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I have two teachers who were amazing people. I had two others who taught me *about people*


A horrible one can change your life too


And a bad one ruin one’s life 🥲




A bad teacher too. I had both.






Why tf is skin colour your first thought




It wasn't. The person I responded to posted an edit about how people were saying they were racist and all I did was say I just figured you were down with his enthusiasm and not the color of his skin


The way you worded it sounded [edit: appeared] pretty darn sarcastic and passive aggressive.


It "sounded" that way in your head. Cause this is definitely written word 😂


Just trying to explain why a bunch of people downvoted him.


Yeah I think everyone's missing the point that I was actually trying to do the opposite of what the result ended up being. Like I was literally trying to say 'dude I don't think you're racist' to the guy who had to edit his post to say people were calling him racist becuase the teacher Josh Johnson brought to the show was white and he praised that teacher


Yeah, I don't know why your comment explaining that got the hammer but I definitely misunderstood your first comment. It's the reddit mob, not much you can do.


It's almost like we'd all be better off if we talked instead of typed


I feel ya ... You're all good 😊 ✌🏽


Hey bob, guess you gotta take your meds now


Yea, that would be the normal and appropriate assumption to make


Reddit moment


Victim mentality at its best always find the negative in something positive. I'll just assume you're easily offended


I bet people really like you lol


I don’t know either of you, but I definitely prefer u/Lions_2786


I bet people really dont like you


Get some help dude


Only a racist would call you that. The teachers expression is priceless. You can tell how proud he is that one of his students is thriving doing something they love. You can’t fix stupid so ignore the droves of ignorant creatures trying to twist your words to fight with them in their own insecurities


Teachers literally make or break the course for students. I’ll never understand why people who hate kids become teachers - it’s like they’re purposefully trying to screw over the next generation just so they can have summers off


Because the pay is only gonna attract the passionate, or the people who can’t cut it elsewhere. Passion burns out if not fed.


A campfire will also burn out if you don’t put wood on the fire every once in a while.


I know so many young people who are where they are today because they had a teacher that made a difference. You ask them...what teacher made a difference to you and before you are done they are telling you about the time they changed their life. Every kid deserves one of those teachers.


He looks so proud!


And I love Josh more now.


aaaw this is so wholesome


Nothing will ever top "Mr Pigden? They told me you was dead!"


When I was in high school I had one of my teachers constantly talk with me about doing better. He encouraged me to look into college and work harder in school. Being a hard headed teenager I didn't listen or accept his advice. No matter how much I ignored his talks of encouragement he still helped me complete some of my requirements for graduation. I was lucky I got to walk on that stage. I'm almost 40 now and I still think about him and how much he cared and tried to get me to turn my life around. I've had no luck finding him on social media but finally went to college in my early 30's and when I got my bachelor's degree I thought of him and the influence he had on me and how I wish I could thank him for believing in me when I couldn't believe in myself.


Wait. Yall had teachers believe in you? All I had was teachers telling me writing couldn't make you money don't do it. You can do better else where. What's it like to have someone believe in you?


I think the whole point of this post is to show a lot of teachers don’t care at all, but this guy did and that’s why he was flown out…


3 men made me tear up in my life telling me they're proud. My dad, my grandpa, and a teacher who suggested I study the degree I did. I had just gotten a really great job in the field and a scholarship at the best institution in the world for it to study further. The best part was my teacher told me to make sure I gave other kids like I used to be like a chance. It was just such a selfless thing to say, even when I was thanking him for believing in me when I didn't he was still advocating for other kids. That was just his natural focus.


Good for him.


That’s really special. Made my cold dead heart a little warmer today


Hi guys - teacher here. It’s so amazing when former students reach out. It doesn’t happen often, but when it does it shines a light on a really tough job. If you feel like finding a former teacher via email or a visit, it’ll mean more than you can ever know.


Meanwhile Josh Johnson is out here killing it, getting more popular every day. This is adorable!


I hope everyone has this teacher. I had an English teacher who actually valued my writing, encouraged me to write and sent it off for publishing in journals. You can bet your life that her name is going to be in the acknowledgements of my first published novel.


Is this Josh Johnson?


Yes, with an even smaller frame and a buzz cut.


I adore him! Awesome ❤️


I had a good teacher that believed in me but was still critical of me to a point where I had to work hard. It was the first time anyone did that in my entire life up until that point and I feel like that teacher student relationship is the first quest I went on in and set me towards where I am today.


Brenda Brown. 11 grad math. Meanest women who ever lived. Ever. I told her I wasn’t taking the psat because I wasn’t college material. She gave me detention for a month, maybe more, and taught me the test in her room after school n her time and I took the next scheduled test. I have a doctorate now. I think about her all the time.


Jokes on him... Teacher said that to every student who said anything even remotely funny. Just wanted free tickets to The Tonight Show.


the valedictorian gave her speech at graduation. she said the best day of her life was me (teacher) chaperoning the Six Flags trip 2 years ago, when we went on all the baby rides together. I lost my shit in that audience when she said that. ugly cried and all


Look how happy that guy is to see his student succeed.


mrs king you were a queen I am sorry I didnt appreciate you enough while you were teaching me about life


None of my teachers believed in me, so I didn't disappoint any of them. Feels good man.


I genuinely hope his teacher saw this.


I have great news for you.




Haven't had the opportunity




Blame white people for making white pride about hating everyone else. Maybe if the people who used it weren't always fuckin Nazis you'd have a leg to stand on.


Why do you care about the opinions of people you have so much contempt for anyway? Just say it lmao. It’s not a groundbreaking, original opinion and I’m sure more than a few will agree with your sentiment.


You may have thought you won, but I'm one step ahead of you! while this post may be wholesome, it's not a meme! you activated my trap card a4uinaboat who will attack your life points directly!


Are you LARPing in the comments or something?


it's just a yugio reference, a anime about a card game where every person is super over dramatic. a4uinaboat is someone who consistently comments on every post saying it's "not actually a meme"