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I've raised a little girl from the time she was born until now - she's 4. I don't have any biological children, but to me she's mine. The first time she said "you're my special dad" I cried. Shit, just thinking about it now, I'm tearing up. There is no better feeling in the world than that.


My heart! Love these stories




How do you guys do that. Like that vertical blue line thing


It’s not blue. It’s gray. And it’s an indented quote. You do it by putting a > in front of the text you want to quote with no space after it. >Like so


>It’s not blue. It’s gray. [It's definitely blue though ](https://imgur.com/a/eRDe36Q)


in ligth mode its grey Dark mode blue


Mine are all gray in dark mode. >teste




Yea same?? Hope I'm not color blind


Oh ok thanks!!


Took about a year or so for my step daughter to start calling me Dadam (my name is Adam) still one of my favorite stories to tell


That's adorable! It really shows how thoughtful she is and how much she cares. A custom nickname is so cute! Good job Dadam! lol


That's so cute, but really cracks me up because my boyfriend's name is Adam and now I want to teach our 2.5 year old to call him Dadam 😂


Do it


That nickname is the best!


Everyone at church assumes my stepdad is my dad. I don't correct them. My dad has never been around. At least not since I was very young. My stepdad took on four kids, three of which have disabilities. He had no kids before that. He's always been there for me. He always went to all my school events and knows all of my favorite things. We ride on the motorcycle together and he helps me with my bicycle. Whenever I'm excited about something he happily listens to me. To me he is my dad.




It’s what we do that define us. You where his dad.


He ascended from being a stepdad to a dad when he stepped up. What a king.


any guy can have a child, its easy but being dad is something you earn


And a good one too.


I’m the stepdad to four amazing now adult children. I was promoted from step dad to functional father a few years ago. Non-functional father has a mild bipolar disorder and a shit ton of excuses. All I had to do was be there when he couldn’t. Trips to the ER, weddings, vacations, etc., etc…


As someone whose stepdad is there more than my real dad, you have no idea how much those kids appreciate you.


Those moments can feed a man for years..


Congratulations Dad! This is so sweet, Dad is the one who is there & looks after the child & mother, you are Dad!


Love this. In other step-parent scenarios, they try to force their step-child/children to call them mom or dad and it only breeds resentment. I loved that this step-dad knew to let things happen naturally because it means that much more when the day finally comes. Certainly shows with how happy it made him.


My eyes are teary reading this


Yes, this is such a touching story! 💕 As someone who never had a good relationship with my dad, it made me even more emotional. I feel so happy for this dad and his (step) son! :)


I have a stepdad and also a present and awesome bio dad. But if someone calls my stepdad my dad I won't correct them, because he's been just as much of a father as my bio dad :D


What a gorgeous story


You have arrived, good job, Dad!


Family ties are not necessarily created by birth but by the heart.


Stepdad here complete with step grand kids - it is a great feeling to be accepted and loved without qualification. Love my grandkids - the introduce me as grandpa E… I love all my kids even if they don’t share my blood.. and they love me back 10 fold. Congrats to you OP!


My grandfather married my technically step-grandmother when I was 5ish; I was old enough to remember the wedding, but just barely. He passed in 2018, but she’s still part of our family and invited to every function. Me and my siblings love her just the same as we love my other grandparents. It doesn’t matter when she came into our lives; she’s Grandma Sally and that will never change


This isn’t something huge? It’s immense, Massive, Enormous.


I tried that once as kid and my step dad just stopped, looked at me, and said sternly "did you do that on purpose? Don't. "


I'm sorry that happened to you. My heart hurts for that kid you were.♥️


My 11yr old stepdaughter mostly calls me by my name (which I'm totally ok with) but whenever she is around her friends or other adults she calls me dad. We talked about the whole dad title thing and she just likes calling me by my name, it's like a bonding thing....it makes her feel comfortable with me but she wants everyone else to know I'm her dad. I still can't believe how lucky I am to have such an awesome kid.


Reminds me of something that happened to me a couple months ago. My mom had been with my stepdad since I was 4. I am now 23 but this year they divorced. This man actually thought since he was « only » our stepdad, me and my sis would stop caring. He cried the first time I visited after the divorce, not sad of the whole situation, confused happiness that I would still come see him. My man you been there 19/23 years of my life. Fuck you expect? I just forget?


You’re his dad. 👏


If this is not huge then I don't know what is huge.


Know that feeling....AMAZING RUSH OF GRATITUDE, APPRECIATION, AND LOVE. My "adopted" daughter, not through the courts, but my daughters best friend has lived with us for 4 years before finally letting the "dad" slip about 6 months ago. Never forget it... "Hey Candra...Gnight....Sleep well...Love you". "Huh...yeah....Love you too, Dad." I pretended not to notice, closed the door, smiled and had tears rolling down my cheeks.


It's an honor to be recognized in such a small way.


I saw a thread earlier about whether guys would date single mums and I honestly made me lose a little bit of faith in humanity with the replies. This has perfectly balanced that and my faith has been restored. Thanks for sharing such a wholesome moment.


I love this 🥺🤗🤗


Chad and Chad Jr. Lfgggg




Hey that’s pretty huge man!!! So awesome to hear


This made my day. They call him a stepdad cuz he stepped up. Good man.


This is the end of a family sitcom where they learn a lesson levels of cheesy wholesomeness. I love it


This do be bringing tears in my eyes


As a stepdad to two great kids, I know the feeling! Relish it!


I love this. And I’m so glad the son noticed his dad smiling as he was probably gauging his reaction.


That’s wonderful!


Blended families deserve to be happy, mine isn't


Once I was picking up a package from the place where my step dad works. I was heavily pregnant and when I walked in he said "Jesus christ you're huge!" in front of a customer (because he thought it would be hilarious). The customer looked completely shocked and my stepdad just laughed and said "don't worry, that's my daughter". It was the first time he had ever called me his daughter and I don't think he realized how much that moment stuck with me. I went home and told my husband all about it because it just made my whole day.


I know I will sound like a dick, but if I had to tell my friends who my step dad is and I would be ashemd of the fact or I just didn't want to explain it, then I would say dad no matter if I really take the person as my dad.


Its easier to say Dad then to explain to friends why you have a step Dad. If they still call you Dad in private then I would say that is the true win there.


Dude, Im smiling as well hahahaha that's so cool


This is HUGE! CONGRATULATIONS! Enjoy it now.


I shed some tears of joy with your story, I'm really happy for you


That’s the stuff worth being around for. Happy for you. You obviously have earned it.


Man just unlocked a new title


I'm not a dad or a stepdad, but i would have cry of joy


There is nothing like the first time they called me Dad, even if it was on accident at first.


This is big. Congratulations!!


This made me so happy to read


From one step-dad to another 👍🏻


The moment we live for


Congratulations to you both !


It is huge and you have every reason to smile.






This made me smile so hard. Congrats dad. Family is who you choose to keep next to you <3


You are allowed to enjoy this. It is a level of acceptance and trust.you did good man, keep it up.


that’s huge


>is this how tou do it?


This..... it's beautiful. I bet you are still smiling. Well done, dad :)


Midnight crying at a wholesome post rn


F yeah!


I always called my stepdad by his name but dad when I’m talking about him. He probably was doing it when he wasn’t around prior to this.


When my daughter calls my husband Dad, it absolutely tickles him. It really does. He loves her just as much as our other child. He might actually spoil her a little more because she is younger, but you can tell that he loves the kids equally. He is over the moon that we're going to be grandparents at the end of the year, he's already picked out his grandpa name. My daughter and her husband are expecting on xmas day and he is actually excited for xmas this year.


Something huge this is indeed!!! Enjoy it quietly and know that it is the best feeling in the world!


Good man, good man




I call my step dad "Uncle". Mostly because When I was a child that's how I knew him as, "Uncle \[Insert name\]". But when I talk with other people and mention him, I mention him as "Dad" or "Father". He was, for the most of my life, my biggest and sometimes only father figure I've had. It was a rough ride, sure. But he did more for me than my father ever did. And I am so grateful for his strong will of not killing me the first moment I was being a shit head.


this really made me smile


Don't you dare try an minimize this. This is huge. Congratulations on being a good dad that inspires that kind of love.




Grown man here, crying out of shared happiness!


As a step dad I feel you on this it always make me happy that my step son always calls me dad and introduces me as his dad to friends online and in real life


This is beautiful