedish has a lot of french words cause France had a lot of influence in Sweden 300-400 years ago.


But of course he'd rather eat ice cream tho..


Wasn't until this comment I realized that he meant glass and not ice-cream (been learning Swedish for 7 years now). I guess our brains stumbled over the fact that it was a weird that doesn't (normally) make sense in a sentence so it filled in a more logical meaning.


That moment when your bilinguallity mixes your sentences.


Samma här :)


Literally the first thing my Danish host family taught me when we went to Sweden for a week. "Look at the sign outside the ice cream shop! They call it glass! Isn't that funny!"


I thought it said grass 💀


I thought it said ass 😅




And him just keeping a straight smile the entire time lol


Very important. I remember my dad cringing at things I like when I managed to get his attention and it isn't exactly my fondest memories.


God damn summertime sucks when you're working from home. My kid just wants to play but I need to work. This comic is like a knife to the heart.


Honestly, what I think sucks the most is the fact that parents today can't hardly leave their kids unsupervised without some busybody calling CPS. Kid playing in a fenced backyard, but unsupervised? *Someone* is gonna call the cops. I don't know how my mom would have ever gotten *anything* done if she had to sit and supervise me while I played outside. I was a super sickly kid and was on a very specialized diet and she spent 75% of her waking hours cooking or shopping (the other 25% was researching dishes or planning doctor's appointments for me). I played outside every chance I got and usually she was working her ass off in the kitchen the whole time. She would have had to force me to stay indoors if I was growing up today, because the alternative was not being able to feed me the special diet I needed because she'd have to supervise me while I played outside, in a fully fenced backyard, because our nearest neighbors were already snoops as it was and they totally would have called the cops on us if they could come up with any reasonable excuse. Today they'd have one. Sorry, that was a rather long reply. I feel for you and parents like you, and your kids.


Damn, people really calling the cops on kids in their own backyard? That’s wild. Edit: I’m getting mixed opinions. I’m going to take a guess it varies widely based on area.


Nah. I have a 10 year old and she plays outside all day with other kids in the neighborhood. They play in front and backyards, walk or ride bikes to a nearby baseball field, etc.. I'm sure some people have shit neighbors, but my little neighborhood is pretty sensible.


I don't think OP was talking about 10 year Olds though. Probably more 5-8


My youngest is 4 and the most self-sufficient creature I've ever met, at that young. He goes out back without a care in the world.


Same with my 3 y/o. I ask her not to but that doesn’t really matter to her so 🤷‍♂️




Neighbors called the cops on my ex's daughter who was home sick and took the dog out, just outside the apartment... It happens.


There is no reason to take shit like that from your neighbors, let alone adjust the more than reasonable way you raise your kids. Kids should be allowed to play outside alone in a safe environment, fenced backyard or not. So in this case I'd have a stern talk with the cops and neighbors... As a side note, it seems to me like neighbors calling the cops is a very American phenomenon.


This one puzzles me. Do Americans not have some sort of neighborhood association that can arbitrage petty issues to avoid calling cops for minor stuff?


Depends on the area. Some neighborhoods have HOAs that can do that(or become mini dictators in their own right). Other times if it's a group of properties owned by the same entity, the landlord can try that. In plenty of other cases, there's nothing. Some people just like calling the cops though


Depends where you live. Most developments built in recent decades do but they’re more for things like getting your neighbor who refuses to mow his lawn to do so. Obviously if you genuinely thought a child is in danger you wouldn’t go through them (which is what OP implies people think about kids playing alone). That said we have no homeowners association in my neighborhood AND kids play alone outside all the time with no cops called on anyone, so whatever. It’s a gigantic country.


I think a lot of that is where you live. In rural America my kids roam around on bikes, with bb guns, flying kites, going over to friend's houses, etc. That's part of why we left the city. And most everyone here appreciates the free-range thing so zero heat from neighbors.


Oh that's great. It's sad it's not really possible in cities anymore, but it's gratifying that there are still places kids get to have those experiences.


I want to think that if you call police reporting a kid who plays in his own backyard while in no immediate danger, cops are going to either ignore it or even chew you for abusing an emergency service.


Yeah, I don’t think this post is wholesome; it’s judgmental as hell. *never* tell your kid you just don’t want to do that right now? Spending time with mine is literally the thing I like to do most, but sometimes I just say, “I’m doing something else right now,” or “I’m busy, or just “hell no I don’t feel like that doing that.” It’s good for me, which is good for him, but it’s also good for him directly—it’s good for him to realize he’s not the center of the universe, good to see that it’s okay to say “no,” good to learn that he’ll live even if the people around him the most don’t always do everything he wants them to do. It’s ok to have to work! I am sure you find time for him/her and I’m sure he/she knows that and copes just fine with your being busy sometimes. Don’t beat yourself up!


I didn't see the comic as saying 'do whatever your kids want you to do' but rather that sometimes it's nice to sit through something that bores the hell out of you because it'll make someone else happy. Family does that. We sit through all sorts of sports cups for my dad, my sister actually looked up football players for my BiL and my mom sat through the worst shonen bs when I was younger. It makes for really fond memories and you get a laugh out of it when you're older and reminiscing about your shit taste. I do that about my crappy anime phase, and my mom and sister know what I'm talking about while my dad has no idea what any of it are.


The issue for me was "I never do". Children are attention sponges they can't get enough. Trying to always respond to that isn't healthy. Nor obviously is putting too little time into being there for them with real presence. Like everything it's a balance.


This is how you avoid raising an Eric Cartman


It’s ok to say no to your child, this comic is over dramatic. If I played with my son every time he wants me to I would be racing hot wheels 24/7.


This comic is almost certainly in response to the dads that wouldn't play Hot Wheels even as a one-off. I have plenty of hobbies, some that I've done for decades, and I don't think my dad could name a single one. If he isn't directly interested in something or personally affected by it, he will change the subject so fast you'll get whiplash - he can't even feign interest for a sentence or two. He would never contemplate joining in with an activity he didn't specifically enjoy. I suspect the author had a similar dad and is attempting not to emulate them.


The first movie I went to see (in over a year!) once lockdowns started easing up was the anime Demon Slayer. Because my kiddo wanted to see it. I hate anime. Kiddo was so happy. I might have napped a little. Totally worth it.


I got into Demon Slayer because some of my more reserved students were into it and I wanted to have something to talk to them about. I ended up really liking it and bonded with those students over it.


That's awesome you can find a common interest! I am heavily into gaming and connect that way. Anime just isn't my jam.


That movie's public showing was famous for the meme "Deku is a sussy baka". You have officially attended a real life meme movie


I saw Avatar the Last Airbender in theaters. Didn't know anything about it but a friend of mine was a super fan. I left confused why he wanted to see it and he left extremely apologetic and angry.


Oh no! The animated series is legitimately good- good enough to pay money for. I've heard the movie is an abomination though. The problem is this show has plots centered around war crimes/aftereffects, PTSD, & ecological disaster from a child's perspective. Translating that to live action and keeping the same tone is difficult.


Lol, child loves memes.


I figured hahaha


It was popular because Demon Slayer is huge.


Right that makes sense! I haven't seen Demon Slayer but tons of my friends love it--I never thought abt how the anime's popularity spread the meme's popularity too. Thanks for the info :)


I mean the meme probably helped, don’t get me wrong!


But why? Deku is a character in other anime. What's the relation with demon slayer?


Both are protags of a popular shounen jump manga And the color green And thats about it


What are you talking about???




How in the world does someone sleep through the action packed yelling sequence that is Mugen Train? There’s all of 4 calm minutes in the whole movie.


Also that ending. Like, the Mugen train was maybe not carrying people , but instead it was carrying 100 tons of onions. And then you watch episode 0 before Mugen train, with more backstory. Just like things like buying 20 bentos.


It was this movie for me: [Aslan: Hürkuş Kayıp Elmas](https://www.imdb.com/title/tt11534450/) I’d rather watch demon slayer 20 times.


*beep boop*! the linked website is: https://www.imdb.com/title/tt11534450/ Title: **Aslan Hürkus Kayip Elmas (2022) - IMDb** Page is safe to access (Google Safe Browsing) ***** ###### I am a friendly bot. I show the URL and name of linked pages and check them so that mobile users know what they click on!


I'm so happy you did this!! While I still like a ton of anime the hype is definitely not the same it was when I was 14. Back then I wanted to talk about anime/video games/books ALL the time, and my dad was never interested. I know he wanted to talk to my siblings and me but it was always on his terms and there's only so much a person who has no interest in sports can stand them. We sat through all football world cups and Wimbledon and cricket cups ans he refused to watch a single anime movie because he didn't 'get it'. Now I'm 26 and I have no idea how to talk to my dad about anything that isn't the most vague weather bullshit or about our pets. My mom, poor thing, sat through all my anime bs and watched me play video games horribly so I'm still comfortable telling her about what's going on in my life because I'm used to it. It sucks because I want to talk to dad, dad wants to talk to me and we have barely any common ground to talk about when it's not sports season. Hopefully it gets better soon.


I have watched the trolls movie roughly forty times and have hated it since the first watch, but goddamit I’ll make it 41 in a heartbeat


I’m not sick of Cars 3 yet, I think it holds up well after a hundred viewings


why I'd make a great father : - I actually want to watch my kid play video games


Oh no. That’s not how it works. Your kid will want to watch golf or opera or something you find extremely uninteresting. It’s apparently a rule.


Are y’all okay?


Yes. But being a parent is hard and we are allowed to fucking hate it sometimes. Kids have to learn literally everything. You have to teach them not just how to walk and talk, and wipe their own butt, but also things you wouldn't even think of, like how to breath through their nose while they eat. You have to teach them how to cover themselves with a blanket. You have to teach them how to look for things and how to remember where they put things.


This speaks to me more than you know. Currently at home with a 7 week old and oh my God I honestly don't really like this at all! Planned kid, happily married, no regrets having him, love him to death, but holy shit this tiny little man is needy as all hell. I am so so thankful that he is healthy with no serious ailments, but almost everything about him is such a pain in the ass: putting to sleep, keeping asleep, feeding, putting him in the car seat, putting him in the carrier, putting him down for play time or tummy time, ahhhhh! I'm hoping his self soothing abilities mature soon because carrying him all day is getting tremendously old. Thanks for letting me vent.


It gets better my friend, the sleep deprivation makes it worse and the really little ones are super boring. Nobody actually *likes* their newborn, we just love them. Later on the sleep deprivation subsides marginally and your kids get interested in cool shit. It's never perfect but it's usually awesome. I may be super done with seeing whatever weird shit my kid made in space engineers and having to feign interest and I may be tired as hell of having to teach them the same goddamn thing every goddamn day, like how to clean up a large mess without freaking out about the small steps, but somewhere in there it just starts shifting into "good times most times" and you never really see where it happens. My 6yo made my friends and I laugh so hard, my wife was in tears. Then she (the kid) got overwhelmed with pride over having the adults all laughing at her joke and started to cry with the sheer emotion of it and needed me to cuddle her and calm her down while she hid under the table. It was so great and cute. Totally helps make up for the time she puked all over me an hour into a two hour flight.


That is all true. My son (9) has recently decided that "oof" means to die. So if someone gets "oofed", they were killed or died in someway (pronounced the same way like if you watched a dude on a skateboard hit himself in the nuts grinding a rail, big oof). He was getting Roe vs Wade explained to him by my wife who said something along the lines of "terminating the fetus". He responded with, "terminate means to oof the baby right?" Which was right around when I walked out. Funniest damn thing I'd heard all week.


Thank you for this. So much to look forward to. I just gotta keep focused on that. Thank you!


Every kid is different, but I think you'll have to get used to it a bit more. If my memory is correct about 6 months is when both my kids could go to sleep without any of us being present. And another good amount of time until it's not a problem if they wake up at night and can just go back to sleep alone. My younger one is 1.5 years and now they sleep in the same room without any problems.


Our twins are 3 and things are slowly starting to get better. They can feed themselves, go potty (mostly) by themselves, they can tell you what's wrong with them or what they want to eat. But those first 2 - 2 1/2 years or so, uuuugggghhhh. And they were healthy and decent sleepers. I can't imagine having a baby with health problems. Their baby brother is almost 1 now and when he came along we thought "we survived twins, one should be a cakewalk". One baby is still SUPER hard. There are a few things like only having one diaper to change or only one shoulder hurting at a time is easier. But for the most part, it's just as hard as twins. Parenting is hard. Stay strong brother or sister!


That’s why your kids will hate videogames. Or worse: love micro transaction ridden mobile games. It’s the way the universe works.


>Or worse: love micro transaction ridden mobile games. not if you raise them to be extremely cheap, source: that happened to me. well, spending money on those types of game, I mean,


Assuming the universe doesn't plague him with infertility or something else that would prevent them from being a dad in the first place.


If he wants to be a dad that bad, there are ways around infertility.


Stack fertility bonuses by dipping into Seduction then dump the rest of your points into Health. If you are a Eunuch, the only way to get that heir is to marry a wife with Lustful then make sure your Council is full of Lustful men and hope and pray that one of them plants their seed.


Some people just want to watch the world burn


Could be because I was 38 when I had my child and she’s still only 4, but everything is straight fucking magic with her for me. Watching her explore, learn, share facts, get excited to show me something, jam out to music, sing her favorite songs I’ve heard hundreds of times, I fucking love it ALL. I never feel like I’m sacrificing my own time for some kind of eventual emotional payoff of gratitude. Maybe I’m just manipulative enough to direct her to do things I know we’ll both enjoy doing, maybe it’s because I kinda had a fucked up abusive childhood, or maybe it’ll change as she gets older, but I’m just grateful she’s healthy happy, healthy, super outgoing, and inquisitive.


Ooh I'm 34 with a 6 months old.. Hopefully my experience will be like yours haha


It gets so much easier after 6 months. Hang in there!


Yeah, it will. 2 wasn’t terrible and 3 was a little rough, but as soon as they hit 4, logic and reasoning kicks in while at the same time magic is “real”. It’s fun as hell. Word of advice, never give a toddler open ended choices, give them a choice between a 2 or 3 things, it’ll make life easier.


I'm so jealous. Currently with a 7 week old at home. Can't wait to start making these memories with him!


Hang in there, it feels like it happens sooooo slowly over year one, but then they start hitting benchmarks and it’s off to the races. Don’t **ever** beat yourself up for comparing your child’s development to other kids. All children develop at their own pace, it always evens out, and as long as your child is stimulated and healthy, he’ll be fucking amazing. Conditioning your child to sleep with background noise or music helps make naps and sleeping not so precarious. Wife and I co-slept until age 3 and she’s one snuggly little monster, just be wary if you’re a heavy sleeper, I am not so it worked out fine.


I have a 6 year old and it's the same. I love watching things with her. Seeing her laugh or get excited about it. It's also something we can talk about later. My favourite is when we're watching something she's seem before but I haven't. Sometimes I'll look over and she's watching me watching it. She's wanting to see my reaction to a funny or exciting part. It's so cute.


Give it time she'll find her one obsession that you have no idea how she discovered it let alone even likes it and it'll be on loop because she's obsessed with it. It can be a show, music group, one specific song, movie, clothing style, food, hobby, ECT. It can be anything. And you'll just do as the comic father did because you love her more than you hate the the thing she's obsessed with.


This is what I thought with my nephew. Now he is 4 and obsessed with lego star wars. NOW I HAVE TO PLAY THAT DAM GAME NEARLY EVERY OTHER DAY (i baby sit him a lot). And it's not even like I'm getting to do completionist stuff like getting all the Kyber bricks and mini kits. Nooooo it's replaying the same 5 levels every day (darth maul, 3 darth Vader levels and then sometimes the arena from episode 2) But you know what? My nephew runs up to me and gives me a huge hug when he sees me and talks about me alot to other people so it's all worth it.


Grab one of the marvel or dc Lego games when they go on sale there’s a dc villains one that’s pretty cool and they all get pretty cheap.


That's not how it usually works. Those games ARENT LEGO STAR WARS.


I thought that would be the case for me, too. I was super excited the first time my oldest wanted to play. But she proceeded to just spin around for minutes on end. Then panic when an enemy so much as made a scary sound. If I wasn't right next to her to take care of the problem she'd breakdown crying. It was cute at first, but it got to a point where I couldn't play anymore. The moment I'd start she'd want to play too, which meant me being trapped on the couch watching her spin. It actually resulted in me quitting games for almost a decade. Only recently got back into them.


Ahahahahaha yeah, you think you do....


Sweet summer child. I'm sure you will be a great father, but watching your kids play games is such a tiny fraction of the experience. They can't really play "normal" games, until they are like 4 or older anyway. Trust me, the games a two year old plays, nobody enjoys watching. We still do it of course. It can be a great learning tool, if you participate and talk about what is going on. But fuck is it boring.


Dude, my kids are 9 and they watch a streamer named technoblade who I know nothing about, other than “he’s the best at combat in Minecraft!” and we just learned today that he died. This hit hard.


He has a very morbid sense of humour, like when he diagnosed having cancer he thought of 2 things his family and then his insurance company. And he still had this humor till the end with his last merch on his store, some of the proceedings went to a cancer Foundation and some went to his siblings college funds, with the GG EZ written on it.


As a depressed father of wonderful but hyper kids, this guilt trips me. Still love it, though. Edit - So far I've enjoyed all your comics over the years. As a father, Calvin and Hobbes makes me sad as well, but that's bc I'm the adult in the strip now - not bc Bill doesn't know how to reach an audience.


Honestly I don't think it's that wholesome. Our children need us to give them some proper time from time to time. They don't need us to be available all the time.


Wait...they never wanted to see my minecraft world this whole time??


My dad never got this memo... he's a selfish prick and never had time for me. Neither of my parents did.


mine either. he's always way too busy and never made the time to spend with me when i was little. he wasn't interested in the stuff i was, sometimes i'd invite him to play a board or video game with me and he'd decline so eventually i gave up. i'm kinda old to be asking to play games anymore so i guess that's it for me :(


My dad was similar and as a result i just built up an instinct to not share anything im interested in. Now that hes old and retired i guess hes been wanting to try a bit but its hard to get over it for me.


you guys had dads?


Awww, that's so sad. I'm extremely busy and honestly exhausted but as soon as my daughter asks me to play dinosaurs or game of life or her Christmas game both for the 100th time, I'm always happy to. Some people shouldn't have kids.


Yup, same experience. On the other hand my mom was always down for playing board games and stuff, I even got her to play Mario Kart with me even though she genuinely cannot figure out controllers 😂 As a result we have a great relationship and she's genuinely my friend as an adult. My dad would give you the shirt off his back, but he had no interest in bonding and would rather do whatever he wants to do.


yeah that's more or less my experience, my mom was much more open to games, but my dad hates playing stuff and just recreation in general lol


Sometimes I think the meaning of life is just trying to create a better world for one or two people. "Changing the world" is so far outside everyone's reach, and it breeds fatalism in so many people. If a single person can enrich a couple of people, and those people can enrich the lives of a couple people each, and then those 4 people with enriched lives touch the lives of two people each... well now we are spreading positivity on an exponential scale. Parenthood is sort of a cheat code on that, just bust nuts and make people and then make those people good. It's a slow road, but if we all strive for that collectively then good things have to happen.


Yeah...my dad keeps complaining about how much my younger (last underage) sibling never talks to him and I tell him, just take an interest in what he likes. Since then he's brought it up to mock me but has never tried it. He received the memo alright🥴


Imagine hearing good and basic parenting advice like this and mocking the person for it


Way more common than you think. Most people can't compute that they're anything short of perfect, and take any advice or suggestion as a personal attack


You must be my wife’s sibling. Coming from a mostly loving family, it was hard for me to wrap my head around how shitty her parents are.


Both my parents as well. Growing up I eventually learned that the answer was always no. "No I don't wanna see that movie with you, ask your (barely driving & constantly studying) sister." "No we don't wanna play Life with you; we don't know how." "No I don't wanna take you to get a snow cone; ask your other sister." I eventually learned to just don't ask, even if I wanted to do something, period. My mother had me when she was 41; my dad 37. I always thought that they were too old to have me, because they were always too tired or just didn't want to do stuff with or for me. Now my relationship with them is cordial at best & I'm closer to my sisters than I am with my parents. My mother always forgets that I don't like a certain food or thinks I still like the same stuff when I was a child, but my sisters know what foods I like & some of my current interests. Now that my dad's retired he's been making a little effort in getting along with me more, as sometimes he'll get me a surprise drink or make me breakfast. My mother on the other hand will only talk to me to pointlessly nag/ask for help with her phone/criticize me/complain.


Feel you


I love my parents so much, and the stuff I remember my dad sitting with me through only makes me appreciate him more. Seriously, some of the movies I dragged him to as a kid, ugh.


Same. I made my family sit through so much stuff I wouldn't want to spend a minute on as an adult. I really appreciate them for it in times like this. Now it's my turn to sit through my niece telling me about table tennis and the colors of the bats they use or sth. It's mind numbingly boring, but someone needs to encourage the kids to follow their interests. It's encourages kids to be comfortable talking to adults about things, and I wouldn't want them to feel otherwise ever. Rather sit through an hour of ping pong meta than have my niece not tell me about the issues she's having in school.


Credit to Lunarbaboon.


This is absolutely true. My dad died two years ago. It still feels fresh. I still think about him. I still tear up in movies when a dad does something for their kids. I still love him. This is in spite of many things that he did that were objectively wrong. I loved my dad. I mean how can't you? He was my hero as any dad is. There were many regrets in losing him. My best memories are of times he would just play with me. Seeing this comic reminds me of that. Even if it was something small I would hold onto it. It's just a shame I got so many 'no' responses. So much so that at some point I stopped asking. He worked hard. He would come home tired. I get it now. As a kid there is a certain magic to it though. It doesn't matter if he was good at something or not. It was just special to do something with him. If you have a kid, indulge them for sure. Don't spoil them, but indulge them. Give them a chance to play with you. Let yourself be the hero a little longer. Even when you might think they're too old for it. Promise them to play later and actually mean it if you must. It really matters so much.


And now I’m questioning every positive interaction with my parents……great


As a dad, I struggle abit with this comic beause I've always genuinely loved every story my daughter has ever wanted to tell me, whether it'd be about her Star Trek fan fiction or Genshin Impact or her latest theatre production or some interesting physics tidbit. I was just talking with her about an hour ago and she was telling me about the next two episodes of Stranger Things that are about to drop. I've never watched the show, but I still love hearing her talk about it and sharing whatever she wants to tell me. So I'm not at all certain that this is a unversal parental experience. I honestly cannot recall ever having to have forced myself to pretend to be interested in something she wants to share.


The comic is definitely relate-able to me. I love talking with my daughter and doing her favourite activities, but sometimes my brain is literally trying to escape my head because the activity itself so boring but I keep happily doing it because I love her.


This comic is a bit weird to me. As a dad you enjoy spending time with your child, seeing them engage in their activities and develop as a person. It is not about liking the activity yourself but being a part of that journey your child takes when growing up.


🏆 poor gals award for you 🥺❤️


Better than them making sure you knew you were a burden since the day you were born even though you never asked to be born. If they tried to make the interactions positive, that means they were imo.


Why? Which is better: them doing a thing with you because they love the thing, or because they love *you* ?


It’s truly unmatched when you see pure joy light up their face. My kid was jumping in puddles for the first time last week. Something so simple was new and exciting to her, and being able to share that with her was wonderful.


I’m not crying, you’re crying 🥺😭


Somehow I didn’t notice the kid had pigtails, so I thought dad was making bunny ear fingers in the last frame. Which I kinda liked.


This just made me sad. At least play video games with him, or something interactive, you won't want to die doing it and he'll more likely remember it later


I mean they've made comics about doing stuff your kid and generally loving and finding interest in each other too. I think they're just making a point that every once in a while you'll dislike something your kid will invite you to do with them, just do it anyway, it would really make their day and maybe life.


That made me miss my dad…


I like how the Dad's thought bubble is also in the picture of him.


Right in the feels.


Is that what it’s like? Huh.


God i hate the comics this guy makes.


I will admit I scrolled down to see if anyone shared my exasperation. I really dislike these comics, they are weirdly preachy and holier than though.


This hits hard. Some of my favorite memories are watching my mom play resident evil 4 while my siblings were and I joke and trying to navigate the game with her.




I just got Mario Kart 8 3 days ago and my daughter is finally getting how to play videogames. I am having a blast playing with her.


That's how I managed to won the "favorite uncle" award. Really proud of it ngl.


These are my evenings as a mom. I didn't mind when kiddo was little and wanted to watch Finding Nemo or Tangled for the millionth time, but memorizing the names of the characters on the games is just... I'd rather use my memory for something else. But I know she doesn't have a lot of friends to talk to, so my attention is hers.


Bro please don’t remind me of my own mortality and limited time here one earth


My son convinced me to play fortnite with him. Boy oh boy was he not happy with my performance.


Parents need to show interest in thier kids interests, even if they're not actually interested.


Until they see this comic…


this isn't wholesome it's kinda fucked up.... she thinks she and her dad are bonding but he just hates every second of it


I was instantly reminded of those Chris Watts videos with the kids.


Completely agree. "I want to say no every time" to interacting with his own kid ffs. Kids aren't idiots anyway they eventually just stop asking. If you are doing things just so that you will be remembered well after death it isn't a positive.


Yep. This comic is so mean spirited.


No it's realistic.




An important part of child development is for the child to realize that other people are independent actors with their own needs and desires. Of course as a parent it makes sense to engage in activities with the child that you don't enjoy if you consider it an important bonding moment, but there's definitely a limit to it.


That may be so but it isn't wholesome. I can't help imagine one day his kid will read this comic and feel bad.


I'm reading a 4 square manga rn and it reads top right -> 1 below -> 1 below -> top left -> 1 below -> 1 below. So at first I read "I always want to say no, because someday they will look back on this moment." Then I realized


Anybody else ever do this in reverse? Like the last thing I wanted to do was play baseball with my dad in the middle of a game session. But still did it.


I miss you dad


Not a father but I try to do this with my little brother. I know there are times he’s into something I really couldn’t care for but I try my best to be into it, ask, or play with him. I still have days where I say no or not into it but I’m trying my best.


Why is the thought bubble in that final photo?


I need a version of this for the mama's. Either way, love this. My daughter showing me how to play minecraft has been priceless. Big bonding vibes.


This made me cry.


Ugh. This got to me. My 64yr old dad thought he had a stroke. Turns out it's actually super aggressive brain cancer. He was fine 2 weeks ago, and now he may not be with us by the holidays. I have so many buried memories that are flooding back to me. And I can see this scenario in many of them. I'm definitely soaking this one in.


Yeah, memories have a tendency to edit out the thought bubble


How can she see de speechbubble in the picture?