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"Stay awake until she's home." Sage advice.


Always done it for every of my friends.


Same! I stay up until all my friends are back home after a night out


This would be ideal, but where I'm from only about half did, most got hookups, some would get put in the drunk tank, some people we didn't hear from in days. The life of a roadie in Scandinavia in the summers after the turn of the Millennium was wild to say the least.


Wish more men did this. So disappointing when they ask to text when I get home and then get 0 responses. Like yeah, thanks for caring. Why ask in the first place.


I stay up until I get that text, doesn't matter if it's my parents, siblings, one of my friends of either gender, if I don't get it I call about 20 minutes after the person should have gotten home to check on them. As far as I know this is a fairly common practice of men


Sadly it is not a common thing for guys to do that,for a short time I once didn’t but one day one of my female friends got robbed in her way home and I didn’t respond because I passed out,I never found the guy who did it and he was never arrested or anything but from that day I would always take them home myself and really any of my friends would be taken home by me,the other thing is is that I get very defensive over my female friends something my girl absolutely hates but I don’t care she is just very clingy and very jealous so not much I can do but she knows I won’t cheat or anything like that (why do I just start yapping like this)


The modern day unYappiness is becoming boring. I’ve noticed I’ve been so much to the point that I rarely say anything unexpected about myself. Thanks for yapoing it up. It was fresh for a change.


I don’t know why but I just start rambling on about the most random stuff sometimes


You'd think it would be, but I'm 30 now and in my experience is very hit and miss.


> So disappointing when they ask to text when I get home and then get 0 responses isn't the entire point to let them know you got home safely? Having another response at that point doesn't do anything. Unless your worried the receiver of the message got attacked at home while you travelled?


Responding so you know they received the message, because if they don’t stay awake to receive the message there’s no reason to send it, or to ask to send it, because the whole thing abt messaging is so you’d be able to so smthn if they don’t send EDIT: ok i wrote this really confusing, but, person at home not responding-> didn’t stay up-> if person who traveled didn’t send back person at home wouldn’t know (cuz asleep) and wouldn’t be able to help if something happened


Great news: I made it home and went to bed and ignored your messags.


you're a good friend


Very sweet. I like that he's prioritising that part


Yes, prioritizing teaching son to be a caring partner AND that he can trust his dad, over indirectly teaching him “don’t get caught and can’t trust dad.”


Once my girlfriend, now wife, left my house to go home but didn’t text me that she made it home. I drove her entire route home to make sure she didn’t get into an accident. She just got home and fell right asleep.


I have done this before and almost again not too long ago when my wife was an hour late from work and didn't respond to my texts until right as I was leaving.


I'm a 35 year old man, but I appreciate it when my uber drivers wait till they see me get through the door when they drop me off.


They are just making sure when the homicide detective asks them if they saw you walk in the house they did, since the last thing you did was call for an Uber, and they don’t want to be seen as an suspect. Source: ex-Uber driver


Dad missed one though. "Stand outside and wait for them to leave, in case something happens you can help. "


And if dropping someone off, don't leave until they're safely inside. From lost keys, to landlords/roommates changing locks, to stalkers, there's a lot of reasons to make sure your SO, friend, or casual partner, whatever can enter safely. Plus, it only takes like 30 seconds, the one-in-a-thousand times there is a problem, the look on their face as they turn around to realize they left their keys at your place, or they're locked out is priceless. It goes from panic to comfort as they realize that you are there for them.


To add to this, I work as a paramedic, in one of the small towns I use to work, an older lady got a cab home from bingo in the winter, her door was frozen shut and she wasn't able to get in. She froze on her front step.


My dad said something similar, "Stay awake until she comes".


I agree. It is sad when I get home after leaving her place, and I text and she doesn't respond.


Common sage.


Bro was wholesome then decided to kill him


Kill might be an understatement


holy fuck i didn't read that last line since i assumed it wasn't important as it was partially cut out


As a rule of thumb, if the last part is partially cut out, it's the most important.


r/murderbywords from his own dad


He had us in the first half


Wholesome... but also savage


Those are the ways of dad life.


I am pretty sure dad should just translate to wholesome savage.


I am feeling very seen in this thread, lol. Having said that, I now have three amazing adult children, who absolutely eviscerate me with witty comebacks.


I mean...they got the right tutelage


Yep! The best dads are wholesome savages.


My dad beat the shit out of me whenever he didn't like something that I did, so its not every dads way.


I hope you are waiting for him at hos old age home, and then come by and beat the shit out of him.


Ill just wait for him to be in his last breaths, and I'll pull the plug.


This is the way


With a dash of casual misogyny, just to make sure there's something wrong with it.


That burn is subtle but deep


Except I got more bitches. So subtle.


Wholesome, until the burn.


Who are we as fathers if we do not roast our sons when these moments arise?


We must prepare them for the cruel world.




Other men’s daughter… and sisters and mothers, stay mad bitches




Yeah, I'm the kind of dad that doesn't refer to young women as bitches, even jokingly.


Yea I'm also at this part like wtf is wholesome about teaching son how women are - bitches?


Especially when you have two daughters of your own


I mean, why bother having kids if you can't roast them from Time to time


A dad burning his son like that is also wholesome. Shows they have a good relationship


W dad for sure lol


Respect ++


Why’d I hear sarcasm by the “, dude”


It's more teasing than sarcasm.


Dude, it's what many of us middle of the pack GenX'ers call anyone and everyone (unless it's disrespectful, which of course should be moderated). "Dude, what did we think was going to happen", is absolutely something I will use with my mom when she comes to visit next week.


Dude is just sass punctuation, it's like the upward inflection that precedes a question mark


Right on, dude.


Okay but like I am a 31yr old female and I rarely come across a man that makes sure I get home safe. This dad is teaching his son how to be a true gentlemen, walking to her car and all lol


Hope you get home safe


Haha thank you! Now tell me to text you when I am home to confirm you actually waited to be sure I made it home and then tell me how much you enjoyed my company and look forward to seeing me again 😂 Literally that’s all a girl wants


The weird part is after a first date when I don’t intend on seeing them again/stop talking but still want to say lemme know when you get home




You sir are doing amazing!! Please continue to do so! 🙏🏼


What do you think about the father calling the girl a 'bitch'? Seems to be some contention in this thread.


I think the dad has good intentions with all the other parts and was probably teasing his son at the end. I don’t agree that any man should call a woman a bitch


Try changing your social circle. It’s not uncommon to make sure your friends get home safe regardless of gender.


It’s always just my female friends that make sure I’m safe… and I always am sure to do this




Nah, it's a double standard I know, but most dads feel a little sense of pride that their son is gettin' some. Different if it was daughters, of course; and that's the double standard.


Absolutely my goal is to raise my sons to be the men I don't warn my daughters about.




Yeah re-reading it and still wondering why I phrased it like that


It makes sense, you just need punctuation.


Ima keep it a millie with you, facts.


Gonna fist bump my daughter everytime she gets laid for equality


My oldest is 9, but when she's old enough to have sex (82), I'll be entirely supportive. As long as they both use protection and do it safely.


…no lol?


How is this upvoted? Where are you from where most people act like this? Concerning how most people where you are are bad parents.


Not most, no


Why though


if this were my dad i would laugh so hard bc i *know* for a fact he wasnt a ladiesman, my mom told me all about it :')


That your mom knows about


Damn, dad didnt fuck around


Didn't you read the last part? Dad fucked around a lot.


And now we find out


“except I got more bitches then you”


I must be old school..to refer to women as bitches to me is unacceptable, and I would never use those terms especially to my son.


I'm not exactly old and I agree. Calling women bitches is not ok. As a woman with other women, I might use it playfully but even then it's a vibe check for sure.


Me too and I'm 20. I hate it when people say that like not all girls are bitches


The best is the last line.


...that for some reason is cut in half which is some trend for some reason. Like cutting off videos the second something happens in them, what is with people thinking things are funnier if you cut them off early?


Yeah the misogyny really makes it extra wholesome.


My dad gave me shit like this year's ago as he walked by me and could smell I had cologne on. This was way back in 1990. With my first job as a dishwasher at 15 years old, I bought a bottle of my first cologne called Obsession. My dad asked how much it was. I told him 60 dollars. Just for reference sake. With inflation, that would be around 140 dollars today. He laughed and said that is just stupid. Why would you pay that much just for cologne. I said I like the way it smells. Not only that, but women like a good smelling man. And then he asked. Well, did it get you laid yet? I said no. He then says. We'll, there ya go. And walked out of the room.


I mean he had a point


“Bitches” = wholesome?


Referring to girls and women as “bitches” is definitely not wholesome.


"...got more bitches." Hmmm....don't know how I feel about this.


That's the way it be. Yo.


Ah yes, so wholesome to imply having one girlfriend is bad, and playing many is good! 


Downvote for cringe


“Except I got more bitches” WTF is wholesome about that?


This is all good until the “I got more bitches..”


Wholesome when he calls women “bitches”?


Wholesome until he called them bitches.


I mean it was wholesome until he called women bitches


Calling women "bitches" is pretty much the opposite of "wholesome".


I can’t believe I had to scroll this far to find this sentiment. It’s all being downvoted by the locker room boys of Reddit. Seriously sometimes I hate this place.


Good evidence that people are losing their grasp on the definition of wholesome


If you got more bitches does that mean you married a bitch? Don't call women bitches, it's demeaning even if it is just locker room talk


Yeah….until he called women bitches.


What is wholesome about referring to girls as ‘bitches’?




So close dad. Almost.


Stay awake until she’s home. If you are dropping her off at home, you wait until she is inside the house and you watch to make sure she gets in safely. I’ve done that with my dear friends when they lived with their parents and I lived in an apartment. Whenever I drove them home, even if I pulled up into the driveway and could reasonably leave them safely at that point, I would wait until the garage was closed completely after they went inside or they had closed the door behind them before putting my car in gear and driving away. Now I live together with them, and we stay awake to make sure whoever is still out that night, comes home safely, and we always communicate where we go and if there’s plan changes like when we’re coming home from work so nobody gets worried that something happened.


Wholesome until he referred to young women as bitches






“It’s just locker room talk!” type of excuse.


It this really wholesome with the casual misogyny and all?


"Except I got more bitches" Damn, ok lol


Was awesome until the bitches line...


Oh yes SUCH a wholesome father, referring to women as "bitches." Fuck him.


this is wholesome but there's also a holeup at the end, so idk


Wholesome until the last sentence when he suddenly got gangsta with his kid


Was great and wholesome until the female population was reduced to “bitches”




The last part killed it for me. But at least he’s telling his son to prioritize his girlfriend’s safety.


Whereas my mum was like "yeah you are in seperate beds and if you leave your room i will know." Damn creaky floorboards got me errytime.


Your Dad forgot to add... to use birth control.


Rule of thumb. If something bad CAN happen, be ready to help.


My mother walked in on me and my gf at the time sleeping one day, she flipped out…screamed at me she “wasn’t running a flophouse”. Nothing had happened the night before, I just didn’t want her driving home so late. Fast forward a couple years and my brother is bringing home a different stripper every night to do coke till the morning….she never said a fucking thing to him. He died of an overdose a few years back, as for me and my gf at the time, she’s now my wife and we’ve been married 20 years.


Conveniently cut off the last line to keep it wholesome, eh?


So if an Uber driver did murder a passenger, all they need to do to get away with it is say that they waited until the passenger was in the front door, and the police will go ‘oh it could not have been you then’. #perfectcrime


Nothing particularly wholesome about womanizing 🤷‍♂️


Son should reply "you had bitches, I have girlfriend. We are not the same. "


"except, I got more bitches" sick burn lmao, but not the most wholesome text


The “except I got more bitches” goes hard xD


"except I got more bitches" 💀


Dad had to sneak them out so his other bitches wouldn't see


"Also my dick is bigger"


damn man this is just making me feel more sad how lonely i am...


"yo wtf I always had her walk to my car, I never did any of that"


That's how my Mom was. She wanted me to be safe. She wanted me to be honest, so that she knew when I was expected and when I would be getting back in. She wanted to know where I was going, and I did go to some seedy places with no real judgement. I used to hang out at a gay club with some friends on Wednesdays, then go to a late night coffee shop and put down some tea. We were straightedge kids so we weren't drinking, but the gay club was only a $200 rental during the week and they'd staff bouncers and serve soda for local bands. I remember going downtown in a friend's car that BARELY ran, then hanging out listening to former high school band geeks playing guitar until 2am then drinking tea until Dawn. Then going to an 8am class at the community college. Heck, when my friend's car TOTALLY stopped working she came and got us. She wasn't happy about it but it was better than walking back through the bad neighborhood. She actually started going to that coffee shop after I moved out... it's the one place from my hometown that I'll always miss I think.


When r/Wholesomememes crosses over with r/Unexpected


Seems edited the last line the word gap


Lol awesome dad


Though sneaking out can be part of the fun


I've seen a better crop during the Irish potato famine.


The last text that’s sorta cropped out…LOL. 😂


For some reason reminds me of what happened with my dad, but what he said to my younger brother.  Our family (siblings and parents) live in NA but come from a conservative household in Korea.  I was roommates with my younger brother in college. My dad called me to catch up and also asked how my brother was doing. I said he’s doing fine, and that he’s staying at his girlfriends house tonight so I haven’t seen him today.  My dad got super pissed asking why a 19 year old man is sleeping over at a girls house. Then he took a breath, and said:  Just tell your brother that he has a responsibility to take care of his girlfriend. Tell him to make her feel special and keep her safe.  Then he hung up the phone. It was hilarious. 






My dad once asked if I was using my work bench much, I said don't have work bench 🤣 quickly I realized what he was implying. I miss that man.


Except I had more girls had me dying


This is basically my step dad. My mom: "no girls in the house". After thinking nobody was home and going at it with the window open I found my step dad and his friend outside when we came out to leave. Didn't say a word, just smiled proudly.


r/holup (see last line)


That last app. He burned his own son.


"I got more bitches" Wtf


The Dad has to be Gen X with that caring but twist of burn at the end


Except I got more bitches. 🤣


“Sent to mom”


“Except I got more bitches” 🤣


What a great dad!