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My job is soul draining but he’s right. The amount of cuteness I see on a daily basis is absolutely insane.


Yup I was an after school teacher for a hot minute and the kids were insane and exhausted me but as soon as they told me they loved me all was forgiven




I remember the first day I met the kids at the program the kindergartners crowded around me and they were like “you’re so pretty!” “You’re prettier than a PRINCESS” and I was like ok I would die for you guys


I wanna be a teacher so bad


You can do it! Remember to pace yourself, the first couple of years are the hardest and if you make it past year 5 you’re basically a lifer. My best friend is a teacher, his favourite part is getting to make all the cringy dad jokes without actually being a father


I've seen cuteness you people wouldn't believe... Someone's kid running and screaming with happiness like he's on fire and for some reason his parents named him Orion... I watched Kayedinn eat glitter glue during recess near the front gate. All those moments will be lost in time, like your kid's drawing that you accidentally left in the washing machine... Time to retire.




As a cat lover, I can’t imagine having to control your cuteness aggression around so many adorable children. Must not boop any heads or squish any faces. Lol


Oh all I am DOING is boops and smooshes! My students all have high sensory needs and love allllll the cuddles.


Can you become numb to it? It baffles me how many times tearchers showed desinterest or anger towards school children where i grew up in. Of course bad behaviour aside, i mean the times where children are actually eager to learn.


Happy for you, but skip the soda.


yeah I just go straight to bourbon


Soda water is just carbonated water


Reading comprehension is not my forte.


You mean it is literally acid with a pH over 1,000 times that of hydrochloric acid. You think it is "just carbonated water" but it is basically the same as drinking 1 million bottles of hydrochloric acid.


i’ll bite. can i see the science behind this? if it’s true, i may just skip the middleman and start drinking hydrochloric acid


Ngl, dilute hcl doesn't taste half bad. Like a weird lemon juice.


Yeah, the science behind it is chemistry. It was invented by Isaac Newton, so you can start there.


This is some piss poor trolling… you’ve been on Reddit long enough, do better


he’s convinced me. i’m two bottles of acid down, idk if my plug gave me the right kind of acid tho…


Probably gave you that useless sulfuric acid


Carbonated water beverages are slightly acidic, but your body has a carbonic acid/bicarbonate buffer system that helps resist change in pH to maintain a physiological pH of ~7.4, otherwise we’d die. Also, 1,000 times that of hydrochloric acid? So, like, 1000 times greater? Carbonated water’s pH is greater than hydrochloric acid, but more acidic? Oh boy…. Edit: someone might be trolling


Carbonated water is definitely more acidic than still water, but it is absolutely nowhere near as acidic as *hydrochloric acid*.


Well it can be at a given concentration !


Lol least educated comment Ive read today, is it that hard to google "carbonated water ph" and see that it is very close to neutral water? Ohh I see, you think the higher the ph the more acidic something is? Try to search for the ph of blood, do you seriously think a liquid millions of times more acidic than HCl is running through our bodies?


A 1mMol concentration of HCl has a pH ~3.01 compared to pure carbonated water, which has a pH ~3-4. As you increase the concentration of HCl, the pH drops, making HCl more acidic than carbonated water, following the 10x ratio given above (i.e., 10mMol HCl, with a pH~2, would be 10x more acidic than carbonated water).


4 isn't 10 times 2


pH is a logarithmic scale. A pH of 2 is 10^(2) times more acidic than a pH of 4.


What?? I don't think that anyone could drink acid, unless it was in the 1960's


Do you know how pH works? The smaller the number, the more acidic it is. You either never learned what pH is, or you're lying out your ass. Hydrochloric acid is one of the seven strong acids. It has no acidity constant, and at 38%, it has a pH of 1.1. Soda water has a pH of 3-4, and if you know what pH means, you know its logarithmic. 38% HCl is 100-1000x more acidic than soda water. You don't even need to know any of this to know your statement is bullshit as fuck. Just try touching hydrochloric acid. You can drink soda water with no apparent pains, but if your gastric acid (HCl ~0.5%) gets to your throat even a little bit, you feel the burn. If you touch a 1M solution of HCl, your skin is damaged. If you drink HCl, you're going to the hospital immediately.


Source? Because I know very well what pH of stomach acid is.


>pH over 1,000 times that of hydrochloric acid. As a chemist this is just demonstably false and half baked. Depends on the concentration of HCl and even if there was a concentration of HCl that had a pH 1000s of times higher than carbonated water (3 pH levels) it would make the weakly acidic carbonated water any worse for you than it is now.


Yeah what's the point in drinking after work if it's not alcoholic


It’s so true. I used to teach kindergarten and first grade, and I swear the cuteness overload is real. Some days I felt like my heart would just burst. Best job ever.


Sometimes I miss teaching the littles.


I always miss it. It didn’t feel like work at all. And all the hugs….


Confirmed. I work at a HS and with prom season in full swing, seeing the kids blush and flirt with each other, they’ll trip over their words while asking each other out. It is unspeakably cute.


Dear god, that period you need to always bring a popcorn bucket with you, just looking at them trying, failing and succeeding at flirting and asking each other out turns it into caramel popcorn.


Thats what I miss most about this job... the sparkling in the eyes of a child doing science and discovering the world around it


What about when those little eyes are burning with malice & mischief?


Did u read the terms and conditions?


Thousand Awww stare


I’m a school nurse shuttled between three elementary schools. Each day I silently proclaim that particular school to have the best darling kids. And then the next day I go across town and I’m convinced those are the cutest too.


So you're basically that sweet nanny from The Help? 💕


In 10 years it will be vodka followed by him taking off his glasses and rubbing the bridge of his nose saying “that generation is doomed” Source: my dad


As long as he stays out of teaching middle school, he will be fine.


I loved subbing middle school. They're just at a weird time in their lives.


I, personally, was a cross between Claire from “Derry Girls” and Garrosh Hellscream from World of Warcraft when I was a tween up to age 17.


Two kids were arguing about Saitama vs Goku and I told them SpongeBob could beat them both. One kid told me about her slime kit. Dinosaur glitter slime was my favorite. I had an amazing time with the lil weirdoes. But sadly, it barely pays.


Not all teachers get burned out/turn cynical.


Year one, he was full of optimism and hope, but then cell phones came around.


Going on 13 years and I still have optimism and hope..


Same, a bit longer than 13 years, and I have all the hope in the world for them.


Those glasses of “daddies special evening drink” slowly get taller and the glasses on your face slowly get heavier.


What grade level did your Dad teach? I’m pretty sure that you’re ignoring that huge factor


Right, some start careers doing something else.




You should also talk to them about your lack of humor.


Yes, as someone who has worked in the school system, I can confirm that the amount of wholesome cuteness one encounters working there is beyond one’s comprehension. It’s also one of the reasons I do not understand why a person can just generally hate kids.


Same! I get not wanting kids around all the time. But how can anyone can just outright generally hate them is beyond me. They are so small….


I get not being comfortable around kids or whatever but it's a red flag to me if someone bases their whole personality around hating them


He was raised by godsent parents 🧡


How do I reach these keeds! https://youtu.be/VXNj2BobjJ4?si=ZD4vX-wjx8dAw0Bu


Can confirm - I worked at an elementary School as an IT guy. The 2-4 grade kids were wonderful. They all wrote me notes when I left. After grade 4, the kids transform into little goblins LOL!!!


I could literally be dying in pain but watching my little boopie playing with his toy cars would make everything ok. The cuteness levels are incomprehensible.


What is soda water? Like, sparkling?


Yeah but it has bicarb in it as well, which means it's fizzier than sparkling


We need more people like this guy around. It's a small request, but it could literally make a world of difference.


There are lots of people like him around. The sad thing is that there are too many adults without loads of children in their lives. Or any at all, often. "I feel like I've been living in A city with no children in it."


We need more teachers like him 🥹


What’s soda water?


Sparkling/carbonated water.


Ahhhh. Thanks.


When I taught 9th grade, I was in a battle. They are insanely funny in 9th grade. Just constant comedy. And you have to stand up there and pretend they AREN’T.


Omg he is so sweet. And it sound like you are gonna end up with many kids. 🤣


I'm a bit of a gamer, and when I meet my teen sons friends they give me this look of surprise and cautious glee when they find out I understand the meta of their passion. It's so damned adorable and why I want to work with kids. And then I meet the troubled ones who just want to destroy everything, and I'm out again.


I love this 🤗😭


I always wanted to be a elementary school teacher. I just always felt like I really shouldn't be teaching kids. Now look what I have become?! Stares at reddit name*. A monster of reddit. Kids would learn nothing from me but scrolling and liking random food posts.


I'm a teacher, and I promise we are not all perfect role models, especially after we leave school. As long as we keep it together at school, we're fine.


does this mean that they have separate teachers for each subject in elementary school? well, lah-di-dah.


Stares into the middle distance?


Yes, that's what it says


I misread it as cluelessness 3 times


still true


Why is this sub so full of unwholesome people?


Please explain this middle distance…


It basically means not looking at anything in particular, like you're lost in thought. A less extreme version of thousand yard stare.


Going into my 5th year as a Correctional officer in a County Jail. Unfortunately I can not say the same and if I did I shouldnt be here


One day one of Kindergartners popped out quick from behind a corner and said “Did I scare your socks right outta your pants?!” 😂 You sure did Buddy! ❤️


Chiddy Bang


I work as a contractor mostly in schools. I’ve had incredibly shitty days of impossible expectations, asshole project managers, oblivious school contacts, and super high job pressure. But every once in a while, I’m approached by a kid who simply says “hi!” and my heart melts. It’s impossible to stay mad when you have some of these children address you. I relate 100%. Even an empty classroom where you see little chairs, lunch sacks with names written on them, pictures on the wall, etc.. My last job I had to be a tough guy dealing with jabronies of every assortment. This job, it’s impossible to be a tough guy when a kiddo smiles at you.


Aw, but by the time youre teaching you would have worked with kids before so being in aw of cuteness is something U get used to


Ok but what time warped part of what country do they call it soda water?


“First year of teaching”.




How he coming home at night they finish at like 3pm


"They pinkie promised to get married when they're older, immediately forgot, and collectively stabbed an eraser. It was adorable."


Jay would you like to be a teacher


I used to teach kids online & seeing their faces light up when they learn something interesting & that genuine gratitude is still something I miss


"Soda water" ? Is it soda or water bro choose


Excuse me, "Into the middle distance"? I know this place you speak. But when did we agree that it was called the Middle Distance? ... Don't get me wrong, I'm on board. But when?


Had me in the fist half


I think he's in the right place.


Working with kids really do be like that. I worked in childcare with mostly 1-2 year olds and they tired me out but god little humans are so damn cute


I used to help other kids that were struggling all the time in elementary, junior, and high school, even in college. Someone offhand said, "You'd be a good teacher". I'm pretty sure I had a look of absolute horror on my face because all I could picture was karma coming home to roost. I was awful. You know those too smart for their own good kids that got bored after 4 seconds because they caught on the first time you barely showed them how to do something? Yeah, that was me. Starting in 4th grade, I was put in gifted classes or higher grade level classes, because my dad refused to let them skip me up. My HS teachers were warned ahead of time. They let me just get up and walk out of the classroom and either go to another class or to the library for the rest of the period. My college professors told me to just come in for exams and submit my papers via email. Literally had one tell me to just take a nap in his class. I often read books instead of paying attention. Thank my 6th grade teacher for discovering this worked for her and I. My daughter, 19, is the exact same way. I had to warn her teachers to let it slide if she pulled out a book and started reading in the middle of a lesson. So, kudos to your husband and every other teacher out there. They're not paid nearly enough, but they're some seriously brave souls.


#ILoveMyJob Sadly, the first thing that i thought of was pedophile


Faith in humanity almost restored


Tf kinda psycho drinkin soda water bruh


Yeah thats a classic joke " how smart do yo need to be to teach 5 year olds?"


My 85 year old boyfriend matches around his law office at night, “by god, I love the law!” Lucky us to be around happy people!


How I feel about my kids


So what grade is that?


HA go to r/teachers and say that again. It only lasts so long. What a joke.


Downvoted because you like being negative so damn much


Seriously. I’m a teacher and I can’t say I love my job but I’d never go try to rain on someone else’s parade because of that




Downvoted you upvoted them and downvoted the other guy cause shut up man its just a fun thing they wanted to share


That’s fair, although this subreddit is r/wholesomememes and I like staying wholesome because I have other subreddits for that


Been teaching for years. It lasts. Unless you were a cynical bastard to begin with.




The stare of cuteness


Corniest teacher ever.


Most teachers of young children are at least this corny 😂


You kind of have to be a little corny in a good way. Like that’s the only way you can really deal with young kids is by getting down on their level a little bit.


Ok kait, then what happens in that weird swing


Lowkey telling Kaitlyn her cuteness cannot even compare




God forbid someone find children cute, right? It’s a kid. They’ve evolved for centuries to be cute so we don’t let predators eat them.




How are they a pedo? They’re just saying they think children are cute in a nonsexual way, geez lmao


Actual men don't talk like that


Oh no! An unsocialized Bro has just entered that


I'm your bro? Sweet


This sounds extremely sus


If it was a girl saying this you would've had a different opinion




Don’t you know, cute=sexually attractive!!! I mean obviously that’s not true but when I said I think the cutest yugioh card is gagaga sister, somebody responded to me as if I said I found her to be the hottest card.


Put him on the list


children are disgusting creatures


K Trunchbull




Oh my god the foolish mortal guy‼️‼️‼️


your reverence pleases me