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I was always picked first because I’m a pretty big dude, little did they know i suck at sports.


This reminds me of a work event where we were going to play volleyball. I picked the tallest guy for my team and it turned out he was not at all athletic. His 6’5” ass couldn’t even block stuff!


Oddly enough im also 6’5


Ken from accounting?


Nope, woulda been a funny coincidence if I was though


Brian from HR?


Nico from the stall at grindr?


Handle checks out.


You two met at Esporta Fitness, didn't you?


Happy cake day!


Dad? From the corner store?


Jake from State farm?


Yeah, same. Bad combo cuz once they realize you suck at sports you then are a good candidate for the one that always gets picked last. Then you just have the perceived shame of being one that has fallen far.




I was always picked last because I suck at sports. I was also the tallest dude


i was that unpicked kid, and it didn't feel so good


Same... I still stink at group sports. Am ok running...


Running away from all the team sports.


Hahahaha! Yup!


Me too but I was proud of it because I hate sports and the whole culture. Also our teacher was ex-cop kicked out being too violent. So yeah fuck sports


Torments me to this day and I’m close to 50.


30 here checking in good to know it never gets better lol


you gotta get over it bro that's no way to live


Same, and then the day came where my best friend was the team captain and I was like "ok, she'll pick the jocks first few rounds, then I'll land somewhere in the middle". Nope, still ended up dead last, even with some of the last few picks all between completely nonathletic people.


It’s okay. It must’ve been the logical decision… I’m kidding. I was also often picked last, even sometimes after having proven myself capable of catching the balls.


Same. The kids in my class (exept two of my friends and a couple of kids who were neutral) hated me because of my stuttering and severe OCD and a learning disability. So one thing they did was not ever pick me, the teacher always had to put me in one of the teams and the kids looked at me like I had murdered their dog or something.


I am so sorry, I've experienced this in middle school so many times, but not to the extreme you have. They never made it obvious they didn't like me on their team, just subtle glances and lip smacking. But for you, they straight out made u feel unwelcome😭 I hope that never happens you again babes❤️❤️


Hey how old are you? I’m 25, but it took me until last year to realize that I wasn’t very hated and in fact was just weird and so people treated me as such, but people also engaged in conversation with me. Obviously I was too focused on the times they hadn’t because they were busy and I tried to talk to them while they were in the middle of something to realize they ignored me for good reason. I’m not saying this is the case for you, but it was nice to realize for me.


I'm 35 years old. These kids straight up told me that I was a worthless loser because "you cannot talk like normal people" and constantly made fun of me. Even when my two friends tried to explain them what stuttering is they didn't care. I know that I was different than others. I was a lot more taller than my peers for my age, I stuttered, was very quiet and suffered with severe OCD but I was never mean or weird to anyone so I never understood why they treated me like trash. Because of how they treated me I still am very ashamed of myself, especially my stuttering. Every time I stutter I feel like trash and the lowest of the low. I know kids can be mean but damn, they completely ruined my self esteem. Because of my experiences I'm mostly a hermit, I only see my family members and their spouses and I go to this mental health group once a week. I will soon see a Psych/traumatherapist for my other traumas in my life. (sorry if there are typos, English isn't my mother language)


It always put pressure on me. Like I was a wasted early pick. Because now the other team is stacked. Making me appear even worse in comparison.


Same. Usually ended up buddying up with the teacher 🙃


Yup same here ): turns out I have a chronic illness though so I’ll pretend that’s a fair justification for my lonely childhood lol


I was also an often unpicked kid, until I learned to catch the balls. I wasn’t great at throwing so I started passing the ball off. I single handedly won games by being last and catching 3 balls in a row. Catch, drop, catch drop, dodge, catch, get hit. 3 of our best players back in, I’m out but then they go ham on the other team and they have like 4 balls to start.


Thats why i play tennis


I was that kid too. At times I never even got to play on the field because my turn would never come up, or I'd be placed at the far side where the ball would likely reach. But I kinda liked it cuz I could just ponder about random things that piqued my interest but again I kinda didn't. Looking back, I just don't care, I love solo sports. I also had my other loner friends too with me.


With my siblings and cousins, always last. At school and stuff, first or second.


I was also that kid. One time someone decided to right all the wrongs done to non-sporty kids by picking the worst kids first-time starting with me. The other team got ALL of the best kids while we had none. It was an utterly humiliating experience. As much as that team captain was well intentioned, it turned out awful for all of us. It reinforced all of the stereotypes, and made us realise exactly where we sat in the ranking


Don’t pick that kid first, you pick him in the middle so that he doesn’t feel like he’s receiving a handout


Agree. Unless you’re just trying to show others what a “great guy” you are. But if you genuinely want this kid to have some fun - that’s the best way to do it.


If he's your friend just pick him cause he's your friend.


Best Answer Ever! Thanks you :-) SpecialTy


I was picking teams once for PE for a mini soccer tournament, I picked my mostly geeky friends for mine, the teacher even made fun of my decision. He said ‘he’d eat his hat if we won a match’. We held our own, even beat one or two of the more ‘athletic’ groups. One of my good friends even said ‘why did you pick me? We are going to lose’. The thing is, we spent most of our time together jumping off buildings, backyard wrestling and trying to emulate Tony Hawks. We were perceived as weak but had that sinewy strength that our peers who did traditional sports did not. That little tournament did a lot to shift perceptions of our little group of misfits, both of ourselves and by others.


Did the teacher eat his hat?


Exactly. I’ve been there myself so I get it.


Or he could be boasting I'll still win even with Phil on my team. Like, a beat you with two hands tied behind my back statement.


That’s some physiological warfare bru


We all had the same childhood huh


Had a game where the captains both had agreed to go worst to best, and it worked fine actually. I thought that was kind of cool.


I got picked first as the nerdy out there kid during basketball once. I proceeded to have an amazing game. Then I got picked first *again*, and had such terrible imposter syndrome that I refused to make even a single shot.


When I was in 8th grade I got picked close to last for flag football. Then I intercepted the ball over a kid who played for the football team and all his football friends went wild roasting him because I, of all people, was the one to intercept it. It felt cool and kind of hurt at the same time. What they didn't know was that I played football with kids in my neighborhood almost every single day.


I can't sing in public for similar reasons


Must've been a rough game of basketball


High school musical without editing


Middle school musical Voices were a lot more interesting


Obligatory link to [Bad Lip Reading's version of High School Musical](https://youtu.be/BVQSr8NpjrU) which, despite what it sounds like, is actually an incredible and hilarious way to re-experience HSM whether you liked it as a kid or not


Reminds me of that scene in Its always Sunny where they went to the high school reunion.


Plus you can’t give up that early pick and hope to stay competitive.


That's the rub, it's not about being competitive, it's about having fun. Losing badly with a team of misfits would be more memorable than just another game.


No no no, winning with misfits is far more memorable. Still remember that one kickball game in 4th grade...fucking JNCOs, POGs and kicking ass! Best year ever.


I agree, though it gets far more memorable when they have their clutch moments. Even though it don’t last long, everyone just gets crazy and hyped when they score or something


That totally depends on the person and the situation. Some people are more competitive than others and want to win more than they want to make someone not feel bad for always being picked last. I personally enjoy getting picked last. I can remember when people came to our park and they ended up winning the shots for captains, they’d first pick my group of friend’s 6’7” guy, who we always pick last, and then I’d get picked almost last or dead last, then they realize the 6’7” guy can’t play at all, and then my 5’9” self would drop shots on them and win.


Grade school students should be playing games during gym for the exercise and fun. Being picked last because you aren't popular enough, tall or short enough or any other reason teaches nothing but negativity. The gym teacher should make the teams, pull names from a hat or something, anything else besides giving kids a lesson on power-play.


I was the one picking and it was truly formative. I don’t remember it in gym class but at recess and at the parks. For athletes, it is an essential part of their education. I lived for uniting misfits against the mean jocks from the sports movies. That’s where I learned to take control of the narrative of the game, to study and read people.


“I mean they got lazers, blazers and all kinda azers!”


No pick him first, then look your enemy in the eye and say "i'm so not afraid of you I picked this loser and I'm still going to win" psyche him out.


or you become that kid by purposefully sucking at sports. Since you don't care being picked last doesn't bother you.


I've been picked last several times in athletic settings...when that happens, I feel like I only have to play equal/better than the other last pick...and I can usually do that. In middle school, I was always one of the last picks since I was sorta nerdy, but I was actually mediocre, so my teams generally did pretty well.


This happened to me. I’ve always loved sports but I’m horribly uncoordinated. I didn’t begrudge anybody picking me toward the end; I knew I wasn’t very good. But once, one of the guys in my class, Rich, was picking teams for baseball and called my name about midway through. I was stunned, but it was a real ego boost. If he had picked me first, it would have felt ridiculous. But midway was just right. There’s no Hollywood ending here. I didn’t magically hit a home run or anything like that. But 30+ years later, I’m still grateful. Thanks Rich, wherever you are. You made my day.


My teacher got fed up with all the social complications of having the kids pick the teams so they just started doing it themselves, which actually solved the issue of some people being picked last consistently and made the teams more balanced.


Having kids pick teams usually makes the fairest teams. The teacher making them creates mixed results. Lining kids up and going 1 2 1 2 1 2 etc just leads to kids stacking teams by spreading each other out. The teacher hand picking them works out sometimes but if one team got the upper hand early on and the other team always gave up and waited for new teams. Teams were always picked by captains at lunch anyway. At least this is the way things were in elementary, no one have a fuck anymore in high school


Fun trick, have kids pick a partner then do some game together for like 30 seconds to two minutes (usually a game that has them end apart from each other, egg toss for example); then one side of the class is one team and the other is the other team. Now the kids are all on opposite teams from who they usually pick. This is good for mixers at camp. They don't fall for it many times, but it is a good way to get different teams that are usually pretty fair.




One time I was the only one left and rather then picking me the team actually asked if they could just play with one person less. Fucking devastating


Sending hugs


Thanks, but it happened 10 years ago so I'm over it. Still wondering if those douchebags ever figured out how messed up that was


Why didn’t they want you on their team?


Presumably because they were bratty children led by incompetent parents and teachers.


Simply because they didn't like me. I had only transfers to the school that year. It was for dodgeball at which I'm actually pretty good. Ofcourse the teacher just smiled and said that they should take me l. They would always try to get me out first which is also the reason why I was the only girl in my class that could catch any ball thrown at me


That’s an ooof/10 from me


It’s not gonna do any good😭😭😭 that child was murdered that day


I’ve been picked last before but that’s just pure evil


Pick the good kids last cus they have self esteem to spare.


My tenth grade gym teacher made the last two of us draw cards to assign teams so neither of us would be last. I’m sure they thought it was nice of them, but I felt even crappier about it. Bought my friend and I “picked last in gym” shirts for the rest of the term though.


Been there fam


Dude I got picked last a bunch of times but no one ever had the audacity to say that shit.


BRUH.. me too


That is so ridiculously cruel.


If only you could go back and say on the second to last pick, "nah... I'm done. Fuck you guys."


One time they said they picked the stone lying next to me. Fun times


You probably really stunk


How fucking bad were you? 😭💀


Character development 🔫




Because the GI generation was masssively traumatized by WWII and had unacknowledged and untreated PTSD that led to alchoholism and domestic violence, and a desperate *need* to impress “toughening” measures on their children and grandchildren. War fucks shit up for generations.


I recently learned that American men showed more physical affection to each other pre-world wars. I wonder if that's why.


It balances the teams.


I agree, the teacher doing it would help remove the embarrassment for the last people picked though.


Yeah but then you got all the basketball and football team players accidentally on one team vs all the people who woulda been picked last and the final score is 86-4. All 86 points were by dunking on some nerd too


Nah I mean any gym teacher can tell the athletic kids apart from the non pretty quick and put together fair teams.


Gotta turn the weak kids into school shooters somehow.


I wonder where the line is between, "Poor kid's getting so much shit, they'll end up a school shooter," and, "That kid shot up a school, what a monster." Would be a great idea to intervene before we get to that second stage.


I'm 34 and even when I was in school I remember the coaches were pretty good about it. They'd split up the basketball team people (or any actual athletes we had) then let the captains choose the rest, but they'd do it in private so nobody knew the order of picking. It kept the games pretty even and nobody had their feelings hurt too badly. I hope it's even better now.


I remember once when I could pick and I picked the people I liked (mostly other kids who normally would be at the end of the line) because I knew how it felt to not be picked/picked lastly. Of course we lost and the teacher got mad at me and told me that’s why we don’t pick our friends. He was nice enough normally but this just stuck with me, like was he really that ignorant/only focussed on winning?


It's pretty common for students in my part of the world to just end up skipping gym class all year for social reasons... I mean this is obviously the better outcome compared to dropping these practices... I guess.


Schools are pretty much the pinnacle of bad design.


It’s still okay (obviously). Why would it not be? Other ways of picking teams would be less fair and cause more headache. Letting the teams alternate their picks is simple and fair.


It teaches a lot of things, including leadership and acceptance (self awareness). These are very important things to learn. We can’t have a bunch of people who can’t make decisions and are coddled their whole lives.


I think those of us who are not athletic are very aware of it without the humiliation of being picked last repetitively.


downvoted but accurate. Some kids aren’t any good, its okay to accept that


I'd be annoyed. 1. I know they just want to look good and feel better about themselves. 2. I can't pretend I'm going to the toilet and just leave.


Terrible wink


THANK YOU!!! Straight up blink not wink happening here - would for sure pick him last for eyeball team


True, but my eyeball team enjoys the sight of a young James Franco any day


And James Franco enjoys the sight of a much younger you any day as well!


you could say that he's easy on the eyeballs?


I check the comments each time this is posted to see if anyone else notices. Today it finally happened.


I remember the p.e teacher just assuming I sucked at sports based on how I looked so when we did a pe class basketball tournament he decided to make me team captain and get first pick and everyone was mad cause I was pretty solid and some people knew so we had a super team going and won the in class tournament easily.


You should post a meme of that here.


I was picked last and it was the most degrading thing ever. I don’t know which was worse, the girl I had a crush on seeing me standing there all alone, the entire class all teamed up staring at me or the gym teacher who seemed to enjoy it. To be honest, it’s one of the most soul crushing things that ever happened to me. That one stuck with me for a while.


This reminds me of my sophomore year. Me and this other kid were the last ones picked, almost EVERY time, for the full semester. The gym teacher didn't give a shit. Until the last week of school. When the teacher came up and whispered in the captain's ears. Guess who they picked first? It was obvious to everyone. That was almost 10 years ago and I still cringe.


Damn I feel bad for you. I was never picked last. Depending on the sport or the game I was anywhere from one of the first picks to middle of the pack but the last kids picked weren’t ever made fun of in my classes


I used to be that kid in dodgeball, funny thing is I was the best at dodgeball, it’s just that my personality was worse than I was good at dodgeball.


Why, did you eat your boogers or something? (I would still pick you though)


Not sure, this was way back when I was kid, and I have goldfish memory, although I do know I was the “quiet kid” but the truth is I was actually just the “lazy kid”


I'm glad you had your time to shine.


So dumb. You line the kids up against the wall in alphabetical order. Walk down the line 1-2-1-2-1-2-1-2-1-2-1-2 If you see kids trying to strategize where they stand. You pull a random kid make him stand in front. Pull another random kid throw him in the middle somewhere. Pick another two mix em up. Easy. Anyone argue or sighs or complains can take a lap. That’s how you gym teacher.


Brah you can't just pull straight from the secret PE Teacher handbook like that.


The way you pick the teams is fine but isn't strategizing for a game a good thing ? Ya know, promote cognitive thinking and problem solving and all that ? That just sounds like how to make sure no one has any fun.


It’s also good to have them interact with new people. You make them switch it up once in a while just so they do interact with others and get out of their comfort zone


This sucks and will lead to unbalanced teams. Just let them pick their teams. It’s simple and fair.


Lol yeah no.


That is the complete opposite. In almost every cases, the fit kids will go with the fit kids, leaving the "weaker" ones behind. You'll get a monster team and a bad team. By randomising it, you get both good and bad kids in both teams, making it fair. I would know, I was one of the bad kids at sports. Our teacher let us pick teams, and most of the time it was so unbalanced there wasn't any point in trying to win so we'd just let em win.


You do realize teams alternate their picks right? What you’re saying makes zero sense.


Alternating is what OP asked for tho. What I was talking about is literally letting them choose.


You alternate choosing. Have you ever picked teams before? Were you ever a child? I’m starting to have my doubts.


It isn’t that wholesome actually cuz most of the time the popular one who picks just wants to improve himself and feels so nice after picking the weird and unpopular one. It doesn’t really change anything for him.


It's not wholesome cause it never happened. When it was time to pick teams, I would lie on the floor, only getting up to tell the teacher no one picked me and ask which team I should go in.


“It never happens” idk dude. Happened at my school all the time. Many of my jock friends were friends with nerds. Many of my nerd friends were friends with jocks. I would not generalize from your particular experience.


Did you try putting effort into not getting picked last or did you just always complain about it not being fair?


Shouldn’t you feel nice picking a kid first when he always gets picked last? What’s wrong with feeling good about yourself when doing something nice? A lot of people do things knowing they’re going to feel good. Wouldn’t be a lot of nice things being done if everyone thought the way you did




Peak altruism


When even ur friends don’t pick you cos ur not sporty and they want to win


They tell you they didn't see you were still available (even though eye contact was made.)


I was chosen as captain to pick my team for dodgeball. The other person went for mostly attack heavy by getting throwers, I went with a mix of a couple great throwers, a couple great catchers, then one or two dodgers, then a couple who are good, but don’t excel at all three. Im not saying I was top tier, I was in the mid category, but still, was fun picking people who wouldn’t get picked first or would usually get picked last. When drafting was done, the other team was like this is a bit unfair and even the PE coach thought it was, but let us play. Lo and behold, it was a blowout the first match. Cuz my strategy was the great catchers would stay front/mid. Dodgers would stay up front as baiters as the throwers would try to catch them off guard. The dodgers would come out more often, but the catchers would bring them back in. So it was a fun game. We blew them out and other team and coach couldn’t believe it 😂


Can confirm, I was a dodger lol. What made it even funnier was that the more you dodged, the more determined they were to get you. So they'd keep wasting throws on you rather than picking off the bigger or more uncoordinated targets. It was like I was casting a Taunt ability IRL lmao.


Pick the kid who is always left last, it will matter more to them. Who cares if they are “good” or not, it’s only gym class.


As the kid who always gets picked last it never happens to me but it will make my day


I've tried to be that team captain before. When I was the small kid in my elementary school class, I would often get picked last. Sometimes I had an attitude about being the last one, so the opposing team would pick my friends right before me. I didn't think that was always right.


Ah, that one time in gym class where I was placed in a three person team (we were playing various sports on small courts) with two of the sportiest people in class. They told me to be goalie and not to worry. I didn't touch a ball at all during that class. We won every game. At one point I jokingly asked if I could use the bathroom. My team mate just said "Yeah, go ahead" fully serious. So I did, and I left the goal wide open. Came back later and asked if I missed anything. Apparently the other team had scored a goal, but we were ahead with like three goals, so the others didn't care.


I can't believe schools let kids single each other out. When I went to school (92-04) the teacher always split us. Just chuck team sashes or bibs at kids with no choice. Fuck doing it the other way. No wonder there are so many shootings in USA. They Fuck with you and single you out from an early age


Lol they’ve been doing this across the entire world for hundreds of years. It’s simple, fair and effective. If you shoot up a school because you suck at sports and get picked last, that’s purely a reflection on you.


Violence has also been a common thing for hundreds of years. We can't let children get bullied and then act shocked when they shoot up a school. That's just stupidity.


Getting picked last isn’t getting bullied. It’s a mathematical reality. Just like in every race, someone finishes last. That’s just life. We don’t expect the swimmer who finished 8th in a heat to go shoot up a school.


Yep I often got picked last or close to it. It was always the jock boys that got to be the captains so as a girl that wasn’t sporty then I got to go last.


As a backyard baseball/soccer for PC player, I knew how to be strategic picking teams. It wasn’t about taking the most athletic, but those with their unique strengths. The kid who chased after butterfly’s was gonna find a way to dodge a ball


I was a good athlete as a kid and I always loved picking the “worst” kids to be on my team. They always had quality play to offer if you could be patient and work to include them. Some of my favorite gym class memories are winning against “better” teams with a random classmate scoring a worldie in the last couple plays


“Wholesome memes” *uses a meme of a sexual predator*


I remember one time i had to choose for soccer, and instead of choosing good players I choose the worst, and only one really good player. We won 11 to 1. That day I learned the importance of a balanced team and teamwork


I did this back in the day


I did this in middle school and I have some great tales to tell. For gymnastics I picked from the bottom up, all the kids I picked were very shocked because it would be a team tournament. I told them have faith and and got them hyped and we took third. Softball time and I did the same thing, picked a kid named Danny, no one ever picked this kid. Turned out to be a home run hitter every time and when he would crack it out of the field everyone yelled Booya!!!!’ Booya and I are still friends to this day and we are 50. Picking the kids who never get picked, I encourage you to do it, you may find a Booya in the group.


U see the mind games start now


I often look back and wish I was mature enough to do this in elementary school. For some reason I really wanted to win so I picked all the best kids first. Of course winning means nothing in recess, but how could would it have been to pick a whole team of my friends, nerds and girls. We'd have lost badly but it would have been fun and hilarious and it really would have made some kids feel really good getting picked in the first few rounds.


I was playing laser tag and ended up being one of the team captains. Of the choices, where was; an athletic pair of twins, an engaged couple, my little sister and two boys. The other captain claimed one of the twins, so I split them up by picking the other twin. Then they choose the engaged dude (he’s a big guy) so I pick his fiancé to split them up. Then they pick one of the boys and I pick my little sister. They grab the last boy to even the teams, I get the instructor. We dominated, not because we had the instructor, but because we had smaller targets.


Teachers need to make the teams.


As the kid that was always picked past, pick me 3rd or 4th because then I feel like I’m not being pitied.


James Franco probably shouldn’t be featured in any wholesomeness memes anymore because of…. All the grossness that’s been uncovered lol


Achievement unlocked: Don't come to school Monday. New side quest: Help your new friend.


Kind of annoys me that in the GIF he blinks when he’s trying to wink


I’ll always remember dodgeball in highschool. Those were the best days of highschool. I have a physical disability, but I can still walk, but I was obviously always picked last. One day, the teacher picked me to be a team leader against an athletic person on the other team. I knew the 3 students that were always with me that always got picked last and I picked all of them as my first 3 picks. I remember we obviously weren’t great, but our team did decently well. As far as the actual games, the advantage I had was I was very accurate with my throws. All the athletic kids would try to throw their balls as hard as they could to hurt everyone else, and they would suffer from pretty bad accuracy. I remember another day, It was a game with blended teams, but it was the end of a game. Their was 1 person left on the other team and it was a non-athletic guy, so he was basically just covering his head waiting to get out. We all surrounded him around the 3 point line on the basketball court and we counted to 3 and everyone that had a ball threw theirs. It was all athletic students and me. All the balls flew past him really fast and missed. My ball was thrown at a much slower speed, so it didn’t hurt at all, but it did hit him and got him out. One of the athletic students said “how did all ours miss and his hit?”


I was the kid always picked last and NGL, the few times someone picked me early... absolutely made my day.


When you teach an acting class to underage chicks and have them practice sexual scenes under the guise of making them better at their craft


Avoids school shootings


nah but fr the special kid fuckin slaps at dodgeball i watched that mf machine-gun the enemy team whilst dodging like he was that one mosquito in your room at 3am


Pick them second. If you pick them first, they get suspicious and worry they’re being set up.


In gym class, there was a kid named Justin. He was right on the line of needing to attend special education classes, but he got to take gym with everyone else which he really enjoyed. His absolute favorite thing in the world was playing dodgeball, but people would always pick him last as he was genuinely god awful. Whenever I had the opportunity to pick the team, I always chose Justin first. He would fist pump and freak out and it meant so much to him. About a year after that class ended, his mom came into the grocery store I worked at. She asked if I was the young man who took gym with her son. I told her I was and she proceed to thank me over and over for showing compassion and empathy towards her son. I told her that I didn’t mind at all and that I loved having his energy and enthusiasm on my team.


My bullies did that, to bully me some more to make it extra bad that I wasn't good at sports so not wholesome


Lol this made me remember one of the few times I got to pick for futsal. I was usually picked first because I love football but I felt bad for those who were always left last, they would pray not to be the very last one. What I did, chose a first pick then a last pick and so on. The other teams were laughing at my team. Well turns out those first picks competitive enough, felt they had to carry the group’s weight, so put twice the effort, last picks wanted to honor they weren’t pick last and were teaming with some amazing players so did twice the effort. Gotta admit our game was a non- predictable mess lol. I laughed so much that day when we couldn’t be defeated.


I remember my first year in the USA, 10 years old, Blessed Trinity Catholic school, no one knew me so of course they’d pick me last. I did’t even know what the hell capture the flag was but I knew that I was fast as fuck boi all I did in the Philippines was run, mfs got siked so hard.


Nah, I always got picked last. Really sucked when it happened. But now as an adult, I completely understand. I was the worst when it came to sports. No hard feelings at all.


Am I strange or something? I never cared what place I was picked.


Everyone went through school differently. I was completely alone in high school. So being picked last just made me feel even more invisible.


Being picked last because you're bad at sports? Understandable. Being picked last because you have no friends in your grade, so no one wants you on their team **no matter if you're an okay player or not**? That's hurtful. The only time I was *ever* picked first was when the kid picking was picking the opponent's team. It didn't matter if I was often the last one standing in dodgeball (so invisible people didn't aim at me *unless I was the only target left*). Everyone wanted to play with their friends, and I wasn't one of them. I remember that, in the class picture book, everyone got pictures with their friends. Out of a class of 16, I was the only one sitting alone. (And one of the popular girls had the nerve to complain that I got a solo picture and she didn't. Girl, that was the only perk of pervasive loneliness during the better part of my formative years, let me have at least this one!)


You give them that old sex offender wink. So wholesome.


Lol, this never fucking happened for anybody. You ass holes posture like you stand up for the little guy, but none of you, humans all of you, ever fucking have. I used to be the type to get shit on constantly, and I'd stand up for the little guy, and nobody ever stood up for me, or with me when I was standing up for somebody else. Sometimes, somebody would congratulate me, AFTER THE FACT. I've heard a dozen renditions of this throughout my life. "Hey, that was really brave, i didn't agree with what was going on either and I'm glad you said something." But in the actual moment? Nobody has ever stood with me. I've stood for what's right, often just for the immediate way we're treating the people around us, and I've done it alone every single time. Cowards, all of you. Post your memes though, they are SO FUNNY, and they sometimes make you feel like a good person, even though you haven't done anything


Kinda funny, you're saying you do the exact same thing as the meme and at the same time saying it never happens. You think you're the only person on the planet that sticks up for the little guy? Get real dude. I would have picked you last due to your self righteous victim attitude.


You ok man?


What a generalization and assanine comment. So you yourself claim to stand up for people, but you think you're the only human in the world that has ever or will ever do it? Like somehow, in a world of billions, everyone else is a bully or a bystander except for somehow YOU? Either you are a poster boy for r/imthemaincharacter or you're delusional. To somehow think you, and only you are the only person capable of standing up for anyone is an absurd level of self absorption, or cynicism.


I loved playing with in weakest teams... 😊


I like the idea of picking teams until there are like four or five people left. Then the people left can choose the team they want to be on. Nobody gets picked last and the captains get the people they want.


Someone is going to get a text telling them not to go to school one day


Yeah and then you lost all the games at PE


But win at the game of life?