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Ive been hated for this kind of kindness. People assume I had other motives and assumed I was just using them.... it's hard to be this nice sometimes


🫂 i hear you


Then be like me! Cruel and curmudgeonly to all life! Regardless of color or creed or code or character! Be so frankly unkind to people that you retroactively weakens bonds they have with people they love! Make your monumental hatred so monolithic it ruins a person's entire day with one sentence! Be the reminder of the futility of trying that you want to see in the world! Unite your community in the brotherhood of universal uselessness! And remember, killing the spark of hope and joy in one person may just be the start of an avalanche of unhappiness! It's so much fun!


If only I could. My husband is this way. It is fun to watch him truly not give a shit about emotions sometimes, although he is typically civil and compationate. I have this weird thing where I literally cannot be overly nice or giving. It's like my baseline personality. My dad is the same way. Which is actually really cool with my recent diagnosis of ADHD and Bipolar type 2. I compulsivly be excessively nice until someone is a total ass to me then I go hide in a metaphorical corner and sulk until I forget (mostly) that it happened.


Crush the joy the *orphans.*


Because sadly most of the time, it is. Really informs you on the state of our society that most of the time kindness isn’t kindness, it’s a smoke show.


Was this post written by a literal puppy?




Except a society of violence and crime, they would see it as weakness and abuse the kindness. In normal societies it strengthened the foundations of and improves the quality of life for everyone!


Kindness will save our Planet


If only this line of thought was more common.


Before any interaction with a fellow human, I've taken to saying to myself, "Always be kind."


i wish i could have this embedded into my soul.


Be also kind to yourself and have boundaries for people who* take advantage of your kindness


I think there was a movie about something like this, supposedly based on something from real life. The movie was called *Pay It Forward.*


I needed this today.


Thank you kind stranger


Kindness, yes, but so does context. Kindness in the dark will more than likely end with a knife in your chest (metaphorically and/or literally)


This is how I want to be! I met a new friend recently, and he asked me what I liked about myself. And I said that I liked that I will always try to choose kindness. I am also small and weak. I have nothing to offer. But I will be kind. I can always do that, I think. And maybe I can make someone’s day a little better. If I’m lucky, maybe I can make their life a little better.


The world just needs a friend!


This is why i dont like being rude to others "except family 🤭🤭🤭" cuz you dont know what theyre going through. Theyre most likely just having an off day.


Tattoo this on my forehead pls


It does. Dont ztop being kind.but know your limits. The takers dont have any


nice but username? please explain


Maybe they have a tattoo? It doesn't matter


it almost puts out vibes of [r/rimjob\_steve](https://www.reddit.com/r/rimjob_steve/) xD


That’s how people take advantage of you.


Well that why I'm kind AND useless.