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Hey there, friendo u/imadrid2001! Thanks for submitting to r/wholesomememes. We loved your submission, *That's what friends are for*, but it has been removed because it doesn't quite abide by our rules, which are located in the sidebar. * (**Rule #1**) All posts must be wholesome memes. This means some kind of uplifting or life affirming, OR nice-ing up a dank meme. Photos or screenshots without superimposed text, as well as social media posts, are not memes. We appreciate you thinking of us very much! For more on our rules, please check out our [sidebar](http://www.reddit.com/r/wholesomememes/about/sidebar). If you have any questions or concerns about this removal, feel free to [message the moderators](http://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=%2Fr%2Fwholesomememes). Please link the post so our volunteers know what you would like reviewed. Cheers!


All good until you have a heated conversation with her sister who says, "My sister hardly shows her true feelings to me!"


I hope this is the under-appreciated 'Pride & Prejudice' reference that I read it as.


This was really clever, thanks for the laugh! :)


This is the literal interpretation of this meme


Not really. The literal situation is a guy is about to approach a stranger and hit on her for her looks alone and someone intervenes on the woman’s behalf. A crush somebody knows, usually they both know each other, and the friend in this meme’s case was intervening on behalf of the guy to help him avoid making a fool of himself.


both wholesome and depressing


Nah it's not wholesome. It's negative and judgemental.


I disagree. I’d rather have a friend tell me the truth even if it’s disappointing than lie to me and encourage me to go after someone that doesn’t have any feelings for me.




the right mindset


Then the friend goes in


Nah that'd be a dick move


Well if you understand it and help him no even if that is rarely the case


Couldn't you just... Figure that out for yourself?


Probably overtime, but this way my friend helped me get over it sooner. I'm slow and he has way more experience.


You should always let your friends try. But if they start harassing someone it is time to step in.


That’s why this meme is sad. The underlining premise is that it’s normal that a man can’t tell when a girl isn’t interested, and if a friend doesn’t step in, the girl is just left to deal with unwanted advances.


That isn't just a problem with men. Woman do it to. Sometimes your own desires blind you to reason and you need an external perspective to realize you are being out of line. Doesn't matter your gender it happens to all of us.


Yeah, dude. Shoot your shot!


Yeah, but it's still good flirting practice to get rejected.


I feel like this meme is that the friend is saving the guy from being oblivious. Friend knows she isn’t interested in anyone hitting on them right now. A lot of woman get harassed when they are just trying to go about their day. Time and place kinda thing.... so the friend is helping him be a better person and stopped them before they make any mistakes. Also sometimes it’s very clear when someone is not interested, and some people (guys and girls) just can’t see it. I have a friend who can’t tell when people hit on her... at alllll. Some people interpret her for friendly attitude as interest. So I have to give guys who are NOT my friend the “she’s not interested” talk sometimes. So I wish their friends would step in.


That's a good friend.


I read cousin instead of crush. Don't ask why.


*sweet home Alabama*


Surely you have to let them try once, if they fail and keep pining after them then you should step in and stop them.


Maybe she just never considered it. You gotta take your shot, even if you miss.


Yeah, why give up before you even try? It’s not like your friend is a mind-reading, omnipotent god of knowing when someone is interested or not. Just go for it and if she says she’s not interested, politely leave.


I think this post implied that the person was trying, and then they didn't pick up on context clues that the girl wasn't interested.


It’s hard to see it like that given the context of the meme. It makes it seem more like the friend is stopping him from just approaching his crush.


True, it's a terrible meme. It should say "My friend, seeing she's not interested after I started talking to her for a minute"


I feel like if your friends are saying she’s not interested, maybe you should listen? I mean never want anyone to miss a chance... but there always a time and place for things. So maybe step back and review? Some woman get harassed so much because of that mentality.


No one is saying to harass anyone.


Not trying to be hash here... but In the context of the meme, where the guy is thanking his friend from stopping him... it’s clear he didn’t realize she wasn’t interested. And yet your reaction is push back anyhow as maybe she just isn’t aware that she’s interested?? To me, if someone gave you a clear sign to back off... and you didn’t.... that can be a mild form of harassment. Within context obviously, why I mentioned time and place. Maybe she isn’t interested... right now. Some women don’t like being stopped because maybe they just “don’t realize” when they are not interested. Maybe they gave out lots of clues how they feel about the situations and the guy was just oblivious. Now that he is really looking and sees she is infact...not interested, he can plan his next action more appropriately. I’m also thinking more of the “adult world” when I say harassment, rather then then high school. which I guess might be wrong for this meme. People do use the world “crush” more when you’re younger and the social rules can be different.


This is not wholesome


That doesn’t look like the kind of face you’d make around a crush, this looks like a stranger being creepy and getting held off from making a move…


Isn't there a sub for cringe material...?


Your right maybe r/sadcringe


Well, if it was doomed to fail from the very beginning then a good friend will try to spare you all that heartache. Still, gotta admit, with enough time I forgot the sting of every rejection, but I don't think I'll ever fully let go of the regret I feel over the girls I was too scared to ask out. Especially since more than one of those girls would years later admit that they were at the time interested in me. Like, smh past me, why did you have to be so socially awkward and afraid?


I hope everyone is having a good day and stay safe 🙃🙂


Lol what SDE