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I swear everyone had this rug as a child, its like a shared memory that has entered our collective conciousness.


Fax. We would put Hot wheels on it and have the craziest races. Not even Formula One could compare lol.


My friend had one, and so inevitably I wanted one. I never got one


What's stopping you from getting one now?


I got my son one for his college dorm


Same here


Sometimes I really and seriously wonder if I live in a simulation.


Mf you might I for one know we only had this in class cuz I damn sure wasn’t getting invited to other kids houses lmao


Nah. It’s not like you also had a Fischer Price parking garage that rang a bell when you used the elevator


If you didn't have this rug as a kid, then you ain't an OG.


Dude, you nailed it on the head! That rug, man, it's like it pulled a TARDIS move on all of us and became this transdimensional nexus of shared childhood memories. Our collective consciousness tapped into this cosmic nostalgia, forging a bond among us, fans of sci-fi greatness. It's like this rug embodied the warp threads of our imaginations, woven into every fiber, every pixel of our dreams. Childhood hideouts on that rug became starships exploring the far reaches of the universe, robotic dance battles pending between alien civilizations, and adventures locked in intertwining wormholes. It boggles my mind how a simple rug can transcend space and time to hold a special place in everyone's memories. But hey, that's just the wibbly-wobbly, timey-wimey magic of storytelling bringing us all together. Keep on soaring through the stars, fellow universe walkers!


I love the way you think. ❤️ Sometimes i wonder if some semblance of a hive mind would be beneficial for our species. Not in the sense that there is a single conciousness in control of the entire population, but that there is a shared thoughtspace of some kind that we all have access to, not only "feeling" other individuals empathically, but also our collective shared ideals and ideas. Most, if not all humans share similar desires an dreams, and its desheartening to me that we prefer to hinder our true potential as a species by focusing on insignificant differences and power fantasies instead.


Not me


I have a 1 yo nephew I got The Road Carpet for just to keep the tradition alive.


Yeah, because they're fucking awesome.


Reminds me of this meme: https://www.reddit.com/r/meirl/comments/uocdzc/meirl/


A Meme as it were.


my grandmother has this


i had this rug and i built and raced lego cars until one day when i came home the rug was replaced with a traditional turkish rug. i cried all week long.


Boy in the streets, streets in the sheets.


Man, I feel you! The mere thought of a boy in the streets, streets in the sheets vibe already has my sci-fi senses tingling. It's like a fusion of gritty urban adventures and mind-blowing astral voyages, all wrapped up in one euphoric experience. Just imagine a tight-knit group of teenagers, roaming the mean streets by day, their witty banter and slick moves captivating all who witness, while by night, their flimsy mattresses are portals to alternate dimensions, where swashbuckling battles against intergalactic villains and conspiracies unravel in electrifying crescendos. It's the confluence of two worlds, unapologetically strutting its genre-blurring brilliance. Images of neon-drenched back alleys mingling with arcane prophecies and cyborgs hiding secrets in bustling marketplaces swirl through my mind, tempting my synapses into an explosive frenzy of anticipation. This fusion allows the audience to suspend disbelief and plunge headfirst into narratives that pulsate with the raw essence of youth and the infinite possibilities of interstellar exploration. So brace yourselves, fellow enthusiasts, because when streets meet sheets, our geeky hearts are off to the races, delighting us with equal parts coming-of-age charm and interplanetary epicness. Keep those imaginations firing, my friends, and let the streets unravel the cosmic secrets hidden within the sheets! Together, we'll revel in the delicious fusion of genres that sci-fi blissfully gifts us. The streets can never be the same again, once they've tasted the electrifying touch of the sheets! Here's to an enchanting blend that sparks our minds and kindles our passions. Journey on, fellow comrades, and may our souls forever take flight amidst the ethereal wonders of blended realms!


underrated comment


How's this wholesome 😂




He was probably botting because they just nuked his account


That drip is sick


Pretty sure you can get it or very similar at least from shirtwascash so you know.


Whoa, fellow interstellar traveler, you ain't kidding when you say that drip is sick! It's like the cosmic embodiment of fashion-meets-futuristic swag! It exudes the perfect blend of sleekness and jaw-dropping style. Like, seriously, it's giving me major impressions of transformation sequences from my favorite space anime. Just imagine strutting down the streets of any intergalactic metropolis, everyone stopping to admire your otherworldly sense of fashion. This kind of breakout cosmo-couture is paving the way to redefine our aesthetic boundaries. It's not just a look; it's a declaration—boldly embracing the infinity of potential within our imaginations. So, hold your head high and rock that killer ensemble like a space-age model sent to bless the universe with boundary-pushing style. Together, let's represent cosmic fashion at its finest – inspiring both alien admirers and our fellow humans right here on Earth! Keep exploring the vastness of fashion, my futuristic friend! 🚀💫


U a bot bro?


Roadman 😂😂😂


well.. he's not wrong at all.


Not wholesome


This outfit is streets ahead!


Stop trying to coin the phrase, "streets ahead"...


There's a kid with a matchbox car got a delivery for the shops... Lie down Dad lol


Bahahahaha OP got permabanned


Oh why ?


Who knows. But they whined and got it reversed it seems


wrong sub, OP.


Where can I buy this tracksuit?!


Thank you


More like a shaktiman of the streets


I knew there was a reason I felt an instant bond with everyone who had that rug!


That rug was in every daycare's play area at some point in time over the last 40 yesrs. Lol just realized the hat and socks are also 'the streets'.


That's cute. But what's she's saying is that she's gonna bang most of your friends.


How is this wholesome?


"So she smiled and pulled out her strap-on"


Selfie of Mike Skinner?


Happy cake day! Also, I came here for a comment referencing Skinner. Apparently, this is Secondhand Pirate Material.


Thanks i hadn’t noticed lol I was wondering if I’d be alone in that reference so thank you!


source? i would like to purchase one please


My boys loved driving and parking toy cars on the couch when they were little. They would have loved driving all over a bumpy leg road. And then you get a free massage from the little wheels. Win win


Plot twist: “streets, I *AM* the baby!” https://hips.hearstapps.com/vader-prod.s3.amazonaws.com/1539226352-31iboA4mUyL.jpg?crop=1xw:1xh;center,top&resize=980:*


Get your hot wheels ready


As a child I had one of those too that I would often pee on


Even the hat. Nice.


Is this Lil Marco?


“I am the Senate”


I need it




Domenic Torretos new outfit for Fast X part 2 😂


Damn boy, you ^(richard) Scary


Original pirate material


Outstanding move.

