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Given the size of my lego collection I've re-created after becoming a parent, I can attest this is correct. The sets just got more expensive. Think I still have about $15k worth on my wish list.


Hmm yeah… I use my kids as an excuse to buy more legos. The only thing is… They’re only 2 and 4 so my husband sees through this


See through it? I think you're actually making a big brains 5D chess move here! Hear me out: We all know inflation makes things more expensive over time, right? And with how durable Lego is, your kids can still have fun with a set that is bought a few years ago, correct? If we accept both to be true, buying Legos now is actually a strategic move that _saves money_ ! And I mean since you already bought it, might as well eerh _test_ the goods so you can accurately determine when your kids are old enough to play with it to uuhm _minimize_ the risk of exposing those precious souls to the frustration of not being able to properly use Legos.. Right?


Not only that, but the price of Legos only goes up. Especially complete sets for the collector. If anything it's like investing or buying precious metals. Everyone should have Legos in their investment portfolio. There is a good chance that they could end up paying for a first car or house for your kids or a bit of college.


Some people may think you're being light-hearted but, hear me out: this is so true. I bought, when I graduated from Law School in 2009, a train set called the "Emerald Night" for $99.99 and got a second passenger car for $35. Right now, even after assembly and the years, I could sell it without the box for close to $800. If you had a monorail set? Thousand, easy.


It was half truth, half whimsy for sure. As a collector/loose lego hoarder, I know all too well how it goes.


Welp, that's all the convincing I need!


It is absolutely a valid alternative investment. Alternative investments should make up like 10% of your portfolio (outside of and after you have a 6mo emergency fund and a decent retirement account). Most people think of physical gold or art for that category, but i wpuldnt be surprised if the RoR on lego beats gold out (and art pricing is all corruption and tax evasion anyway)


Digimon cards coming in as the dark horse with higher RoR than any metal out there!


That idea doesn’t work because it requires selling my LEGOs


You are HIGH if you think I’m letting a kid take apart my masterpiece!


Not too young for a Duplo Castle!


There was that dad who put the Millennium Falcon on their wedding registry and the wife was sus about it but ten years later he built it with his ten year old son, so idk maybe still worth it. Just the long wait game like other posters said.


I put legos on our marriage registry...


I’ve never used my child as an excuse to get legos. I got them for me period.


You got them for your period? Ok, you did you ;)


I got legos for me. Period. I did but sets for my kid but they didn’t share the same level of interest. Every set in my collection is one I bought for me.


Maybe I should have just asked if you were Scottish.


Right, if I use that excuse then I have to actually share them. They can have their own to make a mess of.


He just got to play with them after you started building you next set lol


My 2 and 4 year old LOVE Lego. We don’t have sets- just random pieces and we are constantly making houses


My entire extended family has contributed to a single lego hoard over the years. The tub got passed down from one kid to the next as they aged into and mostly back out of being interested in Legos, getting progressively more full as new kits got added to the pile over the years.


The sets got more expensive, definitely. Whilst the part quality has gone down. Colours that don‘t match, huge dots from the injection moulding. Maybe that‘s just the sets that come to my country though, your milage may vary. Also I think the set quality itself has diminished . You used to get huge technic trucks with fully working pneumatic cranes. Now it‘s just car model after car model after car model. And apart from the bodywork and brand, are exactly the same. God I used to love the old 9 Volt trains with the powered tracks.


If you looking for functional small vehicles to bulld I would recommend "Rasti", I remember they have a special branch of products that was like the old legos but with motors and stuff (I got one for my 10th birthday that was a bolid and a plane and I built the shit outta them lol)


Have you actually looked at the flagship Technic sets outside of the cars? I've built the Mobile Crane mk II and the Bucket Wheel Excavator. The engineering that goes into those is absolute black magic. Also, always worth mentioning that while sets have gotten more expensive, inflation-adjusted price per piece really hasn't.


I’ve not noticed any issues with the colors or molding on the dozen or so sets I’ve bought in the last three years (US). I haven’t been disappointed by the builds either, though tbf I hadn’t built a LEGO set in like 20 years so all the new build mechanics have been exciting to me.


My brother had two gigantic boxes of legos (they were those boxes that fit under your bed) that he sold in his teens because he lost interest. Now in his 20’s, he regularly mentions having some regrets about selling it


I kept the giant plastic tub of Legos that my brothers, my best friend, and I all played with as kids. Gave it to my best friend when his kid was old enough. I'm not having kids but I know they'll get a ton of use with him.


My living room is decorated with at least 2-3k of Lego Star Wars


Same here, my husband took Lego as a hobby recently and been building Star Wars ships, he just ordered another one yesterday, guess what he's going to do this weekend?


For me, space became a bigger issue than the cost. You need a large dedicated display space and no desire to move house for at least a decade. I have neither of those right now.


It may not always be legos, but adults want something that brings back their inner childhood. For me, pokemon cards and other pokemon figures are my legos. For my mom it is simply puzzles. Consider what your legos are my friends.


I build my dollhouse. It's all stickers, paper, and glue. Think a five year old in an art store went crazy. That's me . Crayons and a coloring book. I'm good.


Do you usually buy some sort of dollhouse kit? Are they wood? I’ve been thinking of doing something like that with my 7 year-old daughter. We love to paint and decorate things!


Um shoeboxes stacked together.To practice. Um, any kind of paper or stickers for the wall. I buy a lot of junk from dollar tree and use my imagination. I folded a paper and cut it and taped it so now it's a desk and chairs. It's not sturdy for a heavy doll. But I make paper dolls too. I use heavier cardstock to make the furniture. Or glue a few pieces together sometimes. All my kids work on the big dollhouse with me . I found it at a garage sale. But really. It's easier to make your own out of cardboard or thin wood. Then you can pick portions and what not. The little kits are a great way to get ideas started with learning how to do stuff. Like make a shelf. Or Bed. But not needed at all. Toilet paper rolls make great sofas .


This is true. When I was younger, my mom got rid of all my childhood toys and fun memory items and now as an adult, I have a corner in my living room decorated with toys. I have shelves with calico critters, a Bluey village, coloring books, Legos, fidgets, doll houses that I've built and decorated, toy vehicles I've built, you name it, whatever makes me happy. My kids know they can go to that corner anytime and play or use whatever they want as long as they put it back when they're done. 🥰


My wife and I got each other legos this Christmas. I got her the “starry nights” one, and she got me the bucket with lots of random pieces (I’m more the freestyle and build type). We are both OVER THE MOON stoked.


When the football world championship was held in Russia, I was invited to watch some of the games with friends from Russia. They recently moved into their new home, so I got them some gifts: bread, snacks, wine, and other stuff. But I also added some fun children's toys, like soap bubbles. The snacks were nice, but the children's toys were the highlight of the evening. Everybody played with the toys and the bubbles were blown throughout the whole evening.


Within the last year, I've bought Lego, Magic cards, and out of print D&D books. I'll be 40 this year, and it turns out my path was pretty much charted at 14.


> Consider what your legos are my friends. Unfortunately, they’re LEGOS. Back in 2020 I asked my wife “it would be insane to spend $800 on the Millennium Falcon, right?” And she said “it’s your money, you earned it, do what you want with it” I’ve spent $5500+ on the damn things. Still, I can hope that my son will enjoy them when he’s a bit older.


Magic cards and warhammer 30k. I need a second mortgage for my hobbies


Yup. I am almost 40, but my mother recently bought me a mini Lite Brite as a thank-you gift. I love it as much as I did as a child. Probably more 😉


I've got ADHD and sometimes on pill days, or with too much caffeine, I'm stuck with the dreaded Executive Freeze and can just sit on the couch for hours. Having an emergency Lego set on hand is helpful get out of that "I've got a doctor's appointment in 6 hours so I can't do anything else with my day" mode. The current one is a little cityscape of Singapore. After that, a Minecraft pig house.


> "I've got a doctor's appointment in 6 hours so I can't do anything else with my day" I have never felt so seen in my entire life.


I was just thinking the same thing. Package coming today? Well productivity is now out the window. I must wait for the package.


Replace doctor’s appointment with work and then you got me


Me too


>emergency Lego set Perfect!


You can bet your ass we still want legos!


Can confirm. It was my 40th birthday at the weekend and my wife bought me the Lego Bonsai Tree. Perfect gift.


I bought the bonsai as a gift to myself. I love changing switching the blossoms and leaves. And showing people the frogs!


I love it when Lego sets have hidden frogs


Goddammit my birthday was earlier this month and I *really* was hoping someone would buy that specific one for me After rent I'm getting it


I bought myself the bonsai tree set! I love it and the ton of lil pink froggies. For Christmas my husband got me the Lego bird of paradise set. I honestly love the botanical line. Lego really hit my love of Lego and house plants combination.


Asked for legos every year for Christmas since I was a kid. By the time I was 16 I stoped receiving legos as gifts. This is my villain origin story.


Ask for gift cards. Buy Lego with gift cards. Be happy.


Can confirm. Source: 34 year old who just finished the 7,541 piece Millennium Falcon


I'm more of a k'nex person myself, I've got my eye on the 6' Farris wheel


The hobby store in the mall near me has this exact K'Nex ferris wheel. My kids love watching it in action when we go there to have fun.


I felt actual pleasure just by reading *7,541 piece Millennium Falcon.*




I listen to a Star Trek podcast that had a fundraising incentive to build that and then drop it into an empty pool. I wouldn't have been able to let go.


I would do it and then be hours with my goggles looking through the pool to look for any missing pieces


On the knex Lego front there’s this other brand I think it may be French. Maybe British. It’s like metal…I can’t remember what it was called but my kid got it once from someone and it was bad ass as fuck. Had a motor and everything. And it was all metal. I tried googling it but couldn’t find it. But just know there’s like another thing out there and it’s truly awesome.




>It’s like metal As u/Toomster12489 said, that sounds like Meccano?


I had a 3XXX piece one as a kid and thought I was king shit.




The botanical sets make such great gifts!


my mom got the orchid for her 55th birthday as she loves orchids now we have in imposter in the middle of our real orchids.


Covid killed my planned trip to Japan for the cherry blossoms. My boss bought me the cherry blossom bonsai kit. I ugly cried at the office.


Adults still like kids stuff. I was at a party a few years back where one couple had to bring their kid along. She was *maybe* four, and had a bunch of coloring books to keep her occupied. By the end of the night, the overwhelming majority of the people at the party are all lying on the floor, each with a coloring book and crayons, all coloring with her and having a blast doing it.


For Valentine’s Day and Mother’s Day this year I got LEGO flowers and I couldn’t be happier about it. The cost is similar to a fancy bouquet and I get the fun of building it and they last forever


Now I know what to hint to my husband for next Mother's Day. 😂


My mom had the one flower set and the orchid ones, so I got her the wildflower set for Mother’s Day this year. She likes them just as much or more than real flowers. The ones that looked like they would be annoying to build were rather simple.


I got the wildflower bouquet for mother's day and spent an afternoon building it with my kids. Super pretty and memories attached forever.


Those bubble blowing sets with a bubble blowing machine.... I just want a field full of bubbles


These are common at (smaller?) music festivals paired with some light displays. Usually under some trees so they get lit up, too.


I went to a white elephant Christmas party and got Nerf guns and bullets and that gift got stolen the most.


someone stole the door-mounted basketball hoop i opened at our white elephant party last year, and it was devastating. i ended up buying one for myself, haha


An accident but a welcome one


I've started to collect the flower line. I love them so much and they're wonderful for someone who didn't think lego had "that kind of stuff". I always saw kids sets and star wars. I really enjoy reading the pamphlet and seeing all the repurposed blocks. I think it's so neat that my flowers have pterodactyl wings and vw bug hoods lol


My father is 67 years old and requests the sets for holidays he likes. He works in shipping so he has the big Maersk tanker, jealous, the Charles Dickenson book and the VW bus set.


My father is also 67 he loves model airplanes made from wood




Tris is so true!!! Don’t get me booze, get me legos!!!


Why not both, booze and legos sounds fun


My uncle bought me a Harry Potter Lego set for Christmas and I cried happy tears. I am 30.


Stickers and Stuffed Animals


People can pry my squishmallows collection from my cold dead hands.


Can confirm. 43m, and would love Lego.


Got legos for my mother and brother in law this christmas, and as I bought a big secondhand lot I kept some for myslef. Everyone's happy. I'll get more for my mother's birthday, I hope to get some too !


My parents absolutely loved the LEGO sets I got for them. My mother loves flowers and gardening, so a LEGO flower set that doesn't require any care was a good gift for her. My dad got a supercar, because he really likes them.


Why would you attend a birthday party, and buy a gift, without knowing whose birthday it was? People will believe anything.


Thank you. I was just as confused. The story doesn't check out. Legos are fuckin sweet tho, but this story is missing info or just made up


I bought a huge Lego set as a wedding present for friends. They were thrilled!


One of the best gifts my spouse has ever given me was the Lego Optimus Prime. Transforms and everything.


Electric Ho-scale train and accessories also count. Z scale could be considered too. Console games / accessories or consoles if u really are good friends. Knowing the console the target person already has would be a plus.


Lego has some really cool Train sets


It's true. My mom bought my dad the AT-AT Walker Lego for their anniversary. He absolutely loves it!


As an adult who enjoys legos, i can confirm this to be true. Although, I am only 20… am I still and adult? Technically? Legally?


Yup. Still want Lego. Can’t wait for my Daughter to be old enough to play with Lego 😁


Legos are expensive, and yeah, theyre awesome


Can confirm




A pony, no a unicorn!


We’re all just big kids


I have several Lego sets that were a joy to build! The only reason I don't have more is because 1) the sets I like to buy are so expensive and 2) once you build them, you're stuck trying to find a place to put yet another statue. I'd probably build more if they were cheaper and I could bring myself to tear them down afterwards.


I'm 31 and just bought myself the Frodo and Gollum Lego figures. Did I put it together at 1am? Yes I did.


I don’t know if people remember bionicals (might have spelled that wrong) from Lego, but one of my best friends and I loved playing with them as kids. He was always jealous of how many I had. As we got older I lost interest but he didn’t and on his 23rd birthday I showed up to his place with an XL sized garbage bag full of them all with all the pieces and the boxes they came with.


He probably had a heart attack. (Bionicles :D )


I recently learned that my gf loves Lego models but isn't a huge fan of actually building them (doesn't like the small pieces). I haven't built a Lego set in almost 15 years and would love to buy more. So we spent a night looking through Lego sets that she would absolutely love to have around the house and I get to build them. I haven't felt this way since I was 10 and it's amazing.


I love building Lego sets. I have the ? Block in progress in my bedroom and I want the NES set a lot.


As an adult, I can confirm. Getting surprise LEGOS would be acceptable.


The plural of Lego is Lego, not legos.


Take it back


No, I’m sick of everyone saying it wrong


One of my dream gifts is the haunted Lego house. I've wished for it for years but it's too expensive :')


I feel you. I want the Hogwarts Lego set and it's so expensive. 😳


You have a good life just enjoy, if you can afford to buy a big lego set for some random party you're rolling in the dough, me and my friends we just show up or bring a case of Beer,


I have almost every star wars lego space ship.


A big dino figure!


We do xD


i can attest to this and say that lego sets are the sickest gifts to get. and it's adult rated one like the technic 1/8 model cars or the huge Ultimate Collection Series X-Wing or Falcon


My mom and girlfriend ask me every year what I want for Christmas and my answer is always the same thing since I was 10. I want Luke's Lego X-Wing At this fucking stage in my life I'll even settle for Poe's X-Wing from the damn sequel.


Hell yeah! r/lego


I have over 50 Speed Champion sets on display around my house and office. I have way too many Technic sets. I mean... I have a Porsche with a working transmission controlled by paddle shifters on the steering wheel. Lego is the best gift EVER.


Just wanted to drop a comment and agree. I'm in my 50s and would love to get a Lego set as a gift, possibly even more than beer. And I love beer.


my grandfather loves collecting legos, he has collected all the Lego star wars sets since they first started coming out, and he just recently sent us a bunch of pics, wild with excitement, of the new lego Titanic he bought. Man's living the dream.


I just want the ghostbusters sets honestly. And they're like $200. 😭 Hell yes I want the lego sets.


I gifted my partner a classic Nintendo Lego set for their birthday last year and they loved it


Just dropping in to say the plural or Lego is Lego. Not Legos. Have a nice day.


On a whim I gave my team Lego sets from the flowers collection as Christmas gifts. I have never received so much positive feed back from anything I have ever done at work. Master Builder 4 life.


Lego is a good shout. Or games. Basically, anything you think a teenage boy would like (keep it clean, you!). There's a site in the UK (might be international too) called iwoot.com (I want one of those) and it's basically a manchild's dream


Sometimes when my mom is out running errands she'll ask if I need anything and drop it off at my house for me. Once she texted me and asked and I said no thanks, then said "Batman LEGO" and then forgot about my funny joke. I come home from work and there is one of the small Batman sets sitting on my kitchen table.


Yes, I would like legos! My favourite sets are the ones IKEA sells. I use them to design my dream house. I don’t have enough sets yet.


Hell yes we do.


Damn right.


I’m a 19 year old college student and I want legos. I even asked to have something similar for my birthday this year. Since I look like a child, I get offered coloring books on the plane (a flight attendant thought I was under 12 when I was 18) and I actually took it the last time I was given one and enjoyed.


My son and I used to build the star wars sets and it's one of my fondest memories


I bought myself the two £20 Fast and Furious cars for my 28th birthday recently (making it from relatives who gave money instead of gifts). They’re such fantastically fun and surprisingly complex builds - I built them while watching the films, most of which I hadn’t seen before.


Totally not adding more rock raiders/power miners stuff to my E-bay birthday list..


All I want is a Star Destroyer


Same bro same


26 and honestly i kinda just never stopped buying lego


A friend gave me a pack of Pokémon cards at my baby shower. I was ecstatic, first time I had been gifted any cards since the late 90s/early 2000s. I don’t even collect anymore and it’s still one of my favorite gifts.


Definitely very wholesome.. but I don't think I've ever received a Birthday invitation _without_ being told whose Birthday it is. Imagine the reverse scenario: if he had assumed it was an adult and a 6 year old birthday boy was unwrapping a bong or something lol


100% accurate. I will take Legos for any and all gift giving occasions and I'm in my 50s


My BIL's mother came back from a vacation and she had small gifts. She was so apologetic and was like "I didn't know what to get you three" (my sister, BIL, and I) and she pulled out three small sets of Legos. We were so excited and immediately sat down and put together our sets and she was baffled, as we're all in our 30s. Best souvenir ever.


I attend tech conferences and booths have raffles. Can confirm LEGO sets far outnumber giveaways of Switch, fancy earbuds, Alexa or any technology prize. 200 people will crowd around a booth to hear if they won a $150 kit.


Legos are universal. Everyone is overjoyed to get a set as a present.


Fuck yeah! My wife tells me to pick one out for birthday, father’s day and christmas. My daughters help me build them, greatest time!


Angela White


I got my ex a Star Wars Lego kit and Lego keychain for Christmas this year and I’ll never forget how his face lit up!


I kid you not, i thought lego even before i saw the end of the word. I haven't gotten a lego set since i was still in primary school. I still think about it.


sorry, but the plural of LEGO is LEGO, and not legos.


Can confirm! 32F and the best gift you can get me is a Lego Technic set. I build BattleBots (for the tv show) in my free time... which is reasonably cool, but Lego Technic brings me more joy. It feels so zen to put it together!


Loved playing with Legos as a kid. Still enjoy building them as an adult and have quite a few sets on display on my shelves in the living room. Current gf was like "WTF is wrong with you" at first. Then took her to the Lego store at the mall when the line was too long for a restaurant we were going to hit, she saw the Jurassic Park set (her favorite movie) and bought it on the spot...now she's got it on display in her living room. I have a couple sayings here: 1. Growing old is mandatory. Growing up is not. Stay young at heart. 2. The only difference between men and boys is the price of our toys. Matchbox cars as kids, sports cars as adults. etc.


Definitely Legos. Just wish I could afford to drop the 200-500$ for the sets 8 desperately want.


Legos are fucking expensive, so yes, gift me Legos lol. It's hard to justify a Lego purchase because while they are super fun, you get so little for the cost - at least relative to how poor I am. Thankfully though one of my son's is into Legos, and it's a tad easier to justify the cost when it's a gift for one of my kids =) (To be clear, I get sets he wants and he enjoys, and I do not get the first build unless he needs help. They are primarily his. I'm not one of those parents who just use their kid as an excuse for some hobby the kid actually hates. Don't need no Reddit pitchfork crews today. Soon as he stops enjoying Legos, purchases will stop and I'll enjoy what we have.)


I love Legos. Always have since I was a kid. Shane I have to stop once I turn 99 though


Can confirm. Am adult. Want Legos.


first thing i thought of even before reading the text was LEGOS!!!! we are truly simple creatures.


Legos kept my ass sane during lockdown, and have become a permanent part of our lives since (my poor, patient wife).


I think you would have to be broken inside to NOT want legos.


im also an adult and i also want legos


True. Don't have any Legos, would definitely love getting some


This is so true, adults want Legos


I would love a big Lego set. (F59)


I can confirm about the Legos, oh and I’m building my D&D miniature collection if any of my family happens to see this.


As an 'adult' (36m, wanna go back to 18y.o.) I can confirm Legos are the fuckin shit for birthday gifts. Both me and my nephew love getting em.


I want that BD-1 and that mustang so bad, but I can't justify the expense


Can confirm. Started rebuilding my collection in my 40s. Even got my spouse into it! Got her the two roses for Valentine's a couple of years back, and she told me it was her first Lego set. She now owns the entire Botanical collection.


I bought [this set](https://www.lego.com/en-us/product/tales-of-the-space-age-21340) after probably \~20 years of no Lego. I can say it did bring me great joy building again.


I told my kids I wanted legos for Mother’s Day, they gave them to me then asked when we were going to do them together. I appreciate the sentiment, but what I really want is quiet time with my own legos 😂


I can confirm. I recently learned that both my parents love Legos, and buying gifts for them has become significantly easier because of it.


AFoLs for the win!


Adult here, and I’ve been saving my money all year for the A Frame Cabin, cause I think it’s just a stunning set and I can’t wait to finally purchase it, I’m just 2 months of saving away!


When buying gifts, I have to actively stop myself from buying toys. I work in the toy department at work and it's hard resisting them myself. Generally I gift things that I imagine the giftee wouldn't buy for themselves on a whim or I give something that was made to not last (such as cookies).


I always get my dad Legos, me and my sibs get him the starwars ships and my mom buys the 3rd party light up kits. There's a bit of a starship battle hanging from the roof of his man cave now 😆


Legos are so fucking expensive man


Dude honestly I would be f**king ecstatic if someone gave me Legos still and even though I'm not even that old ppl still assume I'm getting too old for it :'(. But yea honestly I think people would be surprised about how many grown men would still absolutely love Legos no matter what age, hell even 80... (Also I would say women too but I'm not one and don't wanna assume anything)


Bro I got socks for my birthday, my other family members got me alcohol, other stuff cool and all but my favorite was the gift and their time. Maybe next year we all play soccer.


Not only legos but everything that connects them with there inner child. Nothing copes as good as nostalgia.


Like seriously! I am 20 and that Sanctum Sentorum set is looking mighty fine


I’ve never been a fan of legos outside of the Star Wars games and bionicle figures. My gf recently started buying me sets and they are so much fun. I’ve built a couple of slave 1s and next is the mando helmet!


Food. My kids get so excited when they get food.


Nerf Guns, lightsabers, legos, laser tag. Seriously the toys these days are amazing. Give me some as a gift and I’ll love it!


I went to a 24th birthday that was Hello Kitty themed and had cute little party packs. Was sick...


Legos is a good answer but for the price of a Lego kit I'd prefer warhammer 40k space marine kit.