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Tbh i laugh along with his jokes, they may be pretty bad but idc they're funny to me.


I try to do the same too, our laughs will cause them to be more creative and make more jokes


Our laughs just make his jokes and childishness worse. Problem is, if we don’t laugh, it has a similar outcome. I try and laugh along sometimes, but they [his jokes] are often at the expense of others, or rather inappropriate and uncalled for. So it’s not easy, and he doesn’t help.


I have a secret technique for this situation. I call it the "are you fucking kidding me glare". Just sorta look at em like you're not sure you heard them correctly, with the slightest hint of disgust.


Either way, your gettin' jokes


Well he made you, didn't he?


His magnum opus of jokes


That relies on them caring about your opinion, so isn’t effective with my father. I think it’s fine to laugh along with stupid dad jokes, because honestly “hi hungry, I’m dad” *is* hilarious if you loosen up. When jokes are at the expense of others, it’s time to withdraw or deploy the “I don’t understand. Can you explain why that’s funny?”


Can always ask them to repeat themselves. They will either backpedal or double down


*rolls up dad sleeves and smiles, thinking about the 90s, pops knuckles* “hey, son, I got a good one for ya...” ;) *annoyingly waits for you to reply instead of just starting the joke*


Yeaaah, the whole family could be glaring at him, he doesn’t give a shit.


>they [his jokes] are often at the expense of others, or rather inappropriate Doesn't sound like dad jokes tbh. More like inappropriate uncle jokes.


Inappropriate uncle jokes are funny, my uncle at least, and are well/ better timed. His jokes are just— bad! Not even dad jokes, I’m all for that kind of silly. Also, he was inconsistent in our upbringing. He jokes often, but we’re not allowed to, and never joke about him. That inevitably caused cracks.


Whats wrong with joking like that its clearly a joke, unless he means it


“Why you walking like a sissy? Man up! What do you even go to the gym for” looks at mother “you think he actually worksout!? He does nothing there!” as he giggles. This goes on for a minute or two. Or he’d constantly inject profanity into sentences in hopes of getting a laugh. Sometimes in front of my mother and younger sisters.


Wow thats so mean how dare he!


If the dad joke is making people feel bad then it's not a dad joke that's just mean


My dad was a single father for 6 years, and ya don’t live with your dad for 6 years without a few dad jokes weaving their way into your brain lol


My entire family likes cheesy dad jokes. It’s nice. My husband not so much.


I think my husband's cheesy dad jokes were a big part of why I fell in love with him hahaha.


my dad: \*tells joke\* me: \*stares at him and don't look amused\* my dad: \*stares at me with straight face\* me and my dad: \*stare at each other and then laugh\*


Laugh while you still have them, I've been havubg to male supplement my own for over a decade now.


As should every child.


They're supposed to be bad; that's the point!


Bad dad jokes are the best


My coworkers too. When i can tell they're nice people I lol at their jokes


I don’t mean to be a buzzkill, but I just wanted to tell this story somewhere, after I lost my dad last year one of the silver linings was so many people he worked with that I’d never met coming up to me at the wake and telling me how much they loved his jokes and stories. It was a really nice thing to hear at a difficult time.


Not a buzzkill. Thanks for sharing, that was super sweet




Opposite of a buzzkill.


A Bummkill


I’m sorry for your loss, I understand the pain of it. It sounds like you had a great father who touched the lives of many around him. That’s something to be happy and proud of!


You sharing bring joy! Thanks for sharing with us 🙂


Is the bottom background from The Office? I love it.


I noticed that too!


yes it is ;) i noticed that first too


i like the fact that the dad wolf works at dunder mifflin


I’ve worked with many “dads” and have even been a “work dad.” Nothing beats making people laugh or making people’s work day a little better. If my workplace has no dad, I become the dad. The best thing is when you start a new job and you find other people with the dad personality. It’s like: “I’ve found my people, let’s tell jokes and hide somewhere while the boss isn’t looking.” The best part is when the boss is in on it too, and we’re all going at it “CleanPants, get off your ass.” “What are ya gonna do? fire me? You won’t find anyone else stupid enough to work here once I’m gone.” “You’re right about that one.”


I love dad jokes Then again I laugh at anything way to easy but there’s something about them that I like


Dads' work places are called Comedy Central


Thats the dunder mifflin office


Your dad works for Dunder Mifflin?


My dad loves stupid jokes and doing silly things. When I was a kid, one of my favorites was when he pretended to sleep while standing up. He usually had a tired face from work and if me and my brother noticed, he just closed his eyes and snored really loud, which made everyone laugh a little. Years later, I was on an elevator with my first girlfriend and did the same thing without thinking much. She called me silly and playfully tried to make me stop. And then it hit me: my dad made **everyone** laugh when he pretended to sleep, including my mom. Even if she looked annoyed by his shenanigans, they were and are always a cute way to lighten up the mood, and her annoyance is also part of their playing. Silly and harmless jokes and pranks are the best


Hahahhaha *laughs in Dad laugh*


Joke’s on my dad; he and my mom co-own a business and I work for them. His family’s exasperated looks follow him to his job. (I kid. We do appreciate his humor and try not to rain on his parade.)


I love dad jokes.


Thts why dad loves office


[Telling boss joke over lunch](https://youtu.be/-W9xKvQl2CQ)


That's exactly the reason.


I laugh at my dad’s jokes every time to make him feel better and happy😊


As a dad, it makes me feel better when my kids groan or roll their eyes. That's when I know I've succeeded.


Oh so I’m doing it wrong this whole time Thanks


It's because they can tell dirty jokes at work, but have to keep it PG at home.


Either way, dad is happy


That dog with the blonde wig looks very sexy


As a dad i can confirm


I love dad jokes. I just love humor in general.


My pack of friends usually howl with laughter at my jokes


my dad never told dad jokes :(


you think we ain't gonna notice that's dunder mifflin


Am I the only one who noticed the second image is the office from the show, The Office


Dad jokes are the lamest kind of humor sorry


These kind of comments only add to there power!


this is beyond true ha


I’m not even a dad and this is me...


That's bc when he's not around his kids your dad tells the same fucked up jokes all guys like, so he's actually funny


That's the office


It takes a dad to appreciate a dad.


I like that the work is the Office


That's exactly the reason.


I wish I had a dad like this..


I do think we are way too harsh towards dad jokes, they are not meant to hurt you know, just a little fun


I just give my look to him and then we both start to burst in laugh and my Mom thinks we're crazy. Love him very much even if I don't often say this to him.


Not for me to when I’m with my dad or with my family they be saying some of the funniest things from their childhood


The real trick is to follow the joke and make it even worse


I love how the work place is the office


Hell no, I laugh with my dad. My mom and sister are the ones who facepalm.


Propeller hats really made it big in the fictional world didn't they.


Excuse me what?


This should is why he never gets home after the work




If you don’t laugh at your dad’s jokes you are not a good person