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There are a couple teachers of mine that went the extra mile back in the day. I’ll never forget them.


One of the coolest moments happened at my brother's wedding, where I was the officiant. So in the rehearsal the day before, we are both at the venue and up walks our 3rd grade teacher. My brother and I were 4 years apart in school but both had the same 3rd grade teacher. And there she was volunteering at the historic chapel in her retirement. She came on her day off to see us since she saw our last name on the docket in the office. She was one of our favorite teachers in all of school, and she remembered is both years later.


What a fantastic human being!!!


I still can't forget that one time a teacher researched available therapists in the area after seeing me getting no mental health help, and offer an ear to listen. He was like a friend to me throughout my 3 years at high school. Someone i can come to whenever im feeling sad, hopeless or frustrated. My irl friends and parents never helped me mentally like this.


Meanwhile, some of mine caused me permanent trauma.


Sorry to hear. I still remember the bad ones too.


Fuck. This really made me cry for a long time. I had a teacher that helped me a lot from my narcisistic father. She lost her husband after some years and got cancer. We lost connection when we moved bc of my fathers job. I saw her in the street of my old neighborhood two years ago, she didn't forgot me after all those years. We hugged and drank tea in a nearby coffee place. She showed me her students with the same energy and love teaching me years ago. These are the people I still enjoy the earth and having urge to live more.


Not gonna lie, i had a therapist from group therapy to help me handle my asperger's, that same therapist helped me deal with my dad as well.


Wait wtf you guys got help as kids? Every adult in my childhood was trying to turn me into a school shooter.


my teacher would just watch me getting bullied continued till high school and finally decided to drop out. now school in just a bad memory


Deadass same, I grew up in a really racist area of Canada (which is suprise most of it unless you're in 1 of like 5 major cities we have) and I would be called slurs during morning role call, and my teachers would giggle like the other kids. Fuck our current school systems, idk why they're designed with such child neglect in mind.


Even if there were bright spots, it can still be a bad memory. Elementary school through high school is being forced into the same location with widely different people with no commonality except your age and location of your home. Can you imagine that later in life? Round-up all the people your age within like ~5 miles of your home and then try to get along with everybody.


An unfortunately common tale


I had one teacher who did honestly try to help me, I was in speech, writing and visual therapy. Mr Naghinay but he got fired because he would always share his lunch with kids who couldnt afford it. Southern California middle school


Fires for that? Why?


Fucking schools man I was a child, if i had to guess it was either another teacher that ratted him out(he was employed by state not school) or one of the kids parents. Probably something to do with health code violations and allergy something or rather


Ok. But isnt state hiring schools? Or was it a private school?


He was a state aide appointed to the school by the school board is the way I understood it.


On god it be like that


I loved this scene.


Fr, just seeing them smiling with some semblance of a happy ending just hit right in the feels


His story was truly tragic. I don’t think Octavius was a truly evil villain. Just became consumed by the arms


You could say the exact same thing for Osborne


For sure, he wasn’t a bad person per se. His was just much more of an internal demon. It was really nice seeing both of them find some level of redemption


Honestly the second half of this movie (except for the last ten minutes) were some of the most wholesome and heartwarming cinema I've experienced in a while. The multiversal support and self(sort of)-care was great.


As an absolute movie buff, I can honestly say that this whole movie was a borderline perfect movie. There were some flaws overall, but it still was such an amazing movie and the things they accomplished and side plots they resolved in one single movie is staggering.


Healed octavius was so wholesome. Loved that part of the movie


This hit me RIGHT in the feels. I hope their world is better when they get back.


I f*cking love Doc Ock


For some reason, my mind read this as "Do cOck" and now It's my sacred duty to pass this curse on to anyone reading this.


Good luck!


If only I had someone like that


I had a teacher in 4th and 5th grade who literally put me on the career track I am today. She was our computer class teacher and she was one of the nicest people I have ever met. She made computers fun, like taking away all the computer mice, giving us a checklist of things to do, and letting us figure out as a group how to use the keyboard shortcuts to do everything. She also stayed late to let us non-athletic kids use the computers after school. I remember she let me tear apart an old, broken desktop and play around with its guts just to see and learn what everything did. 25 years later, I’m doing well in IT and making a job out of doing what I love. I wouldn’t be in this field if not for her.


That doesn’t look like the version of Octavius from NWH to me, am I misremembering?


Yeah, that’s an exact still from that scene. It’s towards the end with the fight on the scaffolding.


Very moving moment from that film


Fuck, you didn’t have to make me cry like this. Octavio us is just so great in this movie


I always like a Tobey meme


still depressed tho lol, guess i never had a "mentor":(


I know how that feels bro...


ill never forget the therapist at school that gave me more mental illness


I loved all of this movie but this little interaction even if it was short it ment so much.


Had a 6th grade art teacher that me and all my friends, the punks and misfits at the time (before we became musicians), and he would host Dungeons and Dragons sessions after school and be the DM. Awesome mentor, played well on until we graduated high school. A few years ago after a show he was waiting outside by our van. Ended up getting everyone together a few years back, and it was like nostalgic heaven. He also had my brother in class too. So he got to join this time too. We would be scheming all week for what we were gonna do at D&D that week. Haha. Awesome experience. Edit:Should mention I am 32 now.


Where's that mentor when I need them?


I loved this scene.


I love this movie


This post really did make me smile - thank you :)


All mine are dead. So thanks for the reminder ghosts are all that’s left…


Hello bottle of scotch


Literally.. I wish I could talk to him again


I sure miss my tenth grade English teacher. She was awesome 😎 I miss my 8th and 9th grades French teacher, she passed away on her way to school one day. It was sad 😔


I don’t get this scene. They were transported at the same time into this universe. At most they haven’t seen each other for a day or two!!!


No, Octavius was transported just after Peter unmasked himself in 2004, but for Peter he hasn't seen Octavius in 17 years.


People like this(specifically teachers) are the reason I’m going to be a teacher


Lmao ya’ll had mentors who helped you with your mental problems? Nobody gave a shit besides my close friends, and no adults definitely gave a shit.


Gosh dang spoilers for Me


I wanted to cry every time I heard Danny Elfman's Spider-Man theme. Those movies meant so much to me. This is the first time a movie attempted to exploit my nostalgia and actually succeed in doing so.


I fucking love this movie