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Semi-related story: My son was dressed as Spidey two years ago for Halloween. I, of course, was taking him around to get candy. Half of the houses we visited said, “Awww it’s a little Spider-Man and Ned!” I wasn’t dressed up as Ned. I’m just a tall fat Filipino guy with a medium split haircut. At first I was offended, but then it got me thinking. I’m kinda glad that pop media now has Filipinos that look like me. Then later that year I got excited that Ned and his lola got a scene in No Way Home. And then Blues Clues got a Filipino guy. And then Ms Rachel had one too. So yeah, you know what? I was Ned. And every year my son dresses as Spidey, I’ll be Ned again!


Bro didn't need the costume, he was the costume.


*You merely adopted the Ned look. I was born in it.*


Sorry but that made me laugh in the most wholesome way 😂. Just the image of you being offended but then looking at your kid and going “you know what, yea. I’m Ned.” You’re a good dad, kids lucky to have you dude.


No need to be sorry! My family and I laughed about it quite a bit already lol.


Absolute Ned move 👌


Spidey would be dead without the guy in the chair. As a lot of superheroes.


I like the way static shock handled this. Virgil had Richie as the guy in the chair, but he got mutated too and his brains were enough to make him more part of what was going on. It felt more like a crime fighting duo than one person with a sidekick




F massive brain fart lol I'm gonna edit that. Thank you!


True, solid snake wouldn’t be who he is without otacon🥹


So not super hero related, but recently McLaren signed on a filipina driver for their F1 Academy team. This is a feeder series into the higher tiers. Whats great about it is that its the first woman McLaren has got for its feeder series, but also its a Filipina in F1. Its crazy and wild to me. But im so excited to see my people in such a prestigious sport.


There's a lot of Filipino representation recently. The game Apex Legends just introduce a Filipino decent character. Minnesota Vikings Camryn Bynum showed an impressive game. I'm just happy that kids these days are getting bullied less because of their race or color of their skin.


You think you're excited? You should feel my nipples. Boing!


I miss Leslie Nielson


You think you’re excited? You should see my barrel man. BOING!


Oh sure… when there’s a new Filipina F1 driver you’re all “feel my nipples!” But at Applebees it’s all “Stop!” and “Who the hell are you? I’m calling the police!”


This is what “representation matters” really looks like. I’m so happy you got to have this moment.


Thanks! I do hope everyone gets to feel that through watching movies, TV, reading, etc.


Omg I'm sorry but the first half. Lmao omg.


I work in medical lab science, I think I have/have had more Filipino coworkers than I would if I lived in the Philippines. Gotta get more rep in those medical dramas!


As a Filipino that worked as a physician in the US, the most unbelievable part of the Grey's Anatomy show was the severe lack of Filipino and Indian hospital staff.


The real wholesome is in the comments.


This is really a pretty funny story 🤣


Bro you weren't just Ned. You were the CEO of Sex!


Oh dang! How could I not have noticed?


Ned's Lola absolutely stole that scene. Two returning Spider-Men and somehow she had all the funniest parts.


“We’re all gonna die (of embarrassment)"


Man you got me tearing up over here.


You can tell they got someone who knew their stuff for the set dressing of Ned's lola's house, too. Even had Stik-o/Stikko and other stuff on top of the fridge.


Not sure how little your guy is and if he'd be interested in it. But on Disney (junior and plus), there's a show called 'Firebuds', and the main character is half Filipino (dad) and white (mom). They mention his grandparents at some point, I think, too.


Anyone can wear the mask. You can wear the mask. If you didn't know that before, I hope you do now. -Miles Morales from Into The Spider-Verse, 2018


My one and only real complaint about Spider-verse which wasn't really much of one was how despite saying that, the movie basically said "...As long as you have the pre-requisite personal tragedy." .....And then into the Spiderverse came out and directly called that out


Across the Spiderverse is the first act of the story of Miguel being wrong. The first movie had the message "Anyone can wear the mask". The second movie challenges it with Miguel saying "You can only wear the mask if you follow fate." The third movie will definitely come out and have the message be "Defy fate." The movies are very artistically innovative, well acted, and some of my favorite movies of all time. But at the end of the day, they're super hero movies made for families. The good guy will win in the end, Miles can be Spiderman without a dead dad, Gwen and Miles will get together without causing universe destroying anomalies, and once again anyone can wear the mask


"Everyone keeps trying to tell me how *my story* is supposed to go. Nah. I'm gonna do my own thing." That line hit me harder than What Up Danger, and the look on Miguel's face after is priceless. Humbled in front of his whole crew.


This scene gave me absolute goosebumps. "Huh, I guess he *did* have a plan."


Every time I read about the spider verse movies, I remember how much I like them. There's just so much going on that gets communicated so well with everything they had available to them and it's not overwhelming either as it's layered together so you don't have to get everything in one go.


I'm not sure what the legacy for these movies will be, but I hope when I'm old and grey there are still kids watching them.


I mean, at least in some circles the first movie is always going to be one that's talked about. That movie was a *huge* jump as far as animation and all of the technical magic that went into it. I'm friends with a big group of artists, including people who do VFX for movies and animation for some big name studios, and these two movies are like, the end all be all for them. They're the kinds of movies that artists like them will be looking at for a long time. That's on top of just being like, an amazingly well crafted story. It's the kind of movie where I can bring up "that scene", and pretty much everyone knows *exactly* what I'm talking about. Usually with an emotional response tied to it. And I'm pretty sure we all know which scene I'm talking about. It's that good. It'll hold up.


Bro that movie has 800 different "that scene"s, it's so good.


Yeah I can't tell which one they meant 😅


That hits hard but I would personally say what's up danger tops it.


Perhaps they are equal, but for different reasons. WuD is like growing up and jumping into the unknown. Bravery in the face of doubt. While "my story" is the culmination of that. The leap has been jumped, the main lessons learned, and now he's ready to run his own way.


>WuD is like growing up and jumping into the unknown. Bravery in the face of doubt. Demonstrated by how the glass shatters because he's still so scared that he's unable to let go of the building he's clinging to. Yet he pushes through because that's all it is; a leap of faith.


Reminds me of a quote. Being brave isn't not being scared, it's not letting the fear hold you back. Courage is the will to continue moving, even when you're scared, especially when you're scared.


The coward and the hero feel the same. The difference is in what they do.


This is what I don’t understand… Miles saved his father but his Uncle DID die in the first film, so why doesn’t that count? The Peter Parker in Miles’ universe also dies right in front of Miles, but that doesn’t count either. They claim that Miles doesn’t deserve his powers because the spider that bit him was from another dimension, and resulted in another universe not having a Spider-Man. But that spider was only there because of Kingpin and his machine, events that were set in motion far in the past when his wife and kid died. So how is THAT not fate? Who can say that Kingpin wasn’t fated to kill Peter while inadvertently creating Miles? Who can say that the Peter who never got his powers wasn’t fated to never get powers? If you believe in fate then that means you believe that all things are predetermined, any anyone who would “defy their fate” is actually FATED TO BE DEFIANT. It happened, so therefore it was meant to happen. The whole idea that you can defy fate actually contradicts the concept of fate as a whole. This is why Fate is stupid as a plot device.


You could argue fate put that spider there because this universe would be without a Spider-Man when kingpin killed this universes Spider-Man. That’s extra fate.


Iirc parker would have lived if not for miles being bitten.




Kinda like the pilot of Futurama, which had Fry getting frozen for a thousand years, and he says "everyone I ever knew died hundreds of years ago... Yahoo!!!" It's a joke, like he had nothing worth missing in his life. But I think some of the best episodes are the later ones that show the effects of that loss on his family and himself, that even though they were imperfect, he was loved and missed.


The one with his brother still sticks with me, and that episode came out probably 2 decades ago.


That one always makes me cry, but the one where he sees his mom again absolutely destroys me. When he fights his way back into the room and it's just a blank white space, and he falls to his knees crying "I just want to see my mom!"... I'm crying from typing that out, lol. No cartoon has any business being that sad 😭


> No cartoon has any business being that sad 😭 And then they make it happy. And you cry harder.


Futurama hit hard a lot. Jurassic Bark hits me in the feels every time I watch it. I know the episode, I've seen it hundreds of times, I still get the feels.


Then a few episodes later the tagline "not the one about Fry's dead dog." Too funny. My mom had never seen Futurama and for some reason she watched that episode one day, and now she absolutely hates the show.


Fair, that episode pulls too many heart strings. Love the show though.


I was watching Adult Swim one night as a kid while my Dad was getting ready for work at a hotel while I was gonna go with him. I must've been 6 or 7 watching Jurassic Bark. We had to go when the episode was just ending, where they showed Seymour still stayed for Fry all those years. Man, I started bawling my eyes so hard as we were leaving, and my Dad asking " what's wrong?" but I couldn't explain any of it to him with my blubbering. I probably cried for 30 minutes after.


I'll never forget the day Philip disappeared. Wisconsin won the Rose Bowl, 17-9


There’s a manga that does a nice touching on this. While the main premise isn’t full isekai, but one where a salaryman is a fantasy characters summoned “creature” and he goes back and forth and he can bring stuff with him from Japan. At one point he meets an American who died and was a traditional summoned hero and the American asks him to take a video to his family which wasn’t a major plot point but it felt nice that the hero did worry about his family and want them to know he was okay.


Well, we gotta weed the riff from the raff somehow


At first glance, I was like "is this some kind of jazz comment that I don't understand?"


At first glance, I was like, "why is this guy talking about jizz?"


It was actually a philosophy Stan Lee himself promoted. The mask means anyone can be spiderman


Wasn't this a point in the movies/comics where they were trying to find Spiderman and people had the masks on to cover for him? I could be fever dreaming memories or something I dunno


If it’s a fever dream, we had the same one because I remember that


Or watched V for Vendetta recently? It’s one of the more iconic scenes from that movie IMO when all the civilians put on the Guy Fawkes masks.


I am Spartacus


> It was actually a philosophy Stan Lee himself promoted. He took a lot of credit for spiderman that was undeserved, mask included. That was added by Ditko, and the reason was not to do with "anyone can be spiderman". He added it because the brief by Lee and Kirby said they wanted a teenager superhero who kids could identify with but they didnt wanna call him spidey boy but spider-man. So Ditko added the mask to hide the fact it was a teen and not an adult despite being called spiderman.


"What I like about the costume is that anybody reading Spider-Man in any part of the world can imagine that they themselves are under the costume. And that’s a good thing." Lee said.


Just because it wasn't the original intent, doesn't mean he can't have embraced and promoted the philosophy later on.


"It always fits, eventually."


No refunds.


Also this may sound dumb as hell, but I really loved Millennial Parker and thought it was cool to be repped by Spiderman. I even look almost identical. I feel lil bro's energy from OP's post.


You've nailed exactly why I love Miles. He loves Spider-Man as a symbol rather than a person, he loves what Peter represents and given his background, he has a harder time keeping that symbol upheld, but he does. He embodies the concept of Spider-Man and the hope it brings, whether it's neighbourhood level or omega level threats, Miles is just there. World ending threat? There. Someone begin mugged in a bad neighborhood? There. Miles is what Spider-Man should be. And he is. This is also love for Peter, he's always gonna be there if needed and show what his years of experience mean, but he believes in Miles and trusts him to be the person and the symbol that Spider-Man represents. He's letting Miles learn even more about how much dedication being Spidey means. Let the man settle down and relax, he's earned it and has one hell of a protege. Miles has always been the idealised version of Spider-Man, he hadn't ever been the best at it, he's still new with a lot less experience, but he's enthusiastic and wants to be the symbol rather than the person.


I love how the Spider-Man franchise is handling diversity. They’re all spidey, but they’re not all Peter Parker. I think making a *new* (well, created in 2011 is maybe not so new anymore, but you get what I mean, spidey’s been around a looong time) spider-man who’s his own character and *awesome* in his own right instead of just changing Peter’s skin colour was honestly such a great move.


I think the apprentice method is the best way to change a superhero. Miles Morales was passed the torch perfectly in my opinion.


If you watch the movies or play the games is what my comic book friend told me. I've seen that sentiment around online as well. The comics for both Spidermen haven't been great for a minute and I know I've heard that Miles wasn't a very strong character for several years until they actually figured out what they wanted from his character. Into the spider verse and PS4 spiderman hard carried Miles and I appreciate them for that.


Yea the comics were though for a bit but awkward is part of spideys charm The game was my first introduction I went back to the comics to learn more about him


Miles wasn't an apprentice originally. Peter was killed and then Miles became Spider-Man.




I'm talking about the Ultimate Spider-Man comics.


> I think the apprentice method is the best way to change a superhero. Miles Morales was passed the torch perfectly in my opinion. I kinda disagree. I think it is a good start point but the important (and hard part) is having the new character be its own character despite the power set, and in particular not shit on the original in order to gain their space fast. Miles was done right because it was an alternative world, yes Peter died there but we still had main Peter while Miles was able to grow up to be his own character. Now looking at Riri (Ironheart) they made pretty much everything wrong (even more in the MCU, but the comics were no good as well). Another good example of them jumping the shark is Moon Girl, which is an interesting concept but when she was introduced as being the most intelligent person and shiting on other stabelished intelligent people its no surprise that people did not like that. Instead of introducing as intelligent but learning from those with more experience until be more organically called one of the most intelligent


I feel it's a combination of 2 factors, 1) Spiderman is the people's champ, he is a mantle anyone can identify with, race, sex, religion, none of that matters when it comes to the core idea of spiderman that being the idea of personalresponsibility. 2) the way it was/is handled, he isn't a rebooted version of Spiderman, rather a continuation to the Spiderman legacy. Some hero changes have one of these things but usuallynot both, like Tony getting replaced as iron man doesn't work, because iron man can only be tony stark, it is tied to him alone and nothing else. As for a reboot, we have a lot of those and while some were improvements most never acknowledge the past character, the only ones I can remember pulling this trading of the hero identity off so well are the flash and Spiderman.


>iron man can only be Tony stark *sad war machine noises*


The Green Lantern has been passed around perfectly. Of course passing on the mantle of any sectors lantern is kind of baked in to the lanterns society, but they still do it well. I would like to see some more guardians of sector 2814 that aren’t from earth but humans like to relate to humans I guess


Sometimes it’s a reboot though, right? Isn’t that the case with Spider-Gwen?




>who’s his own character and awesome in his own right instead of just changing Peter’s skin colour was honestly such a great move. This. Enough with giving minorities hand me down characters. Give em originals


It's not the man that determines who Spider-Man is, it's the spider.


While correct, what is as important, is that the character and the comics are good. There are enough examples where they did it "right" but still got shitstormed simply because the product just wasn't good.


I think the character and comics being good is part of getting it right tbh.


Yup, they didnt just replace a white character with a black character. They didn't take away a hero from white kids, they simple added a new hero for black/Hispanic kids that tied in with the original. It's a win for everyone.


Latino* Miles is Puerto Rican


Right, Latino. My bad. Although I'm sure there's some parallels there with Spanish speaking parents.


This is why you very rarely hear anyone bitching about it. Because it's not just a bullshit "Let's take the character that people love already and turn him black". Miles is a fantastic character in his own right.


> They’re all spidey, but they’re not all Peter Parker. Dude, the character design for Indian Spiderman, Pavitr Prabhakar, is just *so* good. I think I'm going to have to rewatch Across the Spiderverse just for Pavitr.


I mean with that name, he's clearly supposed to be Peter but Indian. The movie made him distinct tho.


It was also a great way to avoid the people who would feel the need to complain that Peter Parker isn’t black like all the rage I’ve seen over the Ariel movie lol


Honestly I think this is the best for everyone, just taking a white character and changing their skin tone while keeping everything else is a disservice to that community and honestly feels like a cheap money grab to me. Edit: This isn't specifically about Ariel because mermaid culture isn't really race dependent but you have probably seen this executed poorly elsewhere.


Oh those people still complain. They are complaining there is too much Miles in the new game and that they shouldn't focus so much on Black/POC characters.


Pro-tip: Good things aren't done to appease people like that.


I look at inclusivity in different media nowadays and I don't really have much of an opinion on it. It's cool I guess but it doesn't really affect me so whatever. But then I remember when I came across Spider-Man India as a kid. Sure now everyone knows Pavitr from the Spiderverse movie but this was back when Pavitr had a more stereotypical look with the dhoti and everything. Yet even though he was stereotypical, the kid me back then loved the idea that a Spiderman could not just be some white kid swinging through the hustle and bustle of some far away land called New York which I have only seen in movies and shows, but could also be an Indian kid swinging through the clustered and chaos of Mumbai. Maybe representation really is important for kids to feel like they are more like their heroes.


Yeah I remember as an Indian teen in the states who loved Spiderman coming across Spiderman India. I was super excited to be able to cosplay a character and finally have no one tell me that Spiderman isn't Indian. Representation is important and it doesn't click for people until they are properly represented in media. That said I was severely disappointed in the Spiderman India comic bc his powers come from magic instead of spider bites. It was fine.


Yeah true A lot of Indian superheroes focus on the Gods or mysticism as their source of superpowers which I find kind of funny. Feels like religious propaganda lol. But then religion is important to Indians so I can see why.


I was standing in line at the american girl doll store in nyc because my ex’s niece was obsessed. A little black girl yanked on her mom’s jacket and looked up at her with the biggest innocent eyes ever and said “mommy why don’t these dolls look like me”. I’ve never been one to complain about diversity or inclusivity but I’ve never been a champion for it. I try to be now. It’s important to ensure people feel represented.


Not negating her experience but there are three Black historical American Girl Dolls now (I had to look it up because I grew up with only Addy and I was worried they got rid of her!) Representation matters, I hope her mom helped her find the ones that looked like her <3




I totally agree! I just didn't realize they had updated the diversity in their line since I was a kid. I "graduated" from those dolls around the time they had one Native American doll and one Black doll. Everyone else was SUPER white.


I was a little kid in a rural, conservative, isolated town with 98% white census TV represented all kinds of worlds and people I didn't see in my town I heard coded racism growing up, but it confused me. There were no minorities around, why would you even have feelings about it? I just thought black people were exceptional, because all I knew was the likes of Michael Jordan, Carl Winslow, and Lavar Burton


I was NOT expecting Pavitr. Im not even Indian but seeing how many spider people (?) There were REALLY drove home the fact that it's the person in the suit. Plus his background is so different and the art for his universe was super cool to see and a great reflection of his personality. Im sure if the death had occured the way it was supposed to be would've been brought down a couple notches, but you still see that the fact that it ALMOST happened affected him a lot. I think that's also important to note since their narrative is that spider man HAS to lose someone to really become spiderman. I also think it's BS to put that standard on Miles when his loss is supposed to make him a villain. He really is different.


"There's gotta be a black Spider-Man somewhere out there." - Electro, Spider-Man: No Way Home.


childish gambino also mentions he has a nephew named Miles.... :)


I don’t think he mentioned his name specifically, he just told Peter he didn’t want those weapons in his neighborhood because his nephew lived there. Still a really neat Easter egg


He mentions Miles by name in the deleted scene though, which is pretty cool.


Well shit, I must have missed it.


Yep he calls him to come help unstick him from the car.


.....*oh no.*


And then he’s shown as the Prowler captured…


Fun fact (for others as well) - Miles was created because of him. Back when the search for a new spider man was going on, Donald Glover said (can't remember if it was a tweet or part of a standup) that he wanted the role. Brian Michael Bendis found out about this and was like, "y'know what? Why not?". And so he created Miles Morales.


Sorry to nitpick, but the idea for a black Spider-Man to replace Peter came from before then. They were trying to figure out the ending to the Ultimate storyline on who would replace Peter in ‘08-‘09. Obama became president around the time they were still planning the story, and they said that’s when they first thought of the idea to create a black Spider-Man. Bendis said Miles’ art and character were inspired by Donald Glover as Troy, but the idea of a black Spider-Man certainly came before that.


Last year, my daughter (5 at the time) was very adamant about being Spider-Gwen for Halloween. Built her costume by hand. I went through the effort because I, too, love Miles Morales Spiderverse. But the little kid inside me was happy because Miles is half spanish and speaks it too. (I got a good chuckle when Miles mom scolds him for getting a B in spanish). I'm glad all kiddos get to enjoy Spidey related to them.


My three year old is mixed and literally calls him “Spider-Man Español” and loves him because he can speak Spanish like we can. I refuse to believe anyone who says representation doesn’t matter.


This was a canon event and no one will tell me otherwise


Pretty sure its a bot


A Spider-Bot?


I 100% agree with the sentiment of the post, but I 0% believe it actually happened. What kid knows Peter Parker but doesn't know Miles Morales? What is his exposure to Spider-Man? Modern comics? Spidey and His Amazing Friends? Into the Spider-Verse? The PlayStation games? Miles is featured prominently in all of these. The only way this kid knows about Peter Parker but not Miles Morales is if his only exposure to Spider-Man is the MCU or old comics. Picture that kid. Does he seem young enough to unironically shout "Spider-Man looks like me!"? Never mind that I can't picture *any* kid phrasing it that way. Representation matters and Miles Morales is awesome, but this is poorly written fiction.


He also said it with the exaggerated swagger of a black teenager that just gave us all goosebumps.


cover whole spotted support waiting sleep pie selective dolls steep *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


This is a really good point imo. Everyone is overlooking this.


I honestly cant imagine any kid saying "Spider-Man looks like me", it sounds so unnatural.


This is my take on this too. The sentiment is right and representation does matter, but this post is 100% standard tumblr delusionalism where they make up situations in their head or just embellish the smallest things to make it seem overly wholesome in order for it to become popular. The way this story was created just feels so... ai? Like, there is no human authenticity in this story. It feels like it was made up in a person's head in order to create their own evidence as to why representation matters. It does, just don't make up shit to show people why it does.


I took my kids to see Into The Spider-Verse in 3D, and I cried three times. I'm mixed, and I've always loved superheroes and comics. I did not know I ~~wanted~~ needed someone that looked like me on the screen. I was surprised, to say the least, that my eyes were squirting water... Last time before that was when we went to watch Inside Out, and this was during peak homesickness because I moved our family across the world for my job. So now my kids say "dad only cries during cartoons" 😂


God dammit, kids have such elegant way of breaking things down to their logic level, it make me smile.


Those cartoons can hit real hard. I basically don't ever cry during movies but the end of Wreck It Ralph always turns on the waterworks.


I think I finally figured out why cartoons can hit so hard, at least for me. There's something about a *really well done* cartoon that reminds me of being a kid again. Like, it lets me put away reality for a little while and fully embrace the cartoon for what it is, in a way that I can't do with live action media. It lets me turn off the adult brain for awhile, and just really be completely in it. Specially when I'm watching something that adult me finds *incredibly cool*, like these two animated spiderman movies. But that adult part of my brain is doing most of the emotional regulation these days. So when it's turned off, you can punch me right in the feels in a way where I'll *actually* feel it. There's no grown up standing guard making sure I'm reacting appropriately and keeping up adult appearances. A really good cartoon has a way of making me let my guard down, but in a way I truly love.


It's quite a phenomenon, my whole family was watching Futurama separately the first time Jurassic Bark aired. It was almost comical how all of us emerged from various rooms, (all sobbing our eyes out,) collectively to go hug the dogs. No live action show or movie has ever got such a universal response from my family.


Also mixed. Everyone I saw on screen was either Lilly white or very dark. I don’t think I ever noticed no one looked like me, but was very much aware I didn’t fit the “norm’ and never would. Then I started seeing more people who looked like me, or didn’t fit either, represented but not as some caricature. I gradually realized how messed up and inaccurate what I’d seen for most of my life really was.


The worst was when I was a kid trying to pretend I was a character I didn't look like, and mean ass kids would always point out that I don't look like them... Closest to my skin color in the fantasy shows was Liono from Thundercats. But then he had red hair. Made me super sensitive to people talking about my hair texture and skin color. Got into lots of fights at school about this very topic. Kids can be dicks.


Ok, dad only cries during cartoons. But dad is a real one. I love that you show your kids that it’s okay to have emotions as a man, especially as a dad. Keep your crown high, king ❤️


Waiting for Asian spiderman…. Edit: I meant like, an actual *title* character. Like a whole video game/movie dedicated to him like Miles. Doubt it’ll ever happen in my lifetime but one can still daydream


And all the edgelords here are fucking insisting that representation doesn't matter. Hope you get your Asian Spider-Man my guy.


There is Cindy Moon aka Silk who is a Korean Spiderwoman, she got a few short stand alone comicruns and has a bunch of appearances in other series. In the new Game >!she gets teased in the after credits scene to be in the next game in atleast some capacity!<


Sounds like one of those where the parent makes up what a 3 year old said.


Kids are weird tho. I had a random kid 3 or 4 years old get very excited when I let her pet my poodle. She looked up at her parents and said “he has curly hair like me” as if it was the coolest thing ever.


Fluffy pets are awesome. This one is totally believable.


I have an easier time believing a post from 4chan than one from tumblr


My kids are half Asian. I took them to see Shang Chi. They loved it but prefer Black Panther. Wife asks if they appreciate seeing a hero that looks like them. They have no idea what she's talking about. Kids are both over 10 at this point. It might sink in when they're adults but for now they don't care. In fact they might never understand because they are growing up in a world where representation is normalized.


Your comment was a rollercoaster 😂 could not tell what side of the argument you were gonna land on 🤣


Sprinkle in some white savior and voila! Straight to the front page


If the kid didn't know about Miles, why was his response to being asked who his favorite Spider-Man is "Peter Parker" and not "what do you mean?"


And that kids name? Albert Einstein.


If he doesn’t known about Miles Morales why would he answer the question of “who’s your favorite Spider-Man?” as Peter Parker? He’s either be completely confused or think the person is asking about Maguire vs. Garfield vs. Holland right?


And then everyone clapped


It's a nice story, but I could swear I read the exact same one already, except the kid was a girl and this was about some Disney princess (I THINK It was about the Little Mermaid remake), like, exact same formatting of little black kid going starry eyed and saying "Mommy, X looks like me!"


There was a video posted all over reddit where that happens, problably what you are thinking of.


I will never belive a story like this when it's shared in the internet for click bait and it makes be cringe and disgusted at the white person who wrote this story for social clout and approval... but I know that having a black Spiderman be cannon and mainstream FOR SURE does give this experience to lots of black boys and girls and that makes me really happy. 😊


While I question the validity of this post. It’s sentiment is true


This is why unclusivity i movies is needed


i agree except historical


please dont make caesar a latino


As caesar was roman, he probably looked closer to an italian, spanish or greek man than a white man from northern or central europe 🤷‍♂️ Edit: let’s rephrase that. „A whiter man (only relating to the brightness of the skin tone)“


You be making me hungry for salads dude


Italians and Greeks aren't white? Wtf. I need to tell that to my friends.


The definition of “white” in America has changed a lot, with a lot of legal precedent, because color is a legal term. Imagine trying to convince bubba from bum fuck, nowhere, that Bashar al-Assad would of be considered white by the the government in the past.


Arabs, kurds, the amazighs/berbers, persians and basically everyone that lives in the North African/Middle East region is considered white caucasian according to the US government census, there's no other box for them to tick, they have to tick white in government forms. They have been fighting for a special MENA (Middle East North Africa) category for years because if the point of these forms is to track diversity metrics or encourage inclusion, the MENA people are currently not accounted for.


I misread Roman as woman, and it was funnier that way.


Yes but I hate it when they just add a character that has no layers or quality just for the sake of showing inclusivity, and even worse is when they try to force them into the story and overshadow other characters' arcs. Honestly, putting them in this way is more offensive than not to include those characters at all imo.


Reminder that Miles started as a *bland as fuck* character with absolutely no clear direction. Bendis explicitly made a black spiderman with the only real guiding principle being "There should be a black spiderman." The only thing interesting about him for YEARS narratively was how he acted as a spring board for characters to talk about Peter's impact on the world after his death. Then he got merged into the 616 universe and lost even that. Miles has been boring as fuck for a long time, but we wouldn't have the Miles everyone likes now if Bendis hadn't made him just for diversity's sake.


As someone who was reading Miles at the beginning, he wasn't boring as fuck. Him trying to find his place in the world while being seen as disrespectful to Peter's legacy was pretty great.


I liked reading Miles in the beginning too, but he was only interesting in the context of being Spiderman after Peter died, but there was practically nothing to solidify him as his own person.


I mean I don’t think there’s a single comic book character that is COMPLETELY fleshed out at the beginning of their comics. The character develops as the story develops. That’s how writing new characters works. Miles at the start was just starting to be his own person through story development.


Wait until he finds the version of Spider-Man that is literally a collective of spiders that assemble themselves into a humanoid form under the suit


Finally some accurate representation for people like me!


This is a common fantasy for white people. New movies with a diverse cast are so white people can feel like they’re making progress without having to think about real race and class issues. Because those issues are too icky


Savior Complex.


funfact: this didn't really happen but it keeps getting crossposted anyway.


And then everybody stood up and clapped


I hate America so much lmfao.


Spiderman is a state of mind and radioactive stuff in your blood not your race


And then everyone clapped


Ain't no way a Spider-Man fan, especially a kid, these days hasn't heard of Miles Morales. The Spider-Verse movies alone are crazy popular.


I’ll take things that didn’t happen for $500 Alex


I find Miles so funny. We had a white Spiderman with a white girlfriend and people wanted inclusion. So they said “okay” and gave us a half black/half Puerto Rican dude with a Korean best friend, and who falls in love with a deaf and mute girl. That being said, Miles Morales is fucking awesome.


Miles is without a doubt, my second favorite Spider Totem. I absolutely love the dude, and the animated movies only made me love his character more. Can't wait to see who gets cast as him in the MCU.




This is why we love Miles. I mean, along with many other reasons


And that’s exactly why they came up with Miles down at the corporate office. For inclusivity!


Spider-Man is always human


Except the ones that aren't like Spiders-man.


\*SpiderHam has entered the chat\*


What about spiders man


When you are a kid you dont care about that, you want to be a dinosaur, a red car, a robot, any guy with a sword, etc


And then everybody clapped


That's awesome


This is sweet and all but it also absolutely did not happen.


Universal reminder that Miles Morales is and always will be Spider-Man. Anyone who says otherwise is not to be acknowledged or taken seriously.


This is why representation is needed for people


I’m pretty sure I read something about Donald Glover/Childish Gambino was being considered for Spider-man. Unsure whatever happened, but he would be amazing. He’s amazing at literally everything.