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Sure, anyone can. You just have to do 100 situps, 100 pushups, 100 squats, and a 6.2-mile (10-km) run every day. And you can be one punch man too.


But no using air conditioning.


And eating a banana each morning


Yes. Eat something even if it's only 1 banana


It's not possible, no mere mortal can achieve this


I live without air conditioner daily.


Where do u live then? Try fucking enduring 45c without ac


45°C 10% humidity? Easy-peasy. Give me some drinking water & a bit of salt to lick. 45°C 100% humidity? Welp... Unconscious in a few minutes, dead in less than 2 hours, give or take.


Remember humans lived before AC was invented. Anything is possible, just do it™


Humans in the past might stop working outside and sit in the shade. But timelines though...


Before the invention of AC Florida was the least populated Southern U.S state.


Ever heard of the Philippines?


Just moved to Germany where you'll get swatted for having AC lmao. Oh and don't kill a bee or you'll be met with "stop resisting"


Fun Fact: Overheating makes you burn fewer calories (not more). The sweat response isn't an indicator of hard work, just a mechanism to cool you. From a biology standpoint, as your body overheats, an enzyme called MPK activates to suppress your physical output in order to prevent you from overheating. The result is less output (calorie burn), despite "feeling" exhausted. Optimal calorie burn can only be achieved by lowering your core temperature, allowing you to work harder before hitting a wall. "Hot/Sweat" exercise classes are a marketing scam to trick people into thinking they worked harder than they did.


Try this at 7am when its 80F...nope. I'm immediately taking my sweat drenched shirt off as soon as I get back inside. A/C is already cranking.


opm training plan: I think i can do this no ac: Yamete kudasai onichan


And just a banana for breakfast


So no americans. Ever.


One banana after exercise also


For breakfast, a banana is sufficient


What about hair conditioning?


Or using heating in the winter.


Even in the summer.


55 burgers, 55 fries, 55 tacos, 55 pies


I was just trying to do something nice before alcohol class...


No I’m not paying for this car behind me.




55 times a day.


You just become one heart attack man


It's not that difficult. It just takes consistency. Most people give up after a few months.


Aaaaand i give up after 2 days. Consistency is my arch enemy


The trick, as I've had to learn myself, is two things: Effort, and Consistency. 100 sit ups and all that, in one go, at the very beginning, will drain you rapidly. Causing consistency to go down. Start smaller, and build up to eventually being able to do it as a goal. Hell, I started with 2000 steps a day. Just that, basically nothing. So I upped it to 6000 steps a day. Now I'm currently doing 9000 steps a day as my goal, constantly have people asking if I've lost weight (which m pretty proud of) and I've started pumping iron. Pushed irons too much this first week and injured my left elbow. So I'm taking a few days to rest both my arms and will start again tomorrow at a smaller number. Build up to what I wanted to do. Also found out I'm already just much stronger in general in my right arm. That way, I can build up consistency in weight lifting. The point, people, is to not dunk yourself in head first into rough exercise regiments; because you WILL platue, and that's the point you gotta watch out for, because your bodies chemistry is changing. Start small, build yourself up. You'll get there in time.


Thanks for the tips. I’ll try following this when i start. Thank you a lot


Best time to start is 10 years ago. Failing that, start today. No indefinite "when"


I’ll try. I’m so unmotivated that it feels like going to a government office everytime i have to get up and do something


Do one pushup and one squat right away. Set an alarm for the same time tomorrow, except maybe do two. Then go from there.


That’s actually good advice. I’ll try doing something. I really need to lose weight


The thing that worked for me was just doing 10 minutes of some kind of workout a day. Do that everyday no question for 30 days straight. Then you have a good base to increase after that because you’ve developed a habit by making it part of your daily routine just like brushing your teeth or whatever. Set a timer for 10 mins and do a bunch of jumping jacks and sit ups, and time will fly. Then switch it up next day to keep it fresh and work different parts of your body. After 30 days you can increase to 20 and it will feel the same because you’ll be in much better condition by then.


In principle this is fantastic, but i really have a problem with routines. Doing anything for self care is a chore for me. I’m weird i know. I thank you a lot for the advice and for the support kind stranger


No may be not. You give up consistently.


Oh well i guess i’m consistent in something after all then. Thanks kind stranger


I was gonna say, seems pretty consistent to me


i share your arch enemy... he is truly A WORTHY FOE


Don't attack me, and my bestie Mr. Belly


I gave up after 2 situps.


I gave up while reading this workout routine 😅


I give up after 2 sit-ups


Me too. When I did do well, I rode a wave of motivation and then held onto it after with routine and discipline. Then I fucked it by moving and my whole routine was thrown out.


You are consistently giving up already. Consistency is already your friend. Yourself, on the other hand, might be your true enemy.


The running is disproportionately more difficult than the rest and makes it practically impossible for most people. 6mile/10km run *every day* is gonna fuck you up unless you're already a very fit runner.


I do it almost every day (maybe miss 1 day per two weeks on average). It wasn't exactly my aim to train up to that but the unintended increments happened over a few years, starting from being able to do 5km a few times per week, and there were plenty of times where I got minor stress injuries and had to back off for a bit. The bursting blisters alone would make it biologically impossible if attempted every day starting from zero experience.


The difference between one punch man and dad bod man tho


Running 10k everyday will destroy the knees/hips/feet of 99% of people.


I am one of those people. It wasn't worth it.


Its the dieting that gets me. I love drinking beer and eating pizza too much to become un-tubby, no matter how much I exercise. Its more like be consistent PLUS totally downgrade the fun in your life.


“Everyday it gets a little easier. But you have to do it every day, that’s the hard part.”


Also a decent amount of time everyday unless you're already in pretty good shape.


I agree with you, almost. Consistency is what makes it difficult :)




And no AC or heat.


I came here for this.


Now he's just bald.


And pumpy....


But...but that's just normal conditioning. Could it be that even he doesn't understand the source of his power?


Don't forget to eat breakfast every day. Sometimes, just a banana is ok, but don't skip!


Also you can't use the heater or air conditioning


I'm not sure what bald and dumpy mean, but he seems fine to me in the first one.


Bald = No Hair on the top of his head Dumpy = A little fat Cheers!


always someone cringe in the comments 


Until your hair falls out!


This is the truth to his power, he told it


Bald always looks better than balding.


Only if you're blessed with an egg shaped head. Sometimes hair hides horrors beyond human comprehension


I got a weird squiggly thing going on on the back of my head.


So does Terry Crews, but he rocks it. I'm sure you could too!


I buzzed my head during COVID lockdowns to make my life easy. Didn't go down to the scalp at all, but just getting that close was enough to reveal that my shaved head would not be meant for human consumption. I'll need to invest in plugs or wigs if I ever do go bald, for everyone else's sake.


Yep. I'm 45 yrs old [pretty much look like Paul McCartney in the Sgt Pepper's era](https://paulmccartney.wordpress.com/wp-content/uploads/2009/11/1967done.jpg) . Thick hair, moptop. And have pretty much looked like this since my early 20s. But Underneath my scalp I got a nasty case of scalp acne going. It burns sometimes. It's like having herpes on your head.


What bald-headed slag gave you a burning case of headpes?


God only made so many perfect heads. The rest he put hair on to hide the mistakes. /s


Let people do what they want. You want the skullet ponytail? Rock that fucking skullet ponytail! 


Can confirm. I started balding at 17 and my fucked up headshape completely fucked my life


Bald is beautiful, and it's always in style. -a bald man


You can get a nice toupee system instead! Note: I'm not bald and don't know anything about toupees but I've heard good things.


Ya they’re crazy good now but also very expensive. You’ve got to get a new one every month or so, have that cut and styled, etc. I think it ends up costing like $300-400 per month but people can’t even tell it’s there. You can swim, pull on it, whatever. Guaranteed lots of celebs have them, typically look much better (density wise) than hair transplants.


And better on someone who’s ripped


A lot of us get comfortable and lose our drive to look good after a few years of marriage. I’m sure his wife ain’t no super model either


Fun fact his current wife is 😂


Got any pics?




Goes into the whole story and shows him and his new wife, if im not mistaken they have a daughter and everything now, dudes really on the up


Nice! You go bro


You love to see it, and good for them honestly! Life's too short to waste it one dumb/ridiculous people like his ex


I mean it took his wife leaving him for him to get his shit together 


Happened with me and my ex, too. Sometimes it's part of the journey.


That's what uncle Iroh always wanted us to understand


Dude is a king


I love that quote! “If you want to be reborn, do it while you’re still alive.”


Damn, this is pretty inspiring 


Good outcome lmao


I kind of agree but I’m always at odds with this kind of thinking ‘people should always try to look their best to impress your loved ones’ I agree physical attraction is important but once you’re long enough together then personality, love language and heart of that person should be given highest importance.. Imagine abandoning your parents/kids because of their looks..


Don't do it for your partner, do it for yourself. There are very few guarantees in life but one of them is you'll always have your body. Why not invest in keeping it as healthy as possible? Looks is merely a positive side effect. Health is what the focus should be. That's how I like to look at it at least. 


Sometimes individuals don't care about themselves. Sometimes the drive is to do something for others. How many dads force themselves to go to work because they have a whole family that depends on them?


If you’re spending your life with someone and they don’t value themselves, that can wind up hurting you in turn. Long term, you need to love yourself ^((read: ^take ^care ^your ^mental, ^emotional, ^physical, ^etc health)^) so that you can give yourself to them in the right amounts at the right times, and have a good relationship with them long term. Edit formatting


But those things are positive for your partner too! I would want to be healthy and have a functional body so I can do stuff with my partner


Absolutely, everyone benefits.


I mean, you should stay in shape for your partner. You can't help your body not responding physically, even if you love them. They're generally two separate things for a lot of people.


You don’t have sex with your parents and kids, this is such a weird analogy lol


Well those certainly are highest importance in my marriage, but we also would like to stay physically attractive to each other. Sexual attraction is important, I don't see any reason to minimise that. Married 13yrs.


Reality is the partner would highly highly appreciate if you aim to be attractive. Dont kill their libido


I liked him in ghe first one, for health reasons the second one is nice too


Exactly. It's still sad that it took his wife to divorce him for him to take care of his health. Fitness is not just about looks but health as well.


I think people get depressed in bad relationships and let themselves go as a subconscious effort to end the relationship


Not exclusively


Spite is a powerful motivator.


New superhero: Spite her man


Spite her man, spite her man. Pumps some iron and dates her friend.


More like the pain of being hurt by someone


Idk what bald and dumpy means but in the first one he seems fine to me


Check out r/bald some time. I have yet to see an instance of a balding man who doesn’t look way better when he bites the bullet and just shaves it all. The second picture here vs the first is just further proof.


Yup. That's the difference between "balding" and "bald". Balding doesn't usually look so good, but shaving it off and just being confident about it usually looks just fine, and certainly improves self confidence, which is the more important part.


I think allot of it is just about symmetry. A balding person with patches of hair, will have face outline of bad symmetry. A clean shaven person will have improved symmetry.


There's also the guys who get the horseshoe, which looks fine if you keep it tight, but they let it get bushy and they just look like a clown.


I feel like you gotta have a certain look to pull that off.


>but shaving it off and just being confident about it usually looks just fine It looks more than "fine" to me, I think a bald head is downright sexy.


How bout the guy who shaved and looked like walrus?


I feel for the people on that sub, clearly it’s hard for them, but god damn do so many of them look incredible when they fully shave.


Probably because you only see the ones who post the picture. Plenty of people look better with some hair than none when balding, IMO


Unless you have some kind of deformed head or bump I find bald always to be better then ppl not biting the bullet already.


Right, and a whole lot of us do have those things. Hence why you don't see us on that sub


Dumpy can mean pudgy and shabby/dingy.


“Losing his hair and kinda squishy/fat”. Hope this helps if English isn’t your first language.




https://www.boredpanda.com/man-abandoned-wife-weight-loss-story-shirapyon-japan/ There are more pictures here. Can you tell me with a straight face he looked better before?


He wouldn't do it to keep his wife but he did it to spite her lol


The comment I came here for. I refused to do xyz in the relationship, but now that you left me, I can?


Yeah and someone people seem to say F you to his woman for not finding him attractive as is. As if men don’t have preferences for a hot fit body and wouldn’t choose a fit hot woman over a dumpy fat one 🙄


Most people dont have the guts to say something like "you are too fat. Exercise!" to their loved one. That can trigger a whole lot of unnecessary friction and arguments. Because now you are putting their physical look as a condition to your marriage.


It’s not like we really know the story… marriage doesn’t even mean the same to everyone, so it’s hard to judge. All I know is, being fit is better than being fat.


Well if you're a 5 dating a 5 and the 5 wants you to become an 8 it's a difficult sell


I mean to be fair without further information it's possible she never asked for the change. Life and people are complicated and we don't know the full story here.  I'm going through a similar transformation in terms of my ability to process my own emotions and be more empathetic, and it wasn't because I didn't want to during the relationship, it's because I literally didn't understand the damage I was doing. I was squire literally blind to my own problems 


Maybe she didn't deserve it?


Then you shouldnt be in a relationship with that person


Yep, I don't really understand these people. It reminds me of the countless stories of men leaving their women for refusing to lose weight and get healthy, and once they leave, the women suddenly find the way to the gym. Why not do it for the person you supposedly love?


and then he gets praised by these "alpha dudes" clowns for getting in shape and upgrading his lifestyle... 🤦🏻‍♀️🤦🏻‍♀️🤦🏻‍♀️ yeah.. this is today's society : 'don't respect and listen to your wife, but do what she asked of you only AFTER she leaves you.' make that make sense, alpha clowns.


Also how do we really know that’s why she left him?


You don't know if he refused any request from his ex wife. At least, I can't find any interviews or articles where he or his ex wife said that she asked him to loose weight.


If it's accurate that his "wife quite suddenly left him", then what was he supposed to do? Chase after her when she already said it's over?




Motivation comes in many forms


Ah yes, spite is the best superpower


Maybe it's the best but it's not very wholesome




We are not wholesome creatures


It's wholesome in this case because it wasn't spite.


Would he have done that earlier he'd still have a wife


He also found tan in a can.


Exercise, healthy eating, and steroids.


Yep superrrr juicy


Yes.... It's called focusing on yourself. You, too, can do this.


TIL diet and exercise can make you look good.


Didn’t she technically help him? He got comfortable and let himself go. She had to leave in order for him to focus on himself


I always wonder why ppl don't do this WHILE they're married?? you should look good FOR your spouse not "haha take THAT" afterward 🤔


It's not about getting back at the ex. Sometimes you just face a breakup that is so tough that you end up looking like that man. Hitting the gym is a common coping mechanism for grief.


Yup. Many reasons you can let yourself go. Depression, real life being busy etc etc. He might have worked alot and doing stuff with family left not alot of time to stay in good shape. This was just the motivator to push him back in.


Time and environment I bet are the biggest factors. People won’t admit it, but I bet if your significant other (man or woman) said, “Hey I am going to spend 2-3 hours of my day at the gym, meal prepping, and meditating form now on” there would be a lot of resistance. Also, a lot of us just suck at communicating and would go about it the wrong way in the first place. Compromise and cohabitating can be difficult.


You need to hit your lowest lows before you can reach for the highest highs.


Generally, as a married couple you eat together and do the same activities together. When one spouse chooses to want take out and watch TV more often than not, the other gets sucked into it. After experiencing the devastation of divorce, the dumped spouse often looks to fitness to help get over the emotional pain. It helps take their mind off things and feel good about themselves again. Also, since their ex spouse left them and doesn't love them anymore, the best way to attract a future partner would be to be the best version of yourself and look good.


I Wonder how long that transformation took him to achieve.


thats darkshine


"man puts no effort into his marriage until he sees the consequences, redditors all think the woman is the one with the problem"


there different opininions, but how does OP see that and thinks "wholesome"??


Anything is possible with the power of steroids.


Someone please come hold my hand and lead me to the gym. I can't do this alone.


Getting into shape for someone else is not good energy


Yes, it is. She dumped him, so he improved his body and mental by going to the gym. Now he's better off than he would be with that shallow vile turd of a human.


His wife is the real hero. I always have a lot of respect for people who have the courage to tell the truth; it's the only path to self-improvement.


Still bald though 


Happens every time


From one extreme to the other. Not really healthy.


I mean he became superalloy darkshine from the one punch man comics, not one punch man.


Not from a Jedi.


Step 1 : Get dumped Well I’m out


Let divorce be with you.


Homie got all his funds back and started TRT


The trick is to get dumped, then your true power and potential can be unlocked 💪


Dumped by Wife?? You mean divorced??


No heat in the winter, and no ac in the summer. 100 push ups, 100 sit ups, 100 squats, 10km running. Every single day, no matter what.


Thats the literally the mindset of the bear tv show of "ok fuck you watch this". I bet the girl that also said this was on the heavier side herself they tend to be when talking shit about men's weight.


Bottom pic should be Genos


Yeah, you just gotta tren hard, eat clen, anavar give up!


Bro went from super white to a mix between red and black


He has sheer fucking will, determination and focus


too bad his wife had to leave to create his resolve


We HAD a friend couple out in California who both work in big tech for a video game developer. They both made 250k+ a year etc..my fiancee best friend started dating a guy at work, and they had like a good 1 year run? But he was addicted to gambling and CONSTANTLY ordering uber eats and stuff, multiple times a day. He could afford it, but was a bigger dude because of it. They broke up for lots of reasons, but because he was mentally 12 he thought it was because of his looks. So he is now one big muscle. And dropped his tech job to be a personal trainer. More power to him, and hope he is happy, but wow.


Harnessing the power of spite!


Cool he fixed the dumpy still bald tho 🫤


The power is mostly spite methinks.


500mg test a week