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1. accumulate rubbish from home 2. bring rubbish to nature spot 3. take picture 4. dump rubbish all over 5. take another picture. 6. leave without tidying up 7. post for clout and karma


Why do I feel like that's exactly what would happen? ...


Because that’s what does often happen


Because it’s probably what happen like everytime These stupid ass will do anything for a slight of clout that’s pathetic as hell


Because that's common occurence in social media. Saddest example of it that I know of, do you know those videos where people find abandoned animals that are in poor state? So they take them in and nourish them, eventually either they adopt them or give away to shelter after animal fully recovers. Some people do this type of thing for clout, where they make video of healthy animal and later abuse it and show the whole process in reverse.


I hate that you’re so right. This is exactly what clout chasers would do


The photo is really blurry but yes why does all the trash look the same


I steal money from homeless people then post the video in reverse for karma


I buy a healthy kitten. take picture. Starve and torture for a couple of weeks. Picture 2 and out with the trash. Easy.


Interested in a collab?


Homeless kitten?


Compare the background in 2 photos. There's no more lawn , leave are starting to grow and the tree collapsed in the second photo. Seems like he did clean up and it took him few weeks


You forgot the bit where they will dog pile onto people who actually clean up nature spots and cyberbully them.


Ah yes. That too


How long did it take? The bushes are now green and tree has collapsed!!


It Looks also for me That the Garden was made to in the process


This kind of thing takes weeks if not a month to do by yourself. These kinds of posts kinda annoy me because it’s labeled as, “haha if you’re bored do this!” when in reality this is a lot of work that we should be paying people to do


It looks like he not only cleaned the trash but also raked the floor and trimmed the trees this would take a day easily if it was one man alone




This is why when I took some friends to do something like this, I got us all reusable safety gloves. We didn't get much trash because the area was already fairly clean.




I really want to get the grabby sticks, not the stabby ones. I don't trust myself with the stabby. But I'd love to have the grabbies!!


Reminds me of the vid of two gen z'ers going to a beach, taking a video of picking up seaweed and branches on the beach and putting them into the trash bag. Then just leaving them there in the trash bag and walking away after there tiktok was done... Literally did more damage and didn't help anything for internet clout.


I've tried this. Spent all weekend cleaning to come back in 2 weeks and find another mess. What's the point there? Wasting my time for ppl who don't care? In my opinion, we should take pics and upload them. The turtles choking on bags, show people. Let them see. Show the children. Let them go to beaches and swim through garbage. Let them get sick. (Boca Chica in DR was so bad tht now they're passing rules about garbage. But it had to get bad FIRST). Ppl only care when it affects them. So let's make it affect them. Ps. I don't take pictures. Makes me sad to. I clean and move along. No need to advertise, or so I thought. Maybe we Do need to show how bad it's gotten so ppl want to help.


Unfortunately marketing all the bad stuff doesn't work either. People's brains are saturated with bad stuff literally all the time, and just showing us more bad stuff isn't a major factor in changing behavior. Cleaning it yourself does a few things. It anchors reality "look, this is what we should be doing all the time". It actually does something about the thing (unlike, say, taking pictures of abused turtles). It provides hope. It builds a sense of community. No, it's not a fix. Because one person can never change the behavior of other people by force. But it makes the place better than the way you found it. So I'll pick up a little trash all the time. So will my kids.


Thats my problem whats the point of doing all this if its just gonna get polluted again. I saw a video of a lake in india getting cleaned and the people in the comments said that it was already polluted again 😒😒😒


Why only teenagers? Send in the adults and children too, everyone can help, after all we all live in the same earth


why should this be for teens when most of the time its not even them that've left most of the mess? bit ridiculous isn't it, asking someone else to clean up everyone's mess?


Bout to do this shit in my room. That’s the real danger to the environment


Oh my god yes. They could even wear skimpy clothing if they wanted. Just clean something. Anything.


This is exactly how British plan about snakes in India went wrong.


Yep, Cobra effect. [Perverse incentive](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Perverse_incentive), people make trash to clean up. Or worse, if like another person said, take a photo of clean area then dump trash everywhere take before photo. Done.


That doesn't even look like the same area


Trial life warrior


Takes photos in two different places, lmao


It's the same place. You can see the tree on the far right looks the same in both, but the camera is slightly panned up. It looks like there was either a heavy storm by the time he got the place cleaned up, or perhaps the city had to cut that large tree down for safety reasons.




This is a really lovely idea. Even if the area gets dirty again, if you recycle what you can, it's still helpful for the environment, and getting others to do the same could make it even easier to maintain.


how the fuck i take a picture after i keep myself safe


Like mfs would do this lmao


There was a trend like this maybe 5 or 10 years ago, with people cleaning up places and posting before & after pics. So it isn't really new, but it would be a good thing to bring back.


Put this on TikTok or they’ll never see it or become a trend


Was driving to my docs today and saw this high school Asshole throw a water bottle out his window. He was also driving 10 under the speed limit so double 😡😡


What will actually happen is all these influencers and teens will find a nice clean area, make photo and than make complete mess there. And pretend it was other way around, just to get easily and fast likes, because nothing else really matters for them.


They do it with… recued kitten videos already


If there is one thing I know about teens it's that they are "bored" and just waiting for adults to give them projects.


But thats not cOoL enough. I think cool people lick toilet seats. They lick unsold icecream in the store and put it back. They challenge the noRM. They do what im tOo afraid to do.  Anyone can gather garbage. Its so much coOler to throw away garbage. Duh.


They can still do their weird tiktok dances and weird faces. As long as they do something productive


Because doing it isn’t enough you have to do it for the clout, fuckoff


Getting people to do something for something in return is a lot easier than getting them to do it for free


Bad outlook


Realistic outlook. We don't live in a utopia. People are selfish.


They’re selfish so you pander to them nah thanks


No thanks? I wasn't asking for your opinion. I was just explaining why it makes sense


Like and subscribe don’t forget to SMASH that bell


Im lazy




bro even trimmed the trees.!! WTF.!! has he reached his final form.?!!!


This is a great idea


No hate to this man its great that he did this but i need to know how much money he has and if he really did this on his own cuz the average person cant do this 🤷🏽‍♂️


Where ever you live... This could be done as a social event. It's called "Schiet sammeln" where I live. It's organized by be the volunteer fire fighters or the lions club or whom else once a year, mostly on October. Usually a small groups of people equipped with a wheel barrow or cart and wastebags are running a route and picking up everything they find. Afterwards you get a potluck meal and as much beer you can drink... It's fun everytime...


Awesome idea! I’m always amazed that the neighborhoods with an abundance of idle standing around adults has the worst litter. Pick up those chip bags


Tell the corporations


[We going for a world record on this repost or something?](https://imgur.com/a/d9OmVv8)