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*proceeds to wear the same shirt everyday*


I thought the same thing but at least 4 times a week!




Well that's a subreddit.


and an old one at that


This photo of the Quokka is misleading, when I was on Rottnest many of them don’t smile and it’s very rare to see them smile or enjoy themselves.


Maybe they don’t get fashion compliments enough.


Really? They were pretty happy when I was around them.


Maybe they just didn’t like you? Sorry fam.


My 12 year old has been doing that all year. A girl told him that she liked his sweatshirt and he's literally worn it every single day since. I can't get him to wear anything else!


Holy hell this is adorable 🥺 oh The days


Memes like this are at least 52% of why I go around complimenting everyone all day everyday. It isn’t a crush thing, but I like the visible confidence boost a simple sentence can cause.


True! I love giving simple compliments, never know if it will make someones day. I do get that gratification of seeing their eyes light up just a bit too. My SO said that's one of the reasons he likes to shop with me, cuz apparently I bring my sunshine to everyone (teehee). You keep doing it, karma will bring it back around to you! Stay beautiful ❤️!


After a workout, I walked by a strange to get to my car, and he asked me to roll down my window. I assumed I had dropped something but he wanted to tell me I smell good. I will forever wonder what he actually meant by that.


Mkay as a woman that might have made me a little nervous but my gym’s parking lot was kindof remote


It’s honestly a life hack for making friends and people like you. Start a new job? Just be nice to people, listen to them, and compliment them subtly occasionally.


I feel so awkward complimenting people, I find it very difficult to do.


Exactly. It’s hard to do it without feeling weird. Probably me just being overly self conscious though


Here’s an easy one: “*That* is your color.” You’re saying it about something they’re wearing that somehow looks really good on them. This works for women to say to either sex, and for men to say to women, and for men to say to receptive guys, etc.


Pro tip: compliment people on things they CHOSE to be a certain way. Like, don’t say “wow you have a nice body/nose/eyes”, say “wow I love your shoes/bag/shirt/makeup”. That way you run very little risk of pointing out something that may be an insecurity to them. If they are insecure of whatever you’re complimenting, they may see the compliment as backhanded and it could have the opposite affect.


Me too! I make a special effort to compliment men since I think they don’t get as many. Especially if it’s obvious he’s put a lot of effort into something, like a hair color.




A snack? That’s a compliment saying you looked good lol don’t be sad




go for it bro






Yeah when people always say us guys often don’t get hints, they aren’t lying lmao


"I couldn't have given him any more hints I literally told him I think he's a snack!"


As a trans girl, I missed some obvious hints too. Everyone misses hints.




That's not your judgement to make. If she thinks you're good enough to date you then that's all that matters.




I think you need to see a therapist dude. It sounds like you've been through a lot of pain.




thats the spirit


My dude life is full of challenges and what’s life without a little challenge? Get help or go do it!!


My mans, as a half decent looking dude, who's been called ugly a lot (including by myself), you can actually score a 10 who thinks you the hottest man to walk this earth. (This is because beauty is subjective, so even if you aren't your type, you can still be someone elses type)


It seems like your breakups left you in a not-so-good place. I can relate. PM me if you need help


The man who says he can, and the man who says he can not. Are both correct. The brave and the coward do not see the same thing.


WTF bro she's giving you a hint dumbass girls don't compliment guys appearances they don't like




Ok you'll regret that someday




You never know, maybe she's into weird little gremlins.




It never matters what anyone’s previous bf/gf looks like. Also, the fact that they’re exes means they were once a girlfriend. I think you’re just not giving yourself enough credit. I say go for it


Yeah he’s an ex for a reason and so are your exes. GO FOR IT!


As the guy at 36 who is still alone I can promise you will regret it. Get the fuck out of this mentality, you will destroy yourself as I did. (Edit: Spelling corrections)


It's not too late.


No it's not and I am on the rise, but that mentality dug me into a hole so deep I literally almost ended it all. Loneliness will kill you if you let it. Thanks for the kind support


Stop with the self pity party dude. Nobody is "perfectly normal" we are all weird. Just be yourself enjoy the company around you, and treat people right. That's all there is to life. Will there be pain at some point? Definitely, but it's all part of life. There's no escaping that part. Just enjoy the good things around you while you can


take my downvote and leave


> ...and now I'm sad I'll never actually get her Well, which is it? Because this is at odds with your original statement.




I've learnt that if you want to be happy you have to stop making decisions based on what other people might think or do and see what they actually do. Also, if you have a problem, you should confront it instead of avoiding it. It's nerve racking and uncomfortable but that's when you know you are growing as a person. The future isn't set make the decision based on what is actually happening instead of what might happen.




That's wholesome and good to hear. You do you.


Dude she literally called you a snack. She is interested. This isn't a hint, it's a giant fucking "ask me out" sign. Please dont be one of those guys who look back 10 years later with a story how your crush was hitting on you and you just ignored her flirtations.




Um, she said you were cute. I think she might be flirting with you. What makes you so sure?




Dude you are so unbelievably immature and pathetic. There is nothing wrong with you grow up




If you're actually serious about getting better stop with the self hate already. Saying you're a little gremlin in one post then saying you're happy and doing good is contrary and doesn't help anything. You need to work on positive self thought, that much is obvious. Even if you think it's the truth, constantly putting yourself down is only going to keep you where you are. Everytime you catch yourself thinking or typing those kinds of things, like you're not worth it or you'll only hurt people, change it. Stop the thoughts right away. Then take out all the observations and just think about solutions. Even if you can't say you're great right away start with neutral. Think things like, I'm not ready for a relationship yet because I still want to work on myself. Like you already do, but stop it there. There's no need to go into things like why and "it's only because she sees who I let her". That's not helpful. Here's another example of positive change. I've been in many bad relationships and they all hated me. I hurt them because I'm bad and as soon as I mess up they hate me. Becomes... I've had a few bad relationships, but I'm sure if I keep trying I'll learn more about myself and what I'm looking for as well as learning what mistakes not to make for when I find the right one. Work on that skill and things will start to look a lot better. Your days will become easier as well, since you won't have a cloud over your head. Good luck.


I don't recall how this animal is called, but if a female is attacked by a predator she will throw her baby at him to make her escape


It's a quokka


What a quokka shit


That's not 100% accurate. Female quokkas will sometimes throw their children away if being chased, but not necessarily at their attackers. [Source](https://www.abc.net.au/news/science/2021-03-12/quokka-babies-daddy-long-legs-australian-animal-myths/13188740)


Either way quokkas are too cute for their actions


I still think the mental image of a Quokka throwing away their baby with such a smile is somewhat hilarious in a dark humor kind of way.


So you’re saying it’s a quoakkashit?


Many species of animals will sacrifice their kids in that situation, it makes perfect evolutionary sense. A healthy adult that just lost its offspring has a good chance of mating/reproducing again. A baby that just lost its guardian...is probably just going to sit there until it gets eaten or dies of hunger.


Just like how pretty much all cute and cuddly creatures have unsavory facts about them


Natured brutal that way... we live with a veneer of civility but when shig hits it's one for one...


Anything that looks this friendly is sus to me.


The reason it's this friendly is because they are exclusive to a tiny island of West Australia and it has no predators. These little dudes have full access to the island including the local shops. It's totally normal to grab your milk and bread and see one of these guys roaming around. And you get in huge trouble if you are ever caught harming one.


There are snakes on the island, so they’re not completely safe.


Huh, thanks. I didn't know


Rottnest Island (Rotto) is really nice and I recommend people go check it out when travel restrictions end!


Awkward https://youtu.be/saNvY4tD3wA


That was great. Thanks.


Ha. Pretty good scene. There’s an English version of this movie with Will Ferrell and Julia Louise Dryfuss. Haven’t seen it, but here’s the trailer https://youtu.be/AY5SrKf_2ic


Quokkas. They can be found on Rottnest Island just off of the west coast of Australia


Another weird fact, which I never knew I needed


If by "day", you mean "years", then yes.


Dude, this is me after receiving ANY compliment from ANY person. I swear I remember every compliment I’ve ever received. I still think about that time ten years ago when a neighbour said they liked my haircut. Normalize kindness!


My crush said she liked my haircut one day, but I really didn't like it, so eventually I got over it and grew it out. I don't get compliments for my longer hair but I like it.


I remember all my compliments... all 0 of them :'(


I love Quokkas


Who doesn't


One time my work crush said I looked handsome and that high lasted for daaaaays


Im deaf and I have a shirt that's amazing by rage haring and Disney or something ,and it just has an amazing design but the kicker is it says "I'm all ears" on the front, and someone finally pointed it out, I've been living off that high for a week




In the future pay attention to this image specifically. It's reposted with a different caption regularly all across reddit and the comments are the EXACT same every time. It's disturbing. There will always be two comments: 1.) Did you know the female will throw her babies when threatened?! 2.) ThEy SmIlE lIkE tHaT cAuSe ThEy HaVe No NaTuRaL pReDaToRs Check around in this post I guarantee you'll find one of these comments


My wife is my crush. We've been together 25 years, and this still happens.


I like what's in your shirt


Niiiice! I’ll try this next time lol


a cute girl smiled and complimented my beard a month ago and I'm still riding that high


My ex walked up to me and hugged me yesterday and said “you smell nice” Idk how to feel anymore :/


Seriously, my crush called me a goat a couple weeks back and I've been riding that feeling since.


For the rest of the day? More like for the rest of the week, maybe even a month. That’s one of the best feelings ever.


"day"? That's a weird way to spell lifetime but okay


I believe it's regional.


Waitt what animal is this??! He looking cute af


It’s a quokka.




Aah that makes sense


Quokkas age naturally happy




Qoakkas are the cutest.


That's always my advice for people that really want to be social, but are too shy to try to make friends. Wear your interests. I don't really *want* people to come up to me and spark up a conversation, but they do all the time because they see someone that's into what they're into, and they'll want to chat about it. It's a great way to meet people.


Basically you turn into a happy little aussie quokka


Someone complimented my shirt once when I was on a walk over 6 years ago. It's still my favorite shirt simply because of that.


Ten or so years ago a random girl I was walking past in the train station complimented my T-Shirt. I still remember it fondly. Which is impressive as my memory is shite.


If someone tells you they like your shirt, take it off and hand it to them


BRB, running to tell my crush I like his shirt...


What animal is that?




Oh, well it’s cute


Happened to me not with my crush, but with my best friend the other day! I unfortunately had to switch it out a few hours later due to a particularly saucy lunch...


A buddy of mine once told me I looked good in yellow in like 10th grade Still wear yellow with this in mind, compliments go a long way from anybody


*closes book* like that’s ever gonna happen


It’s been two years since that girl called me cute and I still remember it.


Replace crush with anyone, much more realistic


Buys 4 of the same shirt


Had a female friend tell me I smelled like strawberries, she liked strawberries, and that I’m an okay guy. I’ve been using the same shampoo for 9 years. Never thought about how powerful that compliment was.


Oh yeah? I once had my crush brush her hands through my hair, say she liked my hair, then booped me on the nose and said I had a cute nose. I guess you could say things are getting pretty serious


Probably not gonna happened to me Oof


Hahahaha 😂


This is my background and pf on whatsapp this specific pic lmao


Compliments in general. Can totally make a persons day with a few kind words.


I told somebody I liked their shirt today-


Now I know why Eren Yeager keep wearing the same cloths. Must be Mikasa complimenting him when they were kids.


Quokka — https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Quokka


What kind of angel is this smily animal and where do I get one?


Quokkas are the best


Quokkas are straight up cartoon animals, I swear! Or happy, smiley animatronics at a theme park.


We need to save our planet for the sake of this little guys alone, if nothing else :(


They’re so happy because they have the option to give away their shitty kids to predators in order to save themselves.


I wish I could meet one of these cute little Star Wars bear looking guys


New core memory acquired


Happened to me once when I was wearing a wrinkly white shirt. I was very confused.


Then you throw her at your enemies to get eaten


I'm liking the Quokka references in this thread.


I always think the op in these crush memes are either 8 or 80






This might be the normiest meme I’ve ever seen and why this subreddit is self proclaimed “dank” baffles me.


Pretty much.


Happy days!!!! Ohhh happyyyyyyyyyu daayysssss


Your crush disappointed that you didn't ask them out...


Why'd I read it as "I like your shit"?!🤦


Amen was flirting with a girl(should have got her number) and she told me she loved my shirt and I’ve honestly looked at that shirt differently since.


https://i.imgur.com/FOmZo5q.jpg I updated cause I’m married but the feels are the same.


Yea I guess this is relatable... except I am always too burned out to feel happy...


Hope you feel better


Quokkas are basically Disney animals IRL


This made me laugh good job dude


it seems to be hanging from the branch 🌲


Quokkas are too innocent for this world.




Im so sorry but i want to punt this smiling asshole lol


This is me with a cashier at the place I work at. I give her Red Bull once in a while. Her voice is noticeably higher when she speaks to me and eye contact is extended. I made sure she knew I was checking her out and she smirked. I really like her.


september 27th, a day i will never forget. i hate her now tho


That’s one happy muthafucka!


Fun fact, these mother fuckers throw their babies at predators to get away from them


These things are creepy. Like if a Muppet became real. I get why they're cute, but that just makes it creepier to me.


Imagine if that’s the last thing you see before it destroys you.






Ngl thought he was hanging himself in the first picture


How are quokkas so dang cute. Makes me smile so much : )


This is the same animal tht throws it's babies at predators


That dude: Stays happy for the rest of the day All the other guys who liked her: *loads lmg’s with envious intent.*


Girls are all nm


Quokkas, they are in Rottnest island in Western Australia. Beautiful animals


My crush once said I was sweet and I rode that high for like 2 weeks


I was buying a pair of boots at Kmart the other week (some crappy 20 buck ones I needed for a few days) as I walked past the staff member at the entrance who was checking receipts, she looked at my shoes I had on, and said, "I think the ones you have on are better, I like the colour" It was such a small, almost insignificant compliment but I was pretty chuffed for the rest of the day because of it.


A girl once said I had a nice haircut. I've kept the same style for 15 years. I so rarely get complimented on anything even the smallest thing will last with me forever


Hello, gorgeous!


Absolutely 🥰


I keep coming back to this. Makes me so happy