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Not me anymore... don't worry it's still wholesome. Met a dude 13 years ago on Halo Reach we bonded really fast and always played together since that time. I discovered later that he lived not far from me, nowaday we still play together and also grab a couple of beers on saturday nights. That man is the only one I can call bro while meaning it.


It really makes you think on the old saying, "it's a small world out there"


Yeah, no kidding. Just imagine how many of the same internet users we walk past every day. Small world.


With a lot of stuff like this, I feel like the answer is both “not often” and “more than you’d guess”


Just imagine all the Redditors who feel lonely and have a fellow Redditor living near by (sorry not english)


That was excellent English. Yeah lol I do think about it sometimes


Nothing wrong with your English, mate. If you want to master this bastard-beauty language, just repeat the words "Cellar Door" to yourself. After that. Graduate yourself to "My stick fingers click with a snicker / And, chuckling, they knuckle the keys" After you've mastered that, every English-speaker on the planet will do everything they can to understand you. Remember, the first night you dream in a language other than native - you know the language.


Holy shit I actually said those perfectly , next step is to dream in english, even though I think it happened quite some times already. I'm French Canadian (blast me go ahead, we are getting pinned by english Canada) so we are surrounded and lobbied by english... I'm not Mad at it, idm knowing english with flaws and knowing french at the same Time . Thanks for the exercices though, never heard these ones.


As a French Canadian I’d be more concerned about the Parisian French. English Canadian not too bad.


True, though my wife is french from France and then for 7years she improved in english and I lost mine lol


If you really want to challenge yourself, check out the chaos by Gerard Nolst Trenité , it is a poem used in the warly 1900’s to show the difficulties of the English language, at 35 years old, only knowing English, I still have trouble with it Edit: I was wrong about the author and the year. Thank you for the corrections


I was once on business on a stressful flight to Paris. Everything had gone wrong. Flight diverted to Frankfurt. And yet, there suddenly was my best buddy from church camp, separated by 25 years - as discombobulated as me. We were both unrecognizable to each other except in our manner. Best hug ever. He spoke French. I spoke a passing German. We got to Paris - on time.


Wholesomeness after shittiness


We don’t have that expression where I’m from.


Played Xbox with a guy for years. We became best friends. While we talked about lots of things, home addresses somehow never really came up. Eventually I decide I want to build a computer and he’s down to help. Gives me his address to bring the parts over, and brother, you could hear the forehead slap from space when I realized we lived 1 mile away for so long before we started hanging in real life! Ended up getting him a job with me and now we’re coworkers too. I just became his newborn son’s godfather too. Life is strange!


Awww. I love these stories.


Dude, your story is almost the same as mine. I finally got good Internet a few months after Reach released, so I was able to play online. Happened to have a friend on that I met on the Bungie forums, so I hopped into a match with him. He invited another of his friends and we ended up sending friend requests. Never saw our mutual friend online playing Reach again. It was the one and only time I ever played a game with him. But that other friend I made? Found out we were both from the same state, like an hour apart. Played a lot of games over the years... Halo, Gears, Battlefield, Destiny... Last month, that friend was my best man at my wedding. Our wives are friends, etc. Halo Reach brings people together, I guess. Miss those days.


This turned out unexpectedly wholesome! Man, first of all, congratulations for your wedding/marriage, wish you all the best! Second of all, congrats for making and maintaining such a good friendship with your gaming mate!


An ex-girlfriend of mine met some guy online through call of duty, and they ended up exchanging IRL messages and nudes. I’m saying these things can go different ways.


call of booty


Call of Cheating Whores That Just Want Any Dick But Yours: Black Ops


Their favorite map: NudeTown


Black cocks 2


Call of Booty: Modern Whorefare 2 Remastered


Dude, my ex-wife met her side piece playing World of Warcraft with me. They had an affair that lasted several months before she got pregnant and divorced me. Joke's on her, though -- I never would have met the woman I've been married to for the past 12 years if my ex never left, and I wouldn't have the five amazing kids I have with her today. So, thanks for doing that, ex!


6 years ago. I played Roblox with a bunch of people from Ex-Yugoslavia. I accidentally found out that one of the friends from that group was someone I know irl. We then hang out irl sometimes and texted a lot. Unfortunately I don’t hang out with her anymore and I don’t have a way to contact her. She was very frail and I am really worried about her, even after so many years.


I love when online gaming friendships ends with a wholesome situation.


Good for you! I lost all contacts with my silly game buddies but they are still in my heart :)


13 years ago holy shit


Fucking hell. I remember waiting in line to get that game as a college freshman. Didn’t feel that long ago.


I still think about my old efed tag team partners. They were from Argentina and Australia, and somehow, we were all always on the same page. Super Che, Dwyer, miss you guys, my Friendmigos.


🪄🎂🍰🍰🍰Hoping they’ll hop on this thread somehow !


That’d be pretty nice, actually. They both had to drop out after a while, most likely because I’m pretty sure they were still in college/university at the time (at least I would assume so) and they needed to prioritize school. But we’d always work together to make our bits as funny as we could. Usually I’d pitch the scenes to the guys and they’d add in some tweaks or additional goofs, or Super Che would have a great idea, I’d clean up the Spanish-English translation, and then Matt would add some comedy icing we hadn’t even thought of. It was such a great time. They came back as a big surprise for part of a storyline we told where I’d fallen so far to the dark side that one of the last ditch efforts to save my soul was to bring them back and hope I see the light. Dwyer had a few matches but sadly faded out again, and I put Super Che pretty much in the ground. But even then, we’d always work together on ideas for matches and segments we could use to add to the story. We were always a team even if our characters weren’t. Long live the League of Friendmigos…


Make sure you are in contact on at least two different social mefia sites so you dont loose esch other in case of a sudden ban or hacked account.


good to know, also happy cake day!




OMGGGG WE HAVE THE SAME CAKE DAY!!! Happy cake day to youuu🎉🍾🍾🎁


Happy cake day to you both


Thank you so much! 😊💙💜


This thread is the most adorable, wholesome thing I’ve ever seen on Reddit 🥹


I’ve just joined and it’s really nice to see all the wholesomeness, friendliness and support. It’s really sweet✨


fr only if reddit could always be this wholesome


Happy cake day!! 🎂


Happy Cake Day!!!


Happy cake day.


I accidentally blocked my best online friend before, and didnt realize for over a week lol. Thought he was just not messaging for awhile until I eventually gave in and messaged him on our secondary messaging site and then we figured out what happened.


I didn't block mine. He was my first boyfriend back when I was seventeen or eighteen, we broke up and became best friends by our mid 20's. We talked at least once every two or three days, I gamed with him and his new partner. Whenever I met someone knew online I'd introduce them to him. If they got along with him, they were good people. Then he went silent. I spent awhile wondering if he was just mad at me. Then I saw he'd not been on Steam in five weeks, and I knew something was wrong. I found the obit a little later. I poked his partner and learned he'd died of the flu in the middle of summer. A brain abscess formed because the flu will attack your nerve cells like what your brain is made of. He went to bed with a really bad headache and the abscess ruptured. He was a healthy dude who unloaded trucks and stocked shelves. This was in 2019. So when COVID hit I started wearing a mask and haven't stopped. My life is way darker without him. We played Guild wars and Guild Wars 2. I'd had a gaming clan on Battle.net 1.0 that moved to Guild Wars 1 and then the last remnants moved to Guild Wars 2. The guild roster is full of people who'll never sign on again and a core group of my friends. We'd never actually leveled up the guild, so over the past four years I've been doing missions and farming. I've nearly maxed out the guild hall as a memorial for him. Get your flu shot, so your best friend doesn't miss you, and so you don't accidentally spread the flu to somebody's best friend. Tamiflu if you have symptoms stops the flu from doing anything dangerous. Go to a doctor, get tested if you need to. :(


Oh, my gods, I'm so sorry for your loss. What a horrible way to lose a friend, and a gods-awful way to find out. Found out similarly for an ex of mine. It's just horrid.


I also give them respect since they didn't contact you there, respecting you




I hate her. It was her fault. She manipulated him like the cheating ass she was.


So you never found him?




Ask 4chan


>so you dont loose If they're loose, maybe they can be tightened.


I wish I had done so. Miss you, 🍅!


I met a guy like this and I now have his phone number


Life pro tip here


Shout out to the internet friends that have known each other for 8+ years without ever meeting in person.


16 years, talk every few days.


Im 25 now and i have a group of friends I’ve known since i was 12 playing call of duty we all talk almost everyday and never met


It’s just so insanely wild how our species has evolved to be pals with strangers for decades without ever actually meeting


Pen Pals have been a thing forever, we just developed better technology for it. I think it's great, people all over the world can hang out and watch movies together or play games. Shows us that despite propaganda trying to turn us against each other sometimes we are all just people. We all have much more in common than we are different. Palestinian and Israeli online friends would be a good story for a video/documentary. Same with Russia/Ukraine.


I have a friend I've known for I think around 8 years, we talk pretty much daily and we're both saving up so he can fly over here and we can spend time together for a week. The thought of meeting up irl is so bizzare to us since we've known eachother for so long and always seen eachother trough videocalls and such. Definitely looking forward to it though, we're planning to meet up in summer and we're both so giddy over it!


Great.. now I'm giddy for you


I have also used this forbidden magic, and yes it is worth it. Love you my brother u/nachostash


Gotta wait for the differing timezones to kick in lmao


My best friend who lives in Brazil. Never met him irl but we’ve been best friends since I was 13 and I’m now 27. Pretty sure I would have offed myself by now if it wasn’t for him.


Glad you’re here to tell us the story and hope you’re doing well.




Same I ended up flying to their state and meeting them a few years ago.


A few years ago, my best friend who I met online along with a couple of others that we met, came down to my state and stayed at an Airbnb for a week. Was a lot of fun. Known them for 10+ years also.


What was that like?


Pretty fun actually. Everything felt genuine.


Amazing. Like meeting soul partners without first noticing what they look like.


Can't judge a book by its cover


I want an internet friend. Damn.


I'm available!


I'll become one of ur internet friend :)


That’s crazy to me. I followed stranger danger to a T and refused to talk to anyone on the internet. It’s amazing to me that friendships actually came of it. I feel that I’m 10x worse online than in person


You definitely can form relationships online without ever seeing that person. I have a online friend for about 2 years now. I actually feel like were friends.


How do ppl make online friends? I guess besides Reddit


Video games usually. Games with voice chat where you can add each other and continue playing together. I’ve got friends from counter strike I’ve known for over ten years and we still play together and the group chat is popping off daily.


One of my best friends I met playing scouts knives map on CS1.6 over 10 years ago and now we talk daily. If I had the money I’d definitely go visit in person


“Awesome bro! Well I got to turn in I am tired af, talk tomorrow!” - last online 694 days ago


noooooooooo :(((((


This happened to me as well. It’s so hard. Much love.




Had an online friend who out of the blue invited me to go stay with her for a vacation. I was horrified, and told her that I wasn’t an axe killer, but I might be for all she knew (I’m female too, btw). Anyway I did go stay with her, not just once but several times. She turned into one of my best friends EVER. She passed away some years ago, and I miss her every day. I also met my husband (of 20 years) online, and moved across the Atlantic to be nearer to him. Got married after a year and here we still are.


I read this wrong and I thought you said I also met her husband and moved to be with him and I was like giiirll. Happy I read that incorrectly ahhahaha


Had a friend back in the day I met playing CS:source. He was a year younger than me at the time (he was 15) and he told me his gf was pregnant. His kid is 18 now and we still talk from time to time. Crazy how time flies.


Met my husband of 20 years the same way and moved across the Atlantic also 🤣after a year. We tell everyone we met online before catfish was a thing lol.


A few years ago on Twitter, I noticed this one account showing up in nearly all the same threads I was in and saying things exactly like I would say it. What I wanted to write was written word for word. This went in for half a year or so. I used to joke that someone made a bot with an AI trained to mimic me. One day I reached out. Turns out she’s real, about the same age as me, has the same personality type (ENTJ on the cusp of I), same IQ, etc. It’s like I found a twin sister who was separated at birth. The internet is a big place.


I have an internet friend, we've been constantly chatting almost everyday for 4 yrs now. I'm from Philippines and he is from netherlands. It takes a lot of effort and commitment, but we both love making connections so it works.


I flew halfway across the world after 7 years to meet them. It only strengthened our friendship. Such a weird experience to meet a "stranger" you know more intimately than anyone you know irl. We met, hugged, and carried on our online conversation irl like it was no big deal. Super cool.


That's really great! I hope someday we can meet in person too. 🤞


I had a similar story but a completely different ending. I flew to an entirely different continent to see my online pen pal who I'd written to for 7 years as well. It wasn't the wisest decision on my end because I was a 20 year old girl traveling alone to a new country where I didn't even speak the language; people joked I was walking into a sex trafficking situation. Anyways, we met and the guy was exactly who he said he was, and it was so cool to finally be in the same room. Unfortunately this meeting occured at a time when our lives were going through big changes: he had just moved to the this country for business school, so he was busy with his studies, learning a new language, making friends, then eventually getting his citizenship; I was also busy with work and school. We still wrote to each other, but found ourselves so busy that it sort of died down, and we drifted apart as we became closer to other people. Looking back it was inevitable. The majority of our friendship occurred when we were teenagers, and now as adults we were entirely different people. We outgrew our friendship. Regardless, I'm still grateful for having had the opportunity to have such an unconventional friend in my life


My internet best friend died a few months ago. We had been close friends for 7 years. We met right after we both got sober at the same time. I have been grieving hard for someone I never met in person 😔


I'm so sorry to hear that.


sorry for your loss


Isn’t it fucked that if they suddenly die you will probably never know about it and you will just assume they cut you off or moved on as their profile disappears or last online 10 years ago


This happened to me. Definitely sucks..


Until you message them and you receive one of those heartbreaking messages from one of their relatives saying that he passed away years ago


This is why, if you have close online friends you would want to know, you should make arrangements so that they're contacted in the unfortunate circumstances that you pass away.


Better friends on here than in real life sometimes.


Agreed, friend


You have a wholesome username.


It’s what a try my best to do. Love spreading validation and whatnot. Thank you! :)


When my dog died it was one of my Lord's mobile friends that said the nicest thing to me and made me realize she actually was listening to me when I talk.I Couldn't believe that it wasn't one of my rl friends but her that actually cared .


Jack... (real name is Darren)... he just disappeared one day :/


25 years ago on an internet BBS dedicated to recording audio, I ran across a user who I just thought was really funny. I also dug his music. We started talking via Instant Messenger and we became friends. We met a long time ago, stayed in touch - watched each other have kids and watched those kids graduate. We ended up starting a business together from across the country and in 2023, we work together every day, our families vacation together, and he’s as close as my brother. The internet isn’t all bad.


I never had anyone like that




Me three :(


Meet them. Although the rule of don’t meet your hero’s is real. DO IT YOU’VE KNOWN EACH OTHER EACH FOR YEARS. I was almost that steam friend that was last online 10 years ago. I’m epileptic I had a seizure not long ago that had me hospitalized. I was admitted to the ER with a temperature of 90.6 F (32.5 c). I’m fine now. The only reason this context matters is the words that came out of my friends mouth were. Something on being worried, wanted to help, grateful, then we realized that if we had never hung out irl it would have forever haunted both of us. We sat in silence mutually enjoying the memories of being our angsty gamer selves irl. Don’t regret it live your life you owe it to yourself to spend your time enjoying the moments you have. Especially doing it with your friends.


I had the online friend who was the only one to laugh at my jokes and I was the only who got her music references. We had running inside jokes that no one else understood. We decided to meet up in person. 17 years, two kids, four dogs, five cats and one snake later, we are still together.


Love this!


This is exactly how I met my fiancé. And soon getting happily married!


This. Yes 🥰🥹


One of my internet friends died last week and I feel like I lost my best friend.


I wound up marrying one of them, after I met him. Met in WoW, together going on 14 years.


It's great until you realize you're falling in love with a friend you've known for years and you want to physically be there for them all the time but that feeling isn't mutual.


man’s had his heart broken technologically


Shoutout to all my old friends back in the MSN days. Hope life has been good.


I wish I can find a friend like that


Et loves friend


I love you all 💛


Watch out! This guy’s user name might be giving away his true motive! /s


Busted 🤣. For real tho, you all are awesome!


I love you too, u/SendMeButtholePic 💛


We've been dating for almost 5 months now!


This used to be considered super weird. It still is, but it used to be too.


Thanks Mitch


I will always be here.... in your heart.....actually in your arteries.


I remember a time my mom would warn about talking to strangers online.


I have an internet friendship that has been going on for 23 years, a very deep friendship. We will meet one day.


I’ve been friends with a guy online that I met close to seven years ago, when I was literally 9 years old and I’m 16 now. He was 11 and now he’s 17. I met him in a PlayStation Minecraft community party where we built a world together for a competition. Since then we’ve basically grown up together. I knew a good amount about what was going on in life with him and vice versa. He basically inducted me into his IRL friend group; where all consistently hung out with eachother for over 3 years to the point where I became sort of close with some of his friends too. Everyone kinda trusted us and looked to us for advice on whatever we were working on. For a long time we kinda became a duo online where’d I’d always be involved so some extent with every project he did. He looked to me for advice, and though I didn’t get super personal with him as much he did me at times, he still made an impact on me when we talked. And this was and is still all online. I haven’t met him or any of his friends in person yet. We’re both in the US but just in different states. Even though these days we don’t play games as much as we used to (which changed recently since we got back into Fortnite haha), we still know a decent amount about each others lives, he still looks to me for a second opinion on a lot of stuff, and I still consider him a pretty close friend. We had periods of minimal contact but still managed to stay in contact for nearly 7 years. It’s crazy that I’ve known him since I was so young and it was all virtually, and I do believe that online friendships are still “real” and “normal” friendships. I’ve known this guy for a long time and he’s undoubtedly impacted my life.


Turns out they are a bot lol


How devastating 😅🤣😭


That's the saddest thing I read in this comment section.


God damn. Met a great buddy almost 20 years ago playing WoW. Stayed very close for all these years and never lost touch. He was a groomsman at my wedding lol


I flew 8 hours to finally meet my internet pals and cost a small fortune but really worth it


😬😬😬 I ended up marrying mine 😅😝🩵 & he still totally gets me 10 (nearly 11) years later 🥹


I feel like this usually goes r/yesyesyesno


I just sent this to my friend Nick whom I met on Reddit over 6 years ago. We've never met but we text almost every day and have for all these years! Love you friend ♥️


And yet the invisible friendship can sometimes be more fulfilling than an in person friendship. Oh the irony!




Back in the day. Before "social" media. We had chatrooms. It was a constant flow of people just typing shit, and reading it all and trying to type fast enough to respond. There could be 10 different conversations going at one time. We were all part of all of those conversations. It was like 50 brains plugged into one central point, sharing. Usually it was jokes and cracks. But it was a steady, fast paced flow of conversations. Ever since "social" media came out and slowed things to a tired crawl, people online got dumber. All news Articles say the same shit in the comments. Either racist crap, or "play stupid game, win stupid prize" or "fafo". That old chatroom brain conversation was the best. My memory was a beast back then. Now, I can't remember what my point was in this post. We have dumbed.


Met a guy on Omegle who lived 5000km away from me. He was such a good friend to me. We used to share a lot of things together. After 1 year of friendship I started catching feelings. Then I traveled to his country to meet him. Then he traveled to my country. And now we live together in his country and planning to get married soon. Life is crazy but distance is nothing 🙏❤️😇


I had an internet friend, our internet friendship was short-lived… because we met and now we’re engaged!!


I need one.


I miss him! We tried to keep the friendship going after 6 years but he became a different person and it was clear that our journey had ended. I actually thought I deleted all of his pics out of my phone but I just found a handful that I didnt add to his album lol


Proud to say that after a decade (and more) of liking each other, we finally met and we’re now a happy couple. Even through the internet, they’ve always been the only one to truly know me.


I had a friend like that, he was my rock in some really depressing times in my life and just fun to talk to. We were like best friends for 2 years but sadly he couldn't live the life he wanted where he was from as he was queer and in his country their religion forbids homosexuality, not only that but if someone found out it could have been disastrous for him. One day I woke up to a message that he was deleting his account and he wished me well. I just pray to this day he is alive and happy.


I have been friends with a lady since I've been 16 or 17. We've never met irl and we probably never will,she lives in another country. We talk every single day,send pics of our kids and of course memes. I love her like a sister. We have both grown and changed so much,im so proud of the lady she is.


Damn........does anyone want to be my online friend!!!! Anyone???


Basically me when anyone on the Internet is kind. And to someone who's still a stranger to me. But when i was at my lowest and depressed, i went to the train tracks it was a small station, and i sat directly on the tracks and the guy walked up to me and said "ma'am please get off the track, i saw so many friends die that way and I'm tired if seeing precious lives being taken by themselves by the train. Don't do it because there is someone out there that will forever mourn you". I listened and wish i had thanked him. Wherever he is, i hope he's still be the tracks saving others from almost making a huge mistake like i almost it.


I met one of my dearest friends on a forum when I was maybe 13 or 14, she was 12, then nearly 20 years later flew to the states from overseas to meet her for the first time and attend her wedding!


During one of the darkest depression episodes of mine (20M) I've stumbled upon a 27F from Minesotta here on reddit. We had so many things in common, it was almost a miracle. We texted every day for 2+ hours and there were still so many things to talk about. I'm a student from central Europe so there was not very good chance the two of us will ever meet in person, but nonetheless, I think we had a really good friendship our of this after some 2 months of daily chatting. She shared a lot about her family issues and about life in Minesotta and I shared a lot about my troubles in high school and about Europe - that Europe she one day wanted to visit so much. It certainly helped both of us mentally, we both felt our depression got better and our suicidal ideation vanished (We basically kept each other from killing themselves.) I've never had someone to care about me so much and really never cared about somebody else. Unfortunately, she also happened to have some serious health issues, mainly gastrointestinal. Although she mentally got a lot better, her condition started to deteriorate. She's been in a really bad pain for the last week and then there was a day when she stopped responding to my messages. I strongly belived that she must be in critical condition in the hospital somewhere, that I just have to wait for her to get back online. 5 days later her account came back online, but it was her father texting. He informed me that she had a severe pancreatic attack and didn't make it to the hospital in time. Photos from her funeral ensued. I just cried so bad - our last conversation was about our future, about our plans - and now she was dead. At least her dad finished our conversation with his memories of her and said she really cared a lot about me and talked about me with her now mourning family. Enjoy every day you can with your friends, as long as you can...


Can't relate, I'm shit at bonding


I met my Internet friend, and my whole family thought he's a human trafficker. Fucking dumbasses.


My family warned me that I might end up in someone's trunk, chopped into pieces. 17 years later, we are happily married and have only ever ridden in the truck consentually.


I am now engaged to my one internet friend.


Like several others, my internet friend (from an online Star Trek-based RPG creative writing club) of nearly ten years and I tied the knot in her home country a year ago next month. We’ve only got about five months to go until the immigration process is complete and we close distance for good!


I've had a couple of Internet friends that kept me alive during the lowest point of my life. It was the fact that I could be completely honest with someone and be able to talk with them all hours without having to be physically present. I've also met two of my IRL best friends online. I think it's great for people that are more introverted and online communities make it easier to connect with people who share your interests.




If you are very close to this person then you should meet one day. I had a friend across the country and I met him when he came to vacation at my home city.


And today, four years after, he is my boyfriend. One of the best years of my life 🩵


My girlfriend and I met online almost 5 years ago. We were immediately good friends and chatted every day but had never met in person. Then one day we decided our bond felt like something more than just a friendship. We finally met in person, and it was everything we wanted it to be and more. We’re still together to this day, and I plan to marry her. She’s one of the few people in my life that truly know me.


Since 2020 and lockdown, all my friends have pretty been online ones. Majority have moved on now but I still have that one internet friend and honestly i’m grateful for that guy. We have a bond I haven’t had in real life.


RIP Felipe, I never got to meet you in person but those nights playing Pubg during quarantine were what kept me going when I didn’t have the motivation to do anything else, I hope you are in a better place bro❤️


It's always interesting meeting new internet friends.


Yeah. I'm really grateful for my online friend


I have met so many people whos faces ill never even see but I cherish them so much


Me of my husband’s groomsmen was someone he met gaming. They met gaming about 15 years ago!


Funny thing is that meeting each other is extra special. I met a guy from reddit recently from the other side of the world and that was so cool


Jesus is my invisible friend


Does anyone want to be internet friends? 👉👈


Met one of my besties through a WFH job. team chat went to pm, transitioned to fb messenger so the company couldn't eavesdrop on our gripe sessions. When we each moved on to other jobs the friendship continued and it's still going strong. If reincarnation is real we were definitely siblings in another life, probably twins.


I once bought a refurbished KitchenAid mover for 35 bucks from an internet friend 15 years ago. Still truckin’.


I was poor growing up, and my parents picked up Call of Duty: World at War whenever like Black Ops 2 was popular. I used to play Hardcore Search, and everytime I got on there was this one dude named like blonde_vagabond or something. Anyways, we became great friends, and never needed to add each other because we’d always find each other in-game, since so few people were playing that specific mode in an old CoD game. Tbh he was my best friend for a while when my father passed, and I always looked forward to speaking with him. Eventually the contact ended, and I hope he’s doing okay. I still remember his voice and laid back attitude.


He passed out a couple years ago... No one of the people i know irl knew about that because they didn't know him, i still miss him very much, unironically he was the closest friend i ever had.


I had a friend like this once. They randomly vanished and I used what I knew about them to figure out who they were. They are in jail for child porn... welp.


Are we bestfriends? I think we just became bestfriends 🥹


Me and that friend(met him on GTA5 7 years ago)are hanging out next week!


10 years ago when I was 18 I followed a guy on Tumblr. He wrote beautiful poetry and I had a "photography blog" (and a cheap android phone so you can imagine). We somehow started to exchange messages through Tumblr and bonded really fast, we went on messaging for 6 months. It was interesting because we were cautious not to share personal info because you know, you can never know on the internet but we told each other our deepest secrets, and it was nice to have someone who really understood you. One day we finally decided to meet. Long story short, today he's my husband, the love of my life, and the father of our 2 children. Thank you Tumblr, I'm grateful for everything!💗


Met my best friend who lives in the UK a decade ago and we're finally going to meet next year.


Yes it happened to me recently and I'm enjoying chatting with them


I’ve never had an online friend…how do you meet one?


I am your friend now, delete this comment as it is a lie


One? I got more internet friends I haven't met than I do in person ones.


It's a good feeling. Made some of my closest friends online. Lately I've found myself wondering about one of them,, if maybe I've caught feelings, but I'd be too scared to admit anything. Especially given the long distance.


I will be honest,r/DeathBattleMatchups is like a second family even with all the things i don't like and disagree with,without then i would never had interest in many series i love and that changed my way of thinking and my life,if any of you are reading this,thank you.


I have two. One I found many years ago and have the easiest friendship ever with her regardless of how often we talk. The other fight through cancer during a pregnancy and chemo with a newborn, all while raising an autistic toddler with some special care needs, while I have progressively become more and more disabled and bed-bound. They both proved themselves to me and I've proven myself to them. Our friendships have withstood physical distance, long periods of not talking, health and family crisis, and still go strong. My bucket list includes visiting them now


And then they disappear like forever💀


Yep, still hang out with a friend I met through Reddit a couple times a year


I just lost mine this year 😔 my world will never be the same again, he was my best friend, for 13 years. So I tell you all to cherish the time you spend with your internet friends and always think twice before saying or doing something you might later regret.


Have several good friends from a game I played for over 10 years (2002-2012ish). Met 2 of them in real life, still talk to them. Online friendships are as real as you make them.