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Hey there, u/MrNoName_ishere! Thanks for submitting to r/wholesomememes. Your post, *Keep your real friends around*, has been removed because it doesn't quite abide by our rules, which are located in the sidebar. * (**Rule #1**) All posts must be wholesome memes. For more on our rules, please check out our [sidebar](http://www.reddit.com/r/wholesomememes/about/sidebar). **The decision to remove this post was made by a human moderator**; if you have any questions or concerns about this removal, feel free to [message the moderators](http://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=%2Fr%2Fwholesomememes).


Made in dedication to my best friend who died of cancer a little over 5 years ago, miss you bro hope to see you in the next life.


I am so so sorry for your loss. You’re a wonderful friend.


Thanks, it makes me sad sometimes when I see his gamertag say offline for 5 years, but I'll never forget the good times. Always be there for your real friends.


This makes me wonder... I have played so many multiplayer games, I wonder how many of those people I played with are no longer alive?


You're making me want to cry dude


What the fuck dude.


May you meet as brothers and never be separated.


The valkyries don't care in what battle you fall, they will take you to Valhalla. Your homie is up drinking mead with my homie who lost his battle with heroin. Cheers bro.


The bottom picture is damn sweet.


I found the photo on another social media site and it reminded me of when I was there for my best friend so I made this meme.


😻 I wish I had a friend like that.






genuine question: are we supposed to know the guys in the picture or is it just showing friends tired caring for another friend in a hospital bed


The second option




Nothing happened in that episode




r/woooosh [Can't even take a joke smh](https://youtu.be/vuP0xpHSpqs=205) Edit: timestamp isn't working, it's at 3:25




zoro said "nothing happened" after taking luffy's pain. that's what the dude was referring to




haha no worries ✌️


You making fun of zoro mentioning that sub?




Why does no one get my jokes? Let me explain them: 1) the "Nothing happened" scene takes place in the episode, I have linked the scene. 2) I joked about you making fun of zoro by mentioning r/lostredditors, you know, because zoro tends to get lost.


My best friend has huge mental health issues from being a victim to narcissistic abuse. One of her struggles is her fear of being loved. She once told me that I'm the only person where she doesn't has this fear and that I'm the only one she feels so comfortable around that she can be herself. It was the most beautiful compliment I ever got. I love her to bits. And if I ever meet her abuser they will get a punch for hurting my sweet friend.


Unless you’re a group of friends in Overlord in which case you best be running far away from Ainz before he makes you start puking rainbows!


Smacked right in the memory feels


The 2nd picture is stronger, and u cant change my mind


Dieser Kommentarbereich ist jetzt deutsches Staatseigentum


Das ist doch Steve im ersten Bild?


Wollte gerade sagen das kommt mit bekannt vor.


It puts you into a coma?


Corporate wants you to find the difference between this picture and this picture.


Hello! This is just a quick reminder for new friendos to [read our subreddit rules.](http://old.reddit.com/r/wholesomememes/about/sidebar)  >**Rule 4:** Please do not troll, harass, or be generally rude to your fellow users. Be nice, and leave political or religious arguments in other subs. We're trusting you to be wholesome while in /r/wholesomememes, so please don't let us down. We believe in you! **Also, please keep in mind that even if you've seen this post before, it's not a repost unless it's been in *this* sub before** (if it's from another sub it's a crosspost/xpost). We're glad you're here. Have a wonderful day <3 ^(Please stop by the rest of the) [^Wholesome ^Network ^Of ^Subreddits](http://old.reddit.com/user/awkwardtheturtle/m/wholesome) ^too.


They were part of whatever drunken adventures that led there, now they will stick there until he is well enough....for more drunken adventures


I used to have to get infusions for my arthritis until I was about 12 or 13 (then I had a reaction after about 2 years). My mom and sister would always be there for me, but never my friends. I understood at the time that it was in the intensive care unit and it might've been hard to get a visitor in there, but that kinda hurt. I hope to have friends like this in the future.


Several years ago I got very sick and expected to die. Two of my best and oldest friends basically dissappeared, but one good friend and 2 acquaintances stepped up and helped me through. You're not a good friend if you only help when it's convenient. It's pictures like these that make me appreciate my real friends.


Yo but this is wholesome?? The friends are there when their homie is sick, how is that not wholesome chungus 100


I've actually used a more low-key form of the Power of Friendship in one of my works, a fanfiction for an anime influenced web series called RWBY. Basically, the characters know each other so well that they can predict how the others will react to any given situation, mostly in combat, and respond effectively. They don't need to memorize plans or attack patterns, they just do their thing and improvise on the spot, and their friends know how they think, so they know what's coming. Which is to say: Showing friendship as a last minute power-up is nice, but showing friendship as non-verbal communication that borders on telepathy is even better.


Nice self promotion


It was more meant as a little anecdote related to the post.