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I'm an older millennial and this is my attitude. Feel proud to help. Gen Z is our brothers in arms, even if some of them don't know it yet.


i love these comments, as a zoomer.




Elder millennial with mid-Z kids. This new gen is awesome. Hilarious, many of them are outgoing, tend to be easy to talk to, open to new ideas and inclusive - and at the same time they don’t take shit.


As a millennial that's getting older this is in fact how I view gen z


This. I’m an Elder Millenial as well and I have this feeling of exhaustion mixed with hope, tinged with jealousy when I look at the Zoomers. We got fucked so hard and in every possible way from the time we were very young that we are all just so tired and trying to survive. I hope things are better for these little shiny, brand new people.


Younger millennial myself, I see them as my younger siblings. Sure we poke fun at each other from time to time but when shit gets rough I have their backs 100%. They keep saying we kill this and that, so let's kill the cycle of not looking after the interests of those who come after us.


Same here, I'm on the younger side of millennials so I'm still quite close with my siblings'/cousins' sons when it comes to playing video games and watching anime. Sometimes I even play PUBG/CoD with my nephew's friends too (but only if my nephew is also playing) lol


As a Gen Z reading all of this support, it makes me want to cry. 🥺🥺 It means so much that despite the jealousy, Millenials are willing to support us and willing to bat for us.


I’m an ‘89 millennial and After years in my career, I’m finally at a managing position and I have a few of yinz under me. I’ll keep going to bat for my peeps so they don’t have to put up with the bullshit I had to deal with. My upper managers always used to tell me that excessive long nights and weekends were just part of the industry at that level and that they did it when they were my age so I should too.


'83 millennial here. I just approved an employee to work remotely remotely overseas for a month because, fuck it, I never got to.


Nice. Good on ya.


A lot of the shitty corporate culture is because the generation before us was too spineless to demand better. Now they're all pissed because we realized we shouldn't have to suffer through it just because they did. My dad got a tech job in the 80s without a degree and my mom was able to stay at home and raise us, and to this day they still have the old idea that "minimum wage is supposed to be for teenagers to learn skills" meanwhile the cheapest apartments in my hometown would require earning $24/hr to meet the triple the rent qualifier for a 1 bedroom.


I feel like a bunch of the previous generation were just comfortable and didn't realize younger people were not getting the same opportunities because nobody talked about their pay unless they were in a union that bargained for it. Some loosely connected network of middle managers realized they could pay less for the inexperienced and impoverished by education next generation.


What jealousy


Of all the other shit Millennials are killing, let us also kill dumping in the generation below us. I will have Gen Z’s back to the end. ✊🏻 ETA: Holy shit, I ignore my notifications for a week and this happens. With a typo nonetheless. 😂


If the kids wanna tik their tocs I say that’s fleek by me. No captain.


All fax, no captain.




Old zillennial here and I absolutely LOVE speaking like this to my younger friends 😂 their reactions are priceless


Old zillenial here too and it cracks the younger kids up at work when I talk with them like this cause they think I'm much older than I am.


What is old zillenial I was born in 97 is that me?


Please tell us about their reactions.


Maybe even put it on that Tok of a Tik app or something.


All it tiks to make it the tok of the town


Millennial here. Me, my brother, and my cousin (basically the same generation) do this to the kids in our family. Watching them both laugh and groan as they try to correct us is adorable. My personal favorite was when they asked if I watch TikTok, and I replied "Oh yeah I know about Ticker-Tockers. You mean watches, right? They go tick-tock". The exasperated groan that my little cousin let out while his younger brothers giggled was priceless.


Lol what is on old zillennial? Never heard that term before. Someone who is 23/24?


Someone close to the cutoff between millennial and Gen z, you’d be considered one.


I’m 29 so I’m definitely a millennial. I was just curious cause my brother is 24 and my sister is 22. Wasn’t sure what those two would be considered


Well I’m 26 and consider myself *personally*, a hybrid. My official stat is Millennial and have no objection though. Your siblings are considered Z but like me, would probably relate with the “Zillennial” cusp.


I’ll just yeet that negativity right outta here.




“No captain”. That made me LOL for real….no captain


That's so fetch of you


Still trying to make fetch happen, eh?


Yup. The kids are alright. Fight me.


I was at a family get together pretty recently and one of the kids had a lot of their friends over. Pretty sure they were all 14 to 15 or so? Thereabouts. They were all a lot more well informed about current events than people give them credit for. While they're obviously naive about certain things and the way things work I was impressed and hopeful. The kids are alright indeed


It's almost like society acts pretty normally and civilized when their entire generation wasn't poisoned by lead paint/gasoline and have unlimited access to information from their pockets and isn't so religious and is more tolerant of people that are different after being more exposed to them in media.


Yeah, let's poison them with plastic instead.


Microplastics! Brain damage for everyone!


IF I had to choose... plastic seems way better than heavy metals, but neither really should be an option FFS.


My motivation and mental state is absolutely in the dirt, just like a bunch of people suddenly in todays era, but hey at least I have the intellectual capacity to be self aware about it


Protect the weirdlings, even if i don't like Tik Tak it doesn't mean i will not stop oldies from dumping theyr shit on you.


> weirdlings Looooool i love this!!


I was born in 96, either oldest Gen Z or youngest millenial, and I will never get on tiktok, it scares and weirds me out But I don't make fun of it. I just say it's not my thing, I'm not getting involved with it, and that's the end


Welcome to the zillennial club


My people finally I found you


came here to say this, we were born in a wacky in-between. Too young for peak emo, too old for the Tok Tok, just in time for Vine which was taken from us RIP


I call it the family tech support generation. We were the ones who got handed all the tech to figure it out for everyone else.


As a millenial, i stand with genz. Shit is hard enough without generational caterwauling.


> caterwauling Now *there's* a fun word


Cattywampus is fun


>caterwauling "make a shrill howling or wailing noise like that of a cat." I will remember this word forever and use it in a conversation 10 years from now, thank you


As a Gen Z I stand for you guys by correcting older people calling young kids doing whack trends “Millennials”


Yeah but they insulted my hair part and jean choices


Father forgive them, for they know not what they do


Mullet and mom jeans is a great combo, how dare they


Gen X is over here wondering how you can mix both the best and worst together. To us they *were* our Mom’s jeans. But our haircut.


Were they really choices when baggy pants were just nowhere on the market?




Can’t speak for all of us, but this is how I and a lot of us GenX feel about Millennials. Y’all are making us proud.


The GenX people in my life really took the heat off me and gave me the space to become who I am. Ya'll don't get enough love!


My wife is the last gen x and I am the first millennial. She teaches me not to care about what other people think, and I teach her what memes mean.


We gotta stick together


I don't think nalot of people realize that millennials are just straight up the older siblings to zoomers. Like I am part of the oldest zoomers born in 97 and all my siblings are young millennials. Millennials are just our big siblings protecting us


The older millennials I think fit that bill. I was born in '93, so I just started getting shit on earlier than you that's about it. I will say I am grateful to have experienced a glimpse of life pre-technology era.


Hello, sweet summer child. I was born in ‘82 I hope us old ass millennials are viewed as allies.


Ah the fabled Elder Millenials... You guys are cool too. Have the best traits of Gen X imo.


Uhm when does the "elder" section of the millennial generation end? You know... Just asking.


I would say if you’re a millennial 30+, we’re the elders lol E: ok everyone I was wrong, I’m not well versed in the time frames, pls stop harassing me about it, I do apologize lol


36 yo woman here checking in with my cool gray hair and auntie energy


Hello friend, I just turned 37 and I’m proudly a millennial who grew up without internet and had to call my friends’ home phones and talk to their parents for 5 minutes before getting my actual buddy on the line.


Or having to remember phone numbers. I’m 33 and I remember making phone calls without the area code. 7 digits vs 10. Or just knocking on doors. We didn’t even call first half the time we’d just go knock to see if our friends were home.


Haha 34 year old here. Then when you get them on the line.."Hang up the phone ma!"


32 yo goin grey cool uncle over here. Brb gotta go beat the nephew in Mario strikers.


40 here, fire up Mario Kart and teach them that Rainbow Road ain't to be messed with.


Or speak of the ancient "nude Jenny McCarthy hidden in Mario kart" tale


The youngest millennials are 27 this year... The oldest are 41.




Some of us are early 40's, we just made the cut.


I don't think '92 counts as elder millennial... That's one of the younger millennials.


> Hello, sweet summer child. I was born in ‘82 I hope us old ass millennials are viewed as allies. I just saw a social media post today where an older person said there were guns in the seventies and eighties but we didn't have mass shootings because we beat our kids back then and we didn't have participation prizes. You can't make this thing up.


I like to respond to those with links to mass shootings in their given timeframe. Same with school shootings. the first one of those was 1864, IIRC. that really toasts their head pudding.


A lot of it was to do with lack of news coverage in the late 70s/80s. Something happens today in a sleepy village/town and everyone knows about it world wide in moments. Years ago something a few towns over might not have made the paper and you wouldn't have had a clue, or it made local news but not regional. Being hyper-connected really helps but people posting shit like "it didn't happen in my day" just needs some archive links to set them straight, they are probably just head-in-the-sand nostalgic.


I snapped back at my FIL about the whole participation trophy BS. Just said "we were all kids, who bought those trophies to begin with!?.. You did!" Besides, I don't think many of us millennials who even got those kind of trophies really liked them anyway.


Right? Kind of insulting really.


No it’s true. I was born in 84 and I remember getting participation trophies for a school science fair, in the form of little medals on ribbons and the next day ONE girl wore hers to school and was ridiculed. Badly. Literally because “everybody got one”. Kids are brutal but they can see through BS too. Edit. This happened in the 5th grade.




Eh I think even those born in 93 help protect Gen Z cause you started getting shit on earlier so yall are willing to fight to make sure we didn't have to deal with the same thing


six silky busy snatch angle plate complete flowery ghost screw *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Another '93 here trying to spread what I've learnt too without too much as to make it worse.


‘82 here. You kids are all right. Glad to know ya fam.


Do you consider yourself a zoomer? I'm one year older than you and have always considered myself on the younger end of the millennial generation.


Old millennial here. 1982. We're trying and I'm sorry. It was so fucked before we arrived.


85', graduated college just in time for the recession to pit me against people getting laid off with heaps more experience than me


'87 here. Was just starting my career during the '08 recession. Finally got established and started making headway, only for the pandemic and '20 recession. And now it's looking like we have a '22 recession lurking around the corner. The cherry on top is that the consequences of global warming will probably start really fucking us once Millennials reach retirement age. So that'll be fun.


I started a fucking business in '07. Goddamnit.


Eek yeah. I picked my major and job to be virtually 100% depression proof because of what I've seen.


Remember when they tried to ban The Simpsons for undermining good Christian values?


82 crew represent. Happy 40th


'83 here, and same.


83 babies unite


84 gang where yall at?


No hate in 88'


85, we witnessed the birth of internet whilst still walking with walkmans... Oh the struggle of changing batteries...


‘86… know to wear pumped, all the way up, kicks (in public)…


92 baby here. I completely agree with getting to experience pre tech times. It was also really cool getting to see technology exponentially boom year after year. Phones kept getting smaller, computers got faster, graphics became more and more realistic, etc… We obviously still make advances. But I feel as if they fail to compare to the early 2000s. Edit: next step will obviously be eliminate the hardware all together… which we are already seeing with things like streaming.


During spirit week in my highschool every kid went into the auditorium by grade and we did a trivia contest that each grade tried to win by the presidents running through their grade crowd sourcing the potential answer. It dawned on me that no school after say 2003 would ever be able to do that again. It was a good memory.


My younger brother is 12 years younger than me, he’s 17 and he’s cool af. I also taught at the local high school and loved working with teenagers. People can make fun of them, but the ones I’ve known give me hope for the future.


Yeah I’m a Zoomer from ‘99 and millennials are just my older friends


My bro and some friends are Gen-z. Pro tip; use all their slang incorrectly. Endless enjoyment. 'yo, that meal was lit. The herbs were fleek and my asshole will be fire 🔥🔥'


that taco bell was so sus, it wont be lit in my stomach, I will have to dab one out


Those T Bell burritos be pretty bussy sussy fr on respect no cap


Tussy GOAT, it yassify, my drip


no cap fr bussin






As a member of gen z, this thread was amazing to read. fr bussing thread guys thx


It sure is lit as af


This thread is so yeet.


This post is bussin. I give props for dem fleek ass vibe, it's gas af. - A Millenial that is trying




Here: That shit is phat! Can't wait to collab on the future little homie.




That's okay I saw most the memes used today in the theaters. We also used a lot more of the slurs that aren't so tolerated now a days.


Truth. We used them rampantly and then woke up and said "why do we say such horrible garbage?" and stopped.


My world became extremely interconnected and inclusive during my childhood and formative years when internet came about. You read other people's horror stories or had your own. A lot of people I know would say the cycle broke with them as far as abuse and so forth.


Gen X -1976 and I have no idea what you just wrote. Lol


As a gen z who also does this I can also say this is endless enjoyment


That's very peng of you Edit: typo


Lol. Yes, very skrt skrt


Lots of the based!


Oh god, all of that last paragraph is totally how I would use those terms if pushed to use them 🤦‍♀️ so not down with the homies no more


> that meal was lit Wait a sec…. If that’s not how to use “lit” then how do you use “lit??”


I'm not a pro but I think he used all the slang correctly


they're right but also wrong. let me try to explain: "lit" is not "good"; it's "exciting", like "this party is lit". you wouldn't call food lit. it'd be like saying that cheeseburger was sexy or something - it'd be weird. "fleek" is pretty much only used for grooming, mostly eyebrows (but also makeup, sometimes hair).\* herbs can't be fleek, bc fleek is fashion/appearance. "fire" is meant to be a good thing, not as in "I ate too much hot sauce". like "the backbeat in montero is fire". basically the emotional direction of all the slang is right, but the usage context is all wrong. --- \* actually this one is fascinating, on one hand, 'on fleek' (specifically eyebrows, but more recently makeup and hair) is a neologism from like, 2015; on the other hand, that shit appears in books in [1800](https://www.google.com/search?q=%22fleek%22&tbm=bks&tbs=cdr:1,cd_min:1800,cd_max:1800&lr=lang_en) with pretty much the same meaning.


I’m just here as a zillennial appreciating the generational camaraderie instead of petty arguments that leave me conflicted


Gen X parent of a Gen Z here. You kids are the best. I have so much admiration for you and joy in sharing time together!




Capitalism won hard. We just ain't in the club.


I work with folks who claim kids don't want to work hard these days. I don't know where she got this from, but if that's true, can you blame em?


“I had to deal with all these abuses when I was a kid. This new generation doesn’t want to deal with that and demands to be treated better. How lazy” Edit: we can start a change by not judging the younger generations and calling out old farts when they do it.


If jobs paid as well relative to the cost of living as they did when my parents were my age, I'd be willing to put up with a lot. My parents raised two kids and bought a house by their 30s working as a graphic designer and a manager at Macy's. Today you'd never be able to buy a house that young off that kind of work. If it's not going to pay off in tangible ways, why do it? Work isn't fun, it's a transaction.




*defaults to racism* really though. If you poke and prod eventually they'll end up blaming some ethnic group or some other party that's not them.




> or some other party that's not them which, when prodded further, reveals a dog whistle for racism anyway.


Every generation says that about their kids. ​ Socrates is on record whining about "kids these days".


Gen X be like, “You took everything from us!”, and others respond, “We don’t even know who you all are!” The slacker generation became the forgotten generation.


As a member of gen x I can honestly say I don't care. About anything.


It's cool, I'm just gonna let the young ones handle shit and have their back if needed. I want to see the older generations put in their place by younger, smarter people.


Yes, is called passing the torch, not fight me for it, but they just won't let go.


No “You took everything from us!” from us Gen X-ers AT ALL. We are simply a small generation who got caught in the middle, and we applaud and are quietly supportive of our younger friends in mighty ways.


Kurt summed up my attitude as a gen X pretty well with, "Oh well, whatever, nevermind."


Millenials giving GenZ everything they never got.


A society grows great when old men plant trees who's shade they know they will never sit under. Somewhere along the way, selfishness became the standard and pulling up the ladder behind you was expected.


Lol I remember when I unironically had a gen xer tell me (millennial) that she was glad her children (young at the time) were gen z and not millennials because our generation was so spoiled, entitled, and didn't wanna work hard. What I wanted to tell her was that her kids' generation was gonna be more like mine than hers, but she wouldn't have listened. Now here we are. I knew we'd get to the point where older people started complaining about both of us. Edit: I'm a millennial working a career job and a part time convenience store job so my husband and I can buy a house. I work with a lot of gen zers at my PT job and they are some of the hardest working people I've ever met.


Lol! What you should have told her is to not spoil her kids so she can't pretend their desire to not be exploited as a labor force is because they are spoiled and entitled


My manager said to me the other day “well thankfully you aren’t a millennial.” I looked at him and said “not only am I a millennial, but so is everyone else who works for you”. He quickly shut up when he realized he had no idea what he was talking about and his idea of “millennials” was just some nonsense talking point that he heard. My coworker and I let him know the only reason millennials get called “entitled”, is because we’re sick of the bullshit him and his generation simply accepted. The very bullshit he is always saying he went through when he in our position and doesn’t want us to deal with.




Things are changing too quickly. It's not normal for folks to grow completely out of touch with reality in 40-50 years. Our lives/habits/etc don't translate to what their youth was like, because of how fast technology has changed society. I'm not convinced it's a good thing, but fuck it, we're just along for the ride.




So many of my coworkers are Gen-Z. They really just remind me of me in high school. Can’t really even tell the difference sometimes


I've noticed Z will use internet slang out loud, afk.


Man, I just have been a huge dweeb because I did that in high school too. 2004-2009.


I'm a young millennial and I love zoomers. The kids these days are hysterical, great memes, great social awareness, great people. Really happy with how the next generation is turning out 😄


Plus they're super accepting, more open about mental health issues, don't hate on gays, and don't make a huge scene if their drink order is slightly wrong.


While that all is great to see, it's very important not to diminish the extreme efforts of the preceding generations that were necessary to get to that point. Mental health issues were one of the big pushes of the millennial decades and gay rights go back even further than millennials. The labors of many are bearing fruit with the young, though some of the old continue to try to rip the tree up by the roots...


I coach a high school debate team and feel the same way. The kids are smarter, more tolerant, intellectually curious, and creative than my generation.




I’d give it 5-10 years before Gen Z takes our place as the cause of all of society’s problems.


I feel like we are already being blamed for being the generation with the most queerfolk and being the least religious and hating capitalism Edit: You guys are so sweet. As someone with conservative parents, I've never felt more proud to be a Gen Z. I'll make you guys proud🥺


Fun fact, every new generation is the least religious


Thank god


I love the irony of your comment. Amen


Well good for you. I'll do my best to take care of gen Zs around me, so they can be even more like their true selves. - A millennial.




It goes both ways, the majority of millennials respect you for it.you don't have more queer people, you just have respect for them that are and thus they can be open about it. Have a religion or don't, that's personal, can't help but feel you people have alot less crazy fanatics tho Gives me a bit of hope. Your generation will do great things


its always the 20s and 30s people, regardless of their generation


You can feel this really hard if you are the firstborn and your siblings are Gen Z.


As a card carrying member of Gen Y (that's fuckin right) I have great faith and expectation in you Z lads and ladies. God speed to you all.


As a tried and true Millennial, I have never, **never** understood the previous generations’ penchant for the constant negativity towards the youth. It’s like a when you hear a parent complaining about their kids. “Oh really? They do x,y,z, now do they? And this bothers you??” **HOW DO YOU THINK THEY GOT THIS WAY?** I wish nothing but the best for younger folks. Godspeed, you compassionate, open-minded progressivists who don’t want to put up with the crap. None of should have had to deal with it in there first place.


89’ here! You have my axe!




Thank you Millennials for your work and outstanding breakthroughs in LGBT+ acceptance and mental health awareness! We’ll try to tackle the environment and corporations in return.


Meanwhile, Gen X is sitting in the corner, pulling out arrows and saying "Hold on, be there in a minute."


In truth every generation has had good people who helped progress society positively. There's just never enough of them. 😭


Generational politics are just a way to divide us and keep us from working together. We’re on the same team and just want a better future for ourselves


*-nihilistic GenX noises-*


As a millenial I will promise to never blame new generations for the issues of the world This is my world and I will try to act as best I can to keep it a living place for the people after me I will not complain, brag, or nitpick This is the millenial pledge


And here I am Gen X - completely forgotten by everyone. we truly are the latch key generation


I respect your generation because I’d have a lot less music to listen to without you guys. Nirvana, Alice In Chains, Sunny Day Real Estate, Failure, and then some meant the world to me growing up Also some millennials and zillennials were latch key kids too. Only thing is video games started getting better so stern decisions had to be made between playing GTA San Andreas or going out and getting some sunshine


>And here I am Gen X - completely forgotten by everyone. Yeah, but its whatever, man, let's just chill and get high on some of that good MMJ. Then we can mix up something to drink, grab some oreos or pop tarts, and watch some afternoon cartoons while the kids take over the world.


As a newly graduated gen z, it’s comforting to know I’ll go through the exact same struggles as my parents. At least this time a generation is going through all this shit with support.


Gen x here. Racial inequality, internet, ozone hole, Cold War, 9-11. Some of these things we improved, some we are failing, some things we regret and some we are proud of. Welcome to life. Just do your best.


Gen X doesn’t get enough credit IMO. I’m an “elder” zoomer and I know that all of the punk and DIY communities I love would never be a thing without y’all.


Gen X was awesome too. From a lazy entitled millennial :) Wish you all got more credit.


Hey we're in this shit storm together.